oc = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"oic");
- if (!oc)
+ if (!oc || oc->type != cJSON_Array)
+ cJSON_Delete(root);
return -1;
- if (oc->type == cJSON_Array)
+ cJSON * firstDevice = cJSON_GetArrayItem(oc, 0);
+ if (!firstDevice)
- int numRsrcs = cJSON_GetArraySize(oc);
+ cJSON_Delete(root);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cJSON * links = cJSON_GetObjectItem(firstDevice,"links");
+ if (!links)
+ {
+ cJSON_Delete(root);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (links->type == cJSON_Array)
+ {
+ int numRsrcs = cJSON_GetArraySize(links);
for(int i = 0; i < numRsrcs; i++)
- cJSON * resource = cJSON_GetArrayItem(oc, i);
+ cJSON * resource = cJSON_GetArrayItem(links, i);
if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(resource, "href"))
coapServerResource.assign(cJSON_GetObjectItem(resource, "href")->valuestring);
OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Uri -- %s", coapServerResource.c_str());
- cJSON * prop = cJSON_GetObjectItem(resource,"prop");
- if (prop)
- cJSON * policy = cJSON_GetObjectItem(prop,"p");
+ cJSON * policy = cJSON_GetObjectItem(resource,"p");
if (policy)
// If this is a secure resource, the info about the port at which the