= None
self.operation = None
+ self.search_state = None
+ self.next_match = None
+ self.prev_match = None
+ self.scroll_match = False
self.sentinel = SearchSentinel ()
self.sentinel.handle_match_found = self.handle_match_found
def handle_goto_next_search_result_action_activate (self, action):
- model = self.log_view.props.model
+ if self.next_match is None:
+ self.logger.warning ("inconsistent action sensitivity")
+ return
- start_path, end_path = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()
- start_index, end_index = start_path[0], end_path[0]
+ self.scroll_view_to_line (self.next_match)
+ self.next_match = None
- for line_index in self.matches:
- if line_index > end_index:
- break
- else:
- return
+ end_path = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()[1]
+ new_position = end_path[0] + 1
+ self.start_search_operation (start_position = new_position)
+ # FIXME: Finish.
- self.scroll_view_to_line (line_index)
+ ## model = self.log_view.props.model
+ ## start_path, end_path = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()
+ ## start_index, end_index = start_path[0], end_path[0]
+ ## for line_index in self.matches:
+ ## if line_index > end_index:
+ ## break
+ ## else:
+ ## return
+ ## self.scroll_view_to_line (line_index)
def handle_entry_changed (self, entry):
- # FIXME: If the new search operation is stricter than the previous one
- # (find as you type!), re-use the previous results for a nice
- # performance gain (by only searching in previous results again)
self.clear_results ()
model = self.log_view.props.model
column = self.window.column_manager.find_item (name = "message")
if search_string == "":
self.logger.debug ("search string set to '', aborting search")
+ self.search_state = None
+ self.next_match = None
+ self.prev_match = None
+ self.update_sensitivity ()
self.sentinel.abort ()
self.clear_results ()
self.logger.debug ("starting search for %r", search_string)
+ self.next_match = None
+ self.prev_match = None
+ self.update_sensitivity ()
+ self.scroll_match = True
start_path = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()[0]
- self.operation = SearchOperation (model, search_string, start_position = start_path[0])
- self.sentinel.run_for (self.operation)
+ self.start_search_operation (search_string, start_position = start_path[0]) ()
column.highlighters[self] = self.operation.match_func
self.window.update_view ()
+ def update_sensitivity (self):
+ for name, value in (("goto-next-search-result", self.next_match,),
+ ("goto-previous-search-result", self.prev_match,),):
+ action = self.action_group.get_action (name)
+ action.props.sensitive = (value is not None)
+ def start_search_operation (self, search_string = None, forward = True, start_position = None):
+ model = self.log_view.props.model
+ if forward:
+ self.search_state = "search-forward"
+ if start_position is None:
+ start_position = 0
+ else:
+ self.search_state = "search-backward"
+ if start_position is None:
+ start_position = len (model) - 1
+ if search_string is None:
+ operation = self.operation
+ if operation is None:
+ raise ValueError ("search_string not given but have no previous search operation")
+ search_string = operation.search_string
+ self.operation = SearchOperation (model, search_string, start_position = start_position)
+ self.sentinel.run_for (self.operation)
def handle_match_found (self, model, tree_iter):
+ if not self.search_state in ("search-forward", "search-backward",):
+ self.logger.warning ("inconsistent search state %r", self.search_state)
+ return
line_index = model.get_path (tree_iter)[0]
- self.matches.append (line_index)
+ forward_search = (self.search_state == "search-forward")
+ if forward_search:
+ self.logger.debug ("forward search for %r matches line %i",
+ self.operation.search_string, line_index)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug ("backward search for %r matches line %i",
+ self.operation.search_string, line_index)
- self.update_results ()
+ self.sentinel.abort ()
- if len (self.matches) == 1:
+ if self.scroll_match:
+ self.logger.debug ("scrolling to matching line")
self.scroll_view_to_line (line_index)
- elif len (self.matches) > 10000:
- self.sentinel.abort ()
+ # FIXME: Implement backward search!!!
+ # Now search for the next one:
+ self.scroll_match = False
+ self.start_search_operation (start_position = line_index + 1)
+ else:
+ if forward_search:
+ self.next_match = line_index
+ else:
+ self.prev_match = line_index
+ self.update_sensitivity ()
+ ()
def handle_search_complete (self):
- self.update_results (finished = True)
- self.logger.debug ("search for %r complete, got %i results",
- self.operation.search_string,
- len (self.matches))
+ if self.search_state == "search-forward":
+ self.logger.debug ("forward search for %r reached last line",
+ self.operation.search_string)
+ self.next_match = None
+ elif self.search_state == "search-backward":
+ self.logger.debug ("backward search for %r reached first line",
+ self.operation.search_string)
+ self.prev_match = None
+ else:
+ self.logger.warning ("inconsistent search state %r",
+ self.search_state)
+ return
+ self.update_sensitivity ()
+ if self.prev_match is None and self.next_match is None:
+ ()
def update_results (self, finished = False):