Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LinkBenchRoot", LinkBenchRoot);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("__dotnet", LinkBenchRoot + "\\.Net\\dotnet.exe");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("__dotnet1", LinkBenchRoot + "\\.Net1\\dotnet.exe");
- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("__dotnet2", LinkBenchRoot + "\\.Net2\\dotnet.exe");
// Update the build files to facilitate the link step
if (doSetup)
REM Build CscCore
call Restore.cmd
-cd src\Compilers\CSharp\CscCore
-call %__dotnet2% publish -c Release -r win7-x64
+REM Fetch the appropriate version of MSBuild to build and publish CscCore
+for /f "delims=`" %%i in ('powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -command "& { . build\scripts\build-utils.ps1;Ensure-MSBuild }"') do set MSBUILD=%%i
+REM publish CscCore for win7-x64
+"%MSBUILD%" src\Compilers\CSharp\CscCore\CscCore.csproj /t:Publish /p:RuntimeIdentifier=win7-x64 /p:Configuration=Release /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true /warnaserror /nologo /nodeReuse:false /m
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1&& echo Roslyn: publish failed
REM Published CscCore to Binaries\Release\Exes\CscCore\win7-x64\publish
-cd ..\..\..\..
REM Create Linker Directory
cd Binaries\Release\Exes\CscCore\win7-x64\
exit /b %EXITCODE%
-REM We clone three different versions of .Net CLI in order to cope with
+REM We clone different versions of .Net CLI in order to cope with
REM different runtimes that the benchmarks target, and certain limitations
REM in the ILLink/CLI integration and packaging.
REM the master branch, because the latest CLI generates R2R images for
REM system binaries, while ILLink cannot yet. We need pure MSIL images
REM in the unlinked version in order to be able to do a fair dir-size comparison.
-REM .Net2 => This is the latest CLI for .Net 2.0.0
-REM Roslyn build needs the latest Roslyn 15.3 compilers which are only available
-REM with the latest CLI. But Roslyn targets netcoreapp v1, so the latest .Net CLI
-REM does not output R2R images in this case.
REM .Net1 => This is .Net CLI v 1.1.0
REM Since Roslyn targets netcoreapp v1, it cannot use the IlLink.Tasks package.
REM We use the ILLink package to get the linker and run it manually.
REM Since IlLink.exe from this package only runs on .Net v1
-REM HelloWorld, WebAPI, and MusicStore use .Net
-REM Roslyn uses .Net1 and .Net2
-REM CoreFX downloads its own .Net CLI in its build.
powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/cli/master/scripts/obtain/dotnet-install.ps1 -OutFile dotnet-install.ps1
if not exist %__dotnet% mkdir .Net && powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file dotnet-install.ps1 -Channel master -InstallDir .Net -version 2.0.0-preview2-005905
if not exist %__dotnet1% mkdir .Net1 && powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file dotnet-install.ps1 -InstallDir .Net1
-if not exist %__dotnet2% mkdir .Net2 && powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file dotnet-install.ps1 -Channel master -InstallDir .Net2
if not exist %__dotnet% set EXITCODE=1&& echo DotNet not installed
if not exist %__dotnet1% set EXITCODE=1&& echo DotNet.1 not installed
-if not exist %__dotnet2% set EXITCODE=1&& echo DotNet.2 not installed
exit /b