(P) The malloc package that comes with Perl had an internal failure.
+=item Corrupted regexp opcode %d > %d
+This is either an error in Perl, or, if you're using one, your
+L<custom regular expression engine|perlreapi>. If not the latter,
+report the problem through the L<perlbug> utility.
=item Count after length/code in unpack
(F) You had an unpack template indicating a counted-length string, but
named "elseif" for the class returned by the following block. This is
unlikely to be what you want.
-=item Empty %s
+=item Empty \%c{} in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
(F) C<\p> and C<\P> are used to introduce a named Unicode property, as
described in L<perlunicode> and L<perlre>. You used C<\p> or C<\P> in
(W exiting) You are exiting a substitution by unconventional means, such
as a return, a goto, or a loop control statement.
+=item Expecting close bracket in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+You wrote something like
+ (?13
+to denote a capturing group of the form
+L<C<(?I<PARNO>)>|perlre/(?PARNO) (?-PARNO) (?+PARNO) (?R) (?0)>,
+but omitted the C<")">.
=item Experimental "%s" subs not enabled
(F) To use lexical subs, you must first enable them:
(W digit) You may have tried to use an 8 or 9 in an octal number.
Interpretation of the octal number stopped before the 8 or 9.
+=item Illegal pattern in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+You wrote something like
+ (?+foo)
+The C<"+"> is valid only when followed by digits, indicating a
+capturing group. See
+L<C<(?I<PARNO>)>|perlre/(?PARNO) (?-PARNO) (?+PARNO) (?R) (?0)>.
=item Illegal switch in PERL5OPT: -%c
(X) The PERL5OPT environment variable may only be used to set the
(F) The indicated attributes for a subroutine or variable were not
recognized by Perl or by a user-supplied handler. See L<attributes>.
+=item Invalid [] range "%*.*s" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+You wrote something like
+ [z-a]
+in a regular expression pattern. Ranges must be specified with the
+lowest code point first. Instead write
+ [a-z]
=item Invalid character in \N{...}; marked by <-- HERE in \N{%s}
(F) Only certain characters are valid for character names. The
This is not very useful, and perl currently optimizes this away.
+=item Useless use of (?-p) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+(W regexp)
+The C<p> modifier cannot be turned off once set. Trying to do so is
=item Useless use of %s with no values
(W syntax) You used the push() or unshift() function with no arguments
if the array is tied to a class which implements a PUSH method. If so,
you can write it as C<push(@tied_array,())> to avoid this warning.
+=item Useless (%s%c) - %suse /%c modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+(W regexp)
+The C</g> and C</o> regular expression modifiers are global and can't be
+turned off once set; hence things like C<(?g)> or C<(?-o:)> do nothing.
+=item Useless (%sc) - %suse /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+(W regexp)
+The C</c> regular expression modifier is global, can't be turned off
+once set, and doesn't do anything without the C</g> modifier being
+specified as well; hence things like C<(?c)> or C<(?-c:)> do nothing,
+nor do thing like C<(?gc)> nor C<(?-gc:)> .
=item "use" not allowed in expression
(F) The "use" keyword is recognized and executed at compile time, and
clear %s
Code missing after '/' in pack
Code missing after '/' in unpack
-Corrupted regexp opcode %d > %d
'%c' outside of string in pack
Debug leaking scalars child failed%s with errno %d: %s
'/' does not take a repeat count in %s
Don't know how to get file name
Don't know how to handle magic of type \%o
-Dp not implemented on this platform
-Empty \%c{} in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
Error reading "%s": %s
execl not implemented!
EVAL without pos change exceeded limit in regex
-Expecting close bracket in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
Filehandle opened only for %sput
Filehandle %s opened only for %sput
Filehandle STD%s reopened as %s only for input
Illegal character %sin prototype for %s : %s
Illegal hexadecimal digit '%c' ignored
Illegal octal digit '%c' ignored
-Illegal pattern in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
Infinite recursion in regex
internal %<num>p might conflict with future printf extensions
Invalid argument to sv_cat_decode
-Invalid [] range "%*.*s" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
Invalid range "%c-%c" in transliteration operator
Invalid separator character %c%c%c in PerlIO layer specification %s
Invalid TOKEN object ignored
Wrong syntax (suid) fd script name "%s"
'X' outside of string in %s
'X' outside of string in unpack
-Useless (%s%c) - %suse /%c modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
-Useless (%sc) - %suse /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
-Useless use of (?-p) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
Code point 0x%X is not Unicode, all \p{} matches fail; all \P{} matches succeed