Unicode_1_Name => $INTERNAL_MAP,
Present_In => 0, # Suppress, as easily computed from Age
- Canonical_Combining_Class => 0, # Duplicate of CombiningClass.pl
Block => 0, # Suppress, as Blocks.txt is retained.
my $fold = property_ref('Case_Folding');
$fold->set_file('Fold') if defined $fold;
+ # Unicode::Normalize expects this file with this name and directory.
+ my $ccc = property_ref('Canonical_Combining_Class');
+ if (defined $ccc) {
+ $ccc->set_file('CombiningClass');
+ $ccc->set_directory(File::Spec->curdir());
+ }
# utf8.c has a different meaning for non range-size-1 for map properties
# that this program doesn't currently handle; and even if it were changed
# to do so, some other code may be using them expecting range size 1.
- # The combining class property used by Perl's normalize.pm is not located
- # in the normal mapping directory; create a copy for it.
- my $ccc = property_ref('Canonical_Combining_Class');
- my $perl_ccc = Property->new('Perl_ccc',
- Default_Map => $ccc->default_map,
- Full_Name => 'Perl_Canonical_Combining_Class',
- Internal_Only_Warning => 1,
- Perl_Extension => 1,
- Pod_Entry =>0,
- Type => $ENUM,
- Initialize => $ccc,
- File => 'CombiningClass',
- Directory => File::Spec->curdir(),
- );
- $perl_ccc->set_to_output_map($EXTERNAL_MAP);
- $perl_ccc->add_comment(join_lines(<<END
-This mapping is for normalize.pm. It is currently identical to the Unicode
-Canonical_Combining_Class property.
- ));
- # This one match table for it is needed for calculations on output
- my $default = $perl_ccc->add_match_table($ccc->default_map,
- Initialize => $ccc->table($ccc->default_map),
- Status => $SUPPRESSED);
# Construct the Present_In property from the Age property.
if (-e 'DAge.txt' && defined (my $age = property_ref('Age'))) {
my $default_map = $age->default_map;