--- /dev/null
+//===- PDLInterpOps.td - Pattern Interpreter Dialect -------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file declares the PDL interpreter dialect ops.
+include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/PDLBase.td"
+include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.td"
+// PDLInterp Dialect
+def PDLInterp_Dialect : Dialect {
+ let summary = "Interpreted pattern execution dialect";
+ let description = [{
+ The PDL Interpreter dialect provides a lower level abstraction compared to
+ the PDL dialect, and is targeted towards low level optimization and
+ interpreter code generation. The dialect operations encapsulates
+ low-level pattern match and rewrite "primitives", such as navigating the
+ IR (Operation::getOperand), creating new operations (OpBuilder::create),
+ etc. Many of the operations within this dialect also fuse branching control
+ flow with some form of a predicate comparison operation. This type of fusion
+ reduces the amount of work that an interpreter must do when executing.
+ }];
+ let name = "pdl_interp";
+ let cppNamespace = "mlir::pdl_interp";
+ let dependentDialects = ["pdl::PDLDialect"];
+// PDLInterp Operations
+// Generic interpreter operation.
+class PDLInterp_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
+ Op<PDLInterp_Dialect, mnemonic, traits>;
+// PDLInterp_PredicateOp
+// Check operations evaluate a predicate on a positional value and then
+// conditionally branch on the result.
+class PDLInterp_PredicateOp<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
+ PDLInterp_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat([Terminator], traits)> {
+ let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$trueDest, AnySuccessor:$falseDest);
+// PDLInterp_SwitchOp
+// Switch operations evaluate a predicate on a positional value and then
+// conditionally branch on the result.
+class PDLInterp_SwitchOp<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
+ PDLInterp_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat([Terminator], traits)> {
+ let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$defaultDest,
+ VariadicSuccessor<AnySuccessor>:$cases);
+ let verifier = [{
+ // Verify that the number of case destinations matches the number of case
+ // values.
+ size_t numDests = cases().size();
+ size_t numValues = caseValues().size();
+ if (numDests != numValues) {
+ return emitOpError("expected number of cases to match the number of case "
+ "values, got ")
+ << numDests << " but expected " << numValues;
+ }
+ return success();
+ }];
+// pdl_interp::ApplyConstraintOp
+def PDLInterp_ApplyConstraintOp : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"apply_constraint"> {
+ let summary = "Apply a constraint to a set of positional values";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.apply_constraint` operations apply a generic constraint, that
+ has been registered with the interpreter, with a given set of positional
+ values. The constraint may have any number of constant parameters. On
+ success, this operation branches to the true destination, otherwise the
+ false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ // Apply `myConstraint` to the entities defined by `input`, `attr`, and
+ // `op`.
+ pdl_interp.apply_constraint "myConstraint"[42, "abc", i32](%input, %attr, %op : !pdl.value, !pdl.attribute, !pdl.operation)
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
+ Variadic<PDL_PositionalValue>:$args,
+ OptionalAttr<ArrayAttr>:$constParams);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $name ($constParams^)? `(` $args `:` type($args) `)` attr-dict `->`
+ successors
+ }];
+// pdl_interp::ApplyRewriteOp
+def PDLInterp_ApplyRewriteOp : PDLInterp_Op<"apply_rewrite"> {
+ let summary = "Invoke and apply an externally registered rewrite method";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.apply_rewrite` operations invoke an external rewriter that has
+ been registered with the interpreter to perform the rewrite after a
+ successful match. The rewrite is passed the root operation being matched, a
+ set of additional positional arguments generated within the matcher, and a
+ set of constant parameters.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ // Rewriter operating solely on the root operation.
+ pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter" on %root
+ // Rewriter operating on the root operation along with additional arguments
+ // from the matcher.
+ pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter"(%value : !pdl.value) on %root
+ // Rewriter operating on the root operation along with additional arguments
+ // and constant parameters.
+ pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter"[42](%value : !pdl.value) on %root
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
+ PDL_Operation:$root,
+ Variadic<PDL_PositionalValue>:$args,
+ OptionalAttr<ArrayAttr>:$constParams);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $name ($constParams^)? (`(` $args^ `:` type($args) `)`)? `on` $root
+ attr-dict
+ }];
+// pdl_interp::AreEqualOp
+def PDLInterp_AreEqualOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"are_equal", [NoSideEffect, SameTypeOperands]> {
+ let summary = "Check if two positional values are equivalent";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.are_equal` operations compare two positional values for
+ equality. On success, this operation branches to the true destination,
+ otherwise the false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.are_equal %result1, %result2 : !pdl.value -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_PositionalValue:$lhs,
+ PDL_PositionalValue:$rhs);
+ let assemblyFormat = "operands `:` type($lhs) attr-dict `->` successors";
+// pdl_interp::BranchOp
+def PDLInterp_BranchOp : PDLInterp_Op<"branch", [NoSideEffect, Terminator]> {
+ let summary = "General branch operation";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.branch` operations expose general branch functionality to the
+ interpreter, and are generally used to branch from one pattern match
+ sequence to another.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.branch ^dest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$dest);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$dest attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::CheckAttributeOp
+def PDLInterp_CheckAttributeOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Check the value of an `Attribute`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.check_attribute` operations compare the value of a given
+ attribute with a constant value. On success, this operation branches to the
+ true destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.check_attribute %attr is 10 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Attribute:$attribute, AnyAttr:$constantValue);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $attribute `is` $constantValue attr-dict `->` successors
+ }];
+// pdl_interp::CheckOperandCountOp
+def PDLInterp_CheckOperandCountOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_operand_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Check the number of operands of an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.check_operand_count` operations compare the number of operands
+ of a given operation value with a constant. On success, this operation
+ branches to the true destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.check_operand_count of %op is 2 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$count);
+ let assemblyFormat = "`of` $operation `is` $count attr-dict `->` successors";
+// pdl_interp::CheckOperationNameOp
+def PDLInterp_CheckOperationNameOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_operation_name", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Check the OperationName of an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.check_operation_name` operations compare the name of a given
+ operation with a known name. On success, this operation branches to the true
+ destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.check_operation_name of %op is "foo.op" -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation, StrAttr:$name);
+ let assemblyFormat = "`of` $operation `is` $name attr-dict `->` successors";
+// pdl_interp::CheckResultCountOp
+def PDLInterp_CheckResultCountOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_result_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Check the number of results of an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.check_result_count` operations compare the number of results
+ of a given operation value with a constant. On success, this operation
+ branches to the true destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.check_result_count of %op is 0 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$count);
+ let assemblyFormat = "`of` $operation `is` $count attr-dict `->` successors";
+// pdl_interp::CheckTypeOp
+def PDLInterp_CheckTypeOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Compare a type to a known value";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.check_type` operations compare a type with a statically known
+ type. On success, this operation branches to the true destination, otherwise
+ the false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.check_type %type is 0 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Type:$value, TypeAttr:$type);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$value `is` $type attr-dict `->` successors";
+// pdl_interp::CreateAttributeOp
+def PDLInterp_CreateAttributeOp
+ : PDLInterp_Op<"create_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Create an interpreter handle to a constant `Attribute`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.create_attribute` operations generate a handle within the
+ interpreter for a specific constant attribute value.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.create_attribute 10 : i64
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins AnyAttr:$value);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Attribute:$attribute);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, "
+ "Attribute value", [{
+ build(builder, state, builder.getType<pdl::AttributeType>(), value);
+ }]>];
+// pdl_interp::CreateNativeOp
+def PDLInterp_CreateNativeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"create_native"> {
+ let summary = "Call a native creation method to construct an `Attribute`, "
+ "`Operation`, `Type`, or `Value`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.create_native` operations invoke a native C++ function, that has
+ been registered externally with the consumer of PDL, to create an
+ `Attribute`, `Operation`, `Type`, or `Value`. The native function must
+ produce a value of the specified return type, and may accept any number of
+ positional arguments and constant attribute parameters.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %ret = pdl_interp.create_native "myNativeFunc"[42, "gt"](%arg0, %arg1) : !pdl.attribute
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
+ Variadic<PDL_PositionalValue>:$args,
+ OptionalAttr<ArrayAttr>:$constParams);
+ let results = (outs PDL_PositionalValue:$result);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $name ($constParams^)? (`(` $args^ `:` type($args) `)`)? `:` type($result)
+ attr-dict
+ }];
+ let verifier = ?;
+// pdl_interp::CreateOperationOp
+def PDLInterp_CreateOperationOp
+ : PDLInterp_Op<"create_operation", [AttrSizedOperandSegments]> {
+ let summary = "Create an instance of a specific `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.create_operation` operations create an `Operation` instance with
+ the specified attributes, operands, and result types.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ // Create an instance of a `foo.op` operation.
+ %op = pdl_interp.create_operation "foo.op"(%arg0) {"attrA" = %attr0} -> %type, %type
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
+ Variadic<PDL_Value>:$operands,
+ Variadic<PDL_Attribute>:$attributes,
+ StrArrayAttr:$attributeNames,
+ Variadic<PDL_Type>:$types);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Operation:$operation);
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, StringRef name, "
+ "ValueRange types, ValueRange operands, ValueRange attributes, "
+ "ArrayAttr attributeNames", [{
+ build(builder, state, builder.getType<pdl::OperationType>(), name,
+ operands, attributes, attributeNames, types);
+ }]>];
+ let parser = [{ return ::parseCreateOperationOp(parser, result); }];
+ let printer = [{ ::print(p, *this); }];
+// pdl_interp::CreateTypeOp
+def PDLInterp_CreateTypeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"create_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Create an interpreter handle to a constant `Type`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.create_type` operations generate a handle within the interpreter
+ for a specific constant type value.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.create_type i64
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins TypeAttr:$value);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Type:$result);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, TypeAttr type", [{
+ build(builder, state, builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>(), type);
+ }]>
+ ];
+// pdl_interp::EraseOp
+def PDLInterp_EraseOp : PDLInterp_Op<"erase"> {
+ let summary = "Mark an operation as `erased`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl.erase` operations are used to specify that an operation should be
+ marked as erased. The semantics of this operation correspond with the
+ `eraseOp` method on a `PatternRewriter`.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.erase %root
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$operation attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::FinalizeOp
+def PDLInterp_FinalizeOp
+ : PDLInterp_Op<"finalize", [NoSideEffect, Terminator]> {
+ let summary = "Finalize a pattern match or rewrite sequence";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.finalize` is used to denote the termination of a match or
+ rewrite sequence.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.finalize
+ ```
+ }];
+ let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::GetAttributeOp
+def PDLInterp_GetAttributeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Get a specified attribute value from an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.get_attribute` operations try to get a specific attribute from
+ an operation. If the operation does not have that attribute, a null value is
+ returned.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %attr = pdl_interp.get_attribute "attr" of %op
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ StrAttr:$name);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Attribute:$attribute);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$name `of` $operation attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::GetAttributeTypeOp
+def PDLInterp_GetAttributeTypeOp
+ : PDLInterp_Op<"get_attribute_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Get the result type of a specified `Attribute`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.get_attribute_type` operations get the resulting type of a
+ specific attribute.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %type = pdl_interp.get_attribute_type of %attr
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Attribute:$value);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Type:$result);
+ let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value attr-dict";
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value value", [{
+ build(builder, state, builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>(), value);
+ }]>
+ ];
+// pdl_interp::GetDefiningOpOp
+def PDLInterp_GetDefiningOpOp
+ : PDLInterp_Op<"get_defining_op", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Get the defining operation of a `Value`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.get_defining_op` operations try to get the defining operation
+ of a specific value. If the value is not an operation result, null is
+ returned.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %op = pdl_interp.get_defining_op of %value
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Value:$value);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Operation:$operation);
+ let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::GetOperandOp
+def PDLInterp_GetOperandOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_operand", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Get a specified operand from an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.get_operand` operations try to get a specific operand from an
+ operation If the operation does not have an operand for the given index, a
+ null value is returned.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %operand = pdl_interp.get_operand 1 of %op
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$index);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Value:$value);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$index `of` $operation attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::GetResultOp
+def PDLInterp_GetResultOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_result", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Get a specified result from an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.get_result` operations try to get a specific result from an
+ operation. If the operation does not have a result for the given index, a
+ null value is returned.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %result = pdl_interp.get_result 1 of %op
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$index);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Value:$value);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$index `of` $operation attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::GetValueTypeOp
+// Get a type from the root operation, held in the rewriter context.
+def PDLInterp_GetValueTypeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_value_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Get the result type of a specified `Value`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.get_value_type` operations get the resulting type of a specific
+ value.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ %type = pdl_interp.get_value_type of %value
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Value:$value);
+ let results = (outs PDL_Type:$result);
+ let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value attr-dict";
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value value", [{
+ build(builder, state, builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>(), value);
+ }]>
+ ];
+// pdl_interp::InferredTypeOp
+def PDLInterp_InferredTypeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"inferred_type"> {
+ let summary = "Generate a handle to a Type that is \"inferred\"";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.inferred_type` operations generate a handle to a type that
+ should be inferred. This signals to other operations, such as
+ `pdl_interp.create_operation`, that this type should be inferred.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.inferred_type
+ ```
+ }];
+ let results = (outs PDL_Type:$type);
+ let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state", [{
+ build(builder, state, builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>());
+ }]>,
+ ];
+// pdl_interp::IsNotNullOp
+def PDLInterp_IsNotNullOp
+ : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"is_not_null", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Check if a positional value is non-null";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.is_not_null` operations check that a positional value exists. On
+ success, this operation branches to the true destination. Otherwise, the
+ false destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.is_not_null %value : !pdl.value -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_PositionalValue:$value);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$value `:` type($value) attr-dict `->` successors";
+// pdl_interp::RecordMatchOp
+def PDLInterp_RecordMatchOp
+ : PDLInterp_Op<"record_match", [AttrSizedOperandSegments, Terminator]> {
+ let summary = "Record the metadata for a successful pattern match";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.record_match` operations record a successful pattern match with
+ the interpreter and branch to the next part of the matcher. The metadata
+ recorded by these operations correspond to a specific `pdl.pattern`, as well
+ as what values were used during that match that should be propagated to the
+ rewriter.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.record_match @rewriters::myRewriter(%root : !pdl.operation) : benefit(1), loc([%root, %op1]), root("foo.op") -> ^nextDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins Variadic<PDL_PositionalValue>:$inputs,
+ Variadic<PDL_Operation>:$matchedOps,
+ SymbolRefAttr:$rewriter,
+ OptionalAttr<StrAttr>:$rootKind,
+ OptionalAttr<StrArrayAttr>:$generatedOps,
+ Confined<I16Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$benefit);
+ let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$dest);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $rewriter (`(` $inputs^ `:` type($inputs) `)`)? `:`
+ `benefit` `(` $benefit `)` `,`
+ (`generatedOps` `(` $generatedOps^ `)` `,`)?
+ `loc` `(` `[` $matchedOps `]` `)`
+ (`,` `root` `(` $rootKind^ `)`)? attr-dict `->` $dest
+ }];
+// pdl_interp::ReplaceOp
+def PDLInterp_ReplaceOp : PDLInterp_Op<"replace"> {
+ let summary = "Mark an operation as `replace`d";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.replaced` operations are used to specify that an operation
+ should be marked as replaced. The semantics of this operation correspond
+ with the `replaceOp` method on a `PatternRewriter`. The set of replacement
+ values must match the number of results specified by the operation.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ // Replace root node with 2 values:
+ pdl_interp.replace %root with (%val0, %val1)
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ Variadic<PDL_Value>:$replValues);
+ let assemblyFormat = "$operation `with` `(` $replValues `)` attr-dict";
+// pdl_interp::SwitchAttributeOp
+def PDLInterp_SwitchAttributeOp
+ : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Switch on the value of an `Attribute`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.switch_attribute` operations compare the value of a given
+ attribute with a set of constant attributes. If the value matches one of the
+ provided case values the destination for that case value is taken, otherwise
+ the default destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.switch_attribute %attr to [10, true] -> ^10Dest, ^trueDest, ^defaultDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Attribute:$attribute, ArrayAttr:$caseValues);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $attribute `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
+ }];
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value attribute,"
+ "ArrayRef<Attribute> caseValues,"
+ "Block *defaultDest, ArrayRef<Block *> dests", [{
+ build(builder, state, attribute, builder.getArrayAttr(caseValues),
+ defaultDest, dests);
+ }]>];
+// pdl_interp::SwitchOperandCountOp
+def PDLInterp_SwitchOperandCountOp
+ : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_operand_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Switch on the operand count of an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.switch_operand_count` operations compare the operand count of a
+ given operation with a set of potential counts. If the value matches one of
+ the provided case values the destination for that case value is taken,
+ otherwise the default destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.switch_operand_count of %op to [10, 2] -> ^10Dest, ^2Dest, ^defaultDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation, I32ElementsAttr:$caseValues);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ `of` $operation `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
+ }];
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value operation, "
+ "ArrayRef<int32_t> counts, Block *defaultDest, "
+ "ArrayRef<Block *> dests", [{
+ build(builder, state, operation, builder.getI32VectorAttr(counts),
+ defaultDest, dests);
+ }]>];
+// pdl_interp::SwitchOperationNameOp
+def PDLInterp_SwitchOperationNameOp
+ : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_operation_name", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Switch on the OperationName of an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.switch_operation_name` operations compare the name of a given
+ operation with a set of known names. If the value matches one of the
+ provided case values the destination for that case value is taken, otherwise
+ the default destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.switch_operation_name of %op to ["foo.op", "bar.op"] -> ^fooDest, ^barDest, ^defaultDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
+ StrArrayAttr:$caseValues);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ `of` $operation `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
+ }];
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value operation, "
+ "ArrayRef<OperationName> names, "
+ "Block *defaultDest, ArrayRef<Block *> dests", [{
+ auto stringNames = llvm::to_vector<8>(llvm::map_range(names,
+ [](OperationName name) { return name.getStringRef(); }));
+ build(builder, state, operation, builder.getStrArrayAttr(stringNames),
+ defaultDest, dests);
+ }]>,
+ ];
+// pdl_interp::SwitchResultCountOp
+def PDLInterp_SwitchResultCountOp
+ : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_result_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Switch on the result count of an `Operation`";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.switch_result_count` operations compare the result count of a
+ given operation with a set of potential counts. If the value matches one of
+ the provided case values the destination for that case value is taken,
+ otherwise the default destination is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.switch_result_count of %op to [0, 2] -> ^0Dest, ^2Dest, ^defaultDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation, I32ElementsAttr:$caseValues);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ `of` $operation `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
+ }];
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value operation, "
+ "ArrayRef<int32_t> counts, Block *defaultDest, "
+ "ArrayRef<Block *> dests", [{
+ build(builder, state, operation, builder.getI32VectorAttr(counts),
+ defaultDest, dests);
+ }]>];
+// pdl_interp::SwitchTypeOp
+def PDLInterp_SwitchTypeOp : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
+ let summary = "Switch on a `Type` value";
+ let description = [{
+ `pdl_interp.switch_type` operations compare a type with a set of statically
+ known types. If the value matches one of the provided case values the
+ destination for that case value is taken, otherwise the default destination
+ is taken.
+ Example:
+ ```mlir
+ pdl_interp.switch_type %type to [i32, i64] -> ^i32Dest, ^i64Dest, ^defaultDest
+ ```
+ }];
+ let arguments = (ins PDL_Type:$value, TypeArrayAttr:$caseValues);
+ let assemblyFormat = [{
+ $value `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
+ }];
+ let builders = [
+ OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value edge, "
+ "TypeRange types, Block *defaultDest, ArrayRef<Block *> dests", [{
+ build(builder, state, edge, builder.getTypeArrayAttr(types), defaultDest,
+ dests);
+ }]>,
+ ];
+ let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+ auto getCaseTypes() { return caseValues().getAsValueRange<TypeAttr>(); }
+ }];