E: mterlo1 "at" uic "dot" edu
D: Multisection support for "-f bin"
+N: Martin Wawro
+D: stabs debug support for "-f elf"
+N: Alexei Frounze
+E: alexfru@users.sourceforge.net
+D: "-I" paths searched for "incbined" files
+D: bugswatting
+* Paths given in "-I" switch searched for "incbin"ed as
+ well as "%include"ed files.
* Added stabs debugging for the ELF output format, patch from
Martin Wawro.
* Fix output/outbin.c to allow origin > 80000000h
#include "nasmlib.h"
#include "assemble.h"
#include "insns.h"
+#include "preproc.h"
extern struct itemplate *nasm_instructions[];
static char fname[FILENAME_MAX];
FILE * fp;
long len;
+ char *prefix = "", *combine;
+ char** pPrevPath = NULL;
if (len > instruction->eops->stringlen)
strncpy (fname, instruction->eops->stringval, len);
fname[len] = '\0';
- if ( (fp = fopen(fname, "rb")) == NULL)
+ while (1) /* added by alexfru: 'incbin' uses include paths */
+ {
+ combine = nasm_malloc(strlen(prefix) + len + 1);
+ strcpy(combine, prefix);
+ strcat(combine, fname);
+ if ( (fp = fopen(combine, "rb")) != NULL)
+ {
+ nasm_free(combine);
+ break;
+ }
+ nasm_free(combine);
+ pPrevPath = pp_get_include_path_ptr (pPrevPath);
+ if (pPrevPath == NULL)
+ break;
+ prefix = *pPrevPath;
+ }
+ if (fp == NULL)
error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': unable to open file `%s'", fname);
else if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) < 0)
error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': unable to seek on file `%s'",
char fname[FILENAME_MAX];
FILE * fp;
long len;
+ char *prefix = "", *combine;
+ char** pPrevPath = NULL;
if (len > instruction->eops->stringlen)
len = instruction->eops->stringlen;
strncpy (fname, instruction->eops->stringval, len);
fname[len] = '\0';
- if ( (fp = fopen(fname, "rb")) == NULL )
+ while (1) /* added by alexfru: 'incbin' uses include paths */
+ {
+ combine = nasm_malloc(strlen(prefix) + len + 1);
+ strcpy(combine, prefix);
+ strcat(combine, fname);
+ if ( (fp = fopen(combine, "rb")) != NULL)
+ {
+ nasm_free(combine);
+ break;
+ }
+ nasm_free(combine);
+ pPrevPath = pp_get_include_path_ptr (pPrevPath);
+ if (pPrevPath == NULL)
+ break;
+ prefix = *pPrevPath;
+ }
+ if (fp == NULL)
error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': unable to open file `%s'", fname);
else if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) < 0)
error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': unable to seek on file `%s'",
\S{opt-i} The \i\c{-i}\I\c{-I} Option: Include File Search Directories
-When NASM sees the \i\c{%include} directive in a source file (see
-\k{include}), it will search for the given file not only in the
+When NASM sees the \i\c{%include} or \i\c{incbin} directive in
+a source file (see \k{include} or \k{incbin}),
+it will search for the given file not only in the
current directory, but also in any directories specified on the
command line by the use of the \c{-i} option. Therefore you can
include files from a \i{macro library}, for example, by typing
by noting that the option \c{-ifoo} will cause \c{%include "bar.i"}
to search for the file \c{foobar.i}...)
-\#FIXME - the above is not true - see the "backslash()" function
If you want to define a \e{standard} \i{include search path},
similar to \c{/usr/include} on Unix systems, you should place one or
more \c{-i} directives in the \c{NASMENV} environment variable (see
pp_include_path(char *path)
IncPath *i;
+/* by alexfru: order of path inclusion fixed (was reverse order) */
i = nasm_malloc(sizeof(IncPath));
i->path = nasm_strdup(path);
- i->next = ipath;
+ i->next = NULL;
+ if (ipath != NULL)
+ {
+ IncPath *j = ipath;
+ while (j->next != NULL)
+ j = j->next;
+ j->next = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
ipath = i;
+ * added by alexfru:
+ *
+ * This function is used to "export" the include paths, e.g.
+ * the paths specified in the '-I' command switch.
+ * The need for such exporting is due to the 'incbin' directive,
+ * which includes raw binary files (unlike '%include', which
+ * includes text source files). It would be real nice to be
+ * able to specify paths to search for incbin'ned files also.
+ * So, this is a simple workaround.
+ *
+ * The function use is simple:
+ *
+ * The 1st call (with NULL argument) returns a pointer to the 1st path
+ * (char** type) or NULL if none include paths available.
+ *
+ * All subsequent calls take as argument the value returned by this
+ * function last. The return value is either the next path
+ * (char** type) or NULL if the end of the paths list is reached.
+ *
+ * It is maybe not the best way to do things, but I didn't want
+ * to export too much, just one or two functions and no types or
+ * variables exported.
+ *
+ * Can't say I like the current situation with e.g. this path list either,
+ * it seems to be never deallocated after creation...
+ */
+pp_get_include_path_ptr (char **pPrevPath)
+/* This macro returns offset of a member of a structure */
+#define GetMemberOffset(StructType,MemberName)\
+ ((size_t)&((StructType*)0)->MemberName)
+ IncPath *i;
+ if (pPrevPath == NULL)
+ {
+ if(ipath != NULL)
+ return &ipath->path;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ i = (IncPath*) ((char*)pPrevPath - GetMemberOffset(IncPath,path));
+ i = i->next;
+ if (i != NULL)
+ return &i->path;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+#undef GetMemberOffset
pp_pre_include(char *fname)
void pp_include_path (char *);
+char** pp_get_include_path_ptr (char **pPrevPath);
void pp_pre_include (char *);
void pp_pre_define (char *);
void pp_pre_undefine (char *);