mov eax,[si+tftp_filesize]
.got_file: ; SI->socket structure, EAX = size
and eax,eax ; Set ZF depending on file size
- pop bp ; Junk
- pop bp ; Junk (retry counter)
jz .error_si ; ZF = 1 need to free the socket
- pop bp
+ leave ; SP <- BP, POP BP
pop cx
pop bx
pop es
%if GPXE
- pop si
- pop si
- push bx
- mov si,packet_buf+2 ; Completed URL
+ push bx ; Socket pointer
mov di,gpxe_file_open
- mov [di+4],si
+ mov word [di+4],packet_buf+2 ; Completed URL
mov [di+6],ds
call pxenv
- pop si ; Packet pointer in SI
+ pop si ; Socket pointer in SI
jc .error_si
mov ax,[di+2]
mov word [si+tftp_localport],-1 ; gPXE URL
mov [si+tftp_remoteport],ax
call pxenv
- jc .error
- mov eax,[di+4]
+ mov eax,[di+4] ; File size
+ jnc .oksize
+ or eax,-1 ; Size unknown
mov [si+tftp_filesize],eax
jmp .got_file
%endif ; GPXE
; is_url: Return CF=0 if and only if the buffer pointed to by
-; DS:SI is a URL (contains ://). No registers modified.
+; DS:SI is a URL (contains ://). No registers modified.
%if GPXE
cmp word [si+tftp_localport], -1
jne .get_packet_tftp
call get_packet_gpxe
- jmp .gotten
+ jmp .ret
%endif ; GPXE
; TFTP code...
.last_block: ; Last block - ACK packet immediately
mov ax,[fs:bx+2]
call ack_packet
; Assumes CS == DS == ES.
- TRACER 'g'
+ mov di,gpxe_file_read
mov ax,[si+tftp_remoteport] ; gPXE filehandle
mov [di+2],ax
- mov word [di+4],PKTBUF_SIZE
mov ax,[si+tftp_pktbuf]
mov [di+6],ax
mov [si+tftp_dataptr],ax
mov [di+8],fs
+ mov word [di+4],PKTBUF_SIZE
call pxenv
; XXX: FIX THIS: Need to be able to distinguish
add [si+tftp_filepos],eax ; Position in file
and ax,ax
+ mov eax,[si+tftp_filepos]
jnz .got_stuff
; We got EOF here, make sure the upper layers know
- mov eax,[si+tftp_filepos]
mov [si+tftp_filesize],eax
; If we're done here, close the file
- mov eax,[si+tftp_filepos]
cmp [si+tftp_filesize],eax
ja .done ; Not EOF, there is still data...
+ mov si,get_packet_msg
+ call writestr
+ mov al,dl
+ call writehex2
+ call crlf
mov di,pxe_bootp_query_pkt
push di
xor ax,ax
mov si,err_pxefailed
+ call writestr
+ call writehex4
+ call crlf
jmp kaboom
+ section .data
+get_packet_msg db 'Getting cached packet ', 0
+ section .text
; ip_ok