## Introduction
+## Ground Rule
+### When you want to change code...
+1. Create your own branch first. This branch can be removed later after pull request to main branch is accepted.
+2. You can directly commit to your own branch during the code development. (Don't need to ask review at this time)
+3. After all modification is done and ready to commit to main branch, create pull request.\
+Note that any code change must include package version (in ../packaging/esplusplayer.spec) together.
+### When sending pull request...
+1. Write the title short but properly (e.g. Fix DFXXXXXX-XXXXX / Change A to B)
+2. Write further information in description. Don't make the description empty.
+3. Your pull request description needs to follow the below format:
+ - [Version: 1.x.y] (Mandatory)
+ - << further explanation about the change >>
+4. Sometimes further explanation could be more than a page of word document.\
+in this case, use [wiki](https://github.sec.samsung.net/tizen-vault/esplusplayer/wiki) to publish your contents permanantly on this repository.
+### During pull request is under review...
+1. You must assign at least [ESPP team](https://github.sec.samsung.net/orgs/tizen-vault/teams/espp) for the reviewer.
+2. Don't ignore analysis comes from review-bot, always check its comment and try to revise your pull request.\
+If you have not enough time to follow up the review-bot analysis result, use [issues](https://github.sec.samsung.net/tizen-vault/esplusplayer/issues) to assign it and follow up soon later.
## About Coding Rule
This project follows Google C++ Coding Style, see the details of guide from [here](https://github.sec.samsung.net/tizen-vault/esplusplayer/blob/main/docs/coding_rule.md)