// There are different heuristics we can use for this. Here are some simple
// ones.
- // Add has the property that adding any two 2's complement numbers can only
- // have one carry bit which can change a sign. As such, if LHS and RHS each
- // have at least two sign bits, we know that the addition of the two values
- // will sign extend fine.
+ // If LHS and RHS each have at least two sign bits, the addition will look
+ // like
+ //
+ // XX..... +
+ // YY.....
+ //
+ // If the carry into the most significant position is 0, X and Y can't both
+ // be 1 and therefore the carry out of the addition is also 0.
+ //
+ // If the carry into the most significant position is 1, X and Y can't both
+ // be 0 and therefore the carry out of the addition is also 1.
+ //
+ // Since the carry into the most significant position is always equal to
+ // the carry out of the addition, there is no signed overflow.
if (ComputeNumSignBits(LHS) > 1 && ComputeNumSignBits(RHS) > 1)
return true;
return BinaryOperator::CreateOr(A, B);
+ if (!I.hasNoSignedWrap() && WillNotOverflowSignedAdd(LHS, RHS)) {
+ Changed = true;
+ I.setHasNoSignedWrap(true);
+ }
return Changed ? &I : nullptr;
ret i64 %C ;; Should be (add (zext i8 -> i64), -1)
; CHECK-LABEL: @test43(
; CHECK-NEXT: %A = zext i8 %on_off to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT: %B = add i64 %A, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: %B = add nsw i64 %A, -1
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 %B
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_simplify13(
%ret = call i32 @ffs(i32 %x)
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CTTZ:%[a-z0-9]+]] = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 false)
-; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add nsw i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ne i32 %x, 0
; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[INC]], i32 0
ret i32 %ret
; CHECK-LINUX-LABEL: @test_simplify14(
%ret = call i32 @ffsl(i32 %x)
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CTTZ:%[a-z0-9]+]] = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 false)
-; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
+; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add nsw i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ne i32 %x, 0
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[RET:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[INC]], i32 0
ret i32 %ret
; CHECK-LINUX-LABEL: @test_simplify15(
%ret = call i32 @ffsll(i64 %x)
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CTTZ:%[a-z0-9]+]] = call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %x, i1 false)
-; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add i64 [[CTTZ]], 1
+; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add nsw i64 [[CTTZ]], 1
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = trunc i64 [[INC]] to i32
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ne i64 %x, 0
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[RET:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[TRUNC]], i32 0
; CHECK-LABEL: @test14(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[SHL:%.*]] = shl i32 1, %y
; CHECK-NEXT: [[ZEXT:%.*]] = zext i32 [[SHL]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD:%.*]] = add i64 [[ZEXT]], -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD:%.*]] = add nsw i64 [[ZEXT]], -1
; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%.*]] = and i64 [[ADD]], %x
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 [[AND]]
%shl = shl i32 1, %y
; CHECK-NEXT: %t1 = shl i32 %X, 8
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i32 %t1, 512
; CHECK-NEXT: %2 = xor i32 %1, 512
-; CHECK-NEXT: %3 = add i32 %2, 577
+; CHECK-NEXT: %3 = add nsw i32 %2, 577
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %3
; CHECK-LABEL: @test15j(
; CHECK-NEXT: %t1 = shl i32 %X, 8
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i32 %t1, 512
-; CHECK-NEXT: %2 = add i32 %1, 577
+; CHECK-NEXT: %2 = add nsw i32 %1, 577
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %2
; CHECK-LABEL: @test35(
; CHECK: ashr i32 %x, 31
; CHECK: and i32 {{.*}}, 40
-; CHECK: add i32 {{.*}}, 60
+; CHECK: add nsw i32 {{.*}}, 60
; CHECK: ret
; CHECK-LABEL: @test36(
; CHECK: ashr i32 %x, 31
; CHECK: and i32 {{.*}}, -40
-; CHECK: add i32 {{.*}}, 100
+; CHECK: add nsw i32 {{.*}}, 100
; CHECK: ret
; CHECK-LABEL: @test13(
; CHECK-NEXT: %and = lshr i32 %x, 3
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i32 %and, 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add i32 %1, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add nsw i32 %1, -1
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %sext
; CHECK-LABEL: @test14(
; CHECK-NEXT: %and = lshr i16 %x, 4
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i16 %and, 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add i16 %1, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add nsw i16 %1, -1
; CHECK-NEXT: %ext = sext i16 %sext to i32
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %ext
; CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = sext i1 %y to i32
; CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = select i1 %x, i32 2, i32 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: add i32 [[TMP2]], [[TMP1]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: add nsw i32 [[TMP2]], [[TMP1]]
%conv = zext i1 %x to i32
%conv3 = zext i1 %y to i32
%conv3.neg = sub i32 0, %conv3