--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+use strict;
+use Git;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Error qw(:try);
+use Pod::Usage;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::stat;
+use Scalar::Util qw /looks_like_number/;
+use Cwd qw /getcwd/;
+use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
+# Program to run gcov on files in patch (that are in source dirs - needs to be dali-aware).
+# A) Get patch
+# B) Remove uninteresting files
+# C) Find matching gcno/gcda files
+# D) Copy and rename them to match source prefix (i.e. strip library name off front)
+# E) Generate patch output with covered/uncovered lines marked in green/red
+# F) Generate coverage data for changed lines
+# G) Exit status should be 0 for high coverage (90% line coverage for all new/changed lines)
+# or 1 for low coverage
+# Sources for conversion of gcno/gcda files:
+# ~/bin/lcov
+# Python git-coverage (From http://stef.thewalter.net/git-coverage-useful-code-coverage.html)
+our $repo = Git->repository();
+our $debug=0;
+our $pd_debug=0;
+our $opt_cached;
+our $opt_head;
+#our $opt_workingtree;
+#our $opt_diff=1;
+our $opt_help;
+our $opt_verbose;
+our $opt_quiet;
+my %options = (
+ "cached" => { "optvar"=>\$opt_cached, "desc"=>"Use index" },
+ "head" => { "optvar"=>\$opt_head, "desc"=>"Use git show" },
+ "help" => { "optvar"=>\$opt_help, "desc"=>""},
+ "quiet" => { "optvar"=>\$opt_quiet, "desc"=>""},
+ "verbose" => { "optvar"=>\$opt_verbose, "desc"=>"" });
+my %longOptions = map { $_ => $options{$_}->{"optvar"} } keys(%options);
+GetOptions( %longOptions ) or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(1) if $opt_help;
+## Format per file, repeated, no linebreak
+# <diffcmd>
+# index c1..c2 c3
+# --- a/<left-hand-side-file>
+# +++ b/<right-hand-side-file>
+# <diff hunks>
+# Format of each diff hunk, repeated, no linebreak
+# @@ <ranges> @@ line
+# 3 lines of context
+# [-|+]lines removed on left, added on right
+# 3 lines of context
+# output:
+sub parse_diff
+ my $patchref = shift;
+ my $file="";
+ my @checklines=();
+ my %b_lines=();
+ my $state = 0;
+ my $store_line=-1;
+ my %files=();
+ print "Patch size: ".scalar(@$patchref)."\n" if $pd_debug;
+ for my $line (@$patchref)
+ {
+ if($state == 0)
+ {
+ print "State: $state $line \n" if $pd_debug;
+ # Search for a line matching "+++ b/<filename>"
+ if( $line =~ m!^\+\+\+ b/([\w-_\./]*)!)
+ {
+ $file = $1;
+ $state = 1 ;
+ print "Found File: $file\n" if $pd_debug;
+ }
+ }
+ else #elsif($state == 1)
+ {
+ # If we find a line starting with diff, the previous
+ # file's diffs have finished, store them.
+ if( $line =~ /^diff/)
+ {
+ print "State: $state $line \n" if $pd_debug;
+ $state = 0;
+ # if the file had changes, store the new/modified line numbers
+ if( $file && scalar(@checklines))
+ {
+ $files{$file}->{"patch"} = [@checklines];
+ $files{$file}->{"b_lines"} = {%b_lines};
+ @checklines=();
+ %b_lines=();
+ }
+ print("\n\n") if $pd_debug;
+ }
+ # If we find a line starting with @@, it tells us the line numbers
+ # of the old file and new file for this hunk.
+ elsif( $line =~ /^@@/)
+ {
+ print "State: $state $line \n" if $pd_debug;
+ # Find the lines in the new file (of the form "+<start>[,<length>])
+ my($start,$space,$length) = ($line =~ /\+([0-9]+)(,| )([0-9]+)?/);
+ if($length || $space eq " ")
+ {
+ if( $space eq " " )
+ {
+ $length=1;
+ }
+ push(@checklines, [$start, $length]);
+ $store_line=$start;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $store_line = -1;
+ }
+ if($pd_debug)
+ {
+ my $last = scalar(@checklines)-1;
+ if( $last >= 0 )
+ {
+ print "Checkline:" . $checklines[$last]->[0] . ", " . $checklines[$last]->[1] . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # If we find a line starting with "+", it belongs to the new file's patch
+ elsif( $line =~ /^\+/)
+ {
+ if($store_line >= 0)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ $line = substr($line, 1); # Remove leading +
+ $b_lines{$store_line} = $line;
+ $store_line++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Store the final entry
+ $files{$file}->{"patch"} = [@checklines];
+ $files{$file}->{"b_lines"} = {%b_lines};
+ my %filter = map { $_ => $files{$_} } grep {m!^dali(-toolkit)?/!} (keys(%files));;
+ if($pd_debug)
+ {
+ print("Filtered files:\n");
+ foreach my $file (keys(%filter))
+ {
+ print("$file: ");
+ $patchref = $filter{$file}->{"patch"};
+ foreach my $lineblock (@$patchref)
+ {
+ print "$lineblock->[0]($lineblock->[1]) "
+ }
+ print ( "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return {%filter};
+sub show_patch_lines
+ my $filesref = shift;
+ print "\nNumber of files: " . scalar(keys(%$filesref)) . "\n";
+ for my $file (keys(%$filesref))
+ {
+ print("$file:");
+ my $clref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
+ for my $cl (@$clref)
+ {
+ print("($cl->[0],$cl->[1]) ");
+ }
+ print("\n");
+ }
+sub get_gcno_file
+ # Assumes test cases have been run, and "make rename_cov_data" has been executed
+ my $file = shift;
+ my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, (".c", ".cpp", ".h"));
+ my $gcno_file = $repo->wc_path() . "/build/tizen/.cov/$name.gcno";
+ # Note, will translate headers to their source's object, which
+ # may miss execution code in the headers (e.g. inlines are usually
+ # not all used in the implementation, and require getting coverage
+ # from test cases.
+ if( -f $gcno_file )
+ {
+ my $gcno_st = stat($gcno_file);
+ my $fq_file = $repo->wc_path() . $file;
+ my $src_st = stat($fq_file);
+ if($gcno_st->ctime < $src_st->mtime)
+ {
+ print "WARNING: GCNO $gcno_file older than SRC $fq_file\n";
+ $gcno_file="";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("WARNING: No equivalent gcno file for $file\n");
+ }
+ return $gcno_file;
+our %gcovfiles=();
+sub get_coverage
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $filesref = shift;
+ print("get_coverage($file)\n") if $debug;
+ my $gcno_file = get_gcno_file($file);
+ my @gcov_files = ();
+ my $gcovfile;
+ if( $gcno_file )
+ {
+ print "Running gcov on $gcno_file:\n" if $debug;
+ open( my $fh, "gcov --preserve-paths $gcno_file |") || die "Can't run gcov:$!\n";
+ while( <$fh> )
+ {
+ print $_ if $debug>=3;
+ chomp;
+ if( m!'(.*\.gcov)'$! )
+ {
+ my $coverage_file = $1; # File has / replaced with # and .. replaced with ^
+ my $source_file = $coverage_file;
+ $source_file =~ s!\^!..!g; # Change ^ to ..
+ $source_file =~ s!\#!/!g; # change #'s to /s
+ $source_file =~ s!.gcov$!!; # Strip off .gcov suffix
+ print "Matching $file against $source_file\n" if $debug >= 3;
+ # Only want the coverage files matching source file:
+ if(index( $source_file, $file ) > 0 )
+ {
+ $gcovfile = $coverage_file;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ if($gcovfile)
+ {
+ if($gcovfiles{$gcovfile} == undef)
+ {
+ # Only parse a gcov file once
+ $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"seen"}=1;
+ print "Getting coverage data from $gcovfile\n" if $debug;
+ open( FH, "< $gcovfile" ) || die "Can't open $gcovfile for reading:$!\n";
+ while(<FH>)
+ {
+ my ($cov, $line, @code ) = split( /:/, $_ );
+ $cov =~ s/^\s+//; # Strip leading space
+ $line =~ s/^\s+//;
+ my $code=join(":", @code);
+ if($cov =~ /\#/)
+ {
+ # There is no coverage data for these executable lines
+ $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"uncovered"}->{$line}++;
+ $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"src"}->{$line}=$code;
+ }
+ elsif( $cov ne "-" && looks_like_number($cov) && $cov > 0 )
+ {
+ $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"covered"}->{$line}=$cov;
+ $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"src"}->{$line}=$code;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # All other lines are not executable.
+ $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"src"}->{$line}=$code;
+ }
+ }
+ close( FH );
+ }
+ $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"} = $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}; # store hashref
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # No gcov output - the gcno file produced no coverage of the source/header
+ # Probably means that there is no coverage for the file (with the given
+ # test case - there may be some somewhere, but for the sake of speed, don't
+ # check (yet).
+ }
+ }
+# Run the git diff command to get the patch, then check the coverage
+# output for the patch.
+sub run_diff
+ my ($fh, $c) = $repo->command_output_pipe(@_);
+ our @patch=();
+ while(<$fh>)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ push @patch, $_;
+ }
+ $repo->command_close_pipe($fh, $c);
+ # @patch has slurped diff for all files...
+ my $filesref = parse_diff ( \@patch );
+ show_patch_lines($filesref) if $debug;
+ print "Checking coverage:\n" if $debug;
+ my $cwd=getcwd();
+ chdir ".cov" || die "Can't find $cwd/.cov:$!\n";
+ for my $file (keys(%$filesref))
+ {
+ my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr{\.[^.]*$});
+ if($suffix eq ".cpp" || $suffix eq ".c" || $suffix eq ".h")
+ {
+ get_coverage($file, $filesref);
+ }
+ }
+ chdir $cwd;
+ return $filesref;
+sub calc_patch_coverage_percentage
+ my $filesref = shift;
+ my $total_covered_lines = 0;
+ my $total_uncovered_lines = 0;
+ foreach my $file (keys(%$filesref))
+ {
+ my $covered_lines = 0;
+ my $uncovered_lines = 0;
+ my $patchref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
+ my $coverage_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"};
+ if( $coverage_ref )
+ {
+ for my $patch (@$patchref)
+ {
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $patch->[1]; $i++ )
+ {
+ my $line = $i + $patch->[0];
+ if($coverage_ref->{"covered"}->{$line})
+ {
+ $covered_lines++;
+ $total_covered_lines++;
+ }
+ if($coverage_ref->{"uncovered"}->{$line})
+ {
+ $uncovered_lines++;
+ $total_uncovered_lines++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} = $covered_lines;
+ $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} = $uncovered_lines;
+ my $total = $covered_lines + $uncovered_lines;
+ my $percent = 0;
+ if($total > 0)
+ {
+ $percent = $covered_lines / $total;
+ }
+ $coverage_ref->{"percent_covered"} = 100 * $percent;
+ }
+ }
+ my $total_exec = $total_covered_lines + $total_uncovered_lines;
+ my $percent = 0;
+ if($total_exec > 0) { $percent = 100 * $total_covered_lines / $total_exec; }
+ return $percent;
+sub patch_output
+ my $filesref = shift;
+ foreach my $file (keys(%$filesref))
+ {
+ my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr{\.[^.]*$});
+ next if($path !~ /^dali/);
+ my $patchref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
+ my $b_lines_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"b_lines"};
+ my $coverage_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"};
+ print BOLD, "$file ";
+ if($coverage_ref)
+ {
+ if( $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} > 0
+ ||
+ $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} > 0 )
+ {
+ print GREEN, "Covered: " . $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"}, RED, " Uncovered: " . $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"}, RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($suffix eq ".cpp" || $suffix eq ".c" || $suffix eq ".h")
+ {
+ print RED;
+ }
+ print "No coverage found";
+ }
+ print RESET "\n";
+ for my $patch (@$patchref)
+ {
+ my $hunkstr="Hunk: " . $patch->[0];
+ if( $patch->[1] > 1 )
+ {
+ $hunkstr .= " - " . ($patch->[0]+$patch->[1]-1);
+ }
+ print BOLD, "$hunkstr\n", RESET;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $patch->[1]; $i++ )
+ {
+ my $line = $i + $patch->[0];
+ printf "%-6s ", $line;
+ if($coverage_ref)
+ {
+ my $color;
+ if($coverage_ref->{"covered"}->{$line})
+ {
+ $color=GREEN;
+ }
+ elsif($coverage_ref->{"uncovered"}->{$line})
+ {
+ $color=BOLD . RED;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $color=BLACK;
+ }
+ my $src=$coverage_ref->{"src"}->{$line};
+ chomp($src);
+ print $color, "$src\n", RESET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # We don't have coverage data, so print it from the patch instead.
+ my $src = $b_lines_ref->{$line};
+ print "$src\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## MAIN ##
+my $cwd = getcwd();
+chdir $repo->wc_path();
+chdir "build/tizen";
+`make rename_cov_data`;
+my @cmd=('--no-pager','diff','--no-ext-diff','-U0','--no-color');
+my $status = $repo->command("status", "-s");
+if( $status eq "" )
+ # There are no changes in the index or working tree. Use the last patch instead
+ push @cmd, ('HEAD~1','HEAD');
+elsif($opt_cached) # TODO: Remove this option. Instead, need full diff
+ push @cmd, "--cached";
+push @cmd, @ARGV;
+my $filesref = run_diff(@cmd);
+my $percent = calc_patch_coverage_percentage($filesref);
+if( ! $opt_quiet )
+ patch_output($filesref);
+ my $color=BOLD RED;
+ if($percent>=90)
+ {
+ $color=GREEN;
+ }
+ printf("Percentage of change covered: $color %5.2f%\n" . RESET, $percent);
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+patch-coverage.pl - Determine if patch coverage is below 90%
+Calculates how well the most recent patch is covered (either the
+patch that is in the index+working directory, or HEAD).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 28
+=item B<-c|--cached>
+Use index files if there is nothing in the working tree
+=item B< --help>
+This help
+=item B<-q|--quiet>
+Don't generate any output
+0 if the coverage of source files is > 90%, otherwise 1
+=head1 EXAMPLES