(or previous) setting.
+## dgram
+This class is used to create datagram sockets, for sending and receiving UDP
+and UNIX daemon sockets.
+An server listening for UDP packets on port 8125:
+ var dgram = require('dgram');
+ var server = dgram.createSocket(function (msg, rinfo) {
+ console.log("connection from " + rinfo.address + ":"+ rinfo.port);
+ console.log("server got: " + msg);
+ });
+ server.bind(8125, 'localhost');
+To listen on the socket `'/tmp/echo.sock'`, change the last line:
+ server.bind('/tmp/echo.sock');
+A client which sends UDP packets to port 8125:
+ var dgram = require("dgram");
+ var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
+ var buf = new Buffer('hello');
+ var client = dgram.createSocket();
+ client.send(8125, 'localhost', buf, 0, buf.length);
+Note the use of a `Buffer` rather than a string object.
+### Event: 'listening'
+`function () {}`
+Emitted when a server has finished its bind and is ready to receive data.
+### Event: 'message'
+`function (msg, rinfo) {}`
+Emitted when a socket receives data. msg is a `Buffer`, not a string. rinfo.port and rinfo.address contains the sender's port and IP.
+### Event: 'error'
+`function (exception) { }`
+An error on the socket will emit this event.
+### Event: 'close'
+`function () {}`
+Emitted when the socket closes.
+### dgram.createSocket(messageListener)
+Creates a new dgram socket. The `messageListener` argument is
+automatically set as a listener for the `'message'` event.
+### socket.bind(port, host=null)
+Begin accepting connections on the specified `port` and `host`. If the
+`host` is omitted, the server will accept connections directed to any
+IPv4 address (`INADDR_ANY`).
+### socket.bind(path)
+Start a UNIX socket server listening for connections on the given `path`.
+### socket.send(port, addr, buffer, offset, length)
+Send a packet over the socket to a port and host or IP. `port` and `addr` define the destination, `buffer` should be a `Buffer` object, and offset and length give the start bytes and total bytes to send in this packet.
+### socket.send(path, _, buffer, offset, length)
+Send a packet over the socket to a UNIX daemon socket. `path` defines the destination, and the second argument is unused. `buffer` should be a `Buffer` object, and offset and length give the start bytes and total bytes to send in this packet.
+### socket.close()
+Close the socket. This function is asynchronous, the server is finally closed
+when the server emits a `'close'` event.
## Crypto
Use `require('crypto')` to access this module.