-git-buildpackage (0.6.25-tizen20150804) unstable; urgency=low
+git-buildpackage (0.6.27-tizen20160302) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix error logs when __import__ faild,like "No handlers could be found fo logger"
+ * Fix build problem on Debian 8
+ -- Jun Wang <junbill.wangx@samsung.com> Wed, 02 Mar 2016 07:47:21 +0100
+git-buildpackage (0.6.22-tizen20150206) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Rebase on top of upstream version 0.6.22
+ * Experimental support for BitBake
+ - Introduce import-bb tool.
+ This is the first tool in an effort of enabling gbp in the BitBake build
+ environment. Gbp-import-bb is a tool for importing packages from a
+ BitBake-based "combined" distro repository into individual per-package
+ Git repositories.
+ - Introduce pq-bb tool.
+ This is a tool for managing patch-queues for packages maintained in the
+ BitBake packaging format (.bb recipes).
+ - Introduce buildpackage-bb tool.
+ Initial version of the tool for building BitBake packages from Git.
+ NOTE: The buildpackage-bb tool itself is able to operate even without an
+ initialized BitBake build environment although the build likely fails in
+ this case. However, this makes it possible to export the packaging meta
+ data, for example.
+ - Introcude clone-bb tool.
+ This is a new tool for helping to clone remote per-package Git
+ repositories when working in BitBake-based "full distro" build
+ environment. This is useful in the case that individual packages are
+ actually maintained in per-package Git repositories (like Tizen). That
+ is, the full distro repository that the developer operates in is
+ composed of the packaging meta data from the individual per-package
+ repositories. When willing to contribute to a package the developer
+ would use clone-bb to clone the correct per-package repository and make
+ his changes there.
+ NOTE: clone-bb uses GBP_PACKAGING_REPO variable to determine the remote
+ repository URI. This variable should be defined in the package recipes
+ in order to make clone-bb usable.
+ - Introduce submit-bb tool.
+ This is a Tizen-specific tool for creating and pushing special submit
+ tags.
+ * pq-rpm: better error message
+ * buildpackage-rpm: look for remote upstream branches.
+ Consider remote branches, too, while looking for the upstream branch
+ when trying to guess if a package is native or not.
+ * rpm packaging changes
+ - enable CentOS 7.
+ - include python egg-info in -common.
+ * rpm: suppress stderr when unpacking src.rpm
+ * UpstreamSource: suppress stderr from tar in _determine_prefix()
+ * patchseries: strip numbering when guessing subject from filename
+ * Changes in logging
+ - don't propagate to ancestor loggers
+ - don't initialize handlers in GbpLogger init.
+ Better compatibility with 3rd party modules that have their own logging
+ initializations.
+ * Features/fixes in GitRepository
+ - GitRepository/__git_inout: correctly handle input error
+ - GitRepository.create_tag: add 'annotate' argument.
+ For forcing the creation of annotated tags. Causes the an editor to be
+ spawned if no message is given.
+ -- Markus Lehtonen <markus.lehtonen@linux.intel.com> Fri, 06 Feb 2015 10:36:26 +0200
* Upgrade version to 0.6.25
* Thu Aug 04 2015 Rong Jinhui <jinhui.rong@samsung.com> tizen/0.6.25-20150804
- Upgrade version to 0.6.25
+* Wed Mar 02 2016 Jun Wang <junbill.wang@samsung.com> tizen/0.6.27-20160302
+- Upgrade version to 0.6.27
+* Fri Feb 06 2015 Markus Lehtonen <markus.lehtonen@linux.intel.com> tizen/0.6.22-20150206
+- Rebase on top of upstream version 0.6.22
+- Experimental support for BitBake
+ * Introduce import-bb tool.
+ This is the first tool in an effort of enabling gbp in the BitBake build
+ environment. Gbp-import-bb is a tool for importing packages from a
+ BitBake-based "combined" distro repository into individual per-package
+ Git repositories.
+ * Introduce pq-bb tool.
+ This is a tool for managing patch-queues for packages maintained in the
+ BitBake packaging format (.bb recipes).
+ * Introduce buildpackage-bb tool.
+ Initial version of the tool for building BitBake packages from Git.
+ NOTE: The buildpackage-bb tool itself is able to operate even without an
+ initialized BitBake build environment although the build likely fails in
+ this case. However, this makes it possible to export the packaging meta
+ data, for example.
+ * Introcude clone-bb tool.
+ This is a new tool for helping to clone remote per-package Git
+ repositories when working in BitBake-based "full distro" build
+ environment. This is useful in the case that individual packages are
+ actually maintained in per-package Git repositories (like Tizen). That
+ is, the full distro repository that the developer operates in is
+ composed of the packaging meta data from the individual per-package
+ repositories. When willing to contribute to a package the developer
+ would use clone-bb to clone the correct per-package repository and make
+ his changes there.
+ NOTE: clone-bb uses GBP_PACKAGING_REPO variable to determine the remote
+ repository URI. This variable should be defined in the package recipes
+ in order to make clone-bb usable.
+ * Introduce submit-bb tool.
+ This is a Tizen-specific tool for creating and pushing special submit
+ tags.
+- pq-rpm: better error message
+- buildpackage-rpm: look for remote upstream branches.
+ Consider remote branches, too, while looking for the upstream branch
+ when trying to guess if a package is native or not.
+- rpm packaging changes
+ * enable CentOS 7.
+ * include python egg-info in -common.
+- rpm: suppress stderr when unpacking src.rpm
+- UpstreamSource: suppress stderr from tar in _determine_prefix()
+- patchseries: strip numbering when guessing subject from filename
+- Changes in logging
+ * don't propagate to ancestor loggers
+ * don't initialize handlers in GbpLogger init.
+ Better compatibility with 3rd party modules that have their own logging
+ initializations.
+- Features/fixes in GitRepository
+ * GitRepository/__git_inout: correctly handle input error
+ * GitRepository.create_tag: add 'annotate' argument.
+ For forcing the creation of annotated tags. Causes the an editor to be
+ spawned if no message is given.
* Thu Aug 28 2014 Markus Lehtonen <markus.lehtonen@linux.intel.com> tizen/0.6.15-20140828
- Rebase on top of upstream version 0.6.15
- Changes in buildpackage-rpm
Name: git-buildpackage
Summary: Build packages from git
-Version: 0.6.26
+Version: 0.6.27
Release: 0
Group: Development/Tools/Building
License: GPLv2
Requires: rpm-build
-Provides: tizen-gbp-rpm = 20150804
+Provides: tizen-gbp-rpm = 20160302
%description rpm
Set of tools from Debian that integrate the package build system with Git.