plan tests => 4;
use File::Spec;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- # This magick is needed to make the VMS I/O system to believe
- # that there's life after eight directory levels (this makes
- # it believe there's life until sixteen levels). The filesystem
- # has no limitation as such.
- my $here = $DEFAULT_DIR;
- my ($dev,$dir) = File::Spec->splitpath($here);
- $dev =~ s/:$//;
- $dev = $ENV{$dev} if exists($ENV{$dev});
- $dev .= ':' if $dev !~ /:/;
- $here = File::Spec->canonpath($dev.$dir);
- $here =~ s/\]$/.]/;
- system "define/nolog/job/trans=conceal temp_perl_base $here";
- chdir('temp_perl_base:[000000]');
- }
-END {
- chdir($DEFAULT_DIR) if $^O eq 'VMS';
- system "deassign/job temp_perl_base";
use Pod::Find qw(pod_find pod_where);