--- /dev/null
+//===-- DebugSupport.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file defines functions which generate more readable forms of data
+// structures used in the dataflow analyses, for debugging purposes.
+#include <string>
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Value.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace dataflow {
+/// Returns a string representation for the boolean value `B`.
+/// Atomic booleans appearing in the boolean value `B` are assigned to labels
+/// either specified in `AtomNames` or created by default rules as B0, B1, ...
+/// Requirements:
+/// Names assigned to atoms should not be repeated in `AtomNames`.
+std::string debugString(
+ const BoolValue &B,
+ llvm::DenseMap<const AtomicBoolValue *, std::string> AtomNames = {{}});
+} // namespace dataflow
+} // namespace clang
+ DebugSupport.cpp
--- /dev/null
+//===- DebugSupport.cpp -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file defines functions which generate more readable forms of data
+// structures used in the dataflow analyses, for debugging purposes.
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DebugSupport.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Value.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace dataflow {
+using llvm::fmt_pad;
+using llvm::formatv;
+namespace {
+class DebugStringGenerator {
+ explicit DebugStringGenerator(
+ llvm::DenseMap<const AtomicBoolValue *, std::string> AtomNamesArg)
+ : Counter(0), AtomNames(std::move(AtomNamesArg)) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ llvm::StringSet<> Names;
+ for (auto &N : AtomNames) {
+ assert(Names.insert(N.second).second &&
+ "The same name must not assigned to different atoms");
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a string representation of a boolean value `B`.
+ std::string debugString(const BoolValue &B, size_t Depth = 0) {
+ std::string S;
+ switch (B.getKind()) {
+ case Value::Kind::AtomicBool: {
+ S = getAtomName(&cast<AtomicBoolValue>(B));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value::Kind::Conjunction: {
+ auto &C = cast<ConjunctionValue>(B);
+ auto L = debugString(C.getLeftSubValue(), Depth + 1);
+ auto R = debugString(C.getRightSubValue(), Depth + 1);
+ S = formatv("(and\n{0}\n{1})", L, R);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value::Kind::Disjunction: {
+ auto &D = cast<DisjunctionValue>(B);
+ auto L = debugString(D.getLeftSubValue(), Depth + 1);
+ auto R = debugString(D.getRightSubValue(), Depth + 1);
+ S = formatv("(or\n{0}\n{1})", L, R);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value::Kind::Negation: {
+ auto &N = cast<NegationValue>(B);
+ S = formatv("(not\n{0})", debugString(N.getSubVal(), Depth + 1));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ llvm_unreachable("Unhandled value kind");
+ }
+ auto Indent = Depth * 4;
+ return formatv("{0}", fmt_pad(S, Indent, 0));
+ }
+ /// Returns the name assigned to `Atom`, either user-specified or created by
+ /// default rules (B0, B1, ...).
+ std::string getAtomName(const AtomicBoolValue *Atom) {
+ auto Entry = AtomNames.try_emplace(Atom, formatv("B{0}", Counter));
+ if (Entry.second) {
+ Counter++;
+ }
+ return Entry.first->second;
+ }
+ // Keep track of number of atoms without a user-specified name, used to assign
+ // non-repeating default names to such atoms.
+ size_t Counter;
+ // Keep track of names assigned to atoms.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const AtomicBoolValue *, std::string> AtomNames;
+} // namespace
+debugString(const BoolValue &B,
+ llvm::DenseMap<const AtomicBoolValue *, std::string> AtomNames) {
+ return DebugStringGenerator(std::move(AtomNames)).debugString(B);
+} // namespace dataflow
+} // namespace clang
+ DebugSupportTest.cpp
--- /dev/null
+//===- unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DebugSupportTest.cpp --------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DebugSupport.h"
+#include "TestingSupport.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Value.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace dataflow;
+using test::ConstraintContext;
+using testing::StrEq;
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, AtomicBoolean) {
+ // B0
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B = Ctx.atom();
+ auto Expected = R"(B0)";
+ debugString(*B);
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, Negation) {
+ // !B0
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B = Ctx.neg(Ctx.atom());
+ auto Expected = R"((not
+ B0))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, Conjunction) {
+ // B0 ^ B1
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B = Ctx.conj(Ctx.atom(), Ctx.atom());
+ auto Expected = R"((and
+ B0
+ B1))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, Disjunction) {
+ // B0 v B1
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B = Ctx.disj(Ctx.atom(), Ctx.atom());
+ auto Expected = R"((or
+ B0
+ B1))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, Implication) {
+ // B0 => B1, implemented as !B0 v B1
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B = Ctx.disj(Ctx.neg(Ctx.atom()), Ctx.atom());
+ auto Expected = R"((or
+ (not
+ B0)
+ B1))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, Iff) {
+ // B0 <=> B1, implemented as (!B0 v B1) ^ (B0 v !B1)
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B0 = Ctx.atom();
+ auto B1 = Ctx.atom();
+ auto B = Ctx.conj(Ctx.disj(Ctx.neg(B0), B1), Ctx.disj(B0, Ctx.neg(B1)));
+ auto Expected = R"((and
+ (or
+ (not
+ B0)
+ B1)
+ (or
+ B0
+ (not
+ B1))))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, Xor) {
+ // (B0 ^ !B1) V (!B0 ^ B1)
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B0 = Ctx.atom();
+ auto B1 = Ctx.atom();
+ auto B = Ctx.disj(Ctx.conj(B0, Ctx.neg(B1)), Ctx.conj(Ctx.neg(B0), B1));
+ auto Expected = R"((or
+ (and
+ B0
+ (not
+ B1))
+ (and
+ (not
+ B0)
+ B1)))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, NestedBoolean) {
+ // B0 ^ (B1 v (B2 ^ (B3 v B4)))
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto B = Ctx.conj(
+ Ctx.atom(),
+ Ctx.disj(Ctx.atom(),
+ Ctx.conj(Ctx.atom(), Ctx.disj(Ctx.atom(), Ctx.atom()))));
+ auto Expected = R"((and
+ B0
+ (or
+ B1
+ (and
+ B2
+ (or
+ B3
+ B4)))))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, AtomicBooleanWithName) {
+ // True
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto True = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Ctx.atom());
+ auto B = True;
+ auto Expected = R"(True)";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B, {{True, "True"}}), StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, ComplexBooleanWithNames) {
+ // (Cond ^ Then ^ !Else) v (!Cond ^ !Then ^ Else)
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto Cond = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Ctx.atom());
+ auto Then = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Ctx.atom());
+ auto Else = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Ctx.atom());
+ auto B = Ctx.disj(Ctx.conj(Cond, Ctx.conj(Then, Ctx.neg(Else))),
+ Ctx.conj(Ctx.neg(Cond), Ctx.conj(Ctx.neg(Then), Else)));
+ auto Expected = R"((or
+ (and
+ Cond
+ (and
+ Then
+ (not
+ Else)))
+ (and
+ (not
+ Cond)
+ (and
+ (not
+ Then)
+ Else))))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B, {{Cond, "Cond"}, {Then, "Then"}, {Else, "Else"}}),
+ StrEq(Expected));
+TEST(BoolValueDebugStringTest, ComplexBooleanWithSomeNames) {
+ // (False && B0) v (True v B1)
+ ConstraintContext Ctx;
+ auto True = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Ctx.atom());
+ auto False = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Ctx.atom());
+ auto B = Ctx.disj(Ctx.conj(False, Ctx.atom()), Ctx.disj(True, Ctx.atom()));
+ auto Expected = R"((or
+ (and
+ False
+ B0)
+ (or
+ True
+ B1)))";
+ EXPECT_THAT(debugString(*B, {{True, "True"}, {False, "False"}}),
+ StrEq(Expected));
+} // namespace
+ "DebugSupport.cpp",