import itertools
import re
import sys, os, errno
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
### Python 2 + Python 3 compatibility code
size = self.val['_M_unpacked_size']
return "%s with %d arguments" % (typ, size)
+def std_ratio_t_tuple(ratio_type):
+ # TODO use reduced period i.e. duration::period
+ period = self.val.type.template_argument(1)
+ num = period.template_argument(0)
+ den = period.template_argument(1)
+ return (num, den)
+class StdChronoDurationPrinter:
+ "Print a std::chrono::duration"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def _ratio(self):
+ # TODO use reduced period i.e. duration::period
+ period = self.val.type.template_argument(1)
+ num = period.template_argument(0)
+ den = period.template_argument(1)
+ return (num, den)
+ def _suffix(self):
+ num, den = self._ratio()
+ if num == 1:
+ if den == 1:
+ return 's'
+ if den == 1000:
+ return 'ms'
+ if den == 1000000:
+ return 'us'
+ if den == 1000000000:
+ return 'ns'
+ elif den == 1:
+ if num == 60:
+ return 'min'
+ if num == 3600:
+ return 'h'
+ if num == 86400:
+ return 'd'
+ return '[{}]s'.format(num)
+ return "[{}/{}]s".format(num, den)
+ def to_string(self):
+ return "std::chrono::duration = { %d%s }" % (self.val['__r'], self._suffix())
+class StdChronoTimePointPrinter:
+ "Print a std::chrono::time_point"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def _clock(self):
+ clock = self.val.type.template_argument(0)
+ name = strip_versioned_namespace(
+ if name == 'std::chrono::_V2::system_clock' \
+ or name == 'std::chrono::system_clock':
+ return ('std::chrono::sys_time', 0)
+ # XXX need to remove leap seconds from utc, gps, and tai
+ #if name == 'std::chrono::utc_clock':
+ # return ('std::chrono::utc_time', 0)
+ #if name == 'std::chrono::gps_clock':
+ # return ('std::chrono::gps_clock time_point', 315964809)
+ #if name == 'std::chrono::tai_clock':
+ # return ('std::chrono::tai_clock time_point', -378691210)
+ if name == 'std::filesystem::__file_clock':
+ return ('std::chrono::file_time', 6437664000)
+ if name == 'std::chrono::local_t':
+ return ('std::chrono::local_time', 0)
+ return ('{} time_point'.format(name), None)
+ def to_string(self):
+ clock, offset = self._clock()
+ d = self.val['__d']
+ r = d['__r']
+ printer = StdChronoDurationPrinter(, d)
+ suffix = printer._suffix()
+ time = ''
+ if offset is not None:
+ num, den = printer._ratio()
+ secs = (r * num / den) + offset
+ try:
+ dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(secs, timezone.utc)
+ time = ' [{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]'.format(dt)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return '%s = {%d%s%s}' % (clock, r, suffix, time)
+class StdChronoZonedTimePrinter:
+ "Print a std::chrono::zoned_time"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def to_string(self):
+ zone = self.val['_M_zone'].dereference()
+ time = self.val['_M_tp']
+ return 'std::chrono::zoned_time = {{{} {}}}'.format(zone, time)
+months = [None, 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
+ 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
+weekdays = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday',
+ 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
+class StdChronoCalendarPrinter:
+ "Print a std::chrono::day, std::chrono::month, std::chrono::year etc."
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def to_string(self):
+ val = self.val
+ typ = self.typename
+ if 'month' in typ and typ != 'std::chrono::year_month_day_last':
+ m = val['_M_m']
+ if typ.startswith('std::chrono::year'):
+ y = val['_M_y']
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::day':
+ return '{}'.format(int(val['_M_d']))
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::month':
+ return months[m]
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::year':
+ return '{}y'.format(y)
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::weekday':
+ return '{}'.format(weekdays[val['_M_wd']])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::weekday_indexed':
+ return '{}[{}]'.format(val['_M_wd'], int(val['_M_index']))
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::weekday_last':
+ return '{}[last]'.format(val['_M_wd'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::month_day':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(m, val['_M_d'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::month_day_last':
+ return '{}/last'.format(m)
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::month_weekday':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(m, val['_M_wdi'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::month_weekday_last':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(m, val['_M_wdl'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::year_month':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(y, m)
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::year_month_day':
+ return '{}/{}/{}'.format(y, m, val['_M_d'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::year_month_day_last':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(y, val['_M_mdl'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::year_month_weekday':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(y, m, val['_M_wdi'])
+ if typ == 'std::chrono::year_month_weekday_last':
+ return '{}/{}'.format(y, m, val['_M_wdl'])
+ if typ.startswith('std::chrono::hh_mm_ss'):
+ fract = ''
+ if val['fractional_width'] != 0:
+ fract = '.{:0{}d}'.format(int(val['_M_ss']['__r']),
+ int(val['fractional_width']))
+ h = int(val['_M_h']['__r'])
+ m = int(val['_M_m']['__r'])
+ s = int(val['_M_s']['__r'])
+ if val['_M_is_neg']:
+ h = -h
+ return '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}{}'.format(h, m, s, fract)
+class StdChronoTimeZonePrinter:
+ "Print a chrono::time_zone or chrono::time_zone_link"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def to_string(self):
+ str = '%s %s' % (self.typename, self.val['_M_name'])
+ if self.typename.endswith("_link"):
+ str += ' -> %s' % (self.val['_M_target'])
+ return str
+class StdChronoLeapSecondPrinter:
+ "Print a chrono::leap_second"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def to_string(self):
+ date = self.val['_M_s']['__r']
+ neg = '+-'[date < 0]
+ return '%s %d (%c)' % (self.typename, abs(date), neg)
+class StdChronoTzdbPrinter:
+ "Print a chrono::tzdb"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def to_string(self):
+ return '%s %s' % (self.typename, self.val['version'])
+class StdChronoTimeZoneRulePrinter:
+ "Print a chrono::time_zone rule"
+ def __init__(self, typename, val):
+ self.typename = strip_versioned_namespace(typename)
+ self.val = val
+ def to_string(self):
+ on = self.val['on']
+ kind = on['kind']
+ month = months[on['month']]
+ suffixes = {1:'st', 2:'nd', 3:'rd', 21:'st', 22:'nd', 23:'rd', 31:'st'}
+ day = on['day_of_month']
+ ordinal_day = '{}{}'.format(day, suffixes.get(day, 'th'))
+ if kind == 0: # DayOfMonth
+ start = '{} {}{}'.format(month, ordinal_day)
+ else:
+ weekday = weekdays[on['day_of_week']]
+ if kind == 1: # LastWeekDay
+ start = 'last {} in {}'.format(weekday, month)
+ else:
+ if kind == 2: # LessEq
+ direction = ('last', '<=')
+ else:
+ direction = ('first', '>=')
+ day = on['day_of_month']
+ start = '{} {} {} {} {}'.format(direction[0], weekday,
+ direction[1], month,
+ ordinal_day)
+ return 'time_zone rule {} from {} to {} starting on {}'.format(
+ self.val['name'], self.val['from'], self.val['to'], start)
# A "regular expression" printer which conforms to the
# "SubPrettyPrinter" protocol from gdb.printing.
class RxPrinter(object):
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'fpos', 'streampos')
# Add type printers for <chrono> typedefs.
- for dur in ('nanoseconds', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds',
- 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours'):
- add_one_type_printer(obj, 'duration', dur)
+ for dur in ('nanoseconds', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds', 'seconds',
+ 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'years', 'months'):
+ add_one_type_printer(obj, 'chrono::duration', 'chrono::' + dur)
# Add type printers for <random> typedefs.
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'linear_congruential_engine', 'minstd_rand0')
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::', 'basic_' + sstream, StdStringStreamPrinter)
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::__cxx11::', 'basic_' + sstream, StdStringStreamPrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'duration',
+ StdChronoDurationPrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'time_point',
+ StdChronoTimePointPrinter)
# std::regex components
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::__detail::', '_State',
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::', 'weak_ordering', StdCmpCatPrinter)
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::', 'strong_ordering', StdCmpCatPrinter)
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::', 'span', StdSpanPrinter)
- libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::', 'basic_format_args', StdFormatArgsPrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::', 'basic_format_args',
+ StdFormatArgsPrinter)
+ for c in ['day','month','year','weekday','weekday_indexed','weekday_last',
+ 'month_day','month_day_last','month_weekday','month_weekday_last',
+ 'year_month','year_month_day','year_month_day_last',
+ 'year_month_weekday','year_month_weekday_last', 'hh_mm_ss']:
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', c,
+ StdChronoCalendarPrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'time_zone',
+ StdChronoTimeZonePrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'time_zone_link',
+ StdChronoTimeZonePrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'zoned_time',
+ StdChronoZonedTimePrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'leap_second',
+ StdChronoLeapSecondPrinter)
+ libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::', 'tzdb', StdChronoTzdbPrinter)
+ #libstdcxx_printer.add_version('std::chrono::(anonymous namespace)', 'Rule',
+ # StdChronoTimeZoneRulePrinter)
# Extensions.
libstdcxx_printer.add_version('__gnu_cxx::', 'slist', StdSlistPrinter)