There is no reason to have a privilege for reading accessibility atspi.
If there is the privilege, then every NUI application should have it.
Change-Id: I5c83458f1bea04efac8656804a461a2844136abd
Signed-off-by: Shinwoo Kim <>
<comment><![CDATA[ ]]></comment>
- <vconfkey type="bool" name="db/setting/accessibility/atspi" readPriv="" writePriv="">
+ <vconfkey type="bool" name="db/setting/accessibility/atspi" readPriv="" writePriv="">
Name: vconf-internal-keys
Summary: Internal shared keys for vconf
-Version: 0.0.175
+Version: 0.0.176
Release: 0
Group: Application Framework/Configuration
License: Apache-2.0