; // -----
; CHECK: import-failure.ll
-; CHECK-SAME: error: unhandled constant: ptr blockaddress(@unhandled_constant, %bb1)
+; CHECK-SAME: error: blockaddress is not implemented in the LLVM dialect
; CHECK: import-failure.ll
; CHECK-SAME: error: unhandled instruction: ret ptr blockaddress(@unhandled_constant, %bb1)
define ptr @unhandled_constant() {
; // -----
; CHECK: import-failure.ll
-; CHECK-SAME: error: unhandled constant: ptr blockaddress(@unhandled_global, %bb1)
+; CHECK-SAME: error: blockaddress is not implemented in the LLVM dialect
; CHECK: import-failure.ll
; CHECK-SAME: error: unhandled global variable: @private = private global ptr blockaddress(@unhandled_global, %bb1)
@private = private global ptr blockaddress(@unhandled_global, %bb1)