EXO_THROW("perm of TFLTranspose should be either ConstGen or TFLConst");
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const locoex::TFLTransposeConv *node) final
+ {
+ // TransposeConv's output shape is written in its 'inputSizes' argument
+ auto input_sizes_const = dynamic_cast<locoex::TFLConst *>(node->inputSizes());
+ EXO_ASSERT(input_sizes_const, "Only support when TFLTransposeConv's inputSizes is TFLConst")
+ EXO_ASSERT(input_sizes_const->dtype() == loco::DataType::S32, "Only support S32 dtype")
+ EXO_ASSERT(input_sizes_const->rank() == 1 && input_sizes_const->dim(0).value() == 4,
+ "Only support rank 1 with 4 entries")
+ loco::TensorShape shape;
+ shape.rank(4);
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < 4; ++axis)
+ shape.dim(axis) = input_sizes_const->at<loco::DataType::S32>(axis);
+ return loco::NodeShape{shape};
+ }
} // namespace