This allows specifying LDFLAGS for the introspection scanner.
LDFLAGS are currently just appended to the CFLAGS as the current scanner
doesn't make the difference between both, but it looked wrong to include
LDFLAGS in the middle of CFLAGS for g-ir-scanner.
# LIBTOOL - Command to invoke libtool, usually set by automake
# SCANNERFLAGS - Flags to pass in to the scanner, see g-ir-scanner(1) for a list
# CFLAGS - Flags to pass in to the parser when scanning headers
+# LDFLAGS - Linker flags used by the scanner
# PACKAGES - list of pkg-config names which cflags are required to parse
# the headers of this gir
# INCLUDES - Gir files to include without the .gir suffix, for instance
$(_gir_includes) \
$($(_gir_name)_SCANNERFLAGS) \
$($(_gir_name)_CFLAGS) \
+ $($(_gir_name)_LDFLAGS) \
$$^ \
--output $(1)