$! USE_SSLEAY to define if the target has SSL support built
$! in. Changed the cc/define parameter accordingly.
$! 11-FEB-2005, MSK, If [--.LIB]AMIGAOS.C and NWLIB.C are there, rename them
+$! 23-MAR-2005, MSK, relocated cc_qual define so that DEBUG option would work
$ on control_y then goto Common_Exit
$ ctrl_y = 1556
$ endif
$ endif
$ set def 'thisdir'
-$ cc_qual = "/define=HAVE_CONFIG_H=1/OBJ=OBJDIR:"
-$ link_qual = ""
-$ if p1 .eqs. "LISTING" then cc_qual = cc_qual + "/LIST/MACHINE"
-$ if p1 .eqs. "DEBUG"
-$ then
-$ cc_qual = cc_qual + "/LIST/MACHINE/DEBUG/NOOPT"
-$ link_qual = "/DEBUG"
-$ endif
-$ msg_qual = "/OBJ=OBJDIR:"
$ hpssl = 0
$ openssl = 0
+$ cc_qual = "/define=HAVE_CONFIG_H=1/OBJ=OBJDIR:"
+$ link_qual = ""
$ if f$trnlnm( "CURL_BUILD_NOSSL") .eqs. ""
$ then
$ if f$trnlnm( "OPENSSL") .nes. ""
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
+$ if p1 .eqs. "LISTING" then cc_qual = cc_qual + "/LIST/MACHINE"
+$ if p1 .eqs. "DEBUG"
+$ then
+$ cc_qual = cc_qual + "/LIST/MACHINE/DEBUG/NOOPT"
+$ link_qual = "/DEBUG"
+$ endif
+$ msg_qual = "/OBJ=OBJDIR:"
$! Put the right main config file in the two source directories for the build.
$! via P3
$build: subroutine
-$ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY
-$ set noon
+$ on control_y then goto EndLoop ! SS$_CONTROLY
+$! set noon
$ set default 'p1'
$ search = p2
$ reset = f$search("reset")
$ goto Loop
$ !purge
-$ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY
$ set def 'origdir'
$ endsubroutine ! Build
$compile: subroutine
$ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY
-$ set noon
+$! set noon
$ file = p1
$ qual = p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8
$ typ = f$parse(file,,,"TYPE") - "."
$ x = cmd_'typ'
$ 'vo_c' x," ",file
$ 'x' 'file'
-$ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY
$! Do a diff of the file specified in P1 with that in P2. If different