const std::string LOGO_PATH( DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "Logo-for-demo.png" );
const std::string TILE_BACKGROUND(DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "item-background.9.png");
const std::string TILE_BACKGROUND_ALPHA( DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "demo-tile-texture.9.png" );
+ const std::string TILE_FOCUS( DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "tile-focus.9.png" );
+ // Keyboard focus constants.
+ const float KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION = 1.0f; ///< The total duration of the keyboard focus animation
+ const float KEYBOARD_FOCUS_START_SCALE = 1.05f; ///< The starting scale of the focus highlight
+ const float KEYBOARD_FOCUS_END_SCALE = 1.18f; ///< The end scale of the focus highlight
+ const float KEYBOARD_FOCUS_END_ALPHA = 0.7f; ///< The end alpha of the focus highlight
+ const float KEYBOARD_FOCUS_INITIAL_FADE_PERCENTAGE = 0.16f; ///< The duration of the initial fade (from translucent to the end-alpha) as a percentage of the overal animation duration.
const float TILE_LABEL_PADDING = 8.0f; ///< Border between edge of tile and the example text
const float BUTTON_PRESS_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.35f; ///< Time to perform button scale effect.
logo.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_CENTER );
logo.SetParentOrigin( Vector3( 0.5f, 0.1f, 0.5f ) );
logo.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::USE_NATURAL_SIZE, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS );
+ // The logo should appear on top of everything.
+ logo.SetDrawMode( DrawMode::OVERLAY_2D );
// Show version in a popup when log is tapped
mLogoTapDetector = TapGestureDetector::New();
SetupBackground( bubbleContainer );
mRootActor.Add( logo );
- // We use depth index to bring the logo above the bubbles (as an alternative to creating actors).
- logo.GetRendererAt( 0 ).SetProperty( Renderer::Property::DEPTH_INDEX, 30000 );
mRootActor.Add( bubbleContainer );
mRootActor.Add( mScrollView );
KeyboardFocusManager::Get().PreFocusChangeSignal().Connect( this, &DaliTableView::OnKeyboardPreFocusChange );
KeyboardFocusManager::Get().FocusedActorEnterKeySignal().Connect( this, &DaliTableView::OnFocusedActorActivated );
AccessibilityManager::Get().FocusedActorActivatedSignal().Connect( this, &DaliTableView::OnFocusedActorActivated );
+ mFocusContainer = ImageView::New( TILE_FOCUS );
+ mFocusContainer.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ mFocusContainer.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS );
+ mFocusContainer.SetInheritScale( false );
+ mFocusContainer.SetColorMode( USE_OWN_COLOR );
+ mFocusContainer.SetName( "focusActor" );
+ mFocusContainer.OnStageSignal().Connect( this, &DaliTableView::OnStageConnect );
+ mFocusInner = ImageView::New( TILE_FOCUS );
+ mFocusInner.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ mFocusInner.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS );
+ mFocusInner.SetInheritScale( false );
+ mFocusInner.SetColorMode( USE_OWN_COLOR );
+ mFocusInner.SetName( "focusActor" );
+ mFocusInner.OnStageSignal().Connect( this, &DaliTableView::OnStageConnect );
+ mFocusContainer.Add( mFocusInner );
+ // Setup the keyboard focus highlight.
+ mFocusAnimation = Animation::New( KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION );
+ mFocusAnimationInner = Animation::New( KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION );
+ mFocusContainer.SetScale( startScale );
+ mFocusInner.SetScale( startScale );
+ mFocusContainer.SetOpacity( 0.0f );
+ mFocusInner.SetOpacity( 0.0f );
+ mFocusAnimation.AnimateTo( Property( mFocusContainer, Actor::Property::COLOR_ALPHA ), KEYBOARD_FOCUS_END_ALPHA, AlphaFunction::LINEAR, TimePeriod( 0.0f, initialFadeDuration ) );
+ mFocusAnimation.AnimateTo( Property( mFocusContainer, Actor::Property::SCALE ), endScale, AlphaFunction::LINEAR, TimePeriod( initialFadeDuration, KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION - initialFadeDuration ) );
+ mFocusAnimation.AnimateTo( Property( mFocusContainer, Actor::Property::COLOR_ALPHA ), 0.0f, AlphaFunction::LINEAR, TimePeriod( initialFadeDuration, KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION - initialFadeDuration ) );
+ mFocusAnimationInner.AnimateTo( Property( mFocusInner, Actor::Property::COLOR_ALPHA ), KEYBOARD_FOCUS_END_ALPHA, AlphaFunction::LINEAR, TimePeriod( 0.0f, initialFadeDuration ) );
+ mFocusAnimationInner.AnimateTo( Property( mFocusInner, Actor::Property::SCALE ), endScale, AlphaFunction::LINEAR, TimePeriod( initialFadeDuration, KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION - initialFadeDuration ) );
+ mFocusAnimationInner.AnimateTo( Property( mFocusInner, Actor::Property::COLOR_ALPHA ), 0.0f, AlphaFunction::LINEAR, TimePeriod( initialFadeDuration, KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION - initialFadeDuration ) );
+ // Play the animation on the 1st glow object.
+ mFocusAnimation.SetLooping( true );
+ mFocusAnimation.Play();
+ // Stagger the animation on the 2st glow object half way through.
+ mFocusAnimationInner.SetLooping( true );
+ mFocusAnimationInner.PlayFrom( KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ANIMATION_DURATION / 2.0f );
+ KeyboardFocusManager::Get().SetFocusIndicatorActor( mFocusContainer );
+ }
+ void DaliTableView::OnStageConnect( Dali::Actor actor )
+ {
+ // If this is one of the keyboard focus actors, place it behind the object it is focusing.
+ if( actor.GetName() == "focusActor" )
+ {
+ actor.GetRendererAt( 0 ).SetProperty( Dali::Renderer::Property::DEPTH_INDEX, -40000 );
+ }
void DaliTableView::ApplyCubeEffectToPages()
content.Add( tileContent );
// Create an ImageView for the 9-patch border around the tile.
- ImageView image = ImageView::New( TILE_BACKGROUND );
- image.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
- image.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
- image.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS );
- image.SetOpacity( 0.8f );
- tileContent.Add( image );
+ ImageView borderImage = ImageView::New( TILE_BACKGROUND );
+ borderImage.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ borderImage.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ borderImage.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS );
+ borderImage.SetOpacity( 0.8f );
+ tileContent.Add( borderImage );
TextLabel label = TextLabel::New();
label.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
content.Add( label );
// Set the tile to be keyboard focusable
- content.SetKeyboardFocusable(true);
+ content.SetKeyboardFocusable( true );
// connect to the touch events
content.TouchSignal().Connect( this, &DaliTableView::OnTilePressed );