The pxd files in ``/Cython/Includes/libcpp`` also work as good examples on
how to declare C++ classes.
+Since Cython 0.17, the STL containers coerce from and to the
+corresponding Python builtin types. The conversion is triggered
+either by an assignment to a typed variable (including typed function
+arguments) or by an explicit cast, e.g.::
+ from libcpp.string cimport string
+ from libcpp.vector cimport vector
+ cdef string s = py_bytes_object
+ print(s)
+ cpp_string = <string> py_unicode_object.encode('utf-8')
+ cdef vector[int] vect = xrange(1, 10, 2)
+ print(vect) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
+ cdef vector[string] cpp_strings = b'ab cd ef gh'.split()
+ print(cpp_strings.get(1)) # b'cd'
+The following coercions are available:
+| Python type => | *C++ type* | => Python type |
+| bytes | std::string | bytes |
+| iterable | std::vector | list |
+| iterable | std::list | list |
+| iterable | std::set | set |
+| iterable (len 2) | std::pair | tuple (len 2) |
+All conversions create a new container and copy the data into it.
+The items in the containers are converted to a corresponding type
+automatically, which includes recursively converting containers
+inside of containers, e.g. a C++ vector of maps of strings.