return inputServiceName;
- string prefix = inputServiceName.Substring(0, slashIndex + 1); // Includes slash
+ ReadOnlySpan<char> prefix = inputServiceName.AsSpan(0, slashIndex + 1); // Includes slash
string hostPortAndDistinguisher = inputServiceName.Substring(slashIndex + 1); // Excludes slash
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostPortAndDistinguisher))
+ if (hostPortAndDistinguisher.Length == 0)
return inputServiceName;
- string host = hostPortAndDistinguisher;
- string port = string.Empty;
- string distinguisher = string.Empty;
+ ReadOnlySpan<char> host = hostPortAndDistinguisher;
+ ReadOnlySpan<char> port = default;
+ ReadOnlySpan<char> distinguisher = default;
// Check for the absence of a port or distinguisher.
UriHostNameType hostType = Uri.CheckHostName(hostPortAndDistinguisher);
if (hostType == UriHostNameType.Unknown)
- string hostAndPort = hostPortAndDistinguisher;
+ ReadOnlySpan<char> hostAndPort = hostPortAndDistinguisher;
// Check for distinguisher.
int nextSlashIndex = hostPortAndDistinguisher.IndexOf('/');
if (nextSlashIndex >= 0)
// host:port/distinguisher or host/distinguisher
- hostAndPort = hostPortAndDistinguisher.Substring(0, nextSlashIndex); // Excludes Slash
- distinguisher = hostPortAndDistinguisher.Substring(nextSlashIndex); // Includes Slash
+ hostAndPort = hostPortAndDistinguisher.AsSpan(0, nextSlashIndex); // Excludes Slash
+ distinguisher = hostPortAndDistinguisher.AsSpan(nextSlashIndex); // Includes Slash
host = hostAndPort; // We don't know if there is a port yet.
// No need to validate the distinguisher.
if (colonIndex >= 0)
// host:port
- host = hostAndPort.Substring(0, colonIndex); // Excludes colon
- port = hostAndPort.Substring(colonIndex + 1); // Excludes colon
+ host = hostAndPort.Slice(0, colonIndex); // Excludes colon
+ port = hostAndPort.Slice(colonIndex + 1); // Excludes colon
// Loosely validate the port just to make sure it was a port and not something else.
if (!ushort.TryParse(port, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _))
// Re-include the colon for the final output. Do not change the port format.
- port = hostAndPort.Substring(colonIndex);
+ port = hostAndPort.Slice(colonIndex);
- hostType = Uri.CheckHostName(host); // Re-validate the host.
+ // Re-validate the host.
+ hostType = Uri.CheckHostName(
+ host.Length == hostPortAndDistinguisher.Length ?
+ hostPortAndDistinguisher :
+ host.ToString());
if (hostType != UriHostNameType.Dns)
Uri? constructedUri;
// We need to avoid any unexpected exceptions on this code path.
- if (!Uri.TryCreate(UriScheme.Http + UriScheme.SchemeDelimiter + host, UriKind.Absolute, out constructedUri))
+ const string HttpSchemeAndDelimiter = UriScheme.Http + UriScheme.SchemeDelimiter;
+ if (!Uri.TryCreate(string.Concat(HttpSchemeAndDelimiter, host), UriKind.Absolute, out constructedUri))
return inputServiceName;
string normalizedHost = constructedUri.GetComponents(
UriComponents.NormalizedHost, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped);
- string normalizedServiceName = prefix + normalizedHost + port + distinguisher;
+ string normalizedServiceName = string.Concat(prefix, normalizedHost, port, distinguisher);
// Don't return the new one unless we absolutely have to. It may have only changed casing.
if (string.Equals(inputServiceName, normalizedServiceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))