require './';
-plan tests => 22;
+plan tests => 26;
@x = (1, 2, 3);
is( join(':',@x), '1:2:3', 'join an array with character');
is( $s, "\x{1234}\x{ff}\x{fe}", 'high byte as separator, multi-byte and high byte list');
+{ my $s = join('x', ());
+ is( $s, '', 'join should return empty string for empty list');
+{ my $s = join('', ());
+ is( $s, '', 'join should return empty string for empty list and empty separator as well');
+{ my $w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift };
+ use warnings "uninitialized";
+ my $s = join(undef, ());
+ is( $s, '', 'join should return empty string for empty list, when separator is undef');
+ like $w, qr/^Use of uninitialized value in join/, "should warn if separator is undef";
{ # [perl #24846] $jb2 should be in bytes, not in utf8.
my $b = "abc\304";
my $u = "abc\x{0100}";