class UnpackHalf2x16CaseInstance : public ShaderPackingFunctionTestInstance
+ enum Sign
+ {
+ };
+ enum SubnormalizedConversionType
+ {
+ UNKNOWN = 0,
+ };
UnpackHalf2x16CaseInstance (Context& context, glu::ShaderType shaderType, const ShaderSpec& spec, const char* name)
: ShaderPackingFunctionTestInstance (context, shaderType, spec, name)
tcu::TestStatus iterate (void)
- const int maxDiff = 0; // All bits must be accurate.
+ const int minExp = -14;
+ const int maxExp = 15;
+ const int mantBits = 10;
+ const deUint32 mantBitMask = (1u << mantBits) - 1u;
+ tcu::TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog();
de::Random rnd (deStringHash(m_name) ^ 0x776002);
std::vector<deUint32> inputs;
std::vector<tcu::Vec2> outputs;
inputs.push_back((tcu::Float16( 1.0f).bits() << 16) | tcu::Float16( 0.0f).bits());
inputs.push_back((tcu::Float16(-1.0f).bits() << 16) | tcu::Float16( 0.5f).bits());
inputs.push_back((tcu::Float16( 0.5f).bits() << 16) | tcu::Float16(-0.5f).bits());
+ // Special subnormal value: single lowest bit set
+ inputs.push_back((tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(POSITIVE, 0u, 1u)).bits() << 16)
+ | tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(NEGATIVE, 0u, 1u)).bits());
+ // Special subnormal value: single highest fraction bit set
+ inputs.push_back((tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(NEGATIVE, 0u, 1u << (mantBits - 1u))).bits() << 16)
+ | tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(POSITIVE, 0u, 1u << (mantBits - 1u))).bits());
+ // Special subnormal value: all fraction bits set
+ inputs.push_back((tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(POSITIVE, 0u, mantBitMask)).bits() << 16)
+ | tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(NEGATIVE, 0u, mantBitMask)).bits());
// Construct random values.
+ for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 90; ndx++)
- const int minExp = -14;
- const int maxExp = 15;
- const int mantBits = 10;
+ deUint32 inVal = 0;
+ for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
+ {
+ const int s = rnd.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
+ const int exp = rnd.getInt(minExp, maxExp);
+ const deUint32 mantissa = rnd.getUint32() & mantBitMask;
+ const deUint16 value = tcu::Float16::construct(s, exp != 0 ? exp : 1 /* avoid denorm */, static_cast<deUint16>((1u<<10) | mantissa)).bits();
- for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 96; ndx++)
+ inVal |= value << (16u * c);
+ }
+ inputs.push_back(inVal);
+ }
+ for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 15; ndx++)
+ {
+ deUint32 inVal = 0;
+ for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
- deUint32 inVal = 0;
- for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
- {
- const int s = rnd.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
- const int exp = rnd.getInt(minExp, maxExp);
- const deUint32 mantissa = rnd.getUint32() & ((1<<mantBits)-1);
- const deUint16 value = tcu::Float16::construct(s, exp ? exp : 1 /* avoid denorm */, (deUint16)((1u<<10) | mantissa)).bits();
+ const Sign sign = rnd.getBool()? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE;
+ const deUint32 mantissa = rnd.getUint32() & mantBitMask;
+ const deUint16 value = tcu::Float16(composeHalfFloat(sign, 0u /* force denorm */, mantissa)).bits();
- inVal |= value << (16*c);
- }
- inputs.push_back(inVal);
+ inVal |= value << (16u * c);
+ inputs.push_back(inVal);
- m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "Executing shader for " << inputs.size() << " input values" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Executing shader for " << inputs.size() << " input values" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
const void* in = &inputs[0];
// Verify
- const int numValues = (int)inputs.size();
- const int maxPrints = 10;
- int numFailed = 0;
+ const int numValues = (int)inputs.size();
+ const int maxPrints = 10;
+ int numFailed = 0;
+ SubnormalizedConversionType conversion = UNKNOWN;
for (int valNdx = 0; valNdx < (int)inputs.size(); valNdx++)
- const deUint16 in0 = (deUint16)(inputs[valNdx] & 0xffff);
- const deUint16 in1 = (deUint16)(inputs[valNdx] >> 16);
- const float ref0 = tcu::Float16(in0).asFloat();
- const float ref1 = tcu::Float16(in1).asFloat();
- const float res0 = outputs[valNdx].x();
- const float res1 = outputs[valNdx].y();
- const deUint32 refBits0 = tcu::Float32(ref0).bits();
- const deUint32 refBits1 = tcu::Float32(ref1).bits();
- const deUint32 resBits0 = tcu::Float32(res0).bits();
- const deUint32 resBits1 = tcu::Float32(res1).bits();
- const int diff0 = de::abs((int)refBits0 - (int)resBits0);
- const int diff1 = de::abs((int)refBits1 - (int)resBits1);
- if (diff0 > maxDiff || diff1 > maxDiff)
+ const deUint16 in0 = (deUint16)(inputs[valNdx] & 0xffff);
+ const deUint16 in1 = (deUint16)(inputs[valNdx] >> 16);
+ const float res0 = outputs[valNdx].x();
+ const float res1 = outputs[valNdx].y();
+ const deBool value0 = checkValue(in0, res0, conversion);
+ // note: do not avoid calling checkValue for in1 if it failed for in0 by using && laziness
+ // checkValue may potentially change 'conversion' parameter if it was set to UNKNOWN so far
+ const deBool value1 = checkValue(in1, res1, conversion);
+ const deBool valuesOK = value0 && value1;
+ if (!valuesOK)
if (numFailed < maxPrints)
- {
- m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "ERROR: Mismatch in value " << valNdx << ",\n"
- << " expected unpackHalf2x16(" << tcu::toHex(inputs[valNdx]) << ") = "
- << "vec2(" << ref0 << " / " << tcu::toHex(refBits0) << ", " << ref1 << " / " << tcu::toHex(refBits1) << ")"
- << ", got vec2(" << res0 << " / " << tcu::toHex(resBits0) << ", " << res1 << " / " << tcu::toHex(resBits1) << ")"
- << "\n ULP diffs = (" << diff0 << ", " << diff1 << "), max diff = " << maxDiff
- << TestLog::EndMessage;
- }
+ printErrorMessage(log, valNdx, in0, in1, res0, res1);
else if (numFailed == maxPrints)
- m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "..." << TestLog::EndMessage;
- numFailed += 1;
+ log << TestLog::Message << "..." << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ ++numFailed;
- m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << (numValues - numFailed) << " / " << numValues << " values passed" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ log << TestLog::Message << (numValues - numFailed) << " / " << numValues << " values passed" << TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numFailed == 0)
return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Pass");
return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Result comparison failed");
+ deBool checkValue (deUint16 inValue, float outValue, SubnormalizedConversionType& conversion)
+ {
+ const tcu::Float16 temp = tcu::Float16(inValue);
+ const float ref = temp.asFloat();
+ const deUint32 refBits = tcu::Float32(ref).bits();
+ const deUint32 resBits = tcu::Float32(outValue).bits();
+ const deBool bitMatch = (refBits ^ resBits) == 0u;
+ const deBool denorm = temp.isDenorm();
+ if (conversion != CONVERTED && denorm)
+ {
+ if (resBits == 0)
+ {
+ conversion = ZERO_FLUSHED;
+ return DE_TRUE;
+ }
+ if (conversion != ZERO_FLUSHED && bitMatch)
+ {
+ conversion = CONVERTED;
+ return DE_TRUE;
+ }
+ return DE_FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (bitMatch)
+ return DE_TRUE;
+ return DE_FALSE;
+ }
+ void printErrorMessage (tcu::TestLog& log, deUint32 valNdx, deUint16 in0, deUint16 in1, float out0, float out1)
+ {
+ const float ref0 = tcu::Float16(in0).asFloat();
+ const deUint32 refBits0 = tcu::Float32(ref0).bits();
+ const deUint32 resBits0 = tcu::Float32(out0).bits();
+ const float ref1 = tcu::Float16(in1).asFloat();
+ const deUint32 refBits1 = tcu::Float32(ref1).bits();
+ const deUint32 resBits1 = tcu::Float32(out1).bits();
+ log << TestLog::Message << "ERROR: Mismatch in value " << valNdx << ",\n"
+ << " expected unpackHalf2x16(" << tcu::toHex((in1 << 16u) | in0) << ") = "
+ << "vec2(" << ref0 << " / " << tcu::toHex(refBits0) << ", " << ref1 << " / " << tcu::toHex(refBits1) << ")"
+ << ", got vec2(" << out0 << " / " << tcu::toHex(resBits0) << ", " << out1 << " / " << tcu::toHex(resBits1) << ")"
+ << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ }
+ deUint16 composeHalfFloat (Sign sign, deUint32 exponent, deUint32 significand)
+ {
+ const deUint32 BitMask_05 = (1u << 5u) - 1u;
+ const deUint32 BitMask_10 = (1u << 10u) - 1u;
+ const deUint32 BitMask_16 = (1u << 16u) - 1u;
+ DE_UNREF(BitMask_05);
+ DE_UNREF(BitMask_10);
+ DE_UNREF(BitMask_16);
+ DE_ASSERT((exponent & ~BitMask_05) == 0u);
+ DE_ASSERT((significand & ~BitMask_10) == 0u);
+ const deUint32 value = (((sign == NEGATIVE ? 1u : 0u) << 5u | exponent) << 10u) | significand;
+ DE_ASSERT((value & ~BitMask_16) == 0u);
+ return static_cast<deUint16>(value);
+ }
class UnpackHalf2x16Case : public ShaderPackingFunctionCase