TimeTraceProfiler *TimeTraceProfilerInstance = nullptr;
typedef duration<steady_clock::rep, steady_clock::period> DurationType;
+typedef time_point<steady_clock> TimePointType;
typedef std::pair<size_t, DurationType> CountAndDurationType;
typedef std::pair<std::string, CountAndDurationType>
struct Entry {
- time_point<steady_clock> Start;
- DurationType Duration;
+ TimePointType Start;
+ TimePointType End;
std::string Name;
std::string Detail;
- Entry(time_point<steady_clock> &&S, DurationType &&D, std::string &&N,
- std::string &&Dt)
- : Start(std::move(S)), Duration(std::move(D)), Name(std::move(N)),
+ Entry(TimePointType &&S, TimePointType &&E, std::string &&N, std::string &&Dt)
+ : Start(std::move(S)), End(std::move(E)), Name(std::move(N)),
+ // Calculate timings for FlameGraph. Cast time points to microsecond precision
+ // rather than casting duration. This avoid truncation issues causing inner
+ // scopes overruning outer scopes.
+ steady_clock::rep getFlameGraphStartUs(TimePointType StartTime) const {
+ return (time_point_cast<microseconds>(Start) -
+ time_point_cast<microseconds>(StartTime))
+ .count();
+ }
+ steady_clock::rep getFlameGraphDurUs() const {
+ return (time_point_cast<microseconds>(End) -
+ time_point_cast<microseconds>(Start))
+ .count();
+ }
struct TimeTraceProfiler {
void begin(std::string Name, llvm::function_ref<std::string()> Detail) {
- Stack.emplace_back(steady_clock::now(), DurationType{}, std::move(Name),
+ Stack.emplace_back(steady_clock::now(), TimePointType(), std::move(Name),
void end() {
assert(!Stack.empty() && "Must call begin() first");
auto &E = Stack.back();
- E.Duration = steady_clock::now() - E.Start;
+ E.End = steady_clock::now();
+ // Check that end times monotonically increase.
+ assert((Entries.empty() ||
+ (E.getFlameGraphStartUs(StartTime) + E.getFlameGraphDurUs() >=
+ Entries.back().getFlameGraphStartUs(StartTime) +
+ Entries.back().getFlameGraphDurUs())) &&
+ "TimeProfiler scope ended earlier than previous scope");
+ // Calculate duration at full precision for overall counts.
+ DurationType Duration = E.End - E.Start;
// Only include sections longer or equal to TimeTraceGranularity msec.
- if (duration_cast<microseconds>(E.Duration).count() >= TimeTraceGranularity)
+ if (duration_cast<microseconds>(Duration).count() >= TimeTraceGranularity)
// Track total time taken by each "name", but only the topmost levels of
}) == Stack.rend()) {
auto &CountAndTotal = CountAndTotalPerName[E.Name];
- CountAndTotal.second += E.Duration;
+ CountAndTotal.second += Duration;
// Emit all events for the main flame graph.
for (const auto &E : Entries) {
- auto StartUs = duration_cast<microseconds>(E.Start - StartTime).count();
- auto DurUs = duration_cast<microseconds>(E.Duration).count();
+ auto StartUs = E.getFlameGraphStartUs(StartTime);
+ auto DurUs = E.getFlameGraphDurUs();
J.attribute("pid", 1);
SmallVector<Entry, 16> Stack;
SmallVector<Entry, 128> Entries;
StringMap<CountAndDurationType> CountAndTotalPerName;
- time_point<steady_clock> StartTime;
+ TimePointType StartTime;
// Minimum time granularity (in microseconds)
unsigned TimeTraceGranularity;