"%s: Barrier pImageMemoryBarriers[%d].dstAccessMask(0x%X) is not a subset of VkSubpassDependency "
"dstAccessMask(0x%X) of "
"subpass %d of renderPass 0x%" PRIx64 ". %s",
- funcName, i, img_dst_access_mask, sub_dst_access_mask, cb_state->activeSubpass, rp_handle,
+ funcName, i, img_dst_access_mask, sub_dst_access_mask, active_subpass, rp_handle,
// Verify that a framebuffer image matches barrier image
const auto &fb_state = GetFramebufferState(device_data, cb_state->activeFramebuffer);
const auto img_bar_image = img_barrier.image;
bool image_match = false;
+ bool sub_image_found = false; // Do we find a corresponding subpass description
+ VkImageLayout sub_image_layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
+ uint32_t attach_index = 0;
+ uint32_t index_count = 0;
for (const auto &fb_attach : fb_state->attachments) {
if (img_bar_image == fb_attach.image) {
image_match = true;
+ attach_index = index_count;
+ break;
+ index_count++;
- if (!image_match) {
+ if (image_match) { // Make sure subpass is referring to matching attachment
+ if (sub_desc.pDepthStencilAttachment && sub_desc.pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment == attach_index) {
+ sub_image_layout = sub_desc.pDepthStencilAttachment->layout;
+ sub_image_found = true;
+ } else {
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < sub_desc.colorAttachmentCount; ++j) {
+ if (sub_desc.pColorAttachments && sub_desc.pColorAttachments[j].attachment == attach_index) {
+ sub_image_layout = sub_desc.pColorAttachments[j].layout;
+ sub_image_found = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (sub_desc.pResolveAttachments && sub_desc.pResolveAttachments[j].attachment == attach_index) {
+ sub_image_layout = sub_desc.pResolveAttachments[j].layout;
+ sub_image_found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sub_image_found) {
+ skip |= log_msg(
+ rp_handle, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_1b800936, "CORE",
+ "%s: Barrier pImageMemoryBarriers[%d].image (0x%" PRIx64
+ ") is not referenced by the VkSubpassDescription for active subpass (%d) of current renderPass (0x%" PRIx64
+ "). %s",
+ funcName, i, HandleToUint64(img_bar_image), active_subpass, rp_handle,
+ validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_1b800936]);
+ }
+ } else { // !image_match
auto const fb_handle = HandleToUint64(fb_state->framebuffer);
skip |=