It's sufficient for purposes of enabling prerequisite warnings to
set a localized $ENV{PERL_CORE} to undef rather than making a local
copy of the entire %ENV hash. This makes the test pass on VMS,
where copying %ENV in toto is not supported.
This fixes a smoke failure, so borrow it from upstream, where it's
already released as part of MM 6.57_10. 6.58 will contain an
additional tweak that works with Perl 5.6, but no need to worry
about that here.
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$warnings .= join '', @_;
- # prerequisite warnings are disbled while building the perl core:
- local %ENV = %ENV;
- delete $ENV{PERL_CORE};
+ # prerequisite warnings are disabled while building the perl core:
+ local $ENV{PERL_CORE} = undef;
NAME => 'Big::Dummy',