CVS patchset: 5948
CVS date: 2002/12/18 22:59:03
- rebuild against glibc with fcntl fixed in libpthread.
- re-enable CDB locking, removing "private" from %%__dbi_cdb macro.
- popt aliases for -U et al to achieve dynamic link with nptl.
+ - add --file{class,provide,require} popt aliases and header extensions.
4.0.4 -> 4.1:
- loosely wire beecrypt library into rpm.
(void) rpmdsSetIx(ds, ix-1);
if (rpmdsNext(ds) < 0)
- DNEVR = rpmdsDNEVR(ds) + 2;
+ DNEVR = rpmdsDNEVR(ds);
if (DNEVR != NULL)
nb += strlen(DNEVR+2) + 1;
(void) rpmdsSetIx(ds, ix-1);
if (rpmdsNext(ds) < 0)
- DNEVR = rpmdsDNEVR(ds) + 2;
+ DNEVR = rpmdsDNEVR(ds);
if (DNEVR != NULL) {
t = stpcpy(t, DNEVR+2);
*t++ = ' ';