--- /dev/null
+ gbs import [options] <tarball>
+Import/upload new tarballs for current pkg
+ -h/--help print this info
+INFO_COLOR='\e[0;32m' # green
+WARN_COLOR='\e[0;33m' # yellow
+ERR_COLOR='\e[0;31m' # red
+ASK_COLOR='\e[0;34m' # blue
+ echo "Fatal Error:"
+ echo -e "${ERR_COLOR}$@${NO_COLOR}"
+ echo ""
+ echo "$USAGE"
+ exit
+ echo -e "${INFO_COLOR}$@ ${NO_COLOR}"
+while :
+ case $1 in
+ -v|-d|--verbose) verbose=true
+ ;;
+ -h|--help) echo "$USAGE"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ *) source_tarball=$1
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+[ $# == 1 ] || die "Invalid parameters."
+# get user name/passwd from gbs.conf
+user=$(gbs cfg user)
+passwd=$(gbs cfg passwd)
+HUDSON_SERVER=$(gbs cfg src_server)
+passwdx=$(gbs cfg passwdx)
+source_tarball_name=$(basename $source_tarball)
+# Only compressed data file support
+file $source_tarball|grep "compressed data" > /dev/null || die "Invalid file type: $(file $source_tarball|cut -d':' -f2) \n Only compressed data file supported."
+info_msg "Uploading the tarball to the source server...."
+ret_string=$(curl -L -k -i -s -u$user:$passwd -Fname=source_tarball -Ffile0=@$source_tarball -Fjson='{"parameter": [{"name": "source_tarball", "file": "file0"},{"name":"pkg", "value":"'$source_tarball_name'"},{"name":"parameters","value":""}]}' -FSubmit=Build "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/build")
+echo $ret_string|grep '302' > /dev/null
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo $ret_string
+ die "Server Error, please check your gbs configuration"
+sleep 1
+last_id=`curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/lastBuild/buildNumber"`
+result_json=`curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/$last_id/api/json"`
+last_prj=`echo $result_json|python -mjson.tool |grep "pkg" -A1|tail -1|cut -d'"' -f4`
+last_user=`echo $result_json|python -mjson.tool |grep "userName" |cut -d'"' -f4`
+ # In case the last commit is not made by the user, supposed the last job triggered by '$user' is the one.
+if [ "$last_prj" != "$source_tarball_name" -o "$last_user" != "$user" ]; then
+ exit
+ echo "Your request has been put in queue waiting to process"
+ while [ true ]
+ do
+ ret_id=$(curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/lastBuild/buildNumber")
+ if [ "$last_id" != "$ret_id" ]; then
+ result_json=`curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/$ret_id/api/json"`
+ last_prj=`echo $result_json|python -mjson.tool |grep "pkg" -A1|tail -1|cut -d'"' -f4`
+ last_user=`echo $result_json|python -mjson.tool |grep "userName" |cut -d'"' -f4`
+ if [ "$last_prj" == "$prj_name" -o "$last_user" != "$user" ]; then
+ last_id=$ret_id
+ echo ''
+ break
+ fi
+ last_id=$ret_id
+ else
+ echo -n .
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ done
+echo 'Serve is processing your request, waiting for the result ...'
+ # Waiting until the job finished
+while [ true ]
+ result_json=`curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/$build_id/api/json"`
+ status=$(echo $result_json|python -mjson.tool |grep "building.*false")
+ if [ -n "$status" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo -n '.'
+ sleep 1
+echo ""
+# Execuation result
+result_json=`curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/$build_id/api/json"`
+result=`echo $result_json|python -mjson.tool |grep result|cut -d '"' -f4`
+if [ x$result != xSUCCESS ]; then
+ echo -e "${ERR_COLOR}==== LOG FROM REMOTE SERVER ============${NO_COLOR}"
+ curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/$build_id/consoleText"
+ echo -e "${ERR_COLOR}========================================${NO_COLOR}"
+ die 'Remote Server Exception'
+ srctar_md5sum=$(curl -L -k -s -u$user:$passwd "$HUDSON_SERVER/job/import/$build_id/consoleText" | sed -n 's/.*#!#\(.*\)#!#.*/\1/p')
+ info_msg "md5sum output:"
+ echo " " "$srctar_md5sum"
+ echo ""