--- /dev/null
+.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+Relay Pass Infra
+Relay features a series of optimization passes which improve performance metrics
+of models such as mean inference, memory footprint, or power consumption for
+specific devices. There is a suite of standard optimizations as well as machine
+learning-specific optimizations including constant folding, dead code
+elimination, operator layout alteration, and operator fusion, etc. Each of these
+passes is structured as a Relay-to-Relay transformation on the abstract syntax
+tree (AST) using the analysis result collected during and/or before traversal.
+However, as Relay evolves quickly, the need for a more systematic and efficient
+way to manage these passes is becoming apparent. This doc describes the design of
+such an infra that takes the advantage of the way production compilers are used to
+manage the optimization passes and the style modern deep learning frameworks
+adopted to build up layers.
+For example, many existing production compilers, such as GCC and LLVM, employ
+pass managers to effectively manage the execution of passes. Initially managing
+passes is straightforward as the number of passes is small, but mature compilers
+will contain hundreds of individual passes. Often external users will want to
+have custom passes correctly scheduled without having to modify a single
+handcrafted pass order.
+Similarly, modern deep learning frameworks, such as Pytorch and MXNet
+Gluon, also have the tendency to enable pass-style layer construction
+scheme through `Sequential`_ and `Block`_, respectively. With such constructs,
+these modern frameworks are able to conveniently add modules/layers to their
+containers and build up neural networks easily.
+The design of the Relay pass infra is largely inspired by the the hierarchical
+pass manager used in LLVM and the block-style containers used in the popular
+deep learning frameworks. The major goals of the pass infra include:
+#) enabling better programmatic orchestration of optimizations. This allows
+ users to flexibly customize and build their own optimization pipelines.
+#) providing a user-friendly way to debug optimization passes.
+#) alleviating developers from manually and respectively resolving the
+ dependencies between passes.
+#) simplifying the implementation of new passes for developers. For example, we
+ allow users to implement a pass in Python and let the pass infra manipulate
+ its execution.
+The Design
+We focus on ease of extension for users, making it possible for users to quickly
+add new passes without loss of backward compatibility. The design contains both
+the backend and the frontend. The former implements the main logic of the pass
+infra. The latter provides simple APIs for users to interact with, i.e.,
+allowing users to quickly create their own optimization pipelines.
+C++ Backend
+We provide a ``PassInfo`` object to contain the basic information needed by
+a pass. ``name`` is the pass name, ``opt_level`` indicates at which optimization
+level the pass will be enabled, and ``required`` represents the passes that are
+required to execute a certain pass (see `include/tvm/relay/transform.h`_ for
+more details). For example, during registration of a pass (will be covered in
+later), the pass developers can specify the name of the pass, the optimization
+level it will be performed at, and/or the passes that are required.
+``opt_level`` could be used to help the pass infra identify if a certain pass
+needes to be executed when running under a user-provided optimization level. The
+``required`` field can be used by the pass infra to resolve pass dependencies.
+.. code:: c++
+ class PassInfoNode : public RelayNode {
+ std::string name;
+ int opt_level;
+ std::vector<std::string> required;
+ };
+``PassContext`` carries useful information for an optimization pass. For
+example, it contains the error reporting system so optimization authors can
+provide diagnostics about why an optimization fails. ``PassContext`` is also
+designed to replace the old ``BuildConfig`` which was used to help users
+configure the compilation options, including optimization level and
+required/disabled passes, etc. For instance, we may have a configuration which
+performs all passes at ``opt_level=3`` with some disabled passes using
+``disabled_pass=xx`` provided by ``PassContext``. Now we could glob all passes
+at ``opt_level=3`` and exclude those in the disabled pass list.
+This class is designed for users to conveniently write the Python ``with``
+syntax to perform optimizations under a certain configuration. In addition, the
+users can obtain the context that is available within a certain program scope in
+a thread-safe way through ``PassContext::Current()``, since a thread-local store
+``RelayPassContextThreadLocalStore`` is used to hold the created pass context
+objects. Examples will be provided later to show how we can use both the C++ and
+Python APIs to create a compilation pipeline using pass context.
+.. code:: c++
+ class PassContextNode : public RelayNode {
+ public:
+ ErrorReporter err_reporter;
+ int opt_level{2};
+ int fallback_device{static_cast<int>(kDLCPU)};
+ tvm::Array<tvm::Expr> required_pass;
+ tvm::Array<tvm::Expr> disabled_pass;
+ };
+ class PassContext : public NodeRef {
+ public:
+ TVM_DLL static PassContext Create();
+ TVM_DLL static PassContext Current();
+ /* Other fields are omitted. */
+ private:
+ // The entry of a pass context scope.
+ TVM_DLL void EnterWithScope();
+ // The exit of a pass context scope.
+ TVM_DLL void ExitWithScope();
+ // Classes to get the Python `with` like syntax.
+ friend class tvm::With<PassContext>;
+ };
+ struct RelayPassContextThreadLocalEntry {
+ /*! \brief The default pass context. */
+ PassContext default_context;
+ /*! \brief The current pass context. */
+ std::stack<PassContext> context_stack;
+ RelayPassContextThreadLocalEntry() {
+ default_context = PassContext(make_node<PassContextNode>());
+ }
+ };
+ /*! \brief The thread-local store to hold the pass context. */
+ typedef dmlc::ThreadLocalStore<RelayPassContextThreadLocalEntry>
+ RelayPassContextThreadLocalStore;
+Pass Constructs
+The pass infra is designed in a hierarchical manner, and it could work at
+different granularities of Relay programs. A pure virtual class ``PassNode`` is
+introduced to serve as the base of the different optimization passes. This class
+contains several virtual methods that must be implemented by the
+subclasses at the level of modules, functions, or sequences of passes..
+.. code:: c++
+ class PassNode : RelayNode {
+ virtual PassInfo Info() const = 0;
+ virtual Module operator()(const Module& mod
+ const PassContext& pass_ctx) const = 0;
+ };
+The functor shows how a pass must be realized, i.e. it always works on a `Relay
+module`_ under a certain context. All passes are designed in a ``Module`` to ``Module``
+manner. Therefore, optimizations governed by the pass infra will
+always update the whole module.
+Several subclasses have been created to implement different types of
+optimization passes, e.g., function-level passes, module-level passes, and
+sequential passes. Each subclass itself could act as a pass manager. For
+instance, they could collect the required passes and execute them or build
+a dependency graph based on the given metadata. The full definition of them
+can be found in `src/relay/pass/pass_manager.cc`_
+Module-Level Passes
+Module level passes are geared mainly for global and inter-procedural
+optimizations (IPO), which are similar to the module pass used in LLVM. Some
+typical passes in Relay that need the global picture of a module, such as
+A-normal form conversion and lambda lifting, etc., fall into this set. At this
+level, users can even add and/or delete functions in a module.
+.. code:: c++
+ class ModulePassNode : PassNode {
+ PassInfo pass_info;
+ runtime::TypedPackedFunc<Module(Module, PassContext)> pass_func;
+ Module operator()(const Module& mod, const PassContext& pass_ctx) const final;
+ // Other members/methods are omitted
+ };
+``pass_info`` maintains the information needed by a module-level pass.
+``pass_func`` sketches the real optimization. For example, we may need to
+perform dead code elimination on the module. We could implement the algorithm in
+the ``pass_func`` and let it run on a module. It will then remove the dead code
+including the unused functions in the module. Note that this field is designed
+as a packed function, which enables the implementation of the optimization in
+both C++ and Python.
+Function-Level Passes
+Function-level passes are used to implement various intra-function level
+optimizations for a given Relay module. It fetches one function at a time from
+the function list of a module for optimization and yields a rewritten Relay
+function. Most of Relay's passes can be classified into this category, such as
+common subexpression elimination and inference simplification, etc.
+Note that the scope of passes at this level is a Relay function. Therefore, we
+cannot add or delete a function through these passes as they are not aware of
+the global information.
+.. code:: c++
+ class FunctionPassNode : PassNode {
+ PassInfo pass_info;
+ runtime::TypedPackedFunc<Function(Function, Module, PassContext)> pass_func;
+ Module operator()(const Module& mod, const PassContext& pass_ctx) const final;
+ bool SkipFunction(const Function& func) const;
+ // Other members/methods are omitted...
+ };
+``pass_info`` is identical to what we just described in the module pass.
+``pass_func`` takes a function for optimization, it also needs a module as we
+may use it for reporting errors. A function could be annotated with
+"SkipOptimization" so that it will be ignored during optimization.
+Sequential Passes
+``SequentialPass`` is similar to Pytorch ``nn.Sequential`` that contains a host
+of passes for execution.
+.. code:: c++
+ class SequentialPassNode : PassNode {
+ PassInfo pass_info;
+ // Passes need to be executed.
+ Array<Pass> passes;
+ bool PassEnabled(const PassInfo& info) const;
+ Module operator()(const Module& mod, const PassContext& pass_ctx) const final;
+ };
+Only a few passes currently in Relay are put in this group. For example,
+``FoldScaleAxis`` requires to dispatch ``ForwardFoldScaleAxis`` and
+``BackwardFoldScaleAxis`` internally. In addition, ``BackwardFoldScaleAxis`` is
+recommended to be fulfilled first. This pass, hence, is an ideal candidate for
+The following code shows how individual passes in a sequential pass are invoked.
+Essentially, we sequentially execute each pass in a sequential pass using the
+order that they were appended to the pass list.
+.. code:: c++
+ Module SequentialNode::operator()(const Module& module,
+ const PassContext& pass_ctx) const {
+ Module mod = module;
+ for (const Pass& pass : passes) {
+ CHECK(pass.defined()) << "Found undefined pass for optimization.";
+ const PassInfo& pass_info = pass->Info();
+ if (!PassEnabled(pass_info)) continue;
+ for (const auto& it : pass_info->required) {
+ const auto* name = it.as<tvm::ir::StringImm>();
+ CHECK(name);
+ mod = GetPass(name->value)(mod, pass_ctx);
+ }
+ mod = pass(mod, pass_ctx);
+ }
+ return mod;
+ }
+Upon the invocation of a pass, we first check if this pass is enabled. This is
+done by first checking if the pass is explicitly disabled by a user, followed by
+inspecting if it is specified as a required pass by the user. If it is still
+undetermined whether this pass is enabled, its ``opt_level`` will be checked.
+This pass will be enabled and therefore executed only when its optimization
+level is not less than the configured optimization level in the pass context.
+To execute the pass, we need first to retrieve the registered pass in the TVM
+packed function registry using the pass name. This is possible because every
+pass is registered with an API endpoint as we will show later.
+.. code:: c++
+ Pass GetPass(const std::string& pass_name) {
+ using tvm::runtime::Registry;
+ std::string fpass_name = "relay._transform." + pass_name;
+ const auto* f = Registry::Get(fpass_name);
+ CHECK(f != nullptr) << "Cannot find " << fpass_name
+ << "to create the pass " << pass_name;
+ return (*f)();
+ }
+Some helper functions are provided to create each type of these aforementioned
+passes. These helpers are also exposed to the Python frontend for users to
+favorably use Python APIs to create a specific pass object.
+.. code:: c++
+ FunctionPass CreateFunctionPass(std::string name,
+ int opt_level,
+ PassFunc pass_func);
+ ModulePass CreateModulePass(std::string name,
+ int opt_level,
+ PassFunc pass_func);
+ SequentialPass CreateSequentialPass(std::string name,
+ int opt_level,
+ Array<Pass> passes,
+ Array<tvm::Expr> disabled);
+C++ Sequential Example
+Let's now take an example to illustrate how the pass infra works on
+``SequentialPass``. For illustrative purpose, only a code snippet is provided.
+First, we create a simple Relay program, ``y = f(x)``. Then, we build a module
+based on the function. After creating the module, we instantiate a sequential
+pass object which contains some standard Relay optimization passes, including
+type inference, dead code elimination, common subexpression elimination, and
+layout alteration.
+Finally, a pass context is constructed and the passes will be executed
+sequentially. During the execution of these passes, the pass dependency will be
+resolved automatically as we have encoded the dependent passes during
+.. code:: c++
+ // Create a simple Relay program.
+ auto tensor_type = relay::TensorTypeNode::make({}, tvm::Bool());
+ auto x = relay::VarNode::make("x", relay::Type());
+ auto f = relay::FunctionNode::make(tvm::Array<relay::Var>{ x }, x, relay::Type(), {});
+ auto y = relay::VarNode::make("y", tensor_type);
+ auto call = relay::CallNode::make(f, tvm::Array<relay::Expr>{ y });
+ auto fx = relay::FunctionNode::make(tvm::Array<relay::Var>{ y }, call, relay::Type(), {});
+ // Create a module for optimization.
+ auto mod = relay::ModuleNode::FromExpr(fx);
+ // Create a sequential pass.
+ tvm::Array<relay::transform::Pass> pass_seqs{
+ relay::transform::InferType(),
+ relay::transform::DeadCodeElimination(),
+ relay::transform::EliminateCommonSubexpr(),
+ relay::transform::AlterOpLayout()
+ };
+ relay::transform::Pass seq = relay::transform::Sequential(pass_seqs);
+ // Create a pass context for the optimization.
+ auto ctx = relay::transform::PassContext::Create();
+ ctx->opt_level = 2;
+ ctx->fallback_device = kDLCPU;
+ // Use the Python with syntax to execute the sequence of optimizations.
+ tvm::With<relay::transform::PassContext> scope(ctx);
+ mod = seq(mod);
+ // View the updated module.
+ LOG(INFO) << relay::AsText(mod) << std::endl;
+Other types of passes should be directly invoked for execution on a module. For
+example, users can directly apply const folding pass on a given module, ``mod
+= transform::FoldConstant()(mod)``. However, it is users' responsibility to
+execute the required passes explicitly.
+Pass Registration
+We've covered the concept of different level of passes and the context used for
+compilation. It would be interesting to see how easily users can register
+a pass. Let's take const folding as an example. This pass has already been
+implemented to fold constants in a Relay function (found in
+An API was provided to perform the ``Expr`` to ``Expr`` transformation.
+.. code:: c++
+ Expr FoldConstant(const Expr& expr);
+In order to register this pass to the pass infra, we first need to decide at
+which level this pass will be performed. As const folding happens on individual
+functions, we should intuitively create a ``FunctionPass`` for it through
+``CreateFunctionPass``. The ``pass_func`` is returned as a packed function that
+invokes the ``Expr`` to ``Expr`` API on each function in a Relay module. ``{}``
+indicates that no prerequisite is required for this pass. Otherwise, the pass
+developer has to identify and list them.
+Meanwhile, a pass API endpoint is registered with the name
+``relay._transform.FoldConstant``. This pass, therefore, becomes an entry in the
+registry that can be accessed by both C++ (e.g. the ``GetPass`` above) and
+Python when needed.
+.. code:: c++
+ namespace transform {
+ Pass FoldConstant() {
+ runtime::TypedPackedFunc<Function(Function, Module, PassContext)> pass_func =
+ [=](Function f, Module m, PassContext pc) {
+ return Downcast<Function>(FoldConstant(f));
+ };
+ return CreateFunctionPass(pass_func, 2, "FoldConstant", {});
+ }
+ TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._transform.FoldConstant")
+ .set_body_typed(FoldConstant);
+ } // namespace transform
+To allow other C++ modules to apply this pass, we declare a free function in
+`include/tvm/relay/transform.h`_ as the following:
+.. code:: c++
+ TVM_DLL Pass FoldConstant();
+Python Frontend
+Only some simple APIs are needed for the frontend side. For example, we can
+provide users the following APIs to create and execute a pass (full
+implementation is provided in `python/tvm/relay/transform.py`_). The backend
+receives the information and decides which function it should use to create
+a Pass object.
+Python frontend provides a wrapper for the ``PassContext`` to enable the
+``with`` syntax by overriding ``__enter__`` and ``__exit__``. A ``current``
+static method is offered for users to get the context that is in use under
+a certain scope.
+.. code:: python
+ @register_relay_node
+ class PassContext(RelayNode):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ _transform.EnterPassContext(self)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace):
+ _transform.ExitPassContext(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def current():
+ """Return the current pass context."""
+ return _transform.GetCurrentPassContext()
+A ``PassContext`` object can be instantiated through the ``build_config`` API
+which was used by Relay to configure the compilation options, including the
+optimization level, fallback device for heterogeneous execution, and
+required/disabled passes.
+Pass Objects
+``Pass`` is the base class of all pass objects. All methods here are just simple
+wrappers that were implemented in the backend. They are defined for users to
+conveniently interact with the base class in Python. Only a ``__call__`` is
+defined in the pass base class to make the subclasses as callable objects so
+that they can be invoked easily (e.g., ``pass_xx(arg)``) for execution.
+.. code:: python
+ @register_relay_node
+ class Pass(RelayNode):
+ def __call__(self, mod):
+ return _transform.RunPass(self, mod)
+Some auxiliary APIs are provided to enable easy creation of passes from
+the Python frontend and to let the pass infra control the execution. For
+example, ``module_pass``, ``function_pass``, and ``sequential`` are provided to
+users so that they can customize their own pass or pass pipeline.
+For all the passes that are implemented in the C++ backend, we provide
+a corresponding Python API in `python/tvm/relay/transform.py`_. For instance,
+const folding has a Python API like the following:
+.. code:: python
+ def FoldConstant():
+ return _transform.FoldConstant()
+Users can build a pass through decoration like the following:
+.. code:: python
+ @relay.transform.module_pass(opt_level=2)
+ def transform(mod, ctx):
+ tp = relay.TensorType((10,), "float32")
+ x = relay.var("x", tp)
+ gv = relay.GlobalVar("abs")
+ func = relay.Function([x], relay.abs(x))
+ new_mod = relay.Module({gv: func})
+ new_mod.update(mod)
+ return new_mod
+ module_pass = transform
+ assert isinstance(module_pass, transform.ModulePass)
+ assert module_pass.info.opt_level == 2
+The ``transform`` function here adds an ``abs`` function to the input module,
+but it could be any customized optimizations at the module level. After
+creating this ``module_pass``, users can apply it on any Relay module. For
+example, we can build an empty module and apply this pass to add an ``abs``
+.. code:: python
+ mod = relay.Module()
+ mod = module_pass(mod)
+Correspondingly, we also offer such functionality for ``function_pass``. For
+instance, an example function-level pass could be written as the following:
+.. code:: python
+ @relay.transform.function_pass(opt_level=1)
+ class TestReplaceFunc:
+ def __init__(self, new_func):
+ self.new_func = new_func
+ def transform_function(self, func, mod, ctx):
+ # Just for demo purposes
+ # Transform func to new_func
+ return self.new_func
+ x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 20))
+ f1 = relay.Function([x], x)
+ f2 = relay.Function([x], relay.log(x))
+ # fpass is now a special pass that replaces every
+ # function to f1
+ fpass = TestReplaceFunc(f1)
+ # Now every function in input_mod is replaced by f1
+ res_mod = fpass(input_mod)
+Alternatively, users can also directly register a pass without using the
+decorators and then invoke it. Let's use ``Sequential`` to demo this scenario.
+Python Sequential Example
+This example not only illustrates how users can directly create a sequential
+pass using Python APIs (this could be applied to module- and function-level
+passes as well), but also explains how we can build an optimization pipeline
+using ``Sequential`` associated with other types of passes.
+.. code:: python
+ # Create a simple Relay program.
+ shape = (1, 2, 3)
+ c_data = np.array(shape).astype("float32")
+ tp = relay.TensorType(shape, "float32")
+ c = relay.const(c_data)
+ x = relay.var("x", tp)
+ y = relay.add(c, c)
+ y = relay.multiply(y, relay.const(2, "float32"))
+ y = relay.add(x, y)
+ z = relay.add(y, c)
+ z1 = relay.add(y, c)
+ z2 = relay.add(z, z1)
+ func = relay.Function([x], z2)
+ # Customize the optimization pipeline.
+ seq = _transform.Sequential([
+ relay.transform.InferType(),
+ relay.transform.FoldConstant(),
+ relay.transform.EliminateCommonSubexpr(),
+ relay.transform.AlterOpLayout()
+ ])
+ # Create a module to perform optimizations.
+ mod = relay.Module({"main": func})
+ # Users can disable any passes that they don't want to execute by providing
+ # a list, e.g. disabled_pass=["EliminateCommonSubexpr"].
+ with relay.build_config(opt_level=3):
+ with tvm.target.create("llvm"):
+ # Perform the optimizations.
+ mod = seq(mod)
+The pass infra provides a special pass (``PrintIR``) to dump the IR of the
+whole module after applying a certain pass. A slightly modified version of the
+sequential pass example could be like the following to enable IR dumping for
+``FoldConstant`` optimization.
+.. code:: python
+ seq = _transform.Sequential([
+ relay.transform.InferType(),
+ relay.transform.FoldConstant(),
+ relay.transform.PrintIR(),
+ relay.transform.EliminateCommonSubexpr(),
+ relay.transform.AlterOpLayout()
+ ])
+By inserting the ``PrintIR`` pass after ``FoldConstant``, the pass infra will
+dump out the module IR when ``FoldConstant`` is done. Users can plug in this
+pass after any pass they want to debug for viewing the optimization effect.
+For more pass infra related examples in Python and C++, please refer to
+`tests/python/relay/test_pass_manager.py`_ and
+`tests/cpp/relay_transform_sequential.cc`_, respectively.
+.. _Sequential: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html?highlight=sequential#torch.nn.Sequential
+.. _Block: https://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/_modules/mxnet/gluon/block.html
+.. _Relay module: https://docs.tvm.ai/langref/relay_expr.html#module-and-global-functions
+.. _include/tvm/relay/transform.h: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/include/tvm/relay/transform.h
+.. _src/relay/pass/pass_manager.cc: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/src/relay/pass/pass_manager.cc
+.. _src/relay/pass/fold_constant.cc: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/src/relay/pass/fold_constant.cc
+.. _python/tvm/relay/transform.py: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/python/tvm/relay/transform.py
+.. _tests/python/relay/test_pass_manager.py: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/tests/python/relay/test_pass_manager.py
+.. _tests/cpp/relay_transform_sequential.cc: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/tests/cpp/relay_transform_sequential.cc