GenTree* gtFoldExpr(GenTree* tree);
- GenTree*
-#ifdef __clang__
- // TODO-Amd64-Unix: Remove this when the clang optimizer is fixed and/or the method implementation is
- // refactored in a simpler code. This is a workaround for a bug in the clang-3.5 optimizer. The issue is that in
- // release build the optimizer is mistyping (or just wrongly decides to use 32 bit operation for a corner case
- // of MIN_LONG) the args of the (ltemp / lval2) to int (it does a 32 bit div operation instead of 64 bit) - see
- // the implementation of the method in gentree.cpp. For the case of lval1 and lval2 equal to MIN_LONG
- // (0x8000000000000000) this results in raising a SIGFPE. The method implementation is rather complex. Disable
- // optimizations for now.
- __attribute__((optnone))
-#endif // __clang__
- gtFoldExprConst(GenTree* tree);
+ GenTree* gtFoldExprConst(GenTree* tree);
GenTree* gtFoldExprSpecial(GenTree* tree);
GenTree* gtFoldBoxNullable(GenTree* tree);
GenTree* gtFoldExprCompare(GenTree* tree);