--- /dev/null
+# -*- perl -*-
+# improve printf.c test coverage
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+: ${top_srcdir=../..}
+. $top_srcdir/tests/require-perl
+me=`echo $0|sed 's,.*/,,'`
+exec $PERL -w -I$top_srcdir/tests -MCoreutils -M"CuTmpdir qw($me)" -- - <<\EOF
+require 5.003;
+use strict;
+my $prog = 'printf';
+my $try = "Try \`$prog --help' for more information.\n";
+my $pow_2_31 = 2**31;
+# Turn off localization of executable's output.
+@ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
+my @Tests =
+ ['no-args', {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: missing operand\n$try"}],
+ ['no-arg2', '--', {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: missing operand\n$try"}],
+ ['escape-1', q('\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\z\c'), {OUT=>"\a\b\f\n\r\t\x0b\\z"}],
+ ['hex-ucX', '%X 999', {OUT=>"3E7"}],
+ ['hex-ucXw', '%4X 999', {OUT=>" 3E7"}],
+ ['hex-ucXp', '%.4X 999', {OUT=>"03E7"}],
+ ['hex-ucXwp', '%5.4X 999', {OUT=>" 03E7"}],
+ ['hex-vw', '%*X 4 42', {OUT=>" 2A"}],
+ ['hex-vp', '%.*X 4 42', {OUT=>"002A"}],
+ ['hex-vwvp', '%*.*X 3 2 15', {OUT=>" 0F"}],
+ ['b', q('nl\ntab\tx'), {OUT=>"nl\ntab\tx"}],
+ ['c1', '%c 123', {OUT=>"1"}],
+ ['cw', '%\*c 3 123', {OUT=>" 1"}],
+ ['d-ucXwp', '%5.4d 999', {OUT=>" 0999"}],
+ ['d-vw', '%*d 4 42', {OUT=>" 42"}],
+ ['d-vp', '%.*d 4 42', {OUT=>"0042"}],
+ ['d-vwvp', '%*.*d 3 2 15', {OUT=>" 15"}],
+ ['d-neg-prec', '%.*d -3 15', {OUT=>"15"}],
+ ['d-big-prec', "%.*d $pow_2_31 15", # INT_MAX
+ {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: invalid precision: $pow_2_31\n"}],
+ ['d-big-fwidth', "%*d $pow_2_31 15", # INT_MAX
+ {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: invalid field width: $pow_2_31\n"}],
+ ['F', '%F 1', {OUT=>"1.000000"}],
+ ['LF', '%LF 1', {OUT=>"1.000000"}],
+ ['E', '%E 2', {OUT=>"2.000000E+00"}],
+ ['LE', '%LE 2', {OUT=>"2.000000E+00"}],
+ ['s', '%s x', {OUT=>"x"}],
+ ['sw', '%\*s 2 x', {OUT=>" x"}],
+ ['sp', '%.\*s 2 abcd', {OUT=>"ab"}],
+ ['swp', '%\*.\*s 2 2 abcd', {OUT=>"ab"}],
+ ['sw-no-args', '%\*s'],
+ ['sw-no-args2', '%.\*s'],
+ ['G-ucXwp', '%5.4G 3', {OUT=>" 3"}],
+ ['G-vw', '%*G 4 42', {OUT=>" 42"}],
+ ['G-vp', '%.*G 4 42', {OUT=>"42"}],
+ ['G-vwvp', '%*.*G 5 3 15', {OUT=>" 15"}],
+ ['esc', q('\xaa\0377'), {OUT=>"\xaa\0377"}],
+ ['esc-bad-hex', q('\x'), {EXIT=>1},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: missing hexadecimal number in escape\n"}],
+ # ['u4', q('\u09ac'), {OUT=>"\xe0a6ac"}],
+ ['u-invalid', q('\u0000'), {EXIT=>1},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: invalid universal character name \\u0000\n"}],
+ ['u-missing', q('\u'), {EXIT=>1},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: missing hexadecimal number in escape\n"}],
+ ['d-invalid', '%d no-num', {OUT=>'0'}, {EXIT=>1},
+ # Depending on the strtol implementation we expect one of these:
+ # no-num: Invalid argument (FreeBSD6)
+ # no-num: expected a numeric value (glibc, Solaris 10)
+ {ERR_SUBST => 's/Invalid argument$/expected a numeric value/'},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: no-num: expected a numeric value\n"}],
+ ['d-bad-suffix', '%d 9z', {OUT=>'9'}, {EXIT=>1},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: 9z: value not completely converted\n"}],
+ ['d-out-of-range', '%d '.('9'x30), {EXIT=>1},
+ {OUT=>"inaccurate"}, {OUT_SUBST => 's/\d+/inaccurate/'},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: 9...9\n"}, {ERR_SUBST => 's/9+.*/9...9/'}],
+ ['excess', 'B 1', {OUT=>'B'},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: warning: ignoring excess arguments, starting with `1'\n"}],
+ ['percent', '%%', {OUT=>'%'}],
+ ['d-sp', q('% d' 33), {OUT=>' 33'}],
+ ['d-plus', q('%+d' 33), {OUT=>'+33'}],
+ ['d-minus', q('%-d' 33), {OUT=> '33'}],
+ ['d-zero', q('%02d' 1), {OUT=> '01'}],
+ ['d-quote', q("%'d" 3333), {OUT=> '3333'}, {OUT_SUBST => 'tr/3//c'}],
+ ['d-hash', q("%#d" 3333), {EXIT=>1},
+ {ERR=>"$prog: %#d: invalid conversion specification\n"}],
+my $save_temps = $ENV{DEBUG};
+my $verbose = $ENV{VERBOSE};
+my $fail = run_tests ($prog, \$prog, \@Tests, $save_temps, $verbose);
+exit $fail;