* \param pvec Reference to a result parameter vector.
* \param pstr Reference to the PathParam- or Query-String to split.
* \param psep Parameter separator character to split at.
+ * \throws A std::invalid_argument exception if \p psep separator is
+ * empty.
split(ParamVec &pvec,
* \param vsep Separator character to split key and value.
* \param eflag Flag if the key and value strings should be URL percent
* decoded before they're stored in the map.
- * \throws A std::invalid_argument exception if the eflag is set to
- * E_DECODED and the \p pstr contains a \c "%00" (encoded \c '\\0').
+ * \throws A std::invalid_argument exception if \p psep or \p vsep
+ * separators are empty.
split(ParamMap &pmap,
* \param vsep Separator character to use between keys and values.
* \param safe List of characters to accept without encoding.
* \return A URL percent-encoded parameter string.
- * \throws A std::invalid_argument exception, if the \p safe character
- * list contains characters used in \p psep or \p vsep.
+ * \throws A std::invalid_argument exception if \p psep or \p vsep
+ * separators are empty.
join(const ParamMap &pmap,