// Luv constants
static const bool enableRGB2LuvInterpolation = true;
static const bool enablePackedRGB2Luv = true;
+static const bool enablePackedLuv2RGB = true;
static int16_t RGB2LuvLUT_s16[LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*3*8];
static const softfloat uLow(-134), uHigh(220), uRange(uHigh-uLow);
static const softfloat vLow(-140), vHigh(122), vRange(vHigh-vLow);
+static int LuToUp_b[256*256];
+static int LvToVp_b[256*256];
+static long long int LvToVpl_b[256*256];
#define clip(value) \
value < 0.0f ? 0.0f : value > 1.0f ? 1.0f : value;
abToXZ_b[i-minABvalue] = v; // -1335 <= v <= 88231
+ softfloat dd = D65[0] + D65[1]*softdouble(15) + D65[2]*softdouble(3);
+ dd = softfloat::one()/max(dd, softfloat::eps());
+ softfloat un = dd*softfloat(13*4)*D65[0];
+ softfloat vn = dd*softfloat(13*9)*D65[1];
+ softfloat oneof4 = softfloat::one()/softfloat(4);
+ //when XYZ are limited to [0, 2]
+ /*
+ up: [-402, 1431.57]
+ min abs diff up: 0.010407
+ vp: [-0.25, 0.25]
+ min abs(vp): 0.00034207
+ */
+ //Luv LUT
+ for(int LL = 0; LL < 256; LL++)
+ {
+ softfloat L = softfloat(LL*100)/f255;
+ for(int uu = 0; uu < 256; uu++)
+ {
+ softfloat u = softfloat(uu)*uRange/f255 + uLow;
+ softfloat up = softfloat(9)*(u + L*un);
+ LuToUp_b[LL*256+uu] = cvRound(up*softfloat(BASE/1024));//1024 is OK, 2048 gave maxerr 3
+ }
+ for(int vv = 0; vv < 256; vv++)
+ {
+ softfloat v = softfloat(vv)*vRange/f255 + vLow;
+ softfloat vp = oneof4/(v + L*vn);
+ if(vp > oneof4) vp = oneof4;
+ if(vp < -oneof4) vp = -oneof4;
+ int ivp = cvRound(vp*softfloat(BASE*1024));
+ LvToVp_b[LL*256+vv] = ivp;
+ int vpl = ivp*LL;
+ LvToVpl_b[LL*256+vv] = (12*13*100*(BASE/1024))*(long long)vpl;
+ }
+ }
//try to suppress warning
static const bool calcLUT = enableRGB2LabInterpolation || enableRGB2LuvInterpolation;
C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4], C5 = coeffs[5],
C6 = coeffs[6], C7 = coeffs[7], C8 = coeffs[8];
- softfloat dd = D65[0] + D65[1]*softdouble(15) + D65[2]*softdouble(3);
- dd = softfloat::one()/max(dd, softfloat(FLT_EPSILON));
- softfloat un = dd*softfloat(13*4)*D65[0];
- softfloat vn = dd*softfloat(13*9)*D65[1];
//u, v: [-134.0, 220.0], [-140.0, 122.0]
static const softfloat lld(LAB_LUT_DIM - 1), f116(116), f16(16), f500(500), f200(200);
static const softfloat f100(100), f128(128), f256(256), lbase((int)LAB_BASE);
softfloat d = whitePt[0] +
whitePt[1]*softdouble(15) +
- d = softfloat::one()/max(d, softfloat(FLT_EPSILON));
+ d = softfloat::one()/max(d, softfloat::eps());
un = d*softfloat(13*4)*whitePt[0];
vn = d*softfloat(13*9)*whitePt[1];
int srccn;
-struct Luv2RGB_f
+struct Luv2RGBfloat
typedef float channel_type;
- Luv2RGB_f( int _dstcn, int blueIdx, const float* _coeffs,
- const float* whitept, bool _srgb )
- : dstcn(_dstcn), srgb(_srgb)
+ Luv2RGBfloat( int _dstcn, int blueIdx, const float* _coeffs,
+ const float* whitept, bool _srgb )
+ : dstcn(_dstcn), srgb(_srgb)
softfloat d = whitePt[0] +
whitePt[1]*softdouble(15) +
- d = softfloat::one()/max(d, softfloat(FLT_EPSILON));
+ d = softfloat::one()/max(d, softfloat::eps());
un = softfloat(4*13)*d*whitePt[0];
vn = softfloat(9*13)*d*whitePt[1];
#if CV_SSE2
+struct Luv2RGB_f
+ typedef float channel_type;
+ Luv2RGB_f( int _dstcn, int blueIdx, const float* _coeffs,
+ const float* whitept, bool _srgb )
+ : fcvt(_dstcn, blueIdx, _coeffs, whitept, _srgb), dstcn(_dstcn)
+ { }
+ void operator()(const float* src, float* dst, int n) const
+ {
+ fcvt(src, dst, n);
+ }
+ Luv2RGBfloat fcvt;
+ int dstcn;
struct RGB2Luvinterpolate
typedef uchar channel_type;
-struct Luv2RGB_b
+struct Luv2RGBinteger
typedef uchar channel_type;
- Luv2RGB_b( int _dstcn, int blueIdx, const float* _coeffs,
- const float* _whitept, bool _srgb )
- : dstcn(_dstcn), cvt(3, blueIdx, _coeffs, _whitept, _srgb )
+ static const int base_shift = 14;
+ static const int BASE = (1 << base_shift);
+ static const int shift = lab_shift+(base_shift-inv_gamma_shift);
+ // whitept is fixed for int calculations
+ Luv2RGBinteger( int _dstcn, int blueIdx, const float* _coeffs,
+ const float* /*_whitept*/, bool _srgb )
+ : dstcn(_dstcn)
- // 1.388235294117647 = (220+134)/255
- // 1.027450980392157 = (140+122)/255
- #if CV_NEON
- v_scale_inv = vdupq_n_f32(100.f/255.f);
- v_coeff1 = vdupq_n_f32(1.388235294117647f);
- v_coeff2 = vdupq_n_f32(1.027450980392157f);
- v_134 = vdupq_n_f32(134.f);
- v_140 = vdupq_n_f32(140.f);
- v_scale = vdupq_n_f32(255.f);
- v_alpha = vdup_n_u8(ColorChannel<uchar>::max());
- #elif CV_SSE2
- v_scale = _mm_set1_ps(255.f);
- v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
- v_alpha = _mm_set1_ps(ColorChannel<uchar>::max());
- haveSIMD = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
- #endif
+ initLabTabs();
+ static const softdouble lshift(1 << lab_shift);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ softdouble c[3];
+ for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ if(_coeffs)
+ c[j] = softdouble(_coeffs[i + j*3]);
+ else
+ c[j] = XYZ2sRGB_D65[i + j*3];
+ coeffs[i+blueIdx*3] = cvRound(lshift*c[0]);
+ coeffs[i+3] = cvRound(lshift*c[1]);
+ coeffs[i+(blueIdx^2)*3] = cvRound(lshift*c[2]);
+ }
+ tab = _srgb ? sRGBInvGammaTab_b : linearInvGammaTab_b;
- #if CV_SSE2
- // 16s x 8
- void process(__m128i v_l, __m128i v_u, __m128i v_v,
- const __m128& v_coeffs_, const __m128& v_res_,
- float * buf) const
+ // L, u, v should be in their natural range
+ inline void process(const uchar LL, const uchar uu, const uchar vv, int& ro, int& go, int& bo) const
- __m128 v_l0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_l, v_zero));
- __m128 v_u0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_u, v_zero));
- __m128 v_v0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_v, v_zero));
+ ushort y = LabToYF_b[LL*2];
- __m128 v_l1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v_l, v_zero));
- __m128 v_u1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v_u, v_zero));
- __m128 v_v1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v_v, v_zero));
+ // y : [0, BASE]
+ // up: [-402, 1431.57]*(BASE/1024)
+ // vp: +/- 0.25*BASE*1024
+ int up = LuToUp_b[LL*256+uu];
+ int vp = LvToVp_b[LL*256+vv];
+ //X = y*3.f* up/((float)BASE/1024) *vp/((float)BASE*1024);
+ //Z = y*(((12.f*13.f)*((float)LL)*100.f/255.f - up/((float)BASE))*vp/((float)BASE*1024) - 5.f);
- __m128 v_coeffs = v_coeffs_;
- __m128 v_res = v_res_;
+ long long int xv = ((int)up)*(long long)vp;
+ int x = (int)(xv/BASE);
+ x = y*x/BASE;
- v_l0 = _mm_mul_ps(v_l0, v_coeffs);
- v_u1 = _mm_mul_ps(v_u1, v_coeffs);
- v_l0 = _mm_sub_ps(v_l0, v_res);
- v_u1 = _mm_sub_ps(v_u1, v_res);
+ long long int vpl = LvToVpl_b[LL*256+vv];
+ long long int zp = vpl - xv*(255/3);
+ zp /= BASE;
+ long long int zq = zp - (long long)(5*255*BASE);
+ int zm = (int)(y*zq/BASE);
+ int z = zm/256 + zm/65536;
- v_coeffs = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(v_coeffs), 0x49));
- v_res = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(v_res), 0x49));
+ //limit X, Y, Z to [0, 2] to fit white point
+ x = max(0, min(2*BASE, x)); z = max(0, min(2*BASE, z));
- v_l1 = _mm_mul_ps(v_l1, v_coeffs);
- v_v0 = _mm_mul_ps(v_v0, v_coeffs);
- v_l1 = _mm_sub_ps(v_l1, v_res);
- v_v0 = _mm_sub_ps(v_v0, v_res);
+ int C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2];
+ int C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4], C5 = coeffs[5];
+ int C6 = coeffs[6], C7 = coeffs[7], C8 = coeffs[8];
- v_coeffs = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(v_coeffs), 0x49));
- v_res = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(v_res), 0x49));
+ ro = CV_DESCALE(C0 * x + C1 * y + C2 * z, shift);
+ go = CV_DESCALE(C3 * x + C4 * y + C5 * z, shift);
+ bo = CV_DESCALE(C6 * x + C7 * y + C8 * z, shift);
+ ro = max(0, min((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1, ro));
+ go = max(0, min((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1, go));
+ bo = max(0, min((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1, bo));
+ ro = tab[ro];
+ go = tab[go];
+ bo = tab[bo];
+ }
+ inline void processLuvToXYZ(const v_uint8x16& lv, const v_uint8x16& uv, const v_uint8x16& vv,
+ int32_t* xyz) const
+ {
+ uint8_t CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) lvstore[16], uvstore[16], vvstore[16];
+ v_store_aligned(lvstore, lv); v_store_aligned(uvstore, uv); v_store_aligned(vvstore, vv);
- v_u0 = _mm_mul_ps(v_u0, v_coeffs);
- v_v1 = _mm_mul_ps(v_v1, v_coeffs);
- v_u0 = _mm_sub_ps(v_u0, v_res);
- v_v1 = _mm_sub_ps(v_v1, v_res);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ int LL = lvstore[i];
+ int u = uvstore[i];
+ int v = vvstore[i];
+ int y = LabToYF_b[LL*2];
+ int up = LuToUp_b[LL*256+u];
+ int vp = LvToVp_b[LL*256+v];
+ long long int xv = up*(long long int)vp;
+ long long int vpl = LvToVpl_b[LL*256+v];
+ long long int zp = vpl - xv*(255/3);
+ zp = zp >> base_shift;
+ long long int zq = zp - (5*255*BASE);
+ int zm = (int)((y*zq) >> base_shift);
+ int x = (int)(xv >> base_shift);
+ x = (y*x) >> base_shift;
+ int z = zm/256 + zm/65536;
+ x = max(0, min(2*BASE, x)); z = max(0, min(2*BASE, z));
- _mm_store_ps(buf, v_l0);
- _mm_store_ps(buf + 4, v_l1);
- _mm_store_ps(buf + 8, v_u0);
- _mm_store_ps(buf + 12, v_u1);
- _mm_store_ps(buf + 16, v_v0);
- _mm_store_ps(buf + 20, v_v1);
+ xyz[i] = x; xyz[i + 16] = y; xyz[i + 32] = z;
+ }
- #endif
void operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* dst, int n) const
- int i, j, dcn = dstcn;
+ int i, dcn = dstcn;
uchar alpha = ColorChannel<uchar>::max();
- float CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) buf[3*BLOCK_SIZE];
- #if CV_SSE2
- __m128 v_coeffs = _mm_set_ps(100.f/255.f, 1.027450980392157f, 1.388235294117647f, 100.f/255.f);
- __m128 v_res = _mm_set_ps(0.f, 140.f, 134.f, 0.f);
- #endif
- for( i = 0; i < n; i += BLOCK_SIZE, src += BLOCK_SIZE*3 )
+ i = 0;
+ if(enablePackedLuv2RGB)
- int dn = std::min(n - i, (int)BLOCK_SIZE);
- j = 0;
- #if CV_NEON
- for ( ; j <= (dn - 8) * 3; j += 24)
+ static const int nPixels = 16;
+ for (; i < n*3-3*nPixels; i += 3*nPixels, dst += dcn*nPixels)
- uint8x8x3_t v_src = vld3_u8(src + j);
- uint16x8_t v_t0 = vmovl_u8(v_src.val[0]),
- v_t1 = vmovl_u8(v_src.val[1]),
- v_t2 = vmovl_u8(v_src.val[2]);
+ v_uint8x16 u8l, u8u, u8v;
+ v_load_deinterleave(src + i, u8l, u8u, u8v);
- float32x4x3_t v_dst;
- v_dst.val[0] = vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(v_t0))), v_scale_inv);
- v_dst.val[1] = vsubq_f32(vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(v_t1))), v_coeff1), v_134);
- v_dst.val[2] = vsubq_f32(vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(v_t2))), v_coeff2), v_140);
- vst3q_f32(buf + j, v_dst);
+ int32_t CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) xyz[48];
+ processLuvToXYZ(u8l, u8u, u8v, xyz);
- v_dst.val[0] = vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(v_t0))), v_scale_inv);
- v_dst.val[1] = vsubq_f32(vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(v_t1))), v_coeff1), v_134);
- v_dst.val[2] = vsubq_f32(vmulq_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(v_t2))), v_coeff2), v_140);
- vst3q_f32(buf + j + 12, v_dst);
- }
- #elif CV_SSE2
- if (haveSIMD)
- {
- for ( ; j <= (dn - 8) * 3; j += 24)
+ v_int32x4 xiv[4], yiv[4], ziv[4];
+ for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
- __m128i v_src0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *)(src + j));
- __m128i v_src1 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i const *)(src + j + 16));
+ xiv[k] = v_load_aligned(xyz + 4*k);
+ yiv[k] = v_load_aligned(xyz + 4*k + 16);
+ ziv[k] = v_load_aligned(xyz + 4*k + 32);
+ }
- process(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(v_src0, v_zero),
- _mm_unpackhi_epi8(v_src0, v_zero),
- _mm_unpacklo_epi8(v_src1, v_zero),
- v_coeffs, v_res,
- buf + j);
+ /*
+ ro = CV_DESCALE(C0 * x + C1 * y + C2 * z, shift);
+ go = CV_DESCALE(C3 * x + C4 * y + C5 * z, shift);
+ bo = CV_DESCALE(C6 * x + C7 * y + C8 * z, shift);
+ */
+ v_int32x4 C0 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[0]), C1 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[1]), C2 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[2]);
+ v_int32x4 C3 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[3]), C4 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[4]), C5 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[5]);
+ v_int32x4 C6 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[6]), C7 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[7]), C8 = v_setall_s32(coeffs[8]);
+ v_int32x4 descaleShift = v_setall_s32(1 << (shift-1));
+ v_int32x4 tabsz = v_setall_s32((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1);
+ v_uint32x4 r_vecs[4], g_vecs[4], b_vecs[4];
+ for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
+ {
+ v_int32x4 i_r, i_g, i_b;
+ i_r = (xiv[k]*C0 + yiv[k]*C1 + ziv[k]*C2 + descaleShift) >> shift;
+ i_g = (xiv[k]*C3 + yiv[k]*C4 + ziv[k]*C5 + descaleShift) >> shift;
+ i_b = (xiv[k]*C6 + yiv[k]*C7 + ziv[k]*C8 + descaleShift) >> shift;
+ //limit indices in table and then substitute
+ //ro = tab[ro]; go = tab[go]; bo = tab[bo];
+ int32_t CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) rshifts[4], gshifts[4], bshifts[4];
+ v_int32x4 rs = v_max(v_setzero_s32(), v_min(tabsz, i_r));
+ v_int32x4 gs = v_max(v_setzero_s32(), v_min(tabsz, i_g));
+ v_int32x4 bs = v_max(v_setzero_s32(), v_min(tabsz, i_b));
+ v_store_aligned(rshifts, rs);
+ v_store_aligned(gshifts, gs);
+ v_store_aligned(bshifts, bs);
+ r_vecs[k] = v_uint32x4(tab[rshifts[0]], tab[rshifts[1]], tab[rshifts[2]], tab[rshifts[3]]);
+ g_vecs[k] = v_uint32x4(tab[gshifts[0]], tab[gshifts[1]], tab[gshifts[2]], tab[gshifts[3]]);
+ b_vecs[k] = v_uint32x4(tab[bshifts[0]], tab[bshifts[1]], tab[bshifts[2]], tab[bshifts[3]]);
- }
- #endif
- for( ; j < dn*3; j += 3 )
- {
- buf[j] = src[j]*(100.f/255.f);
- buf[j+1] = (float)(src[j+1]*1.388235294117647f - 134.f);
- buf[j+2] = (float)(src[j+2]*1.027450980392157f - 140.f);
- }
- cvt(buf, buf, dn);
- j = 0;
- #if CV_NEON
- for ( ; j <= (dn - 8) * 3; j += 24, dst += dcn * 8)
- {
- float32x4x3_t v_src0 = vld3q_f32(buf + j), v_src1 = vld3q_f32(buf + j + 12);
- uint8x8_t v_dst0 = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(cv_vrndq_u32_f32(vmulq_f32(v_src0.val[0], v_scale))),
- vqmovn_u32(cv_vrndq_u32_f32(vmulq_f32(v_src1.val[0], v_scale)))));
- uint8x8_t v_dst1 = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(cv_vrndq_u32_f32(vmulq_f32(v_src0.val[1], v_scale))),
- vqmovn_u32(cv_vrndq_u32_f32(vmulq_f32(v_src1.val[1], v_scale)))));
- uint8x8_t v_dst2 = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(cv_vrndq_u32_f32(vmulq_f32(v_src0.val[2], v_scale))),
- vqmovn_u32(cv_vrndq_u32_f32(vmulq_f32(v_src1.val[2], v_scale)))));
+ v_uint16x8 u_rvec0 = v_pack(r_vecs[0], r_vecs[1]), u_rvec1 = v_pack(r_vecs[2], r_vecs[3]);
+ v_uint16x8 u_gvec0 = v_pack(g_vecs[0], g_vecs[1]), u_gvec1 = v_pack(g_vecs[2], g_vecs[3]);
+ v_uint16x8 u_bvec0 = v_pack(b_vecs[0], b_vecs[1]), u_bvec1 = v_pack(b_vecs[2], b_vecs[3]);
- if (dcn == 4)
+ v_uint8x16 u8_b, u8_g, u8_r;
+ u8_b = v_pack(u_bvec0, u_bvec1);
+ u8_g = v_pack(u_gvec0, u_gvec1);
+ u8_r = v_pack(u_rvec0, u_rvec1);
+ if(dcn == 4)
- uint8x8x4_t v_dst;
- v_dst.val[0] = v_dst0;
- v_dst.val[1] = v_dst1;
- v_dst.val[2] = v_dst2;
- v_dst.val[3] = v_alpha;
- vst4_u8(dst, v_dst);
+ v_store_interleave(dst, u8_b, u8_g, u8_r, v_setall_u8(alpha));
- uint8x8x3_t v_dst;
- v_dst.val[0] = v_dst0;
- v_dst.val[1] = v_dst1;
- v_dst.val[2] = v_dst2;
- vst3_u8(dst, v_dst);
+ v_store_interleave(dst, u8_b, u8_g, u8_r);
- #elif CV_SSE2
- if (dcn == 3 && haveSIMD)
- {
- for ( ; j <= (dn * 3 - 16); j += 16, dst += 16)
- {
- __m128 v_src0 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j), v_scale);
- __m128 v_src1 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j + 4), v_scale);
- __m128 v_src2 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j + 8), v_scale);
- __m128 v_src3 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j + 12), v_scale);
+ }
- __m128i v_dst0 = _mm_packs_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(v_src0),
- _mm_cvtps_epi32(v_src1));
- __m128i v_dst1 = _mm_packs_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(v_src2),
- _mm_cvtps_epi32(v_src3));
+ for (; i < n*3; i += 3, dst += dcn)
+ {
+ int ro, go, bo;
+ process(src[i + 0], src[i + 1], src[i + 2], ro, go, bo);
- _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, _mm_packus_epi16(v_dst0, v_dst1));
- }
+ dst[0] = saturate_cast<uchar>(bo);
+ dst[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>(go);
+ dst[2] = saturate_cast<uchar>(ro);
+ if( dcn == 4 )
+ dst[3] = alpha;
+ }
- int jr = j % 3;
- if (jr)
- dst -= jr, j -= jr;
- }
- else if (dcn == 4 && haveSIMD)
+ }
+ int dstcn;
+ int coeffs[9];
+ ushort* tab;
+struct Luv2RGB_b
+ typedef uchar channel_type;
+ Luv2RGB_b( int _dstcn, int blueIdx, const float* _coeffs,
+ const float* _whitept, bool _srgb )
+ : dstcn(_dstcn),
+ fcvt(_dstcn, blueIdx, _coeffs, _whitept, _srgb),
+ icvt(_dstcn, blueIdx, _coeffs, _whitept, _srgb)
+ {
+ // whitept is fixed for int calculations
+ useBitExactness = (!_whitept && enableBitExactness);
+ }
+ void operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* dst, int n) const
+ {
+ if(useBitExactness)
+ {
+ icvt(src, dst, n);
+ return;
+ }
+ int i, j, dcn = dstcn;
+ uchar alpha = ColorChannel<uchar>::max();
+ float CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) buf[3*BLOCK_SIZE];
+ static const softfloat f255(255);
+ static const softfloat fl = softfloat(100)/f255;
+ static const softfloat fu = uRange/f255;
+ static const softfloat fv = vRange/f255;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i += BLOCK_SIZE, src += BLOCK_SIZE*3 )
+ {
+ int dn = std::min(n - i, (int)BLOCK_SIZE);
+ j = 0;
+ v_float32x4 luvlm(fl, fu, fv, fl), uvlum(fu, fv, fl, fu), vluvm(fv, fl, fu, fv);
+ v_float32x4 luvla(0, uLow, vLow, 0), uvlua(uLow, vLow, 0, uLow), vluva(vLow, 0, uLow, vLow);
+ static const int nPixBlock = 16;
+ for( ; j < (dn-nPixBlock)*3; j += nPixBlock*3)
- for ( ; j <= (dn * 3 - 12); j += 12, dst += 16)
- {
- __m128 v_buf0 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j), v_scale);
- __m128 v_buf1 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j + 4), v_scale);
- __m128 v_buf2 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(buf + j + 8), v_scale);
+ v_uint8x16 src8;
+ v_uint16x8 src16_0, src16_1;
+ v_int32x4 src32_00, src32_01, src32_10, src32_11;
+ v_float32x4 m00, m01, m10, m11, a00, a01, a10, a11;
- __m128 v_ba0 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(v_buf0, v_alpha);
- __m128 v_ba1 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(v_buf2, v_alpha);
+ int bufp = 0, srcp = 0;
- __m128i v_src0 = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_shuffle_ps(v_buf0, v_ba0, 0x44));
- __m128i v_src1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_shuffle_ps(v_ba0, v_buf1, 0x4e)), 0x78);
- __m128i v_src2 = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_shuffle_ps(v_buf1, v_ba1, 0x4e));
- __m128i v_src3 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_shuffle_ps(v_ba1, v_buf2, 0xee)), 0x78);
+ #define CVTSTORE(n) v_store_aligned(buf + j + (bufp++)*4, v_muladd(v_cvt_f32(src32_##n), m##n, a##n))
+ #define LOADSTORE(seq1, seq2, seq3, seq4) \
+ do{\
+ m00 = seq1##m, m01 = seq2##m, m10 = seq3##m, m11 = seq4##m;\
+ a00 = seq1##a, a01 = seq2##a, a10 = seq3##a, a11 = seq4##a;\
+ src8 = v_load(src + j + (srcp++)*16);\
+ v_expand(src8, src16_0, src16_1);\
+ v_expand(v_reinterpret_as_s16(src16_0), src32_00, src32_01);\
+ v_expand(v_reinterpret_as_s16(src16_1), src32_10, src32_11);\
+ }while(0)
- __m128i v_dst0 = _mm_packs_epi32(v_src0, v_src1);
- __m128i v_dst1 = _mm_packs_epi32(v_src2, v_src3);
+ LOADSTORE(luvl, uvlu, vluv, luvl);
+ LOADSTORE(uvlu, vluv, luvl, uvlu);
+ LOADSTORE(vluv, luvl, uvlu, vluv);
- _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, _mm_packus_epi16(v_dst0, v_dst1));
- }
+ #undef CVTSTORE
+ #undef LOADSTORE
+ }
+ for( ; j < dn*3; j += 3 )
+ {
+ buf[j] = src[j]*((float)fl);
+ buf[j+1] = (float)(src[j+1]*(float)fu + (float)uLow);
+ buf[j+2] = (float)(src[j+2]*(float)fv + (float)vLow);
+ }
- int jr = j % 3;
- if (jr)
- dst -= jr, j -= jr;
+ fcvt(buf, buf, dn);
+ j = 0;
+ //assume that fcvt returns 1.f as alpha value in case of 4 channels
+ static const int nBlock = 16;
+ v_float32x4 m255(255.f, 255.f, 255.f, 255.f);
+ v_float32x4 f00, f01, f10, f11;
+ v_int32x4 i00, i01, i10, i11;
+ for(; j < dn*3 - nBlock; j += nBlock, dst += nBlock)
+ {
+ f00 = v_load_aligned(buf + j + 0); f01 = v_load_aligned(buf + j + 4);
+ f10 = v_load_aligned(buf + j + 8); f11 = v_load_aligned(buf + j + 12);
+ i00 = v_round(f00*m255); i01 = v_round(f01*m255);
+ i10 = v_round(f10*m255); i11 = v_round(f11*m255);
+ v_store(dst, v_pack(v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(i00, i01)),
+ v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_pack(i10, i11))));
- #endif
for( ; j < dn*3; j += 3, dst += dcn )
int dstcn;
- Luv2RGB_f cvt;
+ Luv2RGBfloat fcvt;
+ Luv2RGBinteger icvt;
- #if CV_NEON
- float32x4_t v_scale, v_scale_inv, v_coeff1, v_coeff2, v_134, v_140;
- uint8x8_t v_alpha;
- #elif CV_SSE2
- __m128 v_scale;
- __m128 v_alpha;
- __m128i v_zero;
- bool haveSIMD;
- #endif
+ bool useBitExactness;
#undef clip
static int16_t RGB2LuvLUT_s16[LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*3*8];
static const softfloat uLow(-134), uHigh(220), uRange(uHigh-uLow);
static const softfloat vLow(-140), vHigh(122), vRange(vHigh-vLow);
+static int LuToUp_b[256*256];
+static int LvToVp_b[256*256];
+static long long int LvToVpl_b[256*256];
#define CV_DESCALE(x,n) (((x) + (1 << ((n)-1))) >> (n))
softdouble D65[] = { Xn, softdouble::one(), Zn };
- softfloat coeffs[9];
+ softfloat dd = (D65[0] + D65[1]*softdouble(15) + D65[2]*softdouble(3));
+ dd = softfloat::one()/max(dd, softfloat::eps());
+ softfloat un = dd*softfloat(13*4)*D65[0];
+ softfloat vn = dd*softfloat(13*9)*D65[1];
+ //Luv LUT
+ softfloat oneof4 = softfloat::one()/softfloat(4);
+ for(int LL = 0; LL < 256; LL++)
+ {
+ softfloat L = softfloat(LL*100)/f255;
+ for(int uu = 0; uu < 256; uu++)
+ {
+ softfloat u = softfloat(uu)*uRange/f255 + uLow;
+ softfloat up = softfloat(9)*(u + L*un);
+ LuToUp_b[LL*256+uu] = cvRound(up*softfloat(BASE/1024));//1024 is OK, 2048 gave maxerr 3
+ }
+ for(int vv = 0; vv < 256; vv++)
+ {
+ softfloat v = softfloat(vv)*vRange/f255 + vLow;
+ softfloat vp = oneof4/(v + L*vn);
+ if(vp > oneof4) vp = oneof4;
+ if(vp < -oneof4) vp = -oneof4;
+ int ivp = cvRound(vp*softfloat(BASE*1024));
+ LvToVp_b[LL*256+vv] = ivp;
+ int vpl = ivp*LL;
+ LvToVpl_b[LL*256+vv] = (12*13*100*(BASE/1024))*(long long)vpl;
+ }
+ }
+ softfloat coeffs[9];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
coeffs[i*3+2] = RGB2XYZ[i*3 ];
C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4], C5 = coeffs[5],
C6 = coeffs[6], C7 = coeffs[7], C8 = coeffs[8];
- softfloat dd = (D65[0] + D65[1]*softdouble(15) + D65[2]*softdouble(3));
- dd = softfloat::one()/max(dd, softfloat::eps());
- softfloat un = dd*softfloat(13*4)*D65[0];
- softfloat vn = dd*softfloat(13*9)*D65[1];
//u, v: [-134.0, 220.0], [-140.0, 122.0]
static const softfloat lld(LAB_LUT_DIM - 1), f116(116), f16(16);
static const softfloat f100(100), lbase((int)LAB_BASE);
return n;
+int row8uLuv2RGB(const uchar* src_row, uchar *dst_row, int n, int cn, int blue_idx, bool srgb)
+ static const int base_shift = 14;
+ static const int BASE = (1 << base_shift);
+ static const int shift = lab_shift+(base_shift-inv_gamma_shift);
+ int coeffs[9];
+ static const softdouble lshift(1 << lab_shift);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ coeffs[i+(blue_idx )*3] = cvRound(lshift*XYZ2RGB[i ]);
+ coeffs[i+ 1*3] = cvRound(lshift*XYZ2RGB[i+3]);
+ coeffs[i+(blue_idx^2)*3] = cvRound(lshift*XYZ2RGB[i+6]);
+ }
+ ushort *tab = srgb ? sRGBInvGammaTab_b : linearInvGammaTab_b;
+ int C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2];
+ int C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4], C5 = coeffs[5];
+ int C6 = coeffs[6], C7 = coeffs[7], C8 = coeffs[8];
+ for(int xx = 0; xx < n; xx++)
+ {
+ uchar LL = src_row[xx*3 ];
+ uchar uu = src_row[xx*3 + 1];
+ uchar vv = src_row[xx*3 + 2];
+ ushort y = LabToYF_b[LL*2];
+ int up = LuToUp_b[LL*256+uu];
+ int vp = LvToVp_b[LL*256+vv];
+ long long int xv = ((int)up)*(long long)vp;
+ int x = (int)(xv/BASE);
+ x = y*x/BASE;
+ long long int vpl = LvToVpl_b[LL*256+vv];
+ long long int zp = vpl - xv*(255/3);
+ zp /= BASE;
+ long long int zq = zp - (long long)(5*255*BASE);
+ int zm = (int)(y*zq/BASE);
+ int z = zm/256 + zm/65536;
+ //limit X, Y, Z to [0, 2] to fit white point
+ x = max(0, min(2*BASE, x)); z = max(0, min(2*BASE, z));
+ int ro, go, bo;
+ ro = CV_DESCALE(C0 * x + C1 * y + C2 * z, shift);
+ go = CV_DESCALE(C3 * x + C4 * y + C5 * z, shift);
+ bo = CV_DESCALE(C6 * x + C7 * y + C8 * z, shift);
+ ro = max(0, min((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1, ro));
+ go = max(0, min((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1, go));
+ bo = max(0, min((int)INV_GAMMA_TAB_SIZE-1, bo));
+ ro = tab[ro];
+ go = tab[go];
+ bo = tab[bo];
+ dst_row[xx*cn ] = saturate_cast<uchar>(bo);
+ dst_row[xx*cn + 1] = saturate_cast<uchar>(go);
+ dst_row[xx*cn + 2] = saturate_cast<uchar>(ro);
+ if(cn == 4) dst_row[xx*cn + 3] = 255;
+ }
+ return n;
int row8uLabChoose(const uchar* src_row, uchar *dst_row, int n, bool forward, int blue_idx, bool srgb)
return row8uLab2RGB(src_row, dst_row, n, 3, blue_idx, srgb);
+int row8uLuvChoose(const uchar* src_row, uchar *dst_row, int n, bool forward, int blue_idx, bool srgb)
+ if(forward)
+ return row8uRGB2Luv(src_row, dst_row, n, 3, blue_idx);
+ else
+ return row8uLuv2RGB(src_row, dst_row, n, 3, blue_idx, srgb);
TEST(Imgproc_ColorLab_Full, bitExactness)
TEST(Imgproc_ColorLuv_Full, bitExactness)
- /* to be expanded by more codes when bit-exactness is done for them */
- int codes[] = { CV_BGR2Luv, CV_RGB2Luv };
- string names[] = { "CV_BGR2Luv", "CV_RGB2Luv" };
+ int codes[] = { CV_BGR2Luv, CV_RGB2Luv, CV_LBGR2Luv, CV_LRGB2Luv,
+ CV_Luv2BGR, CV_Luv2RGB, CV_Luv2LBGR, CV_Luv2LRGB};
+ string names[] = { "CV_BGR2Luv", "CV_RGB2Luv", "CV_LBGR2Luv", "CV_LRGB2Luv",
+ "CV_Luv2BGR", "CV_Luv2RGB", "CV_Luv2LBGR", "CV_Luv2LRGB" };
+ /* to be enabled when bit-exactness is done for other codes */
+ bool codeEnabled[] = { true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true };
size_t nCodes = sizeof(codes)/sizeof(codes[0]);
// need to be recalculated each time we change Luv algorithms, RNG or test system
uint32_t hashes[] = {
0x9d4d983a, 0xd3d7b220, 0xd503b661, 0x73581d9b, 0x3beec8a6, 0xea6dfc16, 0xc867f4cd, 0x2c97f43a,
0x8152fbc9, 0xd7e764a6, 0x5e01f9a3, 0x53e8961e, 0x6a64f1f7, 0x4fa89a44, 0x67096871, 0x4f3bce87,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0xec311a14, 0x995efefc, 0xf71b590b, 0xc1edfce7, 0x67b2b2e2, 0xe6d7f90d, 0xbcbaff5c, 0xd86ae19c,
+ 0x3e8e4647, 0x53f1a5e3, 0x60dfb6ca, 0xcda851fe, 0xd91084b3, 0xe361bf6f, 0x90fe66ed, 0xb19c5b89,
+ 0x190508ec, 0xc7764e22, 0x19b042a8, 0x2db4c5d8, 0x6e1cfd1d, 0x39bddd51, 0x942714ed, 0x19444d39,
+ 0xed16e206, 0xc4102784, 0x590075fe, 0xaaef2ec6, 0xbeb84149, 0x8da31e4f, 0x7cbe7d77, 0x1c90b30a,
RNG rng(0);
bool next = true;
for(size_t c = 0; next && c < nCodes; c++)
+ if(!codeEnabled[c]) continue;
size_t v = c;
int blueIdx = (v % 2 != 0) ? 2 : 0; v /=2;
- /* bool srgb = (v % 2 == 0); v /= 2; */
- /* bool forward = (v % 2 == 0); */
+ bool srgb = (v % 2 == 0); v /= 2;
+ bool forward = (v % 2 == 0);
for(int iter = 0; next && iter < nIterations; iter++)
uchar* probeRow = probe.ptr(y);
uchar* resultRow = result.ptr(y);
- row8uRGB2Luv(probeRow, goldRow, probe.cols, 3, blueIdx);
+ row8uLuvChoose(probeRow, goldRow, probe.cols, forward, blueIdx, srgb);
for(int x = 0; next && x < probe.cols; x++)