#include <iostream>
#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "zypp/base/Exception.h"
+#include "zypp/PoolItem.h"
+#include "zypp/Resolvable.h"
+#include "zypp/ResObject.h"
+#include "zypp/Package.h"
#include "zypp/target/TargetImpl.h"
#include "zypp/target/TargetCallbackReceiver.h"
// TODO objects from the XML store
return _store;
Pathname TargetImpl::getRpmFile(Package::constPtr package)
return file;
- void TargetImpl::commit(ResPool pool_r)
+ void TargetImpl::commit(ResPool pool_r, int medianr, PoolItemList & errors_r, PoolItemList & remaining_r, PoolItemList & srcremaining_r)
- MIL << "TargetImpl::commit(<pool>)" << endl;
+ MIL << "TargetImpl::commit(<pool>, " << medianr << ")" << endl;
PoolItemList to_uninstall;
PoolItemList to_install;
void TargetImpl::commit(const PoolItemList & items_r)
MIL << "TargetImpl::commit(<list>)" << endl;
return NULL;
+** FUNCTION NAME : strip_obsoleted_to_delete
+** FUNCTION TYPE : void
+** strip packages to_delete which get obsoleted by
+** to_install (i.e. delay deletion in case the
+** obsoleting package likes to save whatever...
+static void
+strip_obsoleted_to_delete( PoolItemList & deleteList_r,
+ const PoolItemList & instlist_r )
+ if ( deleteList_r.size() == 0 || instlist_r.size() == 0 )
+ return; // ---> nothing to do
+ // build obsoletes from instlist_r
+ CapSet obsoletes;
+ for ( PoolItemList::const_iterator it = instlist_r.begin();
+ it != instlist_r.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ PoolItem_Ref item( *it );
+ obsoletes.insert( item->dep(Dep::OBSOLETES).begin(), item->dep(Dep::OBSOLETES).end() );
+ }
+ if ( obsoletes.size() == 0 )
+ return; // ---> nothing to do
+ // match them... ;(
+ PoolItemList undelayed;
+ // forall applDelete Packages...
+ for ( PoolItemList::iterator it = deleteList_r.begin();
+ it != deleteList_r.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ PoolItem_Ref ipkg( *it );
+ bool delayPkg = false;
+ // ...check whether an obsolets....
+ for ( CapSet::iterator obs = obsoletes.begin();
+ ! delayPkg && obs != obsoletes.end(); ++obs )
+ {
+ // ...matches anything provided by the package?
+ for ( CapSet::const_iterator prov = ipkg->dep(Dep::PROVIDES).begin();
+ prov != ipkg->dep(Dep::PROVIDES).end(); ++prov )
+ {
+ if ( obs->matches( *prov ) == CapMatch::yes )
+ {
+ // if so, delay package deletion
+ DBG << "Ignore appl_delete (should be obsoleted): " << ipkg << endl;
+ delayPkg = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! delayPkg ) {
+MIL << "undelayed " << ipkg << endl;
+ undelayed.push_back( ipkg );
+ }
+ }
+ // Puhh...
+ deleteList_r.swap( undelayed );
-TargetImpl::getResolvablesToInsDel ( ResPool pool_r,
+TargetImpl::getResolvablesToInsDel ( const ResPool pool_r,
PoolItemList & dellist_r,
PoolItemList & instlist_r,
PoolItemList & srclist_r )
+ dellist_r.clear();
+ instlist_r.clear();
+ srclist_r.clear();
+ for ( ResPool::const_iterator it = pool_r.begin(); it != pool_r.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if (it->status().isToBeInstalled())
+ {
+ if (it->resolvable()->arch() == Arch_src)
+ srclist_r.push_back( *it );
+ else
+ instlist_r.push_back( *it );
+ }
+ else if (it->status().isToBeUninstalled())
+ {
+ if ( it->status().isToBeUninstalledDueToObsolete() )
+ {
+ DBG << "Ignore auto_delete (should be obsoleted): " << *it << endl;
+ } else {
+ dellist_r.push_back( *it );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MIL << "PackagesToInsDel: delete " << dellist_r.size()
+ << ", install " << instlist_r.size()
+ << ", srcinstall " << srclist_r.size() << endl;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // strip packages to_delete which get obsoleted by
+ // to_install (i.e. delay deletion in case the
+ // obsoleting package likes to save whatever...
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ strip_obsoleted_to_delete( dellist_r, instlist_r );
+ if ( dellist_r.size() ) {
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // sort delete list...
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ PoolItemList dlist; // for delete order
+ PoolItemList dummy; // dummy, empty, should contain already installed
+ for ( PoolItemList::iterator pkgIt = dellist_r.begin();
+ pkgIt != dellist_r.end(); ++pkgIt )
+ {
+ dlist.push_back( *pkgIt );
+ }
+ InstallOrder order( pool_r, dlist, dummy ); // sort according top prereq
+ order.init();
+ const PoolItemList dsorted( order.getTopSorted() );
+ dellist_r.clear();
+ for ( PoolItemList::const_reverse_iterator cit = dsorted.rbegin();
+ cit != dsorted.rend(); ++cit )
+ {
+ dellist_r.push_back( *cit );
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // sort installed list...
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ if ( instlist_r.empty() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+#warning Source Rank Priority ?
+#if 0
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Get desired order of InstSrc'es to install from.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ typedef map<unsigned,unsigned> RankPriority;
+ RankPriority rankPriority;
+ {
+ InstSrcManager::ISrcIdList sourcerank( Y2PM::instSrcManager().instOrderSources() );
+ // map InstSrc rank to install priority
+ unsigned prio = 0;
+ for ( InstSrcManager::ISrcIdList::const_iterator it = sourcerank.begin();
+ it != sourcerank.end(); ++it, ++prio ) {
+ rankPriority[(*it)->descr()->default_rank()] = prio;
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Compute install order according to packages prereq.
+ // Try to group packages with respect to the desired install order
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // backup list for debug purpose.
+ // You can as well build the set, clear the list and rebuild it in install order.
+ PoolItemList instbackup_r;
+ instbackup_r.swap( instlist_r );
+ PoolItemList ilist; // for install order
+ PoolItemList installed; // dummy, empty, should contain already installed
+ for ( PoolItemList::iterator pkgIt = instbackup_r.begin(); pkgIt != instbackup_r.end(); ++pkgIt ) {
+ ilist.push_back( *pkgIt );
+ }
+ InstallOrder order( pool_r, ilist, installed );
+ // start recursive depth-first-search
+ order.startrdfs();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // build install list in install order
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ PoolItemList best_list;
+// unsigned best_prio = 0;
+ unsigned best_medianum = 0;
+ PoolItemList last_list;
+// unsigned last_prio = 0;
+ unsigned last_medianum = 0;
+ for ( PoolItemList pkgs = order.computeNextSet(); ! pkgs.empty(); pkgs = order.computeNextSet() )
+ {
+MIL << "order.computeNextSet: " << pkgs.size() << " packages" << endl;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // pkgs contains all packages we could install now. Pick all packages
+ // from current media, or best media if none for current.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ best_list.clear();
+ last_list.clear();
+ for ( PoolItemList::iterator cit = pkgs.begin(); cit != pkgs.end(); ++cit )
+ {
+ Resolvable::constPtr res( cit->resolvable() );
+ Package::constPtr cpkg( asKind<Package>(res) );
+MIL << "Packge " << cpkg << ", media " << cpkg->mediaId() << endl;
+ if ( // rankPriority[cpkg->instSrcRank()] == last_prio &&
+ cpkg->mediaId() == last_medianum ) {
+ // prefer packages on current media.
+ last_list.push_back( *cit );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( last_list.empty() ) {
+ // check for best media as long as there are no packages for current media.
+ if ( ! best_list.empty() ) {
+#if 0
+ if ( rankPriority[cpkg->instSrcRank()] < best_prio ) {
+ best_list.clear(); // new best
+ } else if ( rankPriority[cpkg->instSrcRank()] == best_prio ) {
+ if ( cpkg->mediaId() < best_medianum ) {
+ best_list.clear(); // new best
+ } else if ( cpkg->mediaId() == best_medianum ) {
+ best_list.push_back( *cit ); // same as best -> add
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ continue; // worse
+ }
+#if 0
+ } else {
+ continue; // worse
+ }
+ }
+ if ( best_list.empty() )
+ {
+ // first package or new best
+ best_list.push_back( *cit );
+// best_prio = rankPriority[cpkg->instSrcRank()];
+ best_medianum = cpkg->mediaId();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for all packages in current set
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // remove packages picked from install order and append them to
+ // install list.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ PoolItemList & take_list( last_list.empty() ? best_list : last_list );
+ if ( last_list.empty() )
+ {
+ MIL << "SET NEW media " << best_medianum << endl;
+// last_prio = best_prio;
+ last_medianum = best_medianum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MIL << "SET CONTINUE" << endl;
+ }
+ for ( PoolItemList::iterator it = take_list.begin(); it != take_list.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ order.setInstalled( *it );
+ MIL << "SET isrc " << (*it) << endl;
+ }
+ instlist_r.splice( instlist_r.end(), take_list );
+ } // for all sets computed
+ if ( instbackup_r.size() != instlist_r.size() )
+ {
+ INT << "Lost packages in InstallOrder sort." << endl;
+ }