{QSG_RENDER_TIMING=1} will output a number of useful timing
parameters which can be useful in pinpointing where a problem lies.
+ \section1 Visualizing
+ To visualize the various aspects of the scene graph's default renderer, the
+ \c QSG_VISUALIZE environment variable can be set to one of the values
+ detailed in each section below. We provide examples of the output of
+ some of the variables using the following QML code:
+ \code
+ import QtQuick 2.2
+ Rectangle {
+ width: 200
+ height: 140
+ ListView {
+ id: clippedList
+ x: 20
+ y: 20
+ width: 70
+ height: 100
+ clip: true
+ model: ["Item A", "Item B", "Item C", "Item D"]
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ color: "lightblue"
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 25
+ Text {
+ text: modelData
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ListView {
+ id: clippedDelegateList
+ x: clippedList.x + clippedList.width + 20
+ y: 20
+ width: 70
+ height: 100
+ clip: true
+ model: ["Item A", "Item B", "Item C", "Item D"]
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ color: "lightblue"
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 25
+ clip: true
+ Text {
+ text: modelData
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ For the ListView on the left, we set its \l {Item::clip}{clip} property to
+ \c true. For the ListView on right, we also set each delegate's
+ \l {Item::clip}{clip} property to \c true to illustrate the effects of
+ clipping on batching.
+ \image visualize-original.png "Original"
+ Original
+ \note The visualized elements do not respect clipping, and rendering order is
+ arbitrary.
+ \section2 Visualizing Batches
+ Setting \c QSG_VISUALIZE to \c batches visualizes batches in the renderer.
+ Merged batches are drawn with a solid color and unmerged batches are drawn
+ with a diagonal line pattern. Few unique colors means good batching.
+ Unmerged batches are bad if they contain many individual nodes.
+ \image visualize-batches.png "batches"
+ \c QSG_VISUALIZE=batches
+ \section2 Visualizing Clipping
+ Setting \c QSG_VISUALIZE to \c clip draws red areas on top of the scene
+ to indicate clipping. As Qt Quick Items do not clip by default, no clipping
+ is usually visualized.
+ \image visualize-clip.png
+ \section2 Visualizing Changes
+ Setting \c QSG_VISUALIZE to \c changes visualizes changes in the renderer.
+ Changes in the scenegraph are visualized with a flashing overlay of a random
+ color. Changes on a primitive are visualized with a solid color, while
+ changes in an ancestor, such as matrix or opacity changes, are visualized
+ with a pattern.
+ \section2 Visualizing Overdraw
+ Setting \c QSG_VISUALIZE to \c overdraw visualizes overdraw in the renderer.
+ Visualize all items in 3D to highlight overdraws. This mode can also be used
+ to detect geometry outside the viewport to some extent. Opaque items are
+ rendered with a green tint, while translucent items are rendered with a red
+ tint. The bounding box for the viewport is rendered in blue. Opaque content
+ is easier for the scenegraph to process and is usually faster to render.
+ Note that the root rectangle in the code above is superfluous as the window
+ is also white, so drawing the rectangle is a waste of resources in this case.
+ Changing it to an Item can give a slight performance boost.
+ \image visualize-overdraw-1.png "overdraw-1"
+ \image visualize-overdraw-2.png "overdraw-2"
+ \c QSG_VISUALIZE=overdraw