- * @internal
- *
* @brief Register evas object as an accessible object.
* @since 1.8
* accessible object.
* @ingroup Access
+ *
+ * @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @endif
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_access_object_register(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *parent);
- * @internal
- *
* @brief Unregister accessible object.
* @since 1.8
* @param obj The Evas object to unregister accessible object.
* @ingroup Access
+ *
+ * @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @endif
EAPI void elm_access_object_unregister(Evas_Object *obj);
- * @internal
- *
* @brief Get an accessible object of the evas object.
* @since 1.8
* @return Accessible object of the evas object or NULL for any error
* @ingroup Access
+ *
+ * @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @endif
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_access_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @param data The user data to be passed to the callback function
* @ingoup Elm_Atspi_Bridge
+ *
+ * @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @endif
EAPI void elm_atspi_bridge_utils_say(const char* text,
Eina_Bool discardable,
//TIZEN_ONLY(20190922): add name callback, description callback.
@property name_cb {
set {
- [[Sets name information callback about widget.]]
+ [[Sets name information callback about widget.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
values {
- name_cb: Elm_Atspi_Reading_Info_Cb;
- data: const(void)*;
+ name_cb: Elm_Atspi_Reading_Info_Cb; [[The function called to provide the accessible name.]]
+ data: const(void)*; [[The data passed to \@c name_cb.]]
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160729): attributes_get, append, reading_information set APIs added/updated.
attribute_append {
- [[Add key-value pair identifying widget extra attribute]]
+ [[Add key-value pair identifying widget extra attribute
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
params {
- @in key: const(char)*;
- @in value: const(char)*;
+ @in key: const(char)*; [[The string key to give extra information.]]
+ @in value: const(char)*; [[The string value to give extra information.]]
@property reading_info_type @protected {
get {
- [[Gets reading information of an accessible object.]]
+ [[Gets reading information types of an accessible object.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
set {
- [[Gets reading information of an accessible object.]]
+ [[Gets reading information of an accessible object.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
values {
reading_info: Elm_Atspi_Reading_Info_Type_Mask; [[Reading information types]]
//TIZEN_ONLY(20190922): add name callback, description callback.
@property description_cb {
set {
- [[Sets contextual information callback about widget.]]
+ [[Sets contextual information callback about widget.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
values {
- description_cb: Elm_Atspi_Reading_Info_Cb;
- data: const(void)*;
+ description_cb: Elm_Atspi_Reading_Info_Cb; [[The function called to provide the accessible description.]]
+ data: const(void)*; [[The data passed to \@c description_cb.]]
//TIZEN_ONLY(20170405) Add gesture method to accessible interface
@property gesture_cb {
set {
- [[Sets gesture callback to give widget.]]
+ [[Sets gesture callback to give widget.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
values {
gesutre_cb: Elm_Atspi_Gesture_Cb;
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160726): add API elm_atspi_accessible_can_highlight_set/get
@property can_highlight {
get {
- [[Gets highlightable of given widget.]]
+ [[Gets highlightable of given widget.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
set {
- [[Sets highlightable to given widget.]]
+ [[Sets highlightable to given widget.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
values {
- can_highlight: bool;
+ can_highlight: bool; [[If \@c true, the object is highlightable.]]
return: Eo*;
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160329): atspi: implement HighlightGrab and HighlightClear methods (29e253e2f7ef3c632ac3a64c489bf569df407f30)
- highlight_grab @protected {
+ highlight_grab {
[[ Highlights accessible widget.
- returns true if highlight grab has successed, false otherwise. ]]
+ returns true if highlight grab has successed, false otherwise.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160721): atspi: provide highlight legacy API
legacy: elm_atspi_component_highlight_grab;
return: bool;
- highlight_clear @protected {
+ highlight_clear {
[[ Clears highlight of accessible widget.
- returns true if clear has successed, false otherwise. ]]
+ returns true if clear has successed, false otherwise.
+ \@if WEARABLE \@since_tizen 3.0
+ \@endif
+ ]]
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160721): atspi: provide highlight legacy API
legacy: elm_atspi_component_highlight_clear;
return elm_widget_focus_region_show_mode_get(obj);
+EAPI Evas_Object *
+elm_object_part_access_register(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
+ if (!evas_object_smart_type_check(obj, "elm_layout"))
+ {
+ ERR("Only for parts of a layout, access object can be registered");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Evas_Object *edj = elm_layout_edje_get(obj);
+ return _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_register(obj, edj, part);
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160726): add API elm_object_part_access_object_get
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_object_part_access_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_object_orientation_mode_disabled_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
-//TIZEN_ONLY(20160726): add API elm_object_part_access_object_get
+//TIZEN_ONLY(20170414): add API elm_object_part_access_register
- * Get the access object which is registered to part
+ * @brief Registers a part of an object as an access object.
+ *
+ * @param obj The object
+ * @param part The object's part name to register
- * @param obj The Elementary widget
- * @param part The widget's part name to get access object
+ * @ingroup General
+ *
+ * @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @endif
+ */
+EAPI Evas_Object *elm_object_part_access_register(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
+//TIZEN_ONLY(20160726): add API elm_object_part_access_object_get
+ * @brief Get the access object which is registered to part
- * @since 1.18
+ * @param obj The object
+ * @param part The object's part name to get access object
* @ingroup General
+ *
+ * @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @endif
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_object_part_access_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);