-void JSObject::AddFastProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
- Handle<Name> name,
- Handle<Object> value,
- PropertyAttributes attributes,
- StoreFromKeyed store_mode,
- ValueType value_type,
- TransitionFlag flag) {
- ASSERT(!object->IsJSGlobalProxy());
+MaybeHandle<Map> Map::CopyWithField(Handle<Map> map,
+ Handle<Name> name,
+ Handle<HeapType> type,
+ PropertyAttributes attributes,
+ Representation representation,
+ TransitionFlag flag) {
ASSERT(DescriptorArray::kNotFound ==
- object->map()->instance_descriptors()->Search(
- *name, object->map()->NumberOfOwnDescriptors()));
+ map->instance_descriptors()->Search(
+ *name, map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors()));
+ // Ensure the descriptor array does not get too big.
+ if (map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors() >= kMaxNumberOfDescriptors) {
+ return MaybeHandle<Map>();
+ }
// Normalize the object if the name is an actual name (not the
// hidden strings) and is not a real identifier.
// Normalize the object if it will have too many fast properties.
- Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
- if (!name->IsCacheable(isolate) ||
- object->TooManyFastProperties(store_mode)) {
- NormalizeProperties(object, CLEAR_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES, 0);
- AddSlowProperty(object, name, value, attributes);
- return;
- }
- // Allocate new instance descriptors with (name, index) added
- if (object->IsJSContextExtensionObject()) value_type = FORCE_TAGGED;
- Representation representation = value->OptimalRepresentation(value_type);
+ Isolate* isolate = map->GetIsolate();
+ if (!name->IsCacheable(isolate)) return MaybeHandle<Map>();
// Compute the new index for new field.
- int index = object->map()->NextFreePropertyIndex();
+ int index = map->NextFreePropertyIndex();
+ if (map->instance_type() == JS_CONTEXT_EXTENSION_OBJECT_TYPE) {
+ representation = Representation::Tagged();
+ type = HeapType::Any(isolate);
+ }
- Handle<HeapType> type = value->OptimalType(isolate, representation);
FieldDescriptor new_field_desc(name, index, type, attributes, representation);
- Handle<Map> new_map = Map::CopyAddDescriptor(
- handle(object->map()), &new_field_desc, flag);
+ Handle<Map> new_map = Map::CopyAddDescriptor(map, &new_field_desc, flag);
int unused_property_fields = new_map->unused_property_fields() - 1;
if (unused_property_fields < 0) {
unused_property_fields += JSObject::kFieldsAdded;
+ return new_map;
+MaybeHandle<Map> Map::CopyWithConstant(Handle<Map> map,
+ Handle<Name> name,
+ Handle<Object> constant,
+ PropertyAttributes attributes,
+ TransitionFlag flag) {
+ // Ensure the descriptor array does not get too big.
+ if (map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors() >= kMaxNumberOfDescriptors) {
+ return MaybeHandle<Map>();
+ }
+ // Allocate new instance descriptors with (name, constant) added.
+ ConstantDescriptor new_constant_desc(name, constant, attributes);
+ return Map::CopyAddDescriptor(map, &new_constant_desc, flag);
+void JSObject::AddFastProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
+ Handle<Name> name,
+ Handle<Object> value,
+ PropertyAttributes attributes,
+ StoreFromKeyed store_mode,
+ ValueType value_type,
+ TransitionFlag flag) {
+ ASSERT(!object->IsJSGlobalProxy());
+ MaybeHandle<Map> maybe_map;
+ if (value->IsJSFunction()) {
+ maybe_map = Map::CopyWithConstant(
+ handle(object->map()), name, value, attributes, flag);
+ } else if (!object->TooManyFastProperties(store_mode)) {
+ Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
+ Representation representation = value->OptimalRepresentation(value_type);
+ maybe_map = Map::CopyWithField(
+ handle(object->map(), isolate), name,
+ value->OptimalType(isolate, representation),
+ attributes, representation, flag);
+ }
+ Handle<Map> new_map;
+ if (!maybe_map.ToHandle(&new_map)) {
+ NormalizeProperties(object, CLEAR_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES, 0);
+ return;
+ }
JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, new_map);
+ PropertyDetails details = new_map->GetLastDescriptorDetails();
+ if (details.type() != FIELD) return;
+ Representation representation = details.representation();
+ int index = details.field_index();
if (representation.IsDouble()) {
// Nothing more to be done.
if (value->IsUninitialized()) return;
-void JSObject::AddConstantProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
- Handle<Name> name,
- Handle<Object> constant,
- PropertyAttributes attributes,
- TransitionFlag initial_flag) {
- ASSERT(!object->IsGlobalObject());
- // Don't add transitions to special properties with non-trivial attributes.
- TransitionFlag flag = attributes != NONE ? OMIT_TRANSITION : initial_flag;
- // Allocate new instance descriptors with (name, constant) added.
- ConstantDescriptor new_constant_desc(name, constant, attributes);
- Handle<Map> new_map = Map::CopyAddDescriptor(
- handle(object->map()), &new_constant_desc, flag);
- JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, new_map);
void JSObject::AddSlowProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> value,
if (object->HasFastProperties()) {
- // Ensure the descriptor array does not get too big.
- if (object->map()->NumberOfOwnDescriptors() <= kMaxNumberOfDescriptors) {
- // TODO(verwaest): Support other constants.
- // if (mode == ALLOW_AS_CONSTANT &&
- // !value->IsTheHole() &&
- // !value->IsConsString()) {
- if (value->IsJSFunction()) {
- AddConstantProperty(object, name, value, attributes, transition_flag);
- } else {
- AddFastProperty(object, name, value, attributes, store_mode,
- value_type, transition_flag);
- }
- } else {
- // Normalize the object to prevent very large instance descriptors.
- // This eliminates unwanted N^2 allocation and lookup behavior.
- NormalizeProperties(object, CLEAR_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES, 0);
- AddSlowProperty(object, name, value, attributes);
- }
- } else {
+ AddFastProperty(object, name, value, attributes, store_mode,
+ value_type, transition_flag);
+ }
+ if (!object->HasFastProperties()) {
AddSlowProperty(object, name, value, attributes);
-static Handle<Map> CopyInsertDescriptor(Handle<Map> map,
- Handle<Name> name,
- Handle<AccessorPair> accessors,
- PropertyAttributes attributes) {
- CallbacksDescriptor new_accessors_desc(name, accessors, attributes);
- return Map::CopyInsertDescriptor(map, &new_accessors_desc, INSERT_TRANSITION);
bool JSObject::DefineFastAccessor(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
AccessorComponent component,
? AccessorPair::Copy(Handle<AccessorPair>(source_accessors))
: isolate->factory()->NewAccessorPair();
accessors->set(component, *accessor);
- Handle<Map> new_map = CopyInsertDescriptor(Handle<Map>(object->map()),
- name, accessors, attributes);
+ CallbacksDescriptor new_accessors_desc(name, accessors, attributes);
+ Handle<Map> new_map = Map::CopyInsertDescriptor(
+ handle(object->map()), &new_accessors_desc, INSERT_TRANSITION);
JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, new_map);
return true;
StoreMode mode = ALLOW_AS_CONSTANT,
TransitionFlag flag = INSERT_TRANSITION);
- // Add a constant function property to a fast-case object.
- // This leaves a CONSTANT_TRANSITION in the old map, and
- // if it is called on a second object with this map, a
- // normal property is added instead, with a map transition.
- // This avoids the creation of many maps with the same constant
- // function, all orphaned.
- static void AddConstantProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
- Handle<Name> name,
- Handle<Object> constant,
- PropertyAttributes attributes,
- TransitionFlag flag);
// Add a property to a fast-case object.
static void AddFastProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors,
TransitionFlag flag,
SimpleTransitionFlag simple_flag = FULL_TRANSITION);
- static Handle<Map> CopyAddDescriptor(Handle<Map> map,
- Descriptor* descriptor,
- TransitionFlag flag);
static Handle<Map> CopyInsertDescriptor(Handle<Map> map,
Descriptor* descriptor,
TransitionFlag flag);
int index,
TransitionFlag flag);
+ MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Map> CopyWithField(
+ Handle<Map> map,
+ Handle<Name> name,
+ Handle<HeapType> type,
+ PropertyAttributes attributes,
+ Representation representation,
+ TransitionFlag flag);
+ MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Map> CopyWithConstant(
+ Handle<Map> map,
+ Handle<Name> name,
+ Handle<Object> constant,
+ PropertyAttributes attributes,
+ TransitionFlag flag);
static Handle<Map> AsElementsKind(Handle<Map> map, ElementsKind kind);
static Handle<Map> CopyAsElementsKind(Handle<Map> map,
Handle<Map> map,
int new_descriptor,
Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors);
+ static Handle<Map> CopyAddDescriptor(Handle<Map> map,
+ Descriptor* descriptor,
+ TransitionFlag flag);
// Zaps the contents of backing data structures. Note that the
// heap verifier (i.e. VerifyMarkingVisitor) relies on zapping of objects
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
static const int transitions_count = 256;
+ CompileRun("function F() {}");
AlwaysAllocateScope always_allocate(CcTest::i_isolate());
for (int i = 0; i < transitions_count; i++) {
EmbeddedVector<char, 64> buffer;
- OS::SNPrintF(buffer, "var o = new Object; o.prop%d = %d;", i, i);
+ OS::SNPrintF(buffer, "var o = new F; o.prop%d = %d;", i, i);
- CompileRun("var root = new Object;");
+ CompileRun("var root = new F;");
Handle<JSObject> root =
AlwaysAllocateScope always_allocate(CcTest::i_isolate());
for (int i = 0; i < transitions_count; i++) {
EmbeddedVector<char, 64> buffer;
- OS::SNPrintF(buffer, "var o = new Object; o.prop%d = %d;", i, i);
+ OS::SNPrintF(buffer, "var o = new F; o.prop%d = %d;", i, i);
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
static const int transitions_count = 10;
+ CompileRun("function F() { }");
- CompileRun("var root = new Object;");
+ CompileRun("var root = new F;");
Handle<JSObject> root = GetByName("root");
// Count number of live transitions before marking.
CHECK_EQ(transitions_count, transitions_before);
// Get rid of o
- CompileRun("o = new Object;"
- "root = new Object");
+ CompileRun("o = new F;"
+ "root = new F");
root = GetByName("root");
AddPropertyTo(2, root, "funny");
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
static const int transitions_count = 10;
+ CompileRun("function F() {}");
- CompileRun("var root = new Object;");
+ CompileRun("var root = new F;");
Handle<JSObject> root = GetByName("root");
// Count number of live transitions before marking.
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
static const int transitions_count = 10;
+ CompileRun("function F() {}");
- CompileRun("var root = new Object;");
+ CompileRun("var root = new F;");
Handle<JSObject> root = GetByName("root");
// Count number of live transitions before marking.
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
static const int transitions_count = 1;
+ CompileRun("function F() {}");
- CompileRun("var root = new Object;");
+ CompileRun("var root = new F;");
Handle<JSObject> root = GetByName("root");
// Count number of live transitions before marking.
int transitions_before = CountMapTransitions(root->map());
CHECK_EQ(transitions_count, transitions_before);
- CompileRun("o = new Object;"
- "root = new Object");
+ CompileRun("o = new F;"
+ "root = new F");
root = GetByName("root");
AddPropertyTo(2, root, "happy");