BuildRequires: pkgconfig(minicontrol-provider)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xext)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xfixes)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(provider)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(livebox-viewer)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(livebox-service)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdri2)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm_slp)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(shortcut)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(osp-image-core)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(osp-media)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${this_target} "-llivebox-service" )
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${this_target} "-lprovider" )
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${this_target} "-lshortcut" )
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${this_target} "-ldri2" )
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${this_target} "-ldrm" )
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${this_target} "-ldrm_slp" )
#include <new>
+#include <Ecore.h>
#include <Ecore_X.h>
#include <livebox.h>
#include <FBaseSysLog.h>
result r = GetLastResult();
SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, r == E_SUCCESS, null, r, "[%s] Propagating.", GetErrorMessage(r));
+#if defined(MULTI_WINDOW)
+ r = pLiveboxPopup->CreateRootVisualElement();
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, r == E_SUCCESS, null, r, "[%s] Propagating.", GetErrorMessage(r));
+#endif // MULTI_WINDOW
VisualElementAnimationGroup animationGroup;
- FloatRectangle bounds = pVisualElement->GetBounds();
- FloatRectangle startBounds(0.0f, bounds.y, bounds.width, 0.0f);
- FloatRectangle endBounds(bounds);
+ Rectangle bounds = GetBounds();
+ FloatRectangle boundsf(0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast<float>(bounds.width), static_cast<float>(bounds.height));
+ FloatRectangle startBounds(0.0f, boundsf.y, boundsf.width, 0.0f);
+ FloatRectangle endBounds(boundsf);
if (!open)
- startBounds = bounds;
- endBounds = FloatRectangle(0.0f, bounds.y, bounds.width, 0.0f);
+ startBounds = boundsf;
+ endBounds = FloatRectangle(0.0f, boundsf.y, boundsf.width, 0.0f);
VisualElementPropertyAnimation animation1;
int height = 0;\r
ecore_x_pixmap_geometry_get(pixmap, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, (width > 0) && (height > 0), E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [0x%x %d %d].", pixmap, width , height);
if (__pixmap != pixmap )
- SetBackgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
+// SetBackgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
_VisualElement* pVisualElement = GetVisualElement();
+// _VisualElement* pVisualElement = __pLiveboxView->GetVisualElement();
SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, pVisualElement, E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] A system error occurred.");
_EflNode* pEflNode = dynamic_cast<_EflNode*>(pVisualElement->GetNativeNode());
evas_object_image_native_surface_set(__pPixmapObject.get(), &surface);
+ __pixmapDamage.reset(ecore_x_damage_new(pixmap, ECORE_X_DAMAGE_REPORT_RAW_RECTANGLES));
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, __pixmapDamage.get() != 0, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Memory is insufficient.");
+ __pPixmapEventHandler.reset(ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_DAMAGE_NOTIFY, OnPixmapDamaged, (void*)this));
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, __pPixmapEventHandler, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Memory is insufficient.");
SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[0x%x]",;
SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, pLiveboxViewManager, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+_LiveboxPopupView::OnPixmapDamaged(void* pData, int type, void* pEvent)
+ _LiveboxPopupView* pPopupView = static_cast<_LiveboxPopupView*>(pData);
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pPopupView != null, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+ Ecore_X_Event_Damage* pDamageEvent = static_cast<Ecore_X_Event_Damage*>(pEvent);
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pDamageEvent != null, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+ int pixmap = pPopupView->__pixmap;
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pDamageEvent->drawable == pixmap, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [%d %d].", pDamageEvent->drawable, pixmap);
+ int x = 0;\r
+ int y = 0;\r
+ int width = 0;\r
+ int height = 0;\r
+ ecore_x_pixmap_geometry_get(pixmap, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, (width > 0) && (height > 0), ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [0x%x %d %d].", pixmap, width , height);
+ Evas_Object* pPixmapObject = pPopupView->__pPixmapObject.get();
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pPixmapObject, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+ evas_object_image_pixels_dirty_set(pPixmapObject, EINA_TRUE);
+ evas_object_image_fill_set(pPixmapObject, 0, 0, width, height);
+ evas_object_image_data_update_add(pPixmapObject, 0, 0, width, height);
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[%d %d %d]", pixmap, width, height);
}} // Tizen::Shell
#include <unique_ptr.h>
#include <Evas.h>
+#include <Ecore.h>
+#include <Ecore_X.h>
#include <FUiAnimIVisualElementAnimationStatusEventListener.h>
#include "FUi_Window.h"
static void OnLiveboxPopupCreated(struct livebox *pLivebox, int ret, void* pData);
static void OnLiveboxPopupDestroyed(struct livebox *pLivebox, int ret, void* pData);
+ static Eina_Bool OnPixmapDamaged(void* pData, int type, void* pEvent);
friend class _LiveboxViewManager;
_LiveboxView* __pLiveboxView;
std::unique_ptr<_LiveboxPopupViewEvent> __pLiveboxPopupViewEvent;
bool __firstUpdated;
+ int __pixmap;
struct _EvasObjectDeleter
std::unique_ptr<Evas_Object, _EvasObjectDeleter> __pPixmapObject;
- int __pixmap;
+ struct _EcoreXDamageDeleter
+ {
+ typedef Ecore_X_Damage pointer;
+ void operator()(Ecore_X_Damage ecoreXDamage)
+ {
+ ecore_x_damage_free(ecoreXDamage);
+ }
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<Ecore_X_Damage, _EcoreXDamageDeleter> __pixmapDamage;
+ struct _EcoreEventHandlerDeleter
+ {
+ void operator()(Ecore_Event_Handler* pEcoreEventHandler)
+ {
+ ecore_event_handler_del(pEcoreEventHandler);
+ }
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<Ecore_Event_Handler, _EcoreEventHandlerDeleter> __pPixmapEventHandler;
}; // _LiveboxPopupView
}} // Tizen::Shell
#include <new>
-#include <Ecore_X.h>
#include <livebox.h>
#include <FBaseSysLog.h>
#include <FBaseString.h>
int height = 0;\r
ecore_x_pixmap_geometry_get(pixmap, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, (width > 0) && (height > 0), E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [0x%x %d %d].", pixmap, width , height);
if (__pixmap != pixmap )
SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, pEvas, E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] A system error occurred.");
- SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, __pPixmapObject.get(), E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Memory is insufficient.");
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, __pPixmapObject, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Memory is insufficient.");
pEflNode->AddNativeSmartObject(*pVisualElement, __pPixmapObject.get());
evas_object_image_size_set(__pPixmapObject.get(), width, height);
evas_object_image_colorspace_set(__pPixmapObject.get(), EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888);\r
evas_object_image_alpha_set(__pPixmapObject.get(), EINA_TRUE);\r
+ evas_object_raise(__pPixmapObject.get());\r
Rectangle absoluteBounds = GetAbsoluteBounds();\r
evas_object_image_native_surface_set(__pPixmapObject.get(), &surface);
+ __pixmapDamage.reset(ecore_x_damage_new(pixmap, ECORE_X_DAMAGE_REPORT_RAW_RECTANGLES));
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, __pixmapDamage.get() != 0, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Memory is insufficient.");
+ __pPixmapEventHandler.reset(ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_DAMAGE_NOTIFY, OnPixmapDamaged, (void*)this));
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, __pPixmapEventHandler, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Memory is insufficient.");
SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[0x%x]",;
__pixmap = pixmap;
+_LiveboxView::OnPixmapDamaged(void* pData, int type, void* pEvent)
+ _LiveboxView* pLiveboxView = static_cast<_LiveboxView*>(pData);
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pLiveboxView != null, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+ Ecore_X_Event_Damage* pDamageEvent = static_cast<Ecore_X_Event_Damage*>(pEvent);
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pDamageEvent != null, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+ int pixmap = pLiveboxView->__pixmap;
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pDamageEvent->drawable == pixmap, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [%d %d].", pDamageEvent->drawable, pixmap);
+ int x = 0;\r
+ int y = 0;\r
+ int width = 0;\r
+ int height = 0;\r
+ ecore_x_pixmap_geometry_get(pixmap, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, (width > 0) && (height > 0), ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [0x%x %d %d].", pixmap, width , height);
+ Evas_Object* pPixmapObject = pLiveboxView->__pPixmapObject.get();
+ SysTryReturn(NID_UI_CTRL, pPixmapObject, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON, E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid.");
+ evas_object_image_pixels_dirty_set(pPixmapObject, EINA_TRUE);
+ evas_object_image_fill_set(pPixmapObject, 0, 0, width, height);
+ evas_object_image_data_update_add(pPixmapObject, 0, 0, width, height);
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[%d %d %d]", pixmap, width, height);
}} // Tizen::Shell
#include <unique_ptr.h>
#include <Evas.h>
+#include <Ecore.h>
+#include <Ecore_X.h>
#include "FUi_Control.h"
#include "FUi_ITouchFlickGestureEventListener.h"
#include "FUiAnim_VisualElement.h"
void OnLiveboxUpdated(const Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap& bitmap, const Tizen::Graphics::Dimension& size);
void OnLiveboxUpdated(int pixmap);
+ static Eina_Bool OnPixmapDamaged(void* pData, int type, void* pEvent);
std::unique_ptr<_LiveboxViewPresenter> __pLiveboxViewPresenter;
std::unique_ptr<Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap> __pBitmap;
std::unique_ptr<Tizen::Ui::_TouchFlickGestureDetector> __pTouchFlickGestureDetector;
bool __resizeFromRemote;
bool __updated;
+ int __pixmap;
struct _EvasObjectDeleter
std::unique_ptr<Evas_Object, _EvasObjectDeleter> __pPixmapObject;
- int __pixmap;
+ struct _EcoreXDamageDeleter
+ {
+ typedef Ecore_X_Damage pointer;
+ void operator()(Ecore_X_Damage ecoreXDamage)
+ {
+ ecore_x_damage_free(ecoreXDamage);
+ }
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<Ecore_X_Damage, _EcoreXDamageDeleter> __pixmapDamage;
+ struct _EcoreEventHandlerDeleter
+ {
+ void operator()(Ecore_Event_Handler* pEcoreEventHandler)
+ {
+ ecore_event_handler_del(pEcoreEventHandler);
+ }
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<Ecore_Event_Handler, _EcoreEventHandlerDeleter> __pPixmapEventHandler;
}; // _LiveboxView
}} // Tizen::Shell
#include "FShell_LiveboxView.h"
#include "FShell_LiveboxPopupView.h"
+//#define _PIXMAP_TEST
+#if defined(_PIXMAP_TEST)
+extern "C"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dri2.h>
+#include <libdrm/drm_slp_bufmgr.h>
+#undef virtual
+#undef private
+#endif // _PIXMAP_TEST
using namespace std;
using namespace Tizen::Base;
using namespace Tizen::Base::Collection;
using namespace Tizen::Graphics;
using namespace Tizen::Media;
+#if defined(_PIXMAP_TEST)
+drm_slp_bufmgr __bufMgr = null;
+int __FileCount = 0;
+dump_bmp(const char* pFileName, const void* pData, int width, int height)
+ int i = 0;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned char magic[2];
+ } bmpfile_magic = { {'B', 'M'} };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned int filesz;
+ unsigned short creator1;
+ unsigned short creator2;
+ unsigned int bmp_offset;
+ } bmpfile_header = { 0, 0, 0, 0x36 };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned int header_sz;
+ unsigned int width;
+ unsigned int height;
+ unsigned short nplanes;
+ unsigned short bitspp;
+ unsigned int compress_type;
+ unsigned int bmp_bytesz;
+ unsigned int hres;
+ unsigned int vres;
+ unsigned int ncolors;
+ unsigned int nimpcolors;
+ } bmp_dib_v3_header_t = { 0x28, 0, 0, 1, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ unsigned int* pBlocks = null;
+ FILE* pFile = fopen(pFileName, "w+");
+ if (pFile == null)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "failed to fopen [%s]", pFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bmpfile_header.filesz = sizeof(bmpfile_magic) + sizeof(bmpfile_header) + sizeof(bmp_dib_v3_header_t) + width * height * 3;
+ bmp_dib_v3_header_t.header_sz = sizeof(bmp_dib_v3_header_t);
+ bmp_dib_v3_header_t.width = width;
+ bmp_dib_v3_header_t.height = -height;
+ bmp_dib_v3_header_t.nplanes = 1;
+ bmp_dib_v3_header_t.bmp_bytesz = width * height * 3;
+ fwrite(&bmpfile_magic, sizeof(bmpfile_magic), 1, pFile);
+ fwrite(&bmpfile_header, sizeof(bmpfile_header), 1, pFile);
+ fwrite(&bmp_dib_v3_header_t, sizeof(bmp_dib_v3_header_t), 1, pFile);
+ pBlocks = (unsigned int*)pData;
+ for (i = 0; i < (height * width); i++)
+ fwrite(&pBlocks[i], 3, 1, pFile);
+ fclose(pFile);
+ }
+ return;
+bufmgr_get(Display* pDisplay, Pixmap pixmap)
+ int screen;
+ int drm_fd;
+ drm_slp_bufmgr bufmgr;
+ int eventBase, errorBase;
+ int dri2Major, dri2Minor;
+ char* pDriverName, *pDeviceName;
+ drm_magic_t magic;
+ screen = DefaultScreen(pDisplay);
+ /* DRI2 */
+ if (!DRI2QueryExtension (pDisplay, &eventBase, &errorBase))
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "!!Error : DRI2QueryExtension !!\n");
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!DRI2QueryVersion (pDisplay, &dri2Major, &dri2Minor))
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "!!Error : DRI2QueryVersion !!\n");
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!DRI2Connect (pDisplay, RootWindow(pDisplay, screen), &pDriverName, &pDeviceName))
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "!!Error : DRI2Connect !!\n");
+ return null;
+ }
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "Open drm device : %s\n", pDeviceName);
+ /* get the drm_fd though opening the deviceName */
+ drm_fd = open (pDeviceName, O_RDWR);
+ if (drm_fd < 0)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "!!Error : cannot open drm device (%s)\n", pDeviceName);
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* get the drm magic */
+ drmGetMagic(drm_fd, &magic);
+ printf("drm magic = %d \n", magic);
+ if (!DRI2Authenticate(pDisplay, RootWindow(pDisplay, screen), magic))
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "!!Error : DRI2Authenticate !!\n");
+ close (drm_fd);
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* drm slp buffer manager init */
+ bufmgr = drm_slp_bufmgr_init (drm_fd, null);
+ if (!bufmgr)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "!!Error : failed to init buffer manager \n");
+ close (drm_fd);
+ return null;
+ }
+ DRI2CreateDrawable (pDisplay, pixmap);
+ return bufmgr;
+pixmap_update(Display* pDisplay, drm_slp_bufmgr bufmgr, Pixmap pixmap, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ DRI2Buffer* pDri2_buffers = null;
+ unsigned int attachments[1];
+ int dri2_count, dri2_out_count;
+ int dri2_width, dri2_height, dri2_stride;
+ drm_slp_bo bo;
+ int opt;
+ void* pVirtualBuf = null;
+ char imgFile[100] = {0,};
+ attachments[0] = DRI2BufferFrontLeft;
+ dri2_count = 1;
+ pDri2_buffers = DRI2GetBuffers (pDisplay, pixmap, &dri2_width, &dri2_height,
+ attachments, dri2_count, &dri2_out_count);
+ if (!pDri2_buffers)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[Error] : failed to get buffers\n");
+ goto update_done;
+ }
+ if (!pDri2_buffers[0].name)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[Error] : a handle of the dri2 buffer is null \n ");
+ goto update_done;
+ }
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "pDri2_buffers[0].name : %d", pDri2_buffers[0].name);
+ bo = drm_slp_bo_import(bufmgr, pDri2_buffers[0].name);
+ if (!bo)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[Error] : cannot import bo (key:%d)\n", pDri2_buffers[0].name);
+ goto update_done;
+ }
+ dri2_stride = pDri2_buffers[0].pitch;
+ pVirtualBuf = (void*)drm_slp_bo_map (bo, DRM_SLP_DEVICE_CPU, opt);
+ if (!pVirtualBuf)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "[Error] : failed to map \n");
+ goto update_done;
+ }
+ memset(imgFile, 0, sizeof(imgFile));
+ sprintf(imgFile,"./dump%d.bmp", __FileCount++);
+ dump_bmp(imgFile, pVirtualBuf, dri2_width, dri2_height);
+ if (pVirtualBuf)
+ drm_slp_bo_unmap(bo, DRM_SLP_DEVICE_CPU);
+ if (bo)
+ drm_slp_bo_unref(bo);
+ if (pDri2_buffers)
+ free(pDri2_buffers);
+DumpPixmap(int pixmap)
+ int x = 0;\r
+ int y = 0;\r
+ int width = 0;\r
+ int height = 0;\r
+ ecore_x_pixmap_geometry_get(pixmap, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+ SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, (width > 0) && (height > 0), E_INVALID_ARG, "[E_INVALID_ARG] The argument is invalid [0x%x %d %d].", pixmap, width , height);
+ if (__bufMgr)
+ {
+ drm_slp_bufmgr_destroy(__bufMgr);
+ __bufMgr = null;
+ }
+ if (__bufMgr == null)
+ __bufMgr = bufmgr_get((Display*)ecore_x_display_get(), pixmap);
+ if (__bufMgr != null)
+ {
+ pixmap_update((Display*)ecore_x_display_get(), __bufMgr, pixmap, 0, 0, width, height);
+ }
+ else
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "can't get pixmap __bufMgr");
+ SysLog(NID_UI_CTRL, "dump pixmap [%d]", pixmap);
+#endif // _PIXMAP_TEST
namespace Tizen { namespace Graphics
result _CreateCoordinateTransformer(_ICoordinateSystemTransformer*&, _LogicalResolution, _BaseScreenSize, _PhysicalResolution, _BaseScreenSize);
SysTryReturnVoidResult(NID_UI_CTRL, r == E_SUCCESS, r, "[%s] Propagating.", GetErrorMessage(r));
__pViewMap = move(pViewMap);
- __glMode = IsGlMode();
+// __glMode = IsGlMode();
// r = _CreateCoordinateTransformer(__pCoordinateTransformer, sourceResolution, BASE_SCREEN_SIZE_NORMAL, destResolution, BASE_SCREEN_SIZE_NORMAL);
// SysTryCatch(NID_UI_CTRL, r == E_SUCCESS, , r, "[%s] Propagating.", GetErrorMessage(r));
if (__glMode)
+#if defined(_PIXMAP_TEST)
+ DumpPixmap(livebox_lb_pixmap(pLivebox));
+#endif // _PIXMAP_TEST
if (__glMode)
+#if defined(_PIXMAP_TEST)
+ DumpPixmap(livebox_pd_pixmap(pLivebox));
+#endif // _PIXMAP_TEST