Repodata *data;
Id handle = 0;
int contentstyle = 0;
- char *product_name = 0;
- char *product_version = 0;
memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
line = sat_malloc(1024);
if (code11 && istag ("REFERENCES"))
- char *vals[3];
- Id nameid;
- Id evrid = 0;
- if (split(value, vals, 3) == 3)
- {
- if (!strcmp(vals[1], "="))
- {
- nameid = str2id(pool, vals[0], 1);
- evrid = str2id(pool, vals[2], 1);
- s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo));
- repodata_extend(data, s - pool->solvables);
- handle = repodata_get_handle(data, s - pool->solvables - repo->start);
- s->name = nameid;
- s->evr = evrid;
- s->provides = adddep(pool, &pd, s->provides, "product()", 0);
- continue;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "REFERENCES must be 'name = evr'\n");
- break;
+ repo_set_id(repo, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_REFERENCES, str2id(pool, value, 1));
+ continue;
- if (code10 && istag ("PRODUCT"))
+ if ((code10 && istag ("PRODUCT"))
+ || (code11 && istag ("NAME")))
/* Finish old solvable, but only if it wasn't created
on demand without seeing a PRODUCT entry. */
if (s && s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC)
s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0);
- if (s)
+ if (s && code10)
s->supplements = repo_fix_legacy(repo, s->provides, s->supplements, 0);
/* Only support one product. */
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo));
if (istag ("VERSION"))
- if (code11)
- {
- repo_set_str(repo, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_VERSION, value);
- product_version = strdup(value);
- }
- else
- /* without a release? but that's like zypp implements it */
- s->evr = makeevr(pool, value);
- }
- else if (code11 && istag ("NAME"))
- {
- repo_set_str(repo, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_NAME, value);
- product_name = strdup(value);
+ /* without a release? but that's like zypp implements it */
+ s->evr = makeevr(pool, value);
else if (code11 && istag ("DISTRIBUTION"))
- repo_set_str(repo, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_DISTRIBUTION, value);
+ repo_set_str(repo, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_DISTRIBUTION, value);
else if (code11 && istag ("FLAVOR"))
repo_set_str(repo, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_FLAVOR, value);
else if (istag ("DATADIR"))
repodata_add_poolstr_array(data, handle, PRODUCT_RELNOTESURL, value);
else if (istag ("VENDOR"))
- if (code11)
- repo_set_str(repo, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_VENDOR, value);
- else
- s->vendor = str2id(pool, value, 1);
+ s->vendor = str2id(pool, value, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "No product solvable created !\n");
- if (code11)
- {
- if (!product_name)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Product must have a name !\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (!product_version)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Product must have a version !\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- const char *product = join(&pd, "product(", product_name, ")");
- s->provides = adddep(pool, &pd, s->provides, join(&pd, product, " = ", product_version), 0);
- free(product_version);
- free(product_name);
- }
- if (code10)
+ if (!s->arch)
+ s->arch = ARCH_NOARCH;
+ if (s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC)
- if (!s->arch)
- s->arch = ARCH_NOARCH;
- if (s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC)
- s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0);
- s->supplements = repo_fix_legacy(repo, s->provides, s->supplements, 0);
+ s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0);
+ if (code10)
+ s->supplements = repo_fix_legacy(repo, s->provides, s->supplements, 0);
if (pd.tmp)
if (!strncmp (id2str(pool, pool->solvables[product].name), "product:", 8))
vendor = pool->solvables[product].vendor;
- else
- vendor = str2id(pool, repo_lookup_str(pool->solvables + product, PRODUCT_VENDOR), 0);
memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
/* Now see if we know this solvable already. If we found neither
the name nor the arch at all in this repo
there's no chance of finding the exact solvable either. */
- if (name && arch)
+ if (name && arch && (indesc >= 2))
- if (product && (name == pool->solvables[product].name))
+ int n, nn;
+ /* Now look for a solvable with the given name,evr,arch.
+ Our input is structured so, that the second set of =Pkg
+ lines comes in roughly the same order as the first set, so we
+ have a hint at where to start our search, namely were we found
+ the last entry. */
+ for (n = repo->start, nn = n + last_found_pack; n < repo->end; n++, nn++)
- s = pool->solvables + product;
- s->vendor = vendor;
- s->arch = arch;
- s->evr = evr;
- handle = repodata_get_handle(data, s - pool->solvables - repo->start);
- last_found_pack = (s - pool->solvables) - repo->start;
+ if (nn >= repo->end)
+ nn = repo->start;
+ s = pool->solvables + nn;
+ if (s->repo == repo && s->name == name && s->evr == evr && s->arch == arch)
+ break;
- else if (indesc >= 2)
+ if (n == repo->end)
+ s = 0;
+ else
- int n, nn;
- /* Now look for a solvable with the given name,evr,arch.
- Our input is structured so, that the second set of =Pkg
- lines comes in roughly the same order as the first set, so we
- have a hint at where to start our search, namely were we found
- the last entry. */
- for (n = repo->start, nn = n + last_found_pack; n < repo->end; n++, nn++)
- {
- if (nn >= repo->end)
- nn = repo->start;
- s = pool->solvables + nn;
- if (s->repo == repo && s->name == name && s->evr == evr && s->arch == arch)
- break;
- }
- if (n == repo->end)
- s = 0;
- else
- {
- last_found_pack = nn - repo->start;
- handle = repodata_get_handle(data, last_found_pack);
- }
+ last_found_pack = nn - repo->start;
+ handle = repodata_get_handle(data, last_found_pack);