Fix issues of Things Manager
authorSoyoung Youn <>
Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:18:32 +0000 (15:18 +0900)
committerSoyoung Youn <>
Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:18:32 +0000 (15:18 +0900)
 - Bug fix
   : Implementation of Things Manager feature
 - Resolve issues detected by Prevent (static analysis tool)

Change-Id: I6a06aa5a688c75384248638b83337e1d1b2dbd56
Signed-off-by: Soyoung Youn <>
service/things-manager/build/linux/makefile [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/inc/ThingsManager.h [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/GroupManager.cpp [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/GroupManager.h [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/GroupSynchronization.cpp [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/GroupSynchronization.h [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/ThingsConfiguration.cpp [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/ThingsConfiguration.h [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/ThingsDiagnostics.cpp [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/ThingsDiagnostics.h [changed mode: 0755->0644]
service/things-manager/sdk/src/ThingsManager.cpp [changed mode: 0755->0644]

old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 31ee597..de7c365
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
 /// @file   ThingsManager.h
-/// @brief  This file contains the declaration of classes and its members related to TGMClient.
+/// @brief  This file contains the declaration of  ThingsManager class
+///         and its members related to ThingsManager.
 using namespace OC;
-class ThingsManager
+namespace OIC
-     * Constructor for TGMClient. Constructs a new TGMClient
+     * @class  ThingsManager
+     * @brief  This class provides a set of functions regarding group management,
+     *          synchronization of group, configuration of things, and diagnostics about things.
+     *
-    ThingsManager(void);
+    class ThingsManager
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor for ThingsManager
+         */
+        ThingsManager(void);
-    /**
-     * Virtual destructor
-     */
-    ~ThingsManager(void);
+        /**
+         * Virtual destructor for ThingsManager
+         */
+        ~ThingsManager(void);
-    /**
-     * API for candidate resources discovery.
-     * Callback only call when all resource types found.
-     *
-     * @param resourceTypes - required resource types(called "candidate")
-     * @param candidateCallback - callback. OCResource vector.
-     *
-     * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
-     *
-     * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
-     */
-    OCStackResult findCandidateResources(std::vector< std::string > resourceTypes,
-            std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > >) >  callback, int waitsec = -1);
+        /**
+         * API for discoverying candidate resources.
+         * Callback is called  when all resource types are found.
+         *
+         * @param resourceTypes - required resource types(called "candidate")
+         * @param candidateCallback - callback. Returns OCResource vector.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult findCandidateResources(std::vector< std::string > resourceTypes,
+                std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > >) > callback,
+                int waitsec = -1);
-    /**
-     * API for Collection member's state subscribe.
-     *
-     *
-     */
-    OCStackResult subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource >, std::function< void(std::string, OCStackResult) > );
+        /**
+         * API for subscribing child's state.
+         *
+         * @param resource - collection resource for subscribing presence of all child resources.
+         * @param callback - callback funcion for result of child's presence.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::function< void(std::string, OCStackResult) > callback);
+        /**
+         * API for register and bind resource to group.
+         *
+         * @param childHandle - child resource handle. It will be filled from resource param.
+         * @param resource - resource for register and bind to group. It has all data.
+         * @param collectionHandle - collection resource handle. It will be added child resource.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult bindResourceToGroup(OCResourceHandle& childHandle,
+                std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, OCResourceHandle& collectionHandle);
+        // Group Synchronization
+        /**
+         * API for finding a specific remote group when a resource tries to join a group.
+         * Callback is called when a group is found or not.
+         *
+         * @param collectionResourceTypes - resource types of a group to find and join
+         * @param callback - callback. It has OCResource param.
+         *                    If a group is found, OCResource has the group resource.
+         *                    Otherwise, OCResource is NULL.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult findGroup(std::vector< std::string > collectionResourceTypes,
+                FindCallback callback);
+        /**
+         * API for creating a new group.
+         *
+         * @param collectionResourceType - resource type of a group to create
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult createGroup(std::string collectionResourceType);
+        /**
+         * API for joining a group. This API is used when a resource that has a group tries
+         * to find a specific remote resource and makes it join a group
+         *
+         * @param collectionResourceType - resource type of a group to join.
+         * @param resourceHandle - resource handle to join a group.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult joinGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+                OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
+        /**
+         * API for joining a group. This API is used when a resource that
+         * doesn't have a group tries to find and join a specific remote group.
+         *
+         * @param resource - group resource pointer to join.
+         *                   It can be the callback result of findGroup().
+         * @param resourceHandle - resource handle to join a group.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult joinGroup(const std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
+        /**
+         * API for leaving a joined group.
+         *
+         * @param collectionResourceType - resource type of a group to leave.
+         * @param resourceHandle - resource handle to leave a group.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult leaveGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+                OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
+        /**
+         * API for deleting a group.
+         *
+         * @param collectionResourceType - resource type of a group to delete.
+         *
+         * @return void
+         */
+        void deleteGroup(std::string collectionResourceType);
+        /**
+         * API for getting a list of joined groups.
+         *
+         * @param void
+         *
+         * @return std::map - return value of this API.
+         *                  It returns group resource type and group resource handle as a map type.
+         */
+        std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle > getGroupList(void);
+        // Things Configuration
+        /**
+         * API for updating configuration value of multiple things of a target group
+         * or a single thing.
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         * Before using the below function, a developer should acquire a resource pointer of
+         * (collection) resource that he wants to send a request by calling findResource() function
+         * provided in OCPlatform. And he should also notice a "Configuration Name" term which
+         * represents a nickname of a target attribute of a resource that he wants to update.
+         * The base motivation to introduce the term is to avoid a usage of URI to access a resource
+         * from a developer. Thus, a developer should know which configuration names are supported
+         * by Things Configuration class and what the configuration name means.
+         * To get a list of supported configuration names,
+         * use getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits()
+         * function, which provides the list in JSON format.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
+         * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource
+         *                         (e.g., installedlocation, currency, (IP)address)
+         *                         Value : a value to be updated
+         * @param callback - callback for updateConfigurations.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::map< std::string, std::string > configurations,
+                std::function<
+                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                const int eCode) > callback);
+        /**
+         * API for getting configuration value of multiple things of a target group
+         * or a single thing.
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
+         * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource.
+         * @param callback - callback for getConfigurations.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::vector< std::string > configurations,
+                std::function<
+                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                const int eCode) > callback);
+        /**
+         * API for showing the list of supported configuration units (configurable parameters)
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @param void
+         * @return std::string - return value of this API.
+         *                       It returns the list in JSON format
+         */
+        std::string getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
+        /**
+         * API for boostrapping system configuration parameters from a bootstrap server.
+         * Callback call when a response from the bootstrap server arrives.
+         *
+         * @param callback - callback for doBootstrap.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult doBootstrap(
+                std::function<
+                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                const int eCode) > callback);
+        // Things Diagnostics
-       // Group Synchronization
-       OCStackResult findGroup (std::vector <std::string> collectionResourceTypes, FindCallback resourceHandler);
-       OCStackResult createGroup (std::string collectionResourceType);
-       OCStackResult joinGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
-       OCStackResult joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
-       OCStackResult leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
-       void deleteGroup (std::string collectionResourceType);
-       std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle> getGroupList ();
+        /**
+         * API to let thing(device) reboot.
+         * The target thing could be a group of multiple things or a single thing.
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group
+         * @param callback - callback for reboot.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::function<
+                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                const int eCode) > callback);
-    // Things Configuration
-    OCStackResult updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::map<std::string, std::string> configurations,
-                std::function< void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > callback);
-    OCStackResult getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::vector<std::string> configurations,
-                std::function< void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > callback);
-    std::string getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
-    OCStackResult doBootstrap(
-                std::function< void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > callback);
+        /**
+         * API for factory reset on thing(device).
+         * The target thing could be a group of multiple things or a single thing.
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group
+         * @param callback - callback for factoryReset.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::function<
+                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                const int eCode) > callback);
-    // Things Diagnostics
-    OCStackResult reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-                std::function< void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > callback);
-    OCStackResult factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-                std::function< void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > callback);
+        // Group Action.
+        /**
+         * API for extracting Action Set string from the Action Set class instance
+         *
+         * @param newActionSet - pointer of Action Set
+         *
+         * @return std::string - return value of this API.
+         *                                          It returns Action Set String.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        std::string getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet);
+        /**
+         * API for extrracting Action Set class instance from Action Set String.
+         *
+         * @param desc - description of Action set
+         *
+         * @return ActionSet* - return value of this API.
+         *                      It returns pointer of ActionSet.
+         */
+        ActionSet* getActionSetfromString(std::string desc);
+        /**
+         * API for adding an Action Set.
+         * Callback is called when the response of PUT operation arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer of the group resource
+         * @param newActionSet - pointer of Action Set
+         * @param callback - callback for PUT operation.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb);
-    // Group Action.
-    std::string getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet);
-    ActionSet* getActionSetfromString(std::string desc);
+        /**
+         * API for executing the Action Set.
+         * Callback is called when the response of  POST operation arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer of the group resource
+         * @param actionsetName - Action Set name for executing the Action set
+         * @param callback - callback for POST operation.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, GetCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback);
+        /**
+         * API for reading the Action Set.
+         * Callback is called when the response of  GET operation arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer of the group resource
+         * @param actionsetName - Action Set name for reading the Action set
+         * @param callback - callback for GET operation.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::string actionsetName, GetCallback cb);
+        /**
+         * API for removing the Action Set.
+         * Callback is called when the response of  POST operation arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer of the group resource
+         * @param actionsetName - Action Set name for removing the Action set
+         * @param callback - callback for POST operation.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult - return value of this API.
+         *                         It returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::string actionsetName, PostCallback);
+    };
 #endif  /* __OC_THINGSMANAGER__*/
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index b5bb22e..aed8734
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 /// @file    GroupManager.cpp
 ///  @brief
 #include "GroupManager.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <thread>
 #include <string.h>
-#define DESC_DELIMITER "\""
+#define PLAIN_DELIMITER "\""
-#define ATTR_DELIMITER "|"
+#define DESC_DELIMITER "|"
+#define ATTR_DELIMITER "="
 using namespace OC;
+namespace OIC
 std::map< std::vector< std::string >, CandidateCallback > candidateRequest;
 std::map< std::vector< std::string >, CandidateCallback > candidateRequestForTimer;
 std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > > rtForResourceList;
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ GroupManager::~GroupManager(void)
 void GroupManager::findPreparedRequest(
         std::map< std::vector< std::string >, CandidateCallback > &request)
-    std::vector < std::shared_ptr < OCResource >> resources;
+    std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > resources;
     for (auto it = request.begin(); it != request.end();)
@@ -224,47 +226,28 @@ OCStackResult GroupManager::findCandidateResources(std::vector< std::string > re
         std::thread exec(
                 std::function< void(int second) >(
-                        std::bind(&GroupManager::lazyCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1)), waitsec);
+                        std::bind(&GroupManager::lazyCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1)),
+                waitsec);
     return OC_STACK_OK;
-    Presence Check
+ Presence Check
+ */
-std::map<std::string, CollectionPresenceCallback> presenceCallbacks;
+std::map< std::string, CollectionPresenceCallback > presenceCallbacks;
 // Callback to presence
-void GroupManager::collectionPresenceHandler(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce, const std::string& hostAddress, std::string host, std::string uri)
+void GroupManager::collectionPresenceHandler(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce,
+        const std::string& hostAddress, std::string host, std::string uri)
     std::cout << "uri : " << uri << std::endl;
     std::cout << "host : " << host << std::endl;
     std::cout << "result : " << result << std::endl;
-    switch(result)
+    switch (result)
         case OC_STACK_OK:
             std::cout << "Nonce# " << nonce << std::endl;
@@ -283,46 +266,46 @@ void GroupManager::collectionPresenceHandler(OCStackResult result, const unsigne
-    if(presenceCallbacks.find(uri) != presenceCallbacks.end())
+    if (presenceCallbacks.find(uri) != presenceCallbacks.end())
-        (presenceCallbacks.find(uri)->second)(uri,result);
+        (presenceCallbacks.find(uri)->second)(uri, result);
-void GroupManager::checkCollectionRepresentation(const OCRepresentation& rep, CollectionPresenceCallback callback)
+void GroupManager::checkCollectionRepresentation(const OCRepresentation& rep,
+        CollectionPresenceCallback callback)
     std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
-/* //bug not found
-    if(rep.hasAttribute("name"))
-    {
-        std::cout << "\tRoom name: " << rep.getValue<std::string>("name") << std::endl;
-    }
-    std::vector<OCRepresentation> children = rep.getChildren();
+    /* //bug not found
+     if(rep.hasAttribute("name"))
+     {
+     std::cout << "\tRoom name: " << rep.getValue<std::string>("name") << std::endl;
+     }
+     */
+    std::vector< OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
-    for(auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
+    for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
         std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
-        std::vector<std::string> hostAddressVector = str_split(oit->getUri(), '/');
+        std::vector< std::string > hostAddressVector = str_split(oit->getUri(), '/');
         std::string hostAddress = "";
-        for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i  < hostAddressVector.size() ; ++i)
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hostAddressVector.size(); ++i)
-            if(i < 3)
+            if (i < 3)
-                if(i!=2)
+                if (i != 2)
-        std::vector<std::string> resourceTypes = oit->getResourceTypes();
-        for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < resourceTypes.size() ; ++i)
+        std::vector< std::string > resourceTypes = oit->getResourceTypes();
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resourceTypes.size(); ++i)
-             std::cout << "\t\t\tresourcetype :" << << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "\t\t\tresourcetype :" << << std::endl;
         std::string resourceType = "core.";
@@ -330,42 +313,49 @@ void GroupManager::checkCollectionRepresentation(const OCRepresentation& rep, Co
         std::cout << "\t\tconvertRT : " << resourceType << std::endl;
         std::cout << "\t\thost : " << hostAddress << std::endl;
         OCPlatform::OCPresenceHandle presenceHandle;
-        OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::subscribePresence(presenceHandle, hostAddress, resourceType ,
-            std::function< void(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce, const std::string& hostAddress)>
-                        (std::bind(&GroupManager::collectionPresenceHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1,std::placeholders::_2,std::placeholders::_3,hostAddress,oit->getUri())));
-        if(result == OC_STACK_OK)
+        OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::subscribePresence(presenceHandle, hostAddress,
+                resourceType,
+                std::function<
+                        void(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce,
+                                const std::string& hostAddress) >(
+                        std::bind(&GroupManager::collectionPresenceHandler, this,
+                                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
+                                hostAddress, oit->getUri())));
+        if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
             std::cout << "\t\tOK!" << std::endl;
-            presenceCallbacks.insert(std::make_pair(oit->getUri(),callback));
+            presenceCallbacks.insert(std::make_pair(oit->getUri(), callback));
-            callback("",OC_STACK_ERROR);
+            callback("", OC_STACK_ERROR);
-void GroupManager::onGetForPresence(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, CollectionPresenceCallback callback)
+void GroupManager::onGetForPresence(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+        const int eCode, CollectionPresenceCallback callback)
     if (eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
         std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Resource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
-        checkCollectionRepresentation(rep,callback);
+        checkCollectionRepresentation(rep, callback);
         std::cout << "onGET Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        callback("",OC_STACK_ERROR);
+        callback("", OC_STACK_ERROR);
-OCStackResult GroupManager::subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > collectionResource, CollectionPresenceCallback callback)
+OCStackResult GroupManager::subscribeCollectionPresence(
+        std::shared_ptr< OCResource > collectionResource, CollectionPresenceCallback callback)
     OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_OK;
@@ -373,37 +363,19 @@ OCStackResult GroupManager::subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResou
     QueryParamsMap queryParam;
     //parameter 1 = resourceType
-    collectionResource->get("",DEFAULT_INTERFACE,queryParam,
-        std::function< void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,const OCRepresentation& rep,const int eCode)>
-                        (std::bind(&GroupManager::onGetForPresence, this, std::placeholders::_1,std::placeholders::_2,std::placeholders::_3, callback)));
+    collectionResource->get("", DEFAULT_INTERFACE, queryParam,
+            std::function<
+                    void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                            const int eCode) >(
+                    std::bind(&GroupManager::onGetForPresence, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                            std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, callback)));
     return result;
   Group Action
+ Group Action
+ */
 std::string GroupManager::getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet)
@@ -411,27 +383,27 @@ std::string GroupManager::getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet)
     message = newActionSet->actionsetName;
-    for(auto iterAction= newActionSet->listOfAction.begin(); iterAction != newActionSet->listOfAction.end();
-        iterAction++)
+    for (auto iterAction = newActionSet->listOfAction.begin();
+            iterAction != newActionSet->listOfAction.end(); iterAction++)
-        for( auto iterCapa = (*iterAction)->listOfCapability.begin(); iterCapa != (*iterAction)->listOfCapability.end();
-            iterCapa++)
+        for (auto iterCapa = (*iterAction)->listOfCapability.begin();
+                iterCapa != (*iterAction)->listOfCapability.end(); iterCapa++)
-            if( iterCapa + 1 != (*iterAction)->listOfCapability.end() )
-                message.append( "|");
+            if (iterCapa + 1 != (*iterAction)->listOfCapability.end())
+                message.append("|");
-        if( iterAction + 1 !=  newActionSet->listOfAction.end())
+        if (iterAction + 1 != newActionSet->listOfAction.end())
-             message.append("*");
+            message.append("*");
@@ -440,122 +412,121 @@ std::string GroupManager::getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet)
 ActionSet* GroupManager::getActionSetfromString(std::string desc)
-    char *acitonRequest;
-    char *iterTokenPtr = NULL;
-    char *iterToken = NULL;
-    char *description = NULL;
-    char *iterDescPtr = NULL;
-    char *attributes = NULL;
-    char *iterAttrbutesPtr = NULL;
+    char *token = NULL;
+    char *plainText = NULL;
+    char *plainPtr = NULL;
-    char *attr = NULL;
-    char *iterAttrPtr = NULL;
+    ActionSet *actionset = new ActionSet();
+    plainText = new char[(desc.length() + 1)];
+    strcpy(plainText, desc.c_str());
-    std::string actionsetName;
+    token = strtok_r(plainText, ACTION_DELIMITER, &plainPtr);
-    ActionSet* actionset = NULL;
-    Action* action = NULL;
-    actionset = new ActionSet();
-    acitonRequest = new char[strlen((char *)desc.c_str() + 1)];
-    strncpy(acitonRequest, (char *)desc.c_str(), strlen((char *)desc.c_str()) + 1);
+    if (token != NULL)
+    {
+        actionset->actionsetName = std::string(token);
+        token = strtok_r(NULL, ACTION_DELIMITER, &plainPtr);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        delete actionset;
+        delete[] plainText;
+        return NULL;
+    }
-    //printf("\t%s\n", acitonRequest);
-    if(acitonRequest != NULL)
+    while (token)
-        iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(acitonRequest, DESC_DELIMITER, &iterTokenPtr);
+        char *descPtr = NULL;
+        char *desc = new char[(strlen(token) + 1)];
-        while(iterToken != NULL)
+        if (desc != NULL)
-            if( strcmp(iterToken, "ActionSet") == 0)
-            {// if iterToken is ActionSet, will be created and added a new action set.
-                iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, DESC_DELIMITER, &iterTokenPtr);           // it is mean ':'.
-                iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, DESC_DELIMITER, &iterTokenPtr);           // it is body of action description.
-                description = new char[(strlen(iterToken) + 1)];
-                strncpy(description, iterToken, strlen(iterToken) + 1);
-                // Find the action name from description.
-                iterDescPtr = NULL;
-                iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(description, ACTION_DELIMITER, &iterDescPtr);
-                //while(iterToken != NULL)
-                if(iterToken != NULL)
-                {
-                    //  Actionset name.
-                    actionsetName = std::string(iterToken);
-                    // printf("ACTION SET NAME :: %s\n", *actionsetName);
-                    iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ACTION_DELIMITER, &iterDescPtr);
-                } else {
-                    return NULL;
-                }// end Action Set Name.
-                // New ActionSet Add to OCResource's ActionSet list.
-                // 1. Allocate a new pointer for actionset.
-                actionset  = new ActionSet;
-                // 2. Initiate actionset.
-                actionset->actionsetName = std::string(actionsetName);
-                // printf("ACTION SET NAME :: %s\n", actionset->actionsetName);
-                while(iterToken != NULL)
-                {
-                    action = new Action;
+            Action *action = NULL;
+            strcpy(desc, token);
+            token = strtok_r(desc, DESC_DELIMITER, &descPtr);
+            // cout << "desc :: " << token << endl;
+            while (token != NULL)
+            {
+                char *attrPtr = NULL;
+                char *attr = new char[(strlen(token) + 1)];
+                strcpy(attr, token);
-                    // printf("ATTR Copied :: %s\n", iterToken);
-                    attributes = new char[strlen(iterToken) + 1];
-                    strncpy(attributes, iterToken, strlen(iterToken) + 1);
-                    // printf("ATTR Copied :: %s\n", attributes);
+                // cout << "attr :: " << attr << endl;
-                    iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(attributes, ATTR_DELIMITER, &iterAttrbutesPtr);
-                    while(iterToken != NULL)
+                token = strtok_r(attr, ATTR_DELIMITER, &attrPtr);
+                while (token != NULL)
+                {
+                    if (strcmp(token, "uri") == 0)
-                        attr = new char[(strlen(iterToken) + 1)];
-                        strncpy(attr, iterToken, strlen(iterToken) + 1);
+                        token = strtok_r(NULL, ATTR_DELIMITER, &attrPtr);
+                        action = new Action();
-                        iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(attr, "=",&iterAttrPtr);
-                        while(iterToken != NULL)
+                        if (action != NULL)
-                            // Find the URI from description.
-                            if(strcmp(iterToken, "uri") == 0)
-                            {
-                                iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, "=", &iterAttrPtr);
-                                // printf("uri :: %s\n", iterToken);
-                                action->target =std::string(iterToken);
-                            } else {
-                                Capability* capa = new Capability();
-                                // printf("%s :: ", iterToken);
-                                capa->capability = std::string(iterToken);
-                                iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, "=", &iterAttrPtr);
-                                // printf("%s\n", iterToken);
-                                capa->status = std::string(iterToken);
-                                action->listOfCapability.push_back(capa);
-                            }
-                            iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, "=", &iterAttrPtr);
+                            action->target = std::string(token);
+                        else
+                        {
+                            delete actionset;
+                            delete[] attr;
+                            delete desc;
+                            delete[] plainText;
+                            return NULL;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        Capability *capa = new Capability();
+                        capa->capability = std::string(token);
+                        token = strtok_r(NULL, ATTR_DELIMITER, &attrPtr);
+                        capa->status = std::string(token);
-                        iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ATTR_DELIMITER, &iterAttrbutesPtr);
-                    }// End of Action
-                    actionset->listOfAction.push_back(action);
+                        if (action != NULL)
+                        {
+                            action->listOfCapability.push_back(capa);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            delete capa;
+                            delete actionset;
+                            delete[] attr;
+                            delete[] plainText;
+                            delete desc;
+                            return NULL;
+                        }
+                    }
-                    iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ACTION_DELIMITER, &iterDescPtr);
+                    token = strtok_r(NULL, ATTR_DELIMITER, &attrPtr);
-                return actionset;
+                delete[] attr;
+                token = strtok_r(NULL, DESC_DELIMITER, &descPtr);
-            iterToken = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, DESC_DELIMITER, &iterTokenPtr);
+            actionset->listOfAction.push_back(action);
+            //delete action;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            delete actionset;
+            delete[] plainText;
+            return NULL;
+        delete[] desc;
+        token = strtok_r(NULL, ACTION_DELIMITER, &plainPtr);
-    return NULL;
+    delete plainText;
+    return actionset;
-OCStackResult GroupManager::addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb)
+OCStackResult GroupManager::addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+        const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb)
     // BUILD message of ActionSet which it is included delimiter.
     std::string message = getStringFromActionSet(newActionSet);
@@ -563,41 +534,39 @@ OCStackResult GroupManager::addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
     rep.setValue("ActionSet", message);
-    return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().front(),
-                        GROUP_INTERFACE, rep, QueryParamsMap(),
-                        cb );
+    return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().front(), GROUP_INTERFACE, rep,
+            QueryParamsMap(), cb);
-OCStackResult GroupManager::executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
+OCStackResult GroupManager::executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+        std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
     OCRepresentation rep;
     rep.setValue("DoAction", actionsetName);
-    return resource->post(resource->getResourceTypes().front(),
-                        GROUP_INTERFACE, rep, QueryParamsMap(),
-                        cb );
+    return resource->post(resource->getResourceTypes().front(), GROUP_INTERFACE, rep,
+            QueryParamsMap(), cb);
-OCStackResult GroupManager::getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, GetCallback cb)
+OCStackResult GroupManager::getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+        std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
     OCRepresentation rep;
     rep.setValue("GetActionSet", actionsetName);
-    return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().front(),
-                        GROUP_INTERFACE, rep, QueryParamsMap(),
-                        cb );
+    return resource->post(resource->getResourceTypes().front(), GROUP_INTERFACE, rep,
+            QueryParamsMap(), cb);
-OCStackResult GroupManager::deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
+OCStackResult GroupManager::deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+        std::string actionsetName, PutCallback cb)
     OCRepresentation rep;
     rep.setValue("DelActionSet", actionsetName);
-    return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().front(),
-                        GROUP_INTERFACE, rep, QueryParamsMap(),
-                        cb );
+    return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().front(), GROUP_INTERFACE, rep,
+            QueryParamsMap(), cb);
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 1fd399d..d0dad45
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 /// @file   GroupManager.h
-/// @brief  This file contains the declaration of classes and its members related to TGMClient.
+/// @brief  This file contains the declaration of classes and its members related to GroupManager
 #ifndef __OC_GROUPMANAGER__
 #define __OC_GROUPMANAGER__
 using namespace OC;
+namespace OIC
 typedef std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > >) > CandidateCallback;
 typedef std::function< void(std::string, OCStackResult) > CollectionPresenceCallback;
-typedef std::function<void(const HeaderOptions&, const OCRepresentation&, const int)> GetCallback;
-typedef std::function<void(const HeaderOptions&, const OCRepresentation&, const int)> PostCallback;
-typedef std::function<void(const HeaderOptions&, const OCRepresentation&, const int)> PutCallback;
+typedef std::function< void(const HeaderOptions&, const OCRepresentation&, const int) > GetCallback;
+typedef std::function< void(const HeaderOptions&, const OCRepresentation&, const int) > PostCallback;
+typedef std::function< void(const HeaderOptions&, const OCRepresentation&, const int) > PutCallback;
 class Capability
@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ public:
 class Action
-    Action() : target("")
+    Action() :
+            target("")
@@ -61,13 +63,14 @@ public:
     std::string target;
-    std::vector<Capability*> listOfCapability;
+    std::vector< Capability* > listOfCapability;
 class ActionSet
-    ActionSet() : actionsetName("")
+    ActionSet() :
+            actionsetName("")
@@ -76,15 +79,14 @@ public:
     std::string actionsetName;
-    std::vector<Action*> listOfAction;
+    std::vector< Action* > listOfAction;
 class GroupManager
-     * Constructor for TGMClient. Constructs a new TGMClient
+     * Constructor for GroupManager. Constructs a new GroupManager
@@ -112,7 +114,8 @@ public:
-    OCStackResult subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, CollectionPresenceCallback);
+    OCStackResult subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            CollectionPresenceCallback);
@@ -120,30 +123,29 @@ private:
     void findPreparedRequest(std::map< std::vector< std::string >, CandidateCallback > &request);
     void lazyCallback(int second);
-    void onGetForPresence(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,CollectionPresenceCallback callback);
-    void checkCollectionRepresentation(const OCRepresentation& rep, CollectionPresenceCallback callback);
-    void collectionPresenceHandler(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce, const std::string& hostAddress, std::string host, std::string uri);
+    void onGetForPresence(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode, CollectionPresenceCallback callback);
+    void checkCollectionRepresentation(const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            CollectionPresenceCallback callback);
+    void collectionPresenceHandler(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce,
+            const std::string& hostAddress, std::string host, std::string uri);
-    *   API for Collection(Group) action.
-    */
+     *   API for Collection(Group) action.
+     */
     std::string getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet);
     ActionSet* getActionSetfromString(std::string desc);
-    OCStackResult addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, GetCallback cb);
-    OCStackResult deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback);
+    OCStackResult addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb);
+    OCStackResult executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb);
+    OCStackResult getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName,
+            PostCallback cb);
+    OCStackResult deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName,
+            PostCallback);
 #endif  /* __OC_GROUPMANAGER__*/
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index fe74d18..dd2c96c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-/// @file    GroupSynchronizatin.cpp
+/// @file    GroupSynchronization.cpp
 /// @brief
 #include "GroupSynchronization.h"
 using namespace OC;
+namespace OIC
 GroupSynchronization* GroupSynchronization::groupSyncnstance = NULL;
-GroupSynchronization* GroupSynchronization::getInstance ()
+GroupSynchronization* GroupSynchronization::getInstance()
     if (groupSyncnstance == NULL)
@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ GroupSynchronization* GroupSynchronization::getInstance ()
     return groupSyncnstance;
 void GroupSynchronization::deleteInstance()
     if (groupSyncnstance)
@@ -48,15 +48,14 @@ void GroupSynchronization::deleteInstance()
-OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::findGroup (std::vector<std::string> collectionResourceTypes, FindCallback resourceHandler)
+OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::findGroup(
+        std::vector< std::string > collectionResourceTypes, FindCallback callback)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::findGroup" << endl;
-    findCallback = resourceHandler;
+    findCallback = callback;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < collectionResourceTypes.size(); ++i)
@@ -64,7 +63,8 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::findGroup (std::vector<std::string> collecti
         cout << "GroupSynchronization::findGroup - " << query << endl;
-        OCPlatform::findResource("", query,std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onFindGroup, this, std::placeholders::_1));
+        OCPlatform::findResource("", query,
+                std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onFindGroup, this, std::placeholders::_1));
     // thread to check if GroupSynchronization::onFoundGroup is called or not.
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::findGroup (std::vector<std::string> collecti
     return OC_STACK_OK;
-OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::createGroup (std::string collectionResourceType)
+OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::createGroup(std::string collectionResourceType)
@@ -88,48 +87,52 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::createGroup (std::string collectionResourceT
         OCStackResult result;
-/*        result = OCPlatform::startPresence (30);        // time is temporary
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
-        {
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::createGroup : startPresence was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::createGroup : startPresence" << endl;
-        }
         // creating master collection resource
         std::string collectionUri = "/" + collectionResourceType;
         int i;
         while ((i = collectionUri.find(".")) != std::string::npos)
-            collectionUri.replace (i, 1, "/");
+            collectionUri.replace(i, 1, "/");
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::createGroup : collection uri - " << collectionUri << ", type - " << collectionResourceType << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::createGroup : collection uri - " << collectionUri
+                << ", type - " << collectionResourceType << endl;
         std::string resourceInterface = DEFAULT_INTERFACE;
-        result = OCPlatform::registerResource (collectionResHandle, collectionUri, collectionResourceType, resourceInterface, NULL, OC_DISCOVERABLE | OC_OBSERVABLE);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        result = OCPlatform::registerResource(collectionResHandle, collectionUri,
+                collectionResourceType, resourceInterface, NULL,
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "Resource creation (" << collectionUri << ") was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "To register resource (" << collectionUri << ") was unsuccessful. result - "
+                    << result << endl;
             goto Error;
+        OCPlatform::bindInterfaceToResource(collectionResHandle, GROUP_INTERFACE);
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
+        {
+            cout << "To bind Interface (collection) was unsuccessful. result - " << result
+                    << endl;
+        }
         collectionResourceHandleList[collectionResourceType] = collectionResHandle;
         // creating master group sync resource
         std::string groupSyncUri = collectionUri + "/groupsync";
         std::string groupSyncResType = collectionResourceType + ".groupsync";
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::createGroup : groupSync uri - " << groupSyncUri << ", type - " << collectionResourceType<< endl;
+//        cout << "GroupSynchronization::createGroup : groupSync uri - " << groupSyncUri
+//                << ", type - " << collectionResourceType << endl;
-        result = OCPlatform::registerResource (groupSyncResHandle, groupSyncUri, groupSyncResType, resourceInterface,
-                                                            std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1),
-                                                            OC_DISCOVERABLE | OC_OBSERVABLE);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        result = OCPlatform::registerResource(groupSyncResHandle, groupSyncUri,
+                groupSyncResType, resourceInterface,
+                std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler, this,
+                        std::placeholders::_1), OC_DISCOVERABLE | OC_OBSERVABLE);
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "Resource creation (groupsync) was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "To register resource (groupsync) was unsuccessful. result - " << result
+                    << endl;
             goto Error;
@@ -143,57 +146,59 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::createGroup (std::string collectionResourceT
         return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
-Error :
+    Error:
-    std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator It;
     if (collectionResHandle)
-        OCPlatform::unregisterResource (collectionResHandle);
-        It = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
-        if (It != collectionResourceHandleList.end())
+        OCPlatform::unregisterResource(collectionResHandle);
+        auto iterator = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        if (iterator != collectionResourceHandleList.end())
-            collectionResourceHandleList.erase(It);
+            collectionResourceHandleList.erase(iterator);
     if (groupSyncResHandle)
-        OCPlatform::unregisterResource (groupSyncResHandle);
-        It = groupSyncResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
-        if (It != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end())
+        OCPlatform::unregisterResource(groupSyncResHandle);
+        auto iterator = groupSyncResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        if (iterator != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end())
-            groupSyncResourceHandleList.erase(It);
+            groupSyncResourceHandleList.erase(iterator);
-OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
+OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+        OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
     if ((0 != collectionResourceType.length()) && (resourceHandle))
-        std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator resIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        auto resIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
         if (resIt == groupSyncResourceHandleList.end())
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : error! There is no collection to join" << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : error! There is no collection to join"
+                    << endl;
             return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
         OCResourceHandle collectionResHandle = resIt->second;
         OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::bindResource(collectionResHandle, resourceHandle);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : Resource bind was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : To bind resource was unsuccessful."
+                    << "result - " << result << endl;
             return OC_STACK_ERROR;
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : binding collectionResHandle and resourceHandle" << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : "
+                << "To bind collectionResHandle and resourceHandle" << endl;
-        std::vector<OCResourceHandle> childHandleList;
+        std::vector< OCResourceHandle > childHandleList;
-        std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>>::iterator childIt = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResHandle);
+        auto childIt = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResHandle);
         if (childIt != childResourceHandleList.end())
             childHandleList = childIt->second;
@@ -208,16 +213,15 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (std::string collectionResourceTyp
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : error! input params are wrong." << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : Error! input params are wrong." << endl;
         return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
     return OC_STACK_OK;
-OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
+OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup(const std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+        OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
     if ((resource) && (resourceHandle))
@@ -225,9 +229,9 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource>
         // making representation to join group
         std::string method = "joinGroup";
-        std::vector<std::string> type = resource->getResourceTypes();
+        std::vector< std::string > type = resource->getResourceTypes();
         std::string resourceType;
-        resourceType.append(OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0));
+        resourceType.append(OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0));
         OCRepresentation rep;
         rep.setValue("method", method);
@@ -238,11 +242,12 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource>
         cout << "\tcollectionResourceType - " << type[0] << endl;
         cout << "\tresourceType - " << resourceType << endl;
-        // creating group sync resource with the received collection resource. entity handler of group sync is used to join group.
+        // creating group sync resource with the received collection resource.
+        // entity handler of group sync is used to join group.
         std::string host = resource->host();
         std::string uri = resource->uri() + "/groupsync";
-        std::vector<std::string> resourceTypes;
+        std::vector< std::string > resourceTypes;
         std::string temp;
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < type.size(); ++i)
@@ -250,10 +255,11 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource>
-        std::vector<std::string> resourceInterface;
-        resourceInterface.push_back (DEFAULT_INTERFACE);
+        std::vector< std::string > resourceInterface;
+        resourceInterface.push_back(DEFAULT_INTERFACE);
-        OCResource::Ptr groupSyncResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(host, uri, 1, resourceTypes, resourceInterface);
+        OCResource::Ptr groupSyncResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(host, uri, 1,
+                resourceTypes, resourceInterface);
         groupSyncResourceList[type[0]] = groupSyncResource;
         cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : creating groupSyncResource." << endl;
@@ -262,17 +268,22 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource>
         QueryParamsMap queryParamsMap;
         // request to join group to the remote group sync resource
-        OCStackResult result = groupSyncResource->put(rep, queryParamsMap, std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3));
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        OCStackResult result = groupSyncResource->put(rep, queryParamsMap,
+                std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                        std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3));
+        if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : groupSyncResource->put was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : groupSyncResource->put was successful."
+                    << endl;
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : groupSyncResource->put" << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::joinGroup : "
+                    << "groupSyncResource->put was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-        // saving the remote collection resource. It is used in onJoinGroup() and onGetJoinedRemoteChild().
+        // saving the remote collection resource.
+        // It is used in onJoinGroup() and onGetJoinedRemoteChild().
         remoteCollectionResource = resource;
         // saving the resource handle to join. It is used in onGetJoinedRemoteChild()
@@ -287,71 +298,85 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource>
-OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
+OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+        OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
     if ((0 != collectionResourceType.length()) && (resourceHandle))
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : collectionResourceType - " << collectionResourceType << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : collectionResourceType - "
+                << collectionResourceType << endl;
         OCResourceHandle collectionResHandle;
-        std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator handleIt = groupSyncResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        auto handleIt = groupSyncResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
-        // if groupSyncResourceHandleList has resourceType, this app created collection resource handle.
+        // if groupSyncResourceHandleList has resourceType,
+        // this app created collection resource handle.
         if (handleIt != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end())
             handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
             if (handleIt == collectionResourceHandleList.end())
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : Error! There is no collection resource handle to leave." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "Error! There is no collection resource handle to leave." << endl;
                 return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
             collectionResHandle = handleIt->second;
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : collection handle uri - " << OCGetResourceUri(collectionResHandle)<< endl;
+//            cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : collection handle uri - "
+//                    << OCGetResourceUri(collectionResHandle) << endl;
-            OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::unbindResource (collectionResHandle, resourceHandle);
+            OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::unbindResource(collectionResHandle,
+                    resourceHandle);
             if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : UnbindResource was successful." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "To unbind resource was successful." << endl;
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : UnbindResource was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "To unbind resource was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-            std::vector<OCResourceHandle>::iterator It = std::find(deviceResourceHandleList.begin(), deviceResourceHandleList.end(), resourceHandle);
-            if (It == deviceResourceHandleList.end())    // there is no resource handle to find
+            auto It = std::find(deviceResourceHandleList.begin(),
+                    deviceResourceHandleList.end(), resourceHandle);
+            if (It == deviceResourceHandleList.end()) // there is no resource handle to find
-                result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource (resourceHandle);
+                result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource(resourceHandle);
                 if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : UnregisterResource was successful." << endl;
+                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                            << "To unregister resource was successful." << endl;
-                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : UnregisterResource was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                            << "To unregister resource was unsuccessful. result - " << result
+                            << endl;
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : This resource cannot be unregistered." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "This resource cannot be unregistered." << endl;
-            std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>>::iterator handleListIt = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResHandle);
+            auto handleListIt = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResHandle);
             if (handleListIt == childResourceHandleList.end())
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : Error! There is no child resource list to delete." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "Error! There is no child resource list to delete." << endl;
                 return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
-            std::vector<OCResourceHandle> childList = handleListIt->second;
-            std::vector<OCResourceHandle>::iterator childIt = std::find(childList.begin(), childList.end(), resourceHandle);
+            std::vector< OCResourceHandle > childList = handleListIt->second;
+            auto childIt = std::find(childList.begin(), childList.end(), resourceHandle);
             if (childIt != childList.end())
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : Found! The resource to leave is found in the child resource handle list." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                        << "Found! The resource to leave is found." << endl;
@@ -359,23 +384,26 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceTy
-        else    // requesting to unbind this resourceHandle to the remote collection resource
+        else // requesting to unbind this resourceHandle to the remote collection resource
-            std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr< OCResource>>::iterator resourceIt = groupSyncResourceList.find(collectionResourceType);
+            auto resourceIt = groupSyncResourceList.find(collectionResourceType);
             if (resourceIt == groupSyncResourceList.end())
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : Error! There is no collectin resource type to leave." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "Error! There is no collectin resource type to leave." << endl;
                 return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
-            std::shared_ptr< OCResource> resource = resourceIt->second;
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : group sync resource uri - " << resource->uri() << endl;
+            std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource = resourceIt->second;
+//            cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : group sync resource uri - "
+//                    << resource->uri() << endl;
             handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
             if (handleIt == collectionResourceHandleList.end())
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : Error! There is no collection resource handle to leave." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "Error! There is no collection resource handle to leave." << endl;
                 return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
@@ -383,9 +411,9 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceTy
             // making representation to leave group
             std::string method = "leaveGroup";
-            std::string type = OCGetResourceTypeName(collectionResHandle,0);
+            std::string type = OCGetResourceTypeName(collectionResHandle, 0);
             std::string resourceType;
-            resourceType.append(OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0));
+            resourceType.append(OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0));
             OCRepresentation rep;
             rep.setValue("method", method);
@@ -399,18 +427,23 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceTy
             QueryParamsMap queryParamsMap;
             // request to leave group to the remote group sync resource
-            OCStackResult result = resource->put(rep, queryParamsMap, std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onLeaveGroup, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3));
+            OCStackResult result = resource->put(rep, queryParamsMap,
+                    std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onLeaveGroup, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                            std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3));
             if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : groupSyncResource->put was successful." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "groupSyncResource->put was successful." << endl;
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : groupSyncResource->put was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : "
+                        << "groupSyncResource->put was unsuccessful. result - " << result
+                        << endl;
             // deleting all remote resources. These are copied in onGetJoinedRemoteChild()
-            deleteGroup (collectionResourceType);
+            deleteGroup(collectionResourceType);
@@ -422,126 +455,134 @@ OCStackResult GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceTy
     return OC_STACK_OK;
-void GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup (std::string collectionResourceType)
+void GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup(std::string collectionResourceType)
-    cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup" << endl;
-    OCStackResult result;
-/*    result = OCPlatform::stopPresence();
-    if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : StopPresence was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::leaveGroup : StopPresence" << endl;
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
-    if (handleIt == collectionResourceHandleList.end())
+    if (0 != collectionResourceType.length())
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : Error! There is no collection resource handle to delete." << endl;
-        return;
-    }
-    OCResourceHandle collectionResHandle = handleIt->second;
-    collectionResourceHandleList.erase(handleIt);
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup" << endl;
-    std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>>::iterator handleListIt = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResHandle);
-    if (handleListIt == childResourceHandleList.end())
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : Error! There is no child resource list to delete." << endl;
-        return;
-    }
-    std::vector<OCResourceHandle> childList = handleListIt->second;
+        OCStackResult result;
-    childResourceHandleList.erase(handleListIt);
+        auto handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        if (handleIt == collectionResourceHandleList.end())
+        {
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                    << "Error! There is no collection resource handle to delete." << endl;
+            return;
+        }
+        OCResourceHandle collectionResHandle = handleIt->second;
-    result = OCPlatform::unbindResources (collectionResHandle, childList);
-    if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnbindResources was successful." << endl;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnbindResources was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-    }
+        collectionResourceHandleList.erase(handleIt);
-    result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource (collectionResHandle);
-    if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(collection resource handle) was successful." << endl;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(collection resource handle) was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-    }
+        auto handleListIt = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResHandle);
+        if (handleListIt == childResourceHandleList.end())
+        {
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                    << "Error! There is no child resource list to delete." << endl;
+            return;
+        }
+        std::vector< OCResourceHandle > childList = handleListIt->second;
-    OCResourceHandle resourceHandle;
-    std::vector<OCResourceHandle>::iterator It;
+        childResourceHandleList.erase(handleListIt);
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childList.size(); i++)
-    {
-        resourceHandle =;
+        result = OCPlatform::unbindResources(collectionResHandle, childList);
+        if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
+        {
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                    << "To unbind resources was successful." << endl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                    << "To unbind resources was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+        }
-        It = std::find(deviceResourceHandleList.begin(), deviceResourceHandleList.end(), resourceHandle);
-        if (It != deviceResourceHandleList.end())    // find !!
+        result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource(collectionResHandle);
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : This resource cannot be unregistered. uri - " << OCGetResourceUri(resourceHandle)<< endl;
-            deviceResourceHandleList.erase(It);
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                    << "To unregister collection resource handle was successful." << endl;
-            result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource (resourceHandle);
-            if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                    << " To unregister collection resource handle was unsuccessful. result - "
+                    << result << endl;
+        }
+        OCResourceHandle resourceHandle;
+        std::vector< OCResourceHandle >::iterator It;
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childList.size(); i++)
+        {
+            resourceHandle =;
+            It = std::find(deviceResourceHandleList.begin(), deviceResourceHandleList.end(),
+                    resourceHandle);
+            if (It != deviceResourceHandleList.end()) // find !!
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(" << i+1 <<") was successful." << endl;
+                deviceResourceHandleList.erase(It);
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(" << i+1 <<") was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource(resourceHandle);
+                if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
+                {
+                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(" << i + 1
+                            << ") was successful." << endl;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(" << i + 1
+                            << ") was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                }
-    }
-    handleIt = groupSyncResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        handleIt = groupSyncResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
-    // if groupSyncResourceHandleList has resourceType, group sync of this app created collection resource.
-    if (handleIt != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end())
-    {
-        resourceHandle = handleIt->second;    // group sync resource handle
-        result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource (resourceHandle);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
+        // if groupSyncResourceHandleList has resourceType,
+        // group sync of this app created collection resource.
+        if (handleIt != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end())
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(group sync resource handle) was successful." << endl;
+            resourceHandle = handleIt->second; // group sync resource handle
+            result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource(resourceHandle);
+            if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
+            {
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                        << "To unregister group sync resource handle was successful." << endl;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : "
+                        << "To unregister group sync resource handle was unsuccessful. "
+                        << "result - " << result << endl;
+            }
+            groupSyncResourceHandleList.erase(handleIt);
-        else
+        auto resourceIt = groupSyncResourceList.find(collectionResourceType);
+        if (resourceIt != groupSyncResourceList.end())
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : UnregisterResource(group sync resource handle) was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            groupSyncResourceList.erase(resourceIt);
-        groupSyncResourceHandleList.erase(handleIt);
+        debugGroupSync();
-    std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr< OCResource>>::iterator resourceIt = groupSyncResourceList.find(collectionResourceType);
-    if (resourceIt != groupSyncResourceList.end())
+    else
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : Since OCResource is share_ptr, only groupSyncResourceList is updated and OCResource is not deleted." << endl;
-        groupSyncResourceList.erase(resourceIt);
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::deleteGroup : Error! Input params are wrong." << endl;
-    debugGroupSync();
-std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle> GroupSynchronization::getGroupList ()
+std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle > GroupSynchronization::getGroupList()
     return collectionResourceHandleList;
-OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(const std::shared_ptr<OCResourceRequest> request)
+OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(
+        const std::shared_ptr< OCResourceRequest > request)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler\n";
@@ -572,21 +613,25 @@ OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(const std::shared
                 //get method name, group resource type and resource type to join group
                 OCRepresentation rp = request->getResourceRepresentation();
-                std::string methodType = rp.getValue<std::string>("method");
-                std::string collectionResourceType = rp.getValue<std::string>("collectionResourceType");
-                std::string resourceType = rp.getValue<std::string>("resourceType");
+                std::string methodType = rp.getValue< std::string >("method");
+                std::string collectionResourceType = rp.getValue< std::string >(
+                        "collectionResourceType");
+                std::string resourceType = rp.getValue< std::string >("resourceType");
                 cout << "\t\t\tmethod : " << methodType << endl;
                 cout << "\t\t\tcollection resourceType : " << collectionResourceType << endl;
                 cout << "\t\t\tresourceType : " << resourceType << endl;
-                std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
+                auto handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceType);
                 if (handleIt == collectionResourceHandleList.end())
-                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : Error! There is no collection resource handle to delete." << endl;
+                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                            << "Error! There is no collection resource handle to delete."
+                            << endl;
                     return OC_EH_ERROR;
-                collectionResourceHandle = handleIt->second;        // in case of join group it is used in onFindResource()
+                collectionResourceHandle = handleIt->second;
+                // in case of join group it is used in onFindResource()
                 if (methodType == "joinGroup")
@@ -596,49 +641,60 @@ OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(const std::shared
                     resourceRequest = request;
-                    OCPlatform::findResource ("", resourceName, std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onFindResource, this, std::placeholders::_1));
+                    OCPlatform::findResource("", resourceName,
+                            std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onFindResource, this,
+                                    std::placeholders::_1));
                 else if (methodType == "leaveGroup")
-                    std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>>::iterator it = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceHandle);
+                    auto it = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceHandle);
                     if (it == childResourceHandleList.end())
-                        cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : Error! There is no child resource list." << endl;
+                        cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                << "Error! There is no child resource list." << endl;
                         return OC_EH_ERROR;
-                    std::vector<OCResourceHandle> childList = it->second;
-                    std::vector<OCResourceHandle>::iterator childIt;
+                    std::vector< OCResourceHandle > childList = it->second;
                     OCResourceHandle resourceHandle;
-                    for(childIt = childList.begin(); childIt != childList.end(); )
+                    for (auto childIt = childList.begin(); childIt != childList.end();)
                         resourceHandle = (*childIt);
-                        char* type = (char*)OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0);
+                        char* type = (char*) OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0);
                         if (0 ==
-                            cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : Found! The resource to leave is found. - " << type << endl;
+                            cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                    << "Found! The resource to leave is found. - " << type
+                                    << endl;
                             childIt = childList.erase(childIt++);
-                            OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::unbindResource (collectionResourceHandle, resourceHandle);
+                            OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::unbindResource(
+                                    collectionResourceHandle, resourceHandle);
                             if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : UnbindResource was successful." << endl;
+                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                        << "To unbind resource was successful." << endl;
-                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : UnbindResource was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                        << "To unbind resource was unsuccessful. result - "
+                                        << result << endl;
-                            result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource (resourceHandle);
+                            result = OCPlatform::unregisterResource(resourceHandle);
                             if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : UnregisterResource was successful." << endl;
+                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                        << "To unregister resource was successful." << endl;
-                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : UnregisterResource was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                                cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                        << "To unregister resource was unsuccessful. result - "
+                                        << result << endl;
 //                            break;
@@ -647,13 +703,14 @@ OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(const std::shared
                     childResourceHandleList[collectionResourceHandle] = childList;
-                    auto pResponse = std::make_shared<OC::OCResourceResponse>();
+                    auto pResponse = std::make_shared< OC::OCResourceResponse >();
@@ -661,9 +718,10 @@ OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(const std::shared
                     OCRepresentation rep = request->getResourceRepresentation();
                     pResponse->setResourceRepresentation(rep, DEFAULT_INTERFACE);
-                    if(OC_STACK_OK == OCPlatform::sendResponse(pResponse))
+                    if (OC_STACK_OK == OCPlatform::sendResponse(pResponse))
-                        cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : sendResponse is successful." << endl;
+                        cout << "GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler : "
+                                << "sendResponse is successful." << endl;
@@ -693,7 +751,6 @@ OCEntityHandlerResult GroupSynchronization::groupEntityHandler(const std::shared
     return OC_EH_OK;
 void GroupSynchronization::onFindGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindGroup" << endl;
@@ -735,15 +792,15 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onFindGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
             if (false == IsSameGroup(resource))
-                saveGroup (resource);
-                findCallback (resource);
+                saveGroup(resource);
+                findCallback(resource);
             // Resource is invalid
             cout << "Resource is invalid" << endl;
-            findCallback (NULL);
+            findCallback(NULL);
@@ -753,8 +810,7 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onFindGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-void GroupSynchronization::checkFindGroup (void)
+void GroupSynchronization::checkFindGroup(void)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::checkFindGroup" << endl;
@@ -763,25 +819,26 @@ void GroupSynchronization::checkFindGroup (void)
         std::chrono::milliseconds workTime(300);
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(foundGroupMutex);
+        std::lock_guard < std::mutex > guard(foundGroupMutex);
         if (false == foundGroupResourceList.empty())
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::checkFoundGroup : Some group is received." << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::checkFoundGroup : " << "Some group is received."
+                    << endl;
-    cout << "GroupSynchronization::checkFoundGroup : It is failed to find resource within 3s." << endl;
+    cout << "GroupSynchronization::checkFoundGroup : "
+            << "It is failed to find resource within 3s." << endl;
-    onFindGroup (NULL);
+    onFindGroup(NULL);
-bool GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup (std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
+bool GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(foundGroupMutex);
+    std::lock_guard < std::mutex > guard(foundGroupMutex);
     if (true == foundGroupResourceList.empty())
@@ -797,11 +854,13 @@ bool GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup (std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
         savedHostAddress = (>host();
 //        savedHostAddress.append ((>uri());
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup : foundHostAddress - " << foundHostAddress << ", savedHostAddress - " << savedHostAddress << endl;
+//        cout << "GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup : foundHostAddress - " << foundHostAddress
+//                << ", savedHostAddress - " << savedHostAddress << endl;
         if (0 ==
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup : Found! The same group is found." << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup : Found! The same group is found."
+                    << endl;
             return true;
@@ -810,20 +869,19 @@ bool GroupSynchronization::IsSameGroup (std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
     return false;
-void GroupSynchronization::saveGroup (std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
+void GroupSynchronization::saveGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::saveGroup" << endl;
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(foundGroupMutex);
+    std::lock_guard < std::mutex > guard(foundGroupMutex);
-void GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
+void GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
-    if(eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
+    if (eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
         cout << "GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup : " << endl;
@@ -832,22 +890,22 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const
             std::string resourceInterface = DEFAULT_INTERFACE;
             QueryParamsMap queryParamsMap;
-            OCStackResult result = remoteCollectionResource->get("", resourceInterface, queryParamsMap,
-                                            std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3));
+            OCStackResult result = remoteCollectionResource->get("", resourceInterface,
+                    queryParamsMap,
+                    std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild, this,
+                            std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                            std::placeholders::_3));
             if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup : remoteCollectionResource->get was successful." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup : "
+                        << "remoteCollectionResource->get was successful." << endl;
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup : remoteCollectionResource->get was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup : "
+                        << "remoteCollectionResource->get was unsuccessful. result - " << result
+                        << endl;
-//            OCPlatform::OCPresenceHandle presenceHandle;
-//            std::vector<std::string> types = remoteCollectionResource->getResourceTypes();
-//            result = OCPlatform::subscribePresence (presenceHandle, remoteCollectionResource->host(), types[0],
-//                            std::function< void(OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce)>
-//                            (std::bind(&GroupSynchronization::onSubscribePresence, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2/*, types[0], remoteCollectionResource->host()*/)));
@@ -856,14 +914,13 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onJoinGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const
-void GroupSynchronization::onFindResource (std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource)
+void GroupSynchronization::onFindResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource" << endl;
     if (resource)
 ////////// debugging
         std::string resourceURI;
         std::string hostAddress;
@@ -895,24 +952,29 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onFindResource (std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource)
         OCResourceHandle resourceHandle;
-        OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::registerResource (resourceHandle, resource);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::registerResource(resourceHandle, resource);
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource - Resource to join creation was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::"
+                    << "onFindResource - Resource to join creation was unsuccessful. result - "
+                    << result << endl;
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : creating resourceHandle. resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle,0)<< endl;
+//        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : creating resourceHandle. resource type - "
+//                << OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
         result = OCPlatform::bindResource(collectionResourceHandle, resourceHandle);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : Resource bind was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : "
+                    << "To bind resource was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : binding joinGroupHandle and resourceHandle" << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : "
+                << "To bind joinGroupHandle and resourceHandle was successful." << endl;
-        std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>>::iterator it = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceHandle);
-        std::vector<OCResourceHandle> childHandleList;
+        auto it = childResourceHandleList.find(collectionResourceHandle);
+        std::vector< OCResourceHandle > childHandleList;
         if (it != childResourceHandleList.end())
             childHandleList = it->second;
@@ -921,7 +983,7 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onFindResource (std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource)
         childResourceHandleList[collectionResourceHandle] = childHandleList;
-        auto pResponse = std::make_shared<OC::OCResourceResponse>();
+        auto pResponse = std::make_shared< OC::OCResourceResponse >();
@@ -929,23 +991,25 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onFindResource (std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource)
         OCRepresentation rep = resourceRequest->getResourceRepresentation();
         pResponse->setResourceRepresentation(rep, DEFAULT_INTERFACE);
-        if(OC_STACK_OK == OCPlatform::sendResponse(pResponse))
+        if (OC_STACK_OK == OCPlatform::sendResponse(pResponse))
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : sendResponse is successful." << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : sendResponse is successful."
+                    << endl;
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : Resource is invalid. So a new Group Resource has to be created." << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onFindResource : "
+                << "Resource is invalid. So a new Group Resource has to be created." << endl;
-void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
+void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
-    if(eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
+    if (eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
         cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild" << endl;
@@ -972,11 +1036,11 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOpt
             cout << "\t\t" << resourceInterfaces << endl;
-        std::vector<OCRepresentation> childList = rep.getChildren();
+        std::vector< OCRepresentation > childList = rep.getChildren();
         OCRepresentation child;
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childList.size(); ++i)
-            cout << "\n\tchild resource - " << i+1 << endl;
+            cout << "\n\tchild resource - " << i + 1 << endl;
             child =;
             resourceURI = child.getUri();
@@ -999,16 +1063,21 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOpt
         // creating remote collection resource handle
         OCResourceHandle remoteCollectionResourceHandle;
         resourceURI = remoteCollectionResource->uri();
-        std::vector<std::string> types = remoteCollectionResource->getResourceTypes();
-        std::vector<std::string> interfaces = remoteCollectionResource->getResourceInterfaces();
+        std::vector< std::string > types = remoteCollectionResource->getResourceTypes();
+        std::vector< std::string > interfaces =
+                remoteCollectionResource->getResourceInterfaces();
-        OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::registerResource (remoteCollectionResourceHandle, resourceURI, types[0], interfaces[0], NULL, OC_OBSERVABLE);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+        OCStackResult result = OCPlatform::registerResource(remoteCollectionResourceHandle,
+                resourceURI, types[0], interfaces[0], NULL, OC_OBSERVABLE);
+        if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - remoteCollectionResourceHandle creation was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - "
+                    << "To register remoteCollectionResourceHandle"
+                    << " was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : creating remoteCollectionResourceHandle" << endl;
+        cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : "
+                "To register remoteCollectionResourceHandle was successful." << endl;
         // binding remote collection resource handle and resource handle to join
         collectionResourceHandleList[types[0]] = remoteCollectionResourceHandle;
@@ -1016,14 +1085,18 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOpt
         result = OCPlatform::bindResource(remoteCollectionResourceHandle, deviceResourceHandle);
         if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and deviceResourceHandle" << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : "
+                    << "binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and deviceResourceHandle"
+                    << endl;
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and deviceResourceHandle was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - "
+                    << "To bind remoteCollectionResourceHandle and deviceResourceHandle "
+                    << "was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-        std::vector<OCResourceHandle> childHandleList;
+        std::vector< OCResourceHandle > childHandleList;
@@ -1031,52 +1104,49 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOpt
         OCResourceHandle resourceHandle;
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childList.size(); ++i)
-            cout << "\tremote resource - " << i+1 << endl;
+            cout << "\tremote resource - " << i + 1 << endl;
             child =;
             resourceURI = child.getUri();
             types = child.getResourceTypes();
             interfaces = child.getResourceInterfaces();
-            if (0 == types[0].compare(OCGetResourceTypeName (deviceResourceHandle,0)))
+            if (0 == types[0].compare(OCGetResourceTypeName(deviceResourceHandle, 0)))
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : " << types[0] << " is bind already." << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : " << types[0]
+                        << " is bind already." << endl;
-            result = OCPlatform::registerResource (resourceHandle, resourceURI, types[0], interfaces[0], NULL, OC_OBSERVABLE);
+            result = OCPlatform::registerResource(resourceHandle, resourceURI, types[0],
+                    interfaces[0], NULL, OC_OBSERVABLE);
             if (OC_STACK_OK == result)
-                result = OCPlatform::bindResource(remoteCollectionResourceHandle, resourceHandle);
-                if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
+                result = OCPlatform::bindResource(remoteCollectionResourceHandle,
+                        resourceHandle);
+                if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
-                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and resourceHandle was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-                    OCPlatform::unregisterResource (resourceHandle);
+                    cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - "
+                            << "binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and resourceHandle "
+                            << "was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                    OCPlatform::unregisterResource(resourceHandle);
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and resourceHandle" << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : "
+                        << "binding remoteCollectionResourceHandle and resourceHandle" << endl;
-                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - remoteCollectionResourceHandle creation was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
+                cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild - "
+                        << "To register remoteCollectionResourceHandle was unsuccessful."
+                        << " result - " << result << endl;
-        childResourceHandleList[remoteCollectionResourceHandle] = childHandleList;    // this handle list is used to leave group
-/*        OCPlatform::OCPresenceHandle presenceHandle;
-        types = remoteCollectionResource->getResourceTypes();
-        result = OCPlatform::subscribePresence (presenceHandle, remoteCollectionResource->host(), types[0],onSubscribePresence);
-        if (OC_STACK_OK != result)
-        {
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : subscribePresence was unsuccessful. result - " << result << endl;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : subscribePresence. types - " << types[0] << endl;
-        }
-*/    }
+        childResourceHandleList[remoteCollectionResourceHandle] = childHandleList;
+        // this handle list is used to leave group
+    }
         cout << "GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild : error - " << eCode << endl;
@@ -1085,10 +1155,10 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOpt
-void GroupSynchronization::onLeaveGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
+void GroupSynchronization::onLeaveGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
-    if(eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
+    if (eCode == OC_STACK_OK)
         cout << "GroupSynchronization::onLeaveGroup" << endl;
@@ -1099,77 +1169,89 @@ void GroupSynchronization::onLeaveGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, cons
-void onSubscribePresence (OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce, std::string resourceType, std::string host)
-    cout << "GroupSynchronization::onSubscribePresence" << endl;
-//    std::cout << "resourceType : " << resourceType << std::endl;
-//    std::cout << "host : " << host << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "result : " << result << std::endl;
-    switch(result)
-    {
-        case OC_STACK_OK:
-            std::cout << "Nonce# " << nonce << std::endl;
-            break;
-            std::cout << "Presence Stopped\n";
-            break;
-            std::cout << "Presence do not handle\n";
-            break;
-            std::cout << "Presence TIMEOUT\n";
-            break;
-        default:
-            std::cout << "Error\n";
-            break;
-    }
-void GroupSynchronization::debugGroupSync (void)
+void GroupSynchronization::debugGroupSync(void)
     cout << "GroupSynchronization::debugGroupSync" << endl;
     unsigned int i;
-    std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator handleIt;
-    std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>>::iterator childIt;
+    std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle >::iterator handleIt;
+    std::map< OCResourceHandle, std::vector< OCResourceHandle > >::iterator childIt;
     std::string type;
     OCResourceHandle resourceHandle;
-    std::vector<OCResourceHandle> handleList;
-    std::shared_ptr< OCResource> resource;
+    std::vector< OCResourceHandle > handleList;
+    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource;
     cout << "Resource Handle Created by App" << endl;
     for (i = 0; i < deviceResourceHandleList.size(); i++)
         resourceHandle =;
-        cout << i+1 << ". details" << endl;
-        cout << "  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri (resourceHandle)<< endl;
-        cout << "  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-        cout << "  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-        cout << "  resource property - " << OCGetResourceProperties (resourceHandle) << endl << endl;
+        cout << i + 1 << ". details" << endl;
+        cout << "  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri(resourceHandle) << endl;
+        cout << "  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
+        cout << "  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName(resourceHandle, 0)
+                << endl << endl;
+    cout << "\nGroup Sync Resource Handle List. The number is "
+            << groupSyncResourceHandleList.size() << endl;
+    i = 1;
+    for (handleIt = groupSyncResourceHandleList.begin();
+            handleIt != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end(); ++handleIt)
+    {
+        type = handleIt->first;
+        cout << "\t" << i << ". group sync resource type - " << type << endl;
+        cout << "\t  details" << endl;
+        resourceHandle = handleIt->second;
+        cout << "\t  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri(resourceHandle) << endl;
+        cout << "\t  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
+        cout << "\t  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName(resourceHandle, 0)
+                << endl << endl;
+        ;
+        i++;
+    }
+    cout << "Copied Remote Group Sync Resource List. The number is "
+            << groupSyncResourceList.size() << endl;
+    std::vector< std::string > list;
+    i = 1;
+    for (auto resourceIt = groupSyncResourceList.begin();
+            resourceIt != groupSyncResourceList.end(); ++resourceIt)
+    {
+        type = resourceIt->first;
+        cout << "\t" << i << ". group sync resource type - " << type << endl;
+        cout << "\t details" << endl;
+        resource = resourceIt->second;
+        cout << "\t  host - " << resource->host() << endl;
+        cout << "\t  uri - " << resource->uri() << endl;
+        list = resource->getResourceTypes();
+        cout << "\t  resource type - " << list[0] << endl;
+        list = resource->getResourceInterfaces();
+        cout << "\t  resource interface - " << list[0] << endl << endl;
+        i++;
+    }
-    cout << "The number of collection Resource Handle is " << collectionResourceHandleList.size() << endl;
-    cout << "The number of child resource handle list is " << childResourceHandleList.size() << endl;
+//    cout << "The number of collection Resource Handle is " << collectionResourceHandleList.size()
+//            << endl;
+//    cout << "The number of child resource handle list is " << childResourceHandleList.size()
+//            << endl;
     cout << "Collection Resource Handle List" << endl;
     i = 1;
-    for (handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.begin(); handleIt != collectionResourceHandleList.end(); ++handleIt)
+    for (handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.begin();
+            handleIt != collectionResourceHandleList.end(); ++handleIt)
         type = handleIt->first;
         cout << "\t" << i << ". collection resource type - " << type << endl;
         cout << "\t  details" << endl;
         resourceHandle = handleIt->second;
-        cout << "\t  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri (resourceHandle)<< endl;
-        cout << "\t  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-        cout << "\t  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-        cout << "\t  resource property - " << OCGetResourceProperties (resourceHandle) << endl << endl;
+        cout << "\t  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri(resourceHandle) << endl;
+        cout << "\t  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
+        cout << "\t  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName(resourceHandle, 0)
+                << endl << endl;
         childIt = childResourceHandleList.find(resourceHandle);
         if (childIt != childResourceHandleList.end())
@@ -1181,49 +1263,15 @@ void GroupSynchronization::debugGroupSync (void)
                 cout << "\t\t" << j + 1 << ". child resource details" << endl;
                 resourceHandle =;
-                cout << "\t\t  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri (resourceHandle)<< endl;
-                cout << "\t\t  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-                cout << "\t\t  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-                cout << "\t\t  resource property - " << OCGetResourceProperties (resourceHandle) << endl << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri(resourceHandle) << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName(resourceHandle, 0)
+                        << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t  resource interface - "
+                        << OCGetResourceInterfaceName(resourceHandle, 0) << endl << endl;
-    cout << "Group Sync Resource Handle List. The number is " << groupSyncResourceHandleList.size() << endl;
-    i = 1;
-    for (handleIt = groupSyncResourceHandleList.begin(); handleIt != groupSyncResourceHandleList.end(); ++handleIt)
-    {
-        type = handleIt->first;
-        cout << "\t" << i << ". group sync resource type - " << type << endl;
-        cout << "\t  details" << endl;
-        resourceHandle = handleIt->second;
-        cout << "\t  uri - " << OCGetResourceUri (resourceHandle)<< endl;
-        cout << "\t  resource type - " << OCGetResourceTypeName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-        cout << "\t  resource interface - " << OCGetResourceInterfaceName (resourceHandle, 0) << endl;
-        cout << "\t  resource property - " << OCGetResourceProperties (resourceHandle) << endl << endl;;
-        i++;
-    }
-    cout << "Copied Remote Group Sync Resource List. The number is " << groupSyncResourceList.size() << endl;
-    std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr< OCResource>>::iterator resourceIt;
-    std::vector<std::string> list;
-    i = 1;
-    for (resourceIt = groupSyncResourceList.begin(); resourceIt != groupSyncResourceList.end(); ++resourceIt)
-    {
-        type = resourceIt->first;
-        cout << "\t" << i << ". group sync resource type - " << type << endl;
-        cout << "\t details" << endl;
-        resource = resourceIt->second;
-        cout << "\t  host - " << resource->host() << endl;
-        cout << "\t  uri - " << resource->uri() << endl;
-        list = resource->getResourceTypes();
-        cout << "\t  resource type - " << list[0] << endl;
-        list = resource->getResourceInterfaces();
-        cout << "\t  resource interface - " << list[0] << endl << endl;
-        i++;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 5fe9745..da5f153
-/// @file   GroupSynchronizatin.h
+/// @file   GroupSynchronization.h
-/// @brief  This file contains the declaration of classes and its members related to GroupSynchronization.
+/// @brief  This file contains the declaration of classes and
+///its members related to GroupSynchronization.
 using namespace OC;
+namespace OIC
 class GroupSynchronization
-private :
-    std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle> collectionResourceHandleList;        // collection resource handle list
+    std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle > collectionResourceHandleList;
+    // collection resource handle list
+    std::map< OCResourceHandle, std::vector< OCResourceHandle > > childResourceHandleList;
-    std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle> groupSyncResourceHandleList;        // group sync resource handle list
-    std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr< OCResource>> groupSyncResourceList;    // remote group sync resource list
+    std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle > groupSyncResourceHandleList;
+    // group sync resource handle list
+    std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > groupSyncResourceList;
+    // remote group sync resource list
-    std::vector<OCResourceHandle> deviceResourceHandleList;            // these cannot be removed.
+    std::vector< OCResourceHandle > deviceResourceHandleList; // these cannot be removed.
     OCResourceHandle deviceResourceHandle;
-    OCResourceHandle collectionResourceHandle;        // collection handle
-    std::shared_ptr< OCResource> remoteCollectionResource;
-    std::map<OCResourceHandle, std::vector<OCResourceHandle>> childResourceHandleList;
+    OCResourceHandle collectionResourceHandle; // collection handle
+    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > remoteCollectionResource;
     FindCallback findCallback;
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr< OCResource >> foundGroupResourceList;
+    std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > foundGroupResourceList;
     std::mutex foundGroupMutex;
-    std::mutex groupSyncMutex;
+//    std::mutex groupSyncMutex;
-    std::shared_ptr<OCResourceRequest> resourceRequest;        // this is used for slow response
+    std::shared_ptr< OCResourceRequest > resourceRequest; // this is used for slow response
     static GroupSynchronization* groupSyncnstance;
-    GroupSynchronization ()
+    GroupSynchronization()
+        childResourceHandleList.clear();
-        foundGroupResourceList.clear();
         deviceResourceHandle = NULL;
+        collectionResourceHandle = NULL;
         remoteCollectionResource = NULL;
         findCallback = NULL;
-    };
+    }
+    ;
-    ~GroupSynchronization ()
+    ~GroupSynchronization()
-        std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle>::iterator handleIt;
-        for (handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.begin(); handleIt != collectionResourceHandleList.end(); ++handleIt)
+        std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle >::iterator handleIt;
+        for (handleIt = collectionResourceHandleList.begin();
+                handleIt != collectionResourceHandleList.end(); ++handleIt)
-            deleteGroup (handleIt->first);
+            deleteGroup(handleIt->first);
-    };
+    }
+    ;
-public :
-    static GroupSynchronization* getInstance ();
+    static GroupSynchronization* getInstance();
     void deleteInstance();
-    OCStackResult findGroup (std::vector <std::string> collectionResourceTypes, FindCallback resourceHandler);
-    OCStackResult createGroup (std::string collectionResourceType);
-    OCStackResult joinGroup (std::string collectionResourceTyps, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
-    OCStackResult joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
-    OCStackResult leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
-    void deleteGroup (std::string collectionResourceType);
+    OCStackResult findGroup(std::vector< std::string > collectionResourceTypes,
+            FindCallback callback);
+    OCStackResult createGroup(std::string collectionResourceType);
+    OCStackResult joinGroup(std::string collectionResourceTyps,
+            OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
+    OCStackResult joinGroup(const std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
+    OCStackResult leaveGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+            OCResourceHandle resourceHandle);
+    void deleteGroup(std::string collectionResourceType);
-    std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle> getGroupList ();
+    std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle > getGroupList();
-private : 
-    OCEntityHandlerResult groupEntityHandler(const std::shared_ptr<OCResourceRequest> request);
+    OCEntityHandlerResult groupEntityHandler(
+            const std::shared_ptr< OCResourceRequest > request);
     void onFindGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
-    void onJoinGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode);
-    void onFindResource (std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource);
-    void onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode);
-    void onLeaveGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode);
-//    void onSubscribePresence (OCStackResult result, const unsigned int nonce/*, std::string resourceType, std::string host*/);
-    void checkFindGroup (void);
-    bool IsSameGroup (std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
-    void saveGroup (std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
-    void debugGroupSync (void);
+    void onJoinGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode);
+    void onFindResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+    void onGetJoinedRemoteChild(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode);
+    void onLeaveGroup(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode);
+//    void onSubscribePresence (OCStackResult result,
+//        const unsigned int nonce/*, std::string resourceType, std::string host*/);
+    void checkFindGroup(void);
+    bool IsSameGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+    void saveGroup(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+    void debugGroupSync(void);
\ No newline at end of file
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 829ed1d..a0f57a2
 using namespace OC;
-const int SUCCESS_RESPONSE = 0;
-int cnt = 0;
+namespace OIC
+    const int SUCCESS_RESPONSE = 0;
+    int cnt = 0;
-std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry > configurationRequestTable;
+    std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry > configurationRequestTable;
-ThingsConfiguration* ThingsConfiguration::thingsConfigurationInstance = NULL;
+    ThingsConfiguration* ThingsConfiguration::thingsConfigurationInstance = NULL;
-ConfigurationCallback g_bootstrapCallback;
+    ConfigurationCallback g_bootstrapCallback;
-ThingsConfiguration* ThingsConfiguration::getInstance()
-    if (thingsConfigurationInstance == NULL)
+    ThingsConfiguration* ThingsConfiguration::getInstance()
-        thingsConfigurationInstance = new ThingsConfiguration();
+        if (thingsConfigurationInstance == NULL)
+        {
+            thingsConfigurationInstance = new ThingsConfiguration();
+        }
+        return thingsConfigurationInstance;
-    return thingsConfigurationInstance;
-void ThingsConfiguration::deleteInstance()
-    if (thingsConfigurationInstance)
+    void ThingsConfiguration::deleteInstance()
-        delete thingsConfigurationInstance;
-        thingsConfigurationInstance = NULL;
+        if (thingsConfigurationInstance)
+        {
+            delete thingsConfigurationInstance;
+            thingsConfigurationInstance = NULL;
+        }
-std::string ThingsConfiguration::getAttributeByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name)
-    for (auto it = ConfigurationUnitTable.begin(); ConfigurationUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
+    std::string ThingsConfiguration::getAttributeByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name)
-        if ((*it).m_name == name)
-            return (*it).m_attribute;
-    }
-    return "";
+        for (auto it = ConfigurationUnitTable.begin(); ConfigurationUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
+        {
+            if ((*it).m_name == name)
+                return (*it).m_attribute;
+        }
-std::string ThingsConfiguration::getUriByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name)
-    for (auto it = ConfigurationUnitTable.begin(); ConfigurationUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
-    {
-        if ((*it).m_name == name)
-            return (*it).m_uri;
+        return "";
-    return "";
-std::string ThingsConfiguration::getUpdateVal(std::string conf)
-    std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator it =
-            configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
-    if (it == configurationRequestTable.end())
-        return NULL;
-    else
-        return it->second.m_updateVal;
-std::shared_ptr< OCResource > ThingsConfiguration::getResource(std::string conf)
-    std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator it =
-            configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
+    std::string ThingsConfiguration::getUriByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name)
+    {
+        for (auto it = ConfigurationUnitTable.begin(); ConfigurationUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
+        {
+            if ((*it).m_name == name)
+                return (*it).m_uri;
+        }
-    if (it == configurationRequestTable.end())
-        return NULL;
-    else
-        return it->second.m_resource;
+        return "";
+    }
-ConfigurationCallback ThingsConfiguration::getCallback(std::string conf)
-    std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator it =
-            configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
+    std::string ThingsConfiguration::getUpdateVal(std::string conf)
+    {
+        std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator it =
+                configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
-    if (it == configurationRequestTable.end())
-        return NULL;
-    else
-        return it->second.m_callback;
+        if (it == configurationRequestTable.end())
+            return NULL;
+        else
+            return it->second.m_updateVal;
-std::string ThingsConfiguration::getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits()
-    std::string res;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > ThingsConfiguration::getResource(std::string conf)
+    {
+        std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator it =
+                configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
-    res = "{\"Configuration Units\":[";
+        if (it == configurationRequestTable.end())
+            return NULL;
+        else
+            return it->second.m_resource;
+    }
-    auto it = ConfigurationUnitTable.begin();
-    while (1)
+    ConfigurationCallback ThingsConfiguration::getCallback(std::string conf)
-        res = res + (*it).getJSON();
-        it++;
+        std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator it =
+                configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
-        if (it == ConfigurationUnitTable.end())
-            break;
+        if (it == configurationRequestTable.end())
+            return NULL;
-            res += ",";
+            return it->second.m_callback;
-    res += "]}";
-    return res;
+    std::string ThingsConfiguration::getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits()
+    {
+        std::string res;
-std::string ThingsConfiguration::getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri)
-    size_t f;
-    std::string newUri;
+        res = "{\"Configuration Units\":[";
-    if ((f = oldUri.find("/factoryset/oic/")) != string::npos)
-        newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
-    else if ((f = oldUri.find("/oic/")) != string::npos)
-        newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
+        auto it = ConfigurationUnitTable.begin();
+        while (1)
+        {
+            res = res + (*it).getJSON();
+            it++;
-    return newUri;
+            if (it == ConfigurationUnitTable.end())
+                break;
+            else
+                res += ",";
+        }
-void ThingsConfiguration::onDeleteActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(conf);
+        res += "]}";
-    std::cout << __func__ << std::endl;
+        return res;
+    }
-    if (resource)
+    std::string ThingsConfiguration::getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri)
-        QueryParamsMap query;
+        size_t f;
+        std::string newUri;
-        // After deletion of the left action set, find target child resource's URIs by sending GET
-        // message. Note that, this resource is surely a collection resource which has child
-        // resources.
-        resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForUpdate, this,
-                                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
-                                conf)));
+        if ((f = oldUri.find("/factoryset/oic/")) != string::npos)
+            newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
+        else if ((f = oldUri.find("/oic/")) != string::npos)
+            newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
+        return newUri;
-void ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onDeleteActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-        std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
+        std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(conf);
-        std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << __func__ << std::endl;
-        std::vector < OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
-        for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
+        if (resource)
-            std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
-        }
+            QueryParamsMap query;
-        // Get information by using configuration name(conf)
-        std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(conf);
-        std::string actionstring = conf;
-        std::string uri = getUriByConfigurationName(conf);
-        std::string attr = getAttributeByConfigurationName(conf);
+            // After deletion of the left action set, find target child resource's URIs by sending
+            // GET message. Note that, this resource is surely a collection resource which has child
+            // resources.
+            resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForUpdate, this,
+                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                    std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
-        if (uri == "")
-            return;
+        }
-        if (resource)
+    }
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
+    {
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
-            // In this nest, we create a new action set of which name is the configuration name.
-            // Required information consists of a host address, URI, attribute key, and attribute
-            // value.
-            ActionSet *newActionSet = new ActionSet();
-            newActionSet->actionsetName = conf;
+            std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
+            std::vector < OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
             for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
-                Action *newAction = new Action();
+                std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
+            }
+            // Get information by using configuration name(conf)
+            std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(conf);
+            std::string actionstring = conf;
+            std::string uri = getUriByConfigurationName(conf);
+            std::string attr = getAttributeByConfigurationName(conf);
+            if (uri == "")
+                return;
+            if (resource)
+            {
+                // In this nest, we create a new action set of which name is the configuration name.
+                // Required information consists of a host address, URI, attribute key, and
+                // attribute value.
+                ActionSet *newActionSet = new ActionSet();
+                newActionSet->actionsetName = conf;
+                for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
+                {
+                    Action *newAction = new Action();
-                // oit->getUri() includes a host address as well as URI.
-                // We should split these to each other and only use the host address to create
-                // a child resource's URI. Note that the collection resource and its child resource
-                // are located in same host.
-                newAction->target = getHostFromURI(oit->getUri()) + uri;
+                    // oit->getUri() includes a host address as well as URI.
+                    // We should split these to each other and only use the host address to create
+                    // a child resource's URI. Note that the collection resource and its child
+                    // resource are located in same host.
+                    newAction->target = getHostFromURI(oit->getUri()) + uri;
-                Capability *newCapability = new Capability();
-                newCapability->capability = attr;
-                newCapability->status = getUpdateVal(conf);
+                    Capability *newCapability = new Capability();
+                    newCapability->capability = attr;
+                    newCapability->status = getUpdateVal(conf);
-                newAction->listOfCapability.push_back(newCapability);
-                newActionSet->listOfAction.push_back(newAction);
+                    newAction->listOfCapability.push_back(newCapability);
+                    newActionSet->listOfAction.push_back(newAction);
+                }
+                // Request to create a new action set by using the above actionSet
+                g_groupmanager->addActionSet(resource, newActionSet,
+                        std::function<
+                                void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                                        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) >(
+                                std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onCreateActionSet, this,
+                                        std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                        std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+                free(newActionSet);
-            // Request to create a new action set by using the above actionSet
-            g_groupmanager->addActionSet(resource, newActionSet,
-                    std::function<
-                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                    const int eCode) >(
-                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onCreateActionSet, this,
-                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
-                                    std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-void ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-        std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
-        std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, tempResource;
-        std::vector < std::shared_ptr < OCResource >> p_resources;
-        std::vector < std::string > m_if;
-        std::string uri = getUriByConfigurationName(conf);
+            std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, tempResource;
+            std::vector < std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > p_resources;
+            std::vector < std::string > m_if;
+            std::string uri = getUriByConfigurationName(conf);
-        if (uri == "")
-            return;
+            if (uri == "")
+                return;
-        if (uri == "/oic/con" || uri == "/factoryset" || uri == "/factoryset/oic/con")
-            m_if.push_back(BATCH_INTERFACE);
-        else
-            m_if.push_back(DEFAULT_INTERFACE);
+            if (uri == "/oic/con" || uri == "/factoryset" || uri == "/factoryset/oic/con")
+                m_if.push_back(BATCH_INTERFACE);
+            else
+                m_if.push_back(DEFAULT_INTERFACE);
-        std::vector < OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
-        for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
-        {
-            std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
+            std::vector < OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
+            for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
+            {
+                std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
-            // Using a host address and child URIs, we can dynamically create resource objects.
-            // Note that, the child resources have not found before, we have no resource objects.
-            // For this reason, we create the resource objects.
+                // Using a host address and child URIs, we can dynamically create resource objects.
+                // Note that the child resources have not found before, we have no resource objects.
+                // For this reason, we create the resource objects.
-            std::string host = getHostFromURI(oit->getUri());
-            tempResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(host, uri, true,
-                    oit->getResourceTypes(), m_if);
+                std::string host = getHostFromURI(oit->getUri());
+                tempResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(host, uri, true,
+                        oit->getResourceTypes(), m_if);
-            p_resources.push_back(tempResource);
-        }
+                p_resources.push_back(tempResource);
+            }
-        // Send GET messages to the child resources in turn.
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p_resources.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            resource =;
-            if (resource)
+            // Send GET messages to the child resources in turn.
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p_resources.size(); ++i)
-                try
+                resource =;
+                if (resource)
-                    if (isSimpleResource(resource))
+                    try
-                        QueryParamsMap test;
-                        resource->get(test, getCallback(conf));
+                        if (isSimpleResource(resource))
+                        {
+                            QueryParamsMap test;
+                            resource->get(test, getCallback(conf));
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            QueryParamsMap test;
+                            resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), BATCH_INTERFACE, test,
+                                    getCallback(conf));
+                        }
-                    else
+                    catch (OCException& e)
-                        QueryParamsMap test;
-                        resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), BATCH_INTERFACE, test,
-                                getCallback(conf));
+                        std::cout << e.reason() << std::endl;
-                }
-                catch (OCException& e)
-                {
-                    std::cout << e.reason() << std::endl;
-                }
+                }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
-    }
-void ThingsConfiguration::onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-        std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
-        std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(conf);
-        if (resource)
+            std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(conf);
+            if (resource)
+            {
+                // Now, it is time to execute the action set.
+                g_groupmanager->executeActionSet(resource, conf,
+                        std::function<
+                                void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                                        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) >(
+                                std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onExecuteForGroupAction, this,
+                                        std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                        std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+            }
+        }
+        else
-            // Now, it is time to execute the action set.
-            g_groupmanager->executeActionSet(resource, conf,
-                    std::function<
-                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                    const int eCode) >(
-                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onExecuteForGroupAction, this,
-                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
-                                    std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
-    }
-void ThingsConfiguration::onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf)
-        std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
-        getCallback(conf)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+            getCallback(conf)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-bool ThingsConfiguration::isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource->getResourceInterfaces().size(); ++i)
+    bool ThingsConfiguration::isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-        if (resource->getResourceInterfaces().at(i) == BATCH_INTERFACE)
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-void ThingsConfiguration::onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-        const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
-    {
-        std::cout << "Get request was successful" << std::endl;
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource->getResourceTypes().size(); ++i)
+        {
+            if (resource->getResourceTypes().at(i).find(".resourceset", 0) != std::string::npos)
+                return false;
+        }
-        getCallback(conf)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+        return true;
-void ThingsConfiguration::onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-        const int eCode, std::string conf)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    bool ThingsConfiguration::hasBatchInterface(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-        std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource->getResourceInterfaces().size(); ++i)
+        {
+            if (resource->getResourceInterfaces().at(i) == BATCH_INTERFACE)
+                return true;
+        }
-        // Callback
-        getCallback(conf)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        return false;
-    else
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode, std::string conf)
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "Get request was successful" << std::endl;
+            getCallback(conf)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-OCStackResult ThingsConfiguration::updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-        std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue > configurations,
-        ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    // For M2, # of configurations is 1
-    // First, mapping a semantic name(ConfigurationUnit) into resource's name(uri ...)
-    if (configurations.size() == 0)
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode, std::string conf)
-        std::cout << "# of request configuration is 0" << std::endl;
-        return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+            // Callback
+            getCallback(conf)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-    if (!resource)
+    OCStackResult ThingsConfiguration::updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue > configurations,
+            ConfigurationCallback callback)
-        std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
-        return OC_STACK_ERROR;
-    }
+        // For M2, # of configurations is 1
+        // First, mapping a semantic name(ConfigurationUnit) into resource's name(uri ...)
+        if (configurations.size() == 0)
+        {
+            std::cout << "# of request configuration is 0" << std::endl;
+            return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        }
-    std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue >::iterator it = configurations.begin();
-    std::string conf = it->first; // configuration name
-    std::transform(conf.begin(), conf.end(), conf.begin(), ::tolower); // to lower case
+        if (!resource)
+        {
+            std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
+            return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        }
-    // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
-    std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator iter =
-            configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
-    if (iter != configurationRequestTable.end())
-        configurationRequestTable.erase(iter);
+        std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue >::iterator it = configurations.begin();
+        std::string conf = it->first; // configuration name
+        std::transform(conf.begin(), conf.end(), conf.begin(), ::tolower); // to lower case
-    // Create new request entry stored in the queue
-    ConfigurationRequestEntry newCallback(conf, callback, resource, it->second);
-    configurationRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(conf, newCallback));
+        // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
+        std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator iter =
+                configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
+        if (iter != configurationRequestTable.end())
+            configurationRequestTable.erase(iter);
-    OCRepresentation rep;
-    QueryParamsMap query;
-    if (isSimpleResource(resource))
-    {
-        // This resource does not need to use a group manager. Just send a PUT message
-        rep.setValue(getAttributeByConfigurationName(conf), getUpdateVal(conf));
-        return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, rep, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGet, this, std::placeholders::_1,
-                                std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // This resource is a collection resource which uses group manager functionalities.
-        // First, delete an existing action set of which name is same as a current action set name.
-        // As of now, the name is determined by "Configuration Name" which a user just specifies.
-        return g_groupmanager->deleteActionSet(resource, conf,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onDeleteActionSet, this,
-                                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
-                                conf)));
-    }
+        // Create new request entry stored in the queue
+        ConfigurationRequestEntry newCallback(conf, callback, resource, it->second);
+        configurationRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(conf, newCallback));
-OCStackResult ThingsConfiguration::getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-        std::vector< ConfigurationName > configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    // For M2, # of configurations is 1
-    // First, mapping a semantic name(ConfigurationUnit) into resource's name(uri ...)
-    if (configurations.size() == 0)
-    {
-        std::cout << "# of request configuration is 0" << std::endl;
-        return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        OCRepresentation rep;
+        QueryParamsMap query;
+        if (isSimpleResource(resource))
+        {
+            // This resource does not need to use a group manager. Just send a PUT message
+            rep.setValue(getAttributeByConfigurationName(conf), getUpdateVal(conf));
+            return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, rep, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGet, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                                    std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // This resource is a collection resource which uses group manager functionalities.
+            // First, delete an existing action set of which name is same as a current action set
+            // name. As of now, the name is determined by "Configuration Name" which a user just
+            // specifies.
+            return g_groupmanager->deleteActionSet(resource, conf,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onDeleteActionSet, this,
+                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                    std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+        }
-    if (!resource)
+    OCStackResult ThingsConfiguration::getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::vector< ConfigurationName > configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback)
-        std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
-        return OC_STACK_ERROR;
-    }
+        // For M2, # of configurations is 1
+        // First, mapping a semantic name(ConfigurationUnit) into resource's name(uri ...)
+        if (configurations.size() == 0)
+        {
+            std::cout << "# of request configuration is 0" << std::endl;
+            return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        }
+        if (!resource)
+        {
+            std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
+            return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        }
-    std::vector< ConfigurationName >::iterator it = configurations.begin();
-    std::string conf = (*it); // configuration name
-    std::transform(conf.begin(), conf.end(), conf.begin(), ::tolower); // to lower case
+        std::vector< ConfigurationName >::iterator it = configurations.begin();
+        std::string conf = (*it); // configuration name
+        std::transform(conf.begin(), conf.end(), conf.begin(), ::tolower); // to lower case
-    // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
-    std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator iter =
-            configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
-    if (iter != configurationRequestTable.end())
-        configurationRequestTable.erase(iter);
+        // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
+        std::map< std::string, ConfigurationRequestEntry >::iterator iter =
+                configurationRequestTable.find(conf);
+        if (iter != configurationRequestTable.end())
+            configurationRequestTable.erase(iter);
-    // Create new request entry stored in the queue
-    ConfigurationRequestEntry newCallback(conf, callback, resource, conf);
-    configurationRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(conf, newCallback));
+        // Create new request entry stored in the queue
+        ConfigurationRequestEntry newCallback(conf, callback, resource, conf);
+        configurationRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(conf, newCallback));
-    QueryParamsMap query;
-    OCRepresentation rep;
+        QueryParamsMap query;
+        OCRepresentation rep;
-    if (isSimpleResource(resource))
-    {
-        // This resource is a simple resource. Just send a PUT message
-        return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGet, this, std::placeholders::_1,
-                                std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // This resource is a collection resource. On the contrary of a update, it does not use
-        // group manager functionality. It just acquires child resource's URI and send GET massages
-        // to the child resources in turn.
-        // First, request the child resources's URI.
-        return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForGet, this,
-                                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
-                                conf)));
-    }
+        if (isSimpleResource(resource))
+        {
+            // This resource is a simple resource. Just send a PUT message
+            std::string m_if = DEFAULT_INTERFACE;
+            if (hasBatchInterface(resource))
+                m_if = BATCH_INTERFACE;
-// callback handler on GET request
-void ThingsConfiguration::onGetBootstrapInformation(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
-    if(eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
-    {
-        std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
+            return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), m_if, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGet, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                                    std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // This resource is a collection resource. On the contrary of a update, it does not use
+            // group manager functionality. It just acquires child resource's URI and send GET
+            // massages to the child resources in turn.
+            // First, request the child resources's URI.
+            return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsConfiguration::onGetChildInfoForGet, this,
+                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                    std::placeholders::_3, conf)));
+        }
-        std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
-        g_bootstrapCallback(headerOptions, rep,  eCode);
-    else
+// callback handler on GET request
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onGetBootstrapInformation(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
-        std::cout << "onGET Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
-    }
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            g_bootstrapCallback(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        }
-void ThingsConfiguration::onFoundBootstrapServer(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > resources)
-    std::string resourceURI;
-    std::string hostAddress;
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onGET Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
+    }
-    try
+    void ThingsConfiguration::onFoundBootstrapServer(
+            std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > resources)
-        // Do some operations with resource object.
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resources.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource =;
+        std::string resourceURI;
+        std::string hostAddress;
-            if (resource)
+        try
+        {
+            // Do some operations with resource object.
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resources.size(); ++i)
-                std::cout << "DISCOVERED Resource:" << std::endl;
-                // Get the resource URI
-                resourceURI = resource->uri();
-                std::cout << "\tURI of the resource: " << resourceURI << std::endl;
-                // Get the resource host address
-                hostAddress = resource->host();
-                std::cout << "\tHost address of the resource: " << hostAddress << std::endl;
-                // Get the resource types
-                std::cout << "\tList of resource types: " << std::endl;
-                for (auto &resourceTypes : resource->getResourceTypes())
-                {
-                    std::cout << "\t\t" << resourceTypes << std::endl;
-                }
+                std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource =;
-                // Get the resource interfaces
-                cout << "\tList of resource interfaces: " << endl;
-                for (auto &resourceInterfaces : resource->getResourceInterfaces())
-                {
-                    cout << "\t\t" << resourceInterfaces << endl;
-                }
+                if (resource)
+                { // Request configuration resources
-                // Request configuration resources
-                std::cout << "Getting bootstrap server representation on: "<< DEFAULT_INTERFACE << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "Getting bootstrap server representation on: " << DEFAULT_INTERFACE
+                            << std::endl;
-                resource->get("bootstrap", DEFAULT_INTERFACE, QueryParamsMap(), &onGetBootstrapInformation);
+                    resource->get("bootstrap", DEFAULT_INTERFACE, QueryParamsMap(),
+                            &onGetBootstrapInformation);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // Resource is invalid
+                    std::cout << "Resource is invalid" << std::endl;
+                }
-            else
-            {
-                // Resource is invalid
-                std::cout << "Resource is invalid" << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
+        }
+        catch (std::exception& e)
+        {
+            //log(e.what());
+        }
-    catch (std::exception& e)
-    {
-        //log(e.what());
-    }
-OCStackResult ThingsConfiguration::doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    g_bootstrapCallback = callback;
+    OCStackResult ThingsConfiguration::doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback)
+    {
+        g_bootstrapCallback = callback;
-    // Find bootstrap server.
-    std::vector<std::string> type;
-    type.push_back("bootstrap");
+        // Find bootstrap server.
+        std::vector < std::string > type;
+        type.push_back("bootstrap");
-    std::cout << "Finding Bootstrap Server resource... " << std::endl;
-    return g_groupmanager->findCandidateResources(type, &onFoundBootstrapServer);
+        std::cout << "Finding Bootstrap Server resource... " << std::endl;
+        return g_groupmanager->findCandidateResources(type, &onFoundBootstrapServer);
+    }
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index c5e67b4..79e2579
 using namespace OC;
-/// Declearation of Configuation Callback funtion type
-typedef std::function<
-        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > ConfigurationCallback;
-typedef std::string ConfigurationName;
-typedef std::string ConfigurationValue;
- * @brief
- * The following class is used as a item stacking in request queue. The class stores a request and
- * referential information (e.g., a configuration name, a target resource object, a callback functi-
- * on passed from the applications, and a update value). When the function for updating/getting
- * configuration value is called from applications, this class instance is created and stored in the
- * request queue. The queue is maintained in a std::map structure so if desiring to find a specific
- * request, you can find it by querying a configuration name.
- */
-class ConfigurationRequestEntry
-    ConfigurationRequestEntry(std::string ID, ConfigurationCallback callback,
-            std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string updateVal) :
-            m_ID(ID), m_callback(callback), m_resource(resource), m_updateVal(updateVal)
-    {
-    }
-    ;
-    // Configuration Name (used in key value in std::map structure)
-    // e.g., time, network, security, and so on
-    std::string m_ID;
-    // Reference callback pointer
-    ConfigurationCallback m_callback;
-    // Reference resource object
-    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > m_resource;
-    // Update value only used for configuration update
-    std::string m_updateVal;
- * @brief
- * The following class is used to store providing configuration name and its relevant information
- * The relevant information includes a brief description, uri, and attribute key.
- * Note that a developer only specifies a configuration name, not URI nor attribute key, to
- * update/get a value to a remote. Thus, using configuration name, we convert it to more specific
- * information (i.e. uri and attribute key) to send a request. This class is reponsible to storing
- * these information.
- */
-class ConfigurationUnitInfo
+namespace OIC
+/// Declearation of Configuation Callback funtion type
+    typedef std::function<
+            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
+            > ConfigurationCallback;
-    std::string m_name;
-    std::string m_description;
-    std::string m_uri;
-    std::string m_attribute;
+    typedef std::string ConfigurationName;
+    typedef std::string ConfigurationValue;
-    ConfigurationUnitInfo(std::string name, std::string description, std::string uri,
-            std::string attribute) :
-            m_name(name), m_description(description), m_uri(uri), m_attribute(attribute)
+    /**
+     * @brief
+     * The following class is used as a item stacking in request queue. The class stores a request
+     * and referential information (e.g., a configuration name, a target resource object, a callback
+     * function passed from the applications, and a update value). When the function for updating/
+     * getting configuration value is called from applications, this class instance is created and
+     * stored in the request queue. The queue is maintained in a std::map structure so if desiring
+     * to find a specific request, you can find it by querying a configuration name.
+     */
+    class ConfigurationRequestEntry
-    }
-    ;
+    public:
+        ConfigurationRequestEntry(std::string ID, ConfigurationCallback callback,
+                std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string updateVal):
+                m_ID(ID), m_callback(callback), m_resource(resource), m_updateVal(updateVal)
+        {
+        }
+        ;
+        // Configuration Name (used in key value in std::map structure)
+        // e.g., time, network, security, and so on
+        std::string m_ID;
+        // Reference callback pointer
+        ConfigurationCallback m_callback;
+        // Reference resource object
+        std::shared_ptr< OCResource > m_resource;
+        // Update value only used for configuration update
+        std::string m_updateVal;
+    };
-    // If a developer wants to know a list of configuration names, gives it in JSON format.
-    std::string getJSON()
+    /**
+     * @brief
+     * The following class is used to store providing configuration name and its relevant
+     * information. The relevant information includes a brief description, uri, and attribute key.
+     * Note that a developer only specifies a configuration name, not URI nor attribute key, to
+     * update/get a value to a remote. Thus, using configuration name, we convert it to more
+     * specific information (i.e. uri and attribute key) to send a request. This class is reponsible
+     * to storing these information.
+     */
+    class ConfigurationUnitInfo
-        std::string res;
+    public:
+        std::string m_name;
+        std::string m_description;
+        std::string m_uri;
+        std::string m_attribute;
-        res = "{\"name\":\"" + m_name + "\",\"description\":\"" + m_description + "\"}";
+        ConfigurationUnitInfo(std::string name, std::string description, std::string uri,
+                std::string attribute) :
+                m_name(name), m_description(description), m_uri(uri), m_attribute(attribute)
+        {
+        }
+        ;
+        // If a developer wants to know a list of configuration names, gives it in JSON format.
+        std::string getJSON()
+        {
+            std::string res;
+            res = "{\"name\":\"" + m_name + "\",\"description\":\"" + m_description + "\"}";
-        return res;
-    }
+            return res;
+        }
+    };
 #define NUMCONFUNIT 6
-typedef std::string ConfigurationName;
-typedef std::string ConfigurationValue;
+    typedef std::string ConfigurationName;
+    typedef std::string ConfigurationValue;
-class ThingsConfiguration
-    /**
-     * Constructor for ThingsConfiguration. Constructs a new ThingsConfiguration
-     */
-    ThingsConfiguration(void)
+    class ThingsConfiguration
-        ConfigurationUnitInfo unit[] =
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor for ThingsConfiguration. Constructs a new ThingsConfiguration
+         */
+        ThingsConfiguration(void)
-        { "installedlocation", "the semantic location at a specific area (e.g., living room)",
-                "/oic/con", "installedLocation" },
-        { "time", "Resource for system time information including time zones etc.", "/oic/time",
-                "currentTime" },
-        { "network", "Resource for network information", "/oic/net", "address" },
-        { "security", "Resource for security information (credentials, access control list etc.)",
-                "/oic/sec", "mode" },
-        { "setattr1", "attribute 1 of Set Resource", "/oic/customset", "attr1" },
-        { "getfactoryset", "get all default configuration value", "/factoryset/oic/con", "" } };
-        for (int i = 0; i < NUMCONFUNIT; i++)
-            ConfigurationUnitTable.push_back(unit[i]);
-    }
-    ;
+            ConfigurationUnitInfo unit[] =
+            {
+            { "configuration", "Configuration Collection's value and its child resource's value",
+                    "/oic/con", "value" },
+            { "region", "the current region in which the device is located geographically",
+                    "/oic/con/0/region", "value" },
+            { "timelink", "link of time collection.", "/oic/con/0/time", "link" },
+            { "ipaddress", "IP Address", "/oic/con/network/0/IPAddress", "value" },
+            { "securitymode",
+                    "Resource for security information (credentials, access control list etc.)",
+                    "/oic/con/security/0/mode", "value" },
+                    { "getfactoryset", "get all default configuration value", "/factoryset/oic/con",
+                            "value" } };
+            for (int i = 0; i < NUMCONFUNIT; i++)
+                ConfigurationUnitTable.push_back(unit[i]);
+        }
+        ;
+        /**
+         * Virtual destructor
+         */
+        ~ThingsConfiguration(void)
+        {
+        }
+        ;
-    /**
-     * Virtual destructor
-     */
-    ~ThingsConfiguration(void)
-    {
-    }
-    ;
+        static ThingsConfiguration *thingsConfigurationInstance;
+        static ThingsConfiguration* getInstance();
+        void deleteInstance();
-    static ThingsConfiguration *thingsConfigurationInstance;
-    static ThingsConfiguration* getInstance();
-    void deleteInstance();
+        void setGroupManager(GroupManager *groupmanager)
+        {
+            g_groupmanager = groupmanager;
+        }
+        ;
+        /**
+         * API for updating configuration value of multiple things of a target group or a single
+         * thing.
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         * Before using the below function, a developer should acquire a resource pointer of
+         * (collection) resource that he want to send a request by calling findResource() function
+         * provided in OCPlatform. And he should also notice a "Configuration Name" term which
+         * represents a nickname of a target attribute of a resource that he wants to update.
+         * The base motivation to introduce the term is to avoid a usage of URI to access a resource
+         * from a developer. Thus, a developer should know which configuration names are supported
+         * by Things Configuration class and what the configuration name means.
+         * To get a list of supported configuration names, use getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits(
+         * ) function, which provides the list in JSON format.
+         * NOTICE: A series of callback functions is called from updateConfigurations() function:
+         * (1) For a collection resource
+         * updateConfiguration()->onDeleteActionSet()->onGetChildInfoForUpdate()->onCreateActionSet(
+         * )->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->OnExecuteForGroupAction()->callback function in APP.
+         * (2) For a simple resource
+         * updateConfiguration()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->OnPut()->callback function in APP.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
+         * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource
+         *                         (e.g., installedlocation, currency, (IP)address)
+         *                         Value : a value to be updated
+         * @param callback - callback.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue > configurations,
+                ConfigurationCallback callback);
+        /**
+         * API for getting configuration value of multiple things of a target group or a single
+         * thing.
+         * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+         * NOTICE: A series of callback functions is called from getConfigurations() function:
+         * (1) For a collection resource
+         * getConfigurations()->onGetChildInfoForGet()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)
+         * ->callback function in APP.
+         * (2) For a simple resource
+         * getConfigurations()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->onGet()->callback function in APP.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
+         * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource.
+         * @param callback - callback.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                std::vector< ConfigurationName > configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback);
+        /**
+         * API to show a list of supported configuration units (configurable parameters)
+         * Callback call when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @return the list in JSON format
+         */
+        std::string getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
+        /**
+         * API for bootstrapping functionality. Find a bootstrap server and get configuration
+         * information from the bootstrap server. With the information, make a configuration
+         * resource.
+         *
+         * @param callback - callback.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback);
+    private:
+        GroupManager *g_groupmanager;
+        std::vector< ConfigurationUnitInfo > ConfigurationUnitTable;
+        void onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onGetChildInfoForGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onGetActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onDeleteActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
+                std::string conf);
+        void onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
+                std::string conf);
+        static void onFoundBootstrapServer(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > resources);
+        static void onGetBootstrapInformation(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode);
+        // Copyright 2014 Samsung Electronics All Rights Reserved.
+        /// @file   ThingsConfiguration.h
+        /// @brief  This file contains the declaration of classes and its members related to
+        ///         ThingsConfiguration.
-    void setGroupManager(GroupManager *groupmanager)
-    {
-        g_groupmanager = groupmanager;
-    }
-    ;
-    /**
-     * @brief
-     * API for updating configuration value of multiple things of a target group or a single thing.
-     * Callback is called when a response arrives.
-     * Before using the below function, a developer should acquire a resource pointer of
-     * (collection) resource that he want to send a request by calling findResource() function
-     * provided in OCPlatform. And he should also notice a "Configuration Name" term which
-     * represents a nickname of a target attribute of a resource that he wants to update.
-     * The base motivation to introduce the term is to avoid a usage of URI to access a resource
-     * from a developer. Thus, a developer should know which configuration names are supported
-     * by Things Configuration class and what the configuration name means.
-     * To get a list of supported configuration names, use getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits()
-     * function, which provides the list in JSON format.
-     * NOTICE: A series of callback functions is called from updateConfigurations() function:
-     * (1) For a collection resource
-     * updateConfiguration()->onDeleteActionSet()->onGetChildInfoForUpdate()->onCreateActionSet()
-     * ->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->OnExecuteForGroupAction()->callback function in APP.
-     * (2) For a simple resource
-     * updateConfiguration()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->OnPut()->callback function in APP.
-     *
-     * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
-     * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource
-     *                         (e.g., installedlocation, currency, (IP)address)
-     *                         Value : a value to be updated
-     * @param callback - callback.
-     *
-     * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
-     *
-     * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
-     */
-    OCStackResult updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-            std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue > configurations,
-            ConfigurationCallback callback);
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "GroupManager.h"
+#include "OCPlatform.h"
+#include "OCApi.h"
-    /**
-     * API for getting configuration value of multiple things of a target group or a single thing.
-     * Callback is called when a response arrives.
-     * NOTICE: A series of callback functions is called from getConfigurations() function:
-     * (1) For a collection resource
-     * getConfigurations()->onGetChildInfoForGet()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)
-     * ->callback function in APP.
-     * (2) For a simple resource
-     * getConfigurations()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->onGet()->callback function in APP.
-     *
-     * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
-     * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource.
-     * @param callback - callback.
-     *
-     * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
-     *
-     * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
-     */
-    OCStackResult getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-            std::vector< ConfigurationName > configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback);
+        using namespace OC;
-    /**
-     * API to show a list of supported configuration units (configurable parameters)
-     * Callback call when a response arrives.
-     *
-     * @return the list in JSON format
-     */
-    std::string getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
+/// Declearation of Configuation Callback funtion type
+        typedef std::function<
+        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > ConfigurationCallback;
+        typedef std::string ConfigurationName;
+        typedef std::string ConfigurationValue;
+        /**
+         * @brief
+         * The following class is used as a item stacking in request queue. The class stores a
+         * request and referential information (e.g., a configuration name, a target resource
+         * object, a callback function passed from the applications, and a update value). When the
+         * function for updating/getting configuration value is called from applications, this class
+         * instance is created and stored in the request queue. The queue is maintained in
+         * a std::map structure so if desiring to find a specific request, you can find it
+         * by querying a configuration name.
+         */
+        class ConfigurationRequestEntry
+        {
+        public:
+            ConfigurationRequestEntry(std::string ID, ConfigurationCallback callback,
+                    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string updateVal) :
+            m_ID(ID), m_callback(callback), m_resource(resource), m_updateVal(updateVal)
+            {
+            }
+            ;
+            // Configuration Name (used in key value in std::map structure)
+            // e.g., time, network, security, and so on
+            std::string m_ID;
+            // Reference callback pointer
+            ConfigurationCallback m_callback;
+            // Reference resource object
+            std::shared_ptr< OCResource > m_resource;
+            // Update value only used for configuration update
+            std::string m_updateVal;
+        };
+        /**
+         * @brief
+         * The following class is used to store providing configuration name and its relevant
+         * information. The relevant information includes a brief description, uri, and attribute
+         * key. Note that a developer only specifies a configuration name, not URI nor attribute
+         * key, to update/get a value to a remote. Thus, using configuration name, we convert it to
+         * more specific information (i.e. uri and attribute key) to send a request. This class is
+         * reponsible to storing these information.
+         */
+        class ConfigurationUnitInfo
+        {
+        public:
-    /**
-     * API for bootstrapping functionality. Find a bootstrap server and get configuration
-     * information from the bootstrap server. With the information, make a configuration resource.
-     *
-     * @param callback - callback.
-     *
-     * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
-     *
-     * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
-     */
-    OCStackResult doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback);
+            std::string m_name;
+            std::string m_description;
+            std::string m_uri;
+            std::string m_attribute;
+            ConfigurationUnitInfo(std::string name, std::string description, std::string uri,
+                    std::string attribute) :
+            m_name(name), m_description(description), m_uri(uri), m_attribute(attribute)
+            {
+            }
+            ;
+            // If a developer wants to know a list of configuration names, gives it in JSON format.
+            std::string getJSON()
+            {
+                std::string res;
+                res = "{\"name\":\"" + m_name + "\",\"description\":\"" + m_description + "\"}";
-    GroupManager *g_groupmanager;
+                return res;
+            }
+        };
-    std::vector< ConfigurationUnitInfo > ConfigurationUnitTable;
+#define NUMCONFUNIT 6
+        typedef std::string ConfigurationName;
+        typedef std::string ConfigurationValue;
-    void onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onGetChildInfoForGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onGetActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onDeleteActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
-            std::string conf);
-    void onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
-            std::string conf);
-    static void onFoundBootstrapServer(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > > resources);
-    static void onGetBootstrapInformation(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode);
+        class ThingsConfiguration
+        {
+        public:
+            /**
+             * Constructor for ThingsConfiguration. Constructs a new ThingsConfiguration
+             */
+            ThingsConfiguration(void)
+            {
+                ConfigurationUnitInfo unit[] =
+                {
+                    {   "configuration", "Configuration value and its child resource's value",
+                            "/oic/con", "value"},
+                    {   "region", "the current region in which the Thing is located geographically",
+                        "/oic/con/0/region", "value"},
+                    {   "timelink", "link of time collection.", "/oic/con/0/time", "link"},
+                    {   "ipaddress", "IP Address", "/oic/con/network/0/IPAddress", "value"},
+                    {   "securitymode",
+                        "Resource for security information (credentials, access control list etc.)",
+                        "/oic/con/security/0/mode", "value"},
+                    {   "getfactoryset", "get all default configuration value",
+                        "/factoryset/oic/con", "value"}};
+                for (int i = 0; i < NUMCONFUNIT; i++)
+                ConfigurationUnitTable.push_back(unit[i]);
+            }
+            ;
+            /**
+             * Virtual destructor
+             */
+            ~ThingsConfiguration(void)
+            {
+            }
+            ;
+            static ThingsConfiguration *thingsConfigurationInstance;
+            static ThingsConfiguration* getInstance();
+            void deleteInstance();
+            void setGroupManager(GroupManager *groupmanager)
+            {
+                g_groupmanager = groupmanager;
+            }
+            ;
+            /**
+             * API for updating configuration value of multiple things of a target group or a single
+             * thing.
+             * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+             * Before using the below function, a developer should acquire a resource pointer of
+             * (collection) resource that he want to send a request by calling findResource()
+             * function provided in OCPlatform. And he should also notice a "Configuration Name"
+             * term which represents a nickname of a target attribute of a resource that he wants to
+             * update.
+             * The base motivation to introduce the term is to avoid a usage of URI to access
+             * a resource from a developer. Thus, a developer should know which configuration names
+             * are supported by Things Configuration class and what the configuration name means.
+             * To get a list of supported configuration names, use getListOfSupportedConfigurationU-
+             * nits() function, which provides the list in JSON format.
+             * NOTICE: A series of callback functions is called from updateConfigurations() function
+             * (1) For a collection resource
+             * updateConfiguration()->onDeleteActionSet()->onGetChildInfoForUpdate()->onCreateActio-
+             * nSet()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->OnExecuteForGroupAction()->callback function
+             * in APP.
+             * (2) For a simple resource
+             * updateConfiguration()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->OnPut()->callback function in
+             * APP.
+             *
+             * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
+             * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource
+             *                         (e.g., installedlocation, currency, (IP)address)
+             *                         Value : a value to be updated
+             * @param callback - callback.
+             *
+             * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+             *
+             * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+             */
+            OCStackResult updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                    std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue > configurations,
+                    ConfigurationCallback callback);
+            /**
+             * API for getting configuration value of multiple things of a target group or a single
+             * thing.
+             * Callback is called when a response arrives.
+             * NOTICE: A series of callback functions is called from getConfigurations() function:
+             * (1) For a collection resource
+             * getConfigurations()->onGetChildInfoForGet()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)
+             * ->callback function in APP.
+             * (2) For a simple resource
+             * getConfigurations()->...(CoAP msg. is transmitted)->onGet()->callback function in APP
+             *
+             * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group or the single thing.
+             * @param configurations - ConfigurationUnit: a nickname of attribute of target resource
+             * @param callback - callback.
+             *
+             * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+             *
+             * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+             */
+            OCStackResult getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                    std::vector< ConfigurationName > configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback);
+            /**
+             * API to show a list of supported configuration units (configurable parameters)
+             * Callback call when a response arrives.
+             *
+             * @return the list in JSON format
+             */
+            std::string getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
+            /**
+             * API for bootstrapping functionality. Find a bootstrap server and get configuration
+             * information from the bootstrap server. With the information, make a configuration
+             * resource.
+             *
+             * @param callback - callback.
+             *
+             * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+             *
+             * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+             */
+            OCStackResult doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback);
+        private:
+            GroupManager *g_groupmanager;
+            std::vector< ConfigurationUnitInfo > ConfigurationUnitTable;
+            void onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onGetChildInfoForGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onGetActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onDeleteActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            void onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+            static void onFoundBootstrapServer(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource >
+                > resources);
+            static void onGetBootstrapInformation(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                    const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode);
+            std::shared_ptr< OCResource > getResource(std::string conf);
+            ConfigurationCallback getCallback(std::string conf);
+            std::string getUpdateVal(std::string conf);
+            std::string getAttributeByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name);
+            std::string getUriByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name);
+            std::string getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri);
+            bool isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+            bool hasBatchInterface(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+        };
-    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > getResource(std::string conf);
-    ConfigurationCallback getCallback(std::string conf);
-    std::string getUpdateVal(std::string conf);
-    std::string getAttributeByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name);
-    std::string getUriByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name);
-    std::string getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri);
+        std::shared_ptr< OCResource > getResource(std::string conf);
+        ConfigurationCallback getCallback(std::string conf);
+        std::string getUpdateVal(std::string conf);
+        std::string getAttributeByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name);
+        std::string getUriByConfigurationName(ConfigurationName name);
-    bool isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+        std::string getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri);
+        bool isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+        bool hasBatchInterface(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+    };
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 03bd998..7eccc62
 using namespace OC;
-const int SUCCESS_RESPONSE = 0;
+namespace OIC
+    const int SUCCESS_RESPONSE = 0;
-std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry > diagnosticsRequestTable;
+    std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry > diagnosticsRequestTable;
-ThingsDiagnostics* ThingsDiagnostics::thingsDiagnosticsInstance = NULL;
+    ThingsDiagnostics* ThingsDiagnostics::thingsDiagnosticsInstance = NULL;
-ThingsDiagnostics* ThingsDiagnostics::getInstance()
-    if (thingsDiagnosticsInstance == NULL)
+    ThingsDiagnostics* ThingsDiagnostics::getInstance()
-        thingsDiagnosticsInstance = new ThingsDiagnostics();
+        if (thingsDiagnosticsInstance == NULL)
+        {
+            thingsDiagnosticsInstance = new ThingsDiagnostics();
+        }
+        return thingsDiagnosticsInstance;
-    return thingsDiagnosticsInstance;
-void ThingsDiagnostics::deleteInstance()
-    if (thingsDiagnosticsInstance)
+    void ThingsDiagnostics::deleteInstance()
-        delete thingsDiagnosticsInstance;
-        thingsDiagnosticsInstance = NULL;
+        if (thingsDiagnosticsInstance)
+        {
+            delete thingsDiagnosticsInstance;
+            thingsDiagnosticsInstance = NULL;
+        }
-std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getAttributeByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name)
-    for (auto it = DiagnosticsUnitTable.begin(); DiagnosticsUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
+    std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getAttributeByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name)
-        if ((*it).m_name == name)
-            return (*it).m_attribute;
-    }
-    return "";
+        for (auto it = DiagnosticsUnitTable.begin(); DiagnosticsUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
+        {
+            if ((*it).m_name == name)
+                return (*it).m_attribute;
+        }
-std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getUriByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name)
-    for (auto it = DiagnosticsUnitTable.begin(); DiagnosticsUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
-    {
-        if ((*it).m_name == name)
-            return (*it).m_uri;
+        return "";
-    return "";
-std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getUpdateVal(std::string diag)
-    std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator it = diagnosticsRequestTable.find(
-            diag);
-    if (it == diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
-        return NULL;
-    else
-        return it->second.m_updateVal;
-std::shared_ptr< OCResource > ThingsDiagnostics::getResource(std::string diag)
-    std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator it = diagnosticsRequestTable.find(
-            diag);
-    if (it == diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
-        return NULL;
-    else
-        return it->second.m_resource;
-DiagnosticsCallback ThingsDiagnostics::getCallback(std::string diag)
-    std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator it = diagnosticsRequestTable.find(
-            diag);
-    if (it == diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
-        return NULL;
-    else
-        return it->second.m_callback;
+    std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getUriByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name)
+    {
+        for (auto it = DiagnosticsUnitTable.begin(); DiagnosticsUnitTable.end() != it; it++)
+        {
+            if ((*it).m_name == name)
+                return (*it).m_uri;
+        }
-std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri)
-    size_t f;
-    std::string newUri;
+        return "";
+    }
-    if ((f = oldUri.find("/factoryset/oic/")) != string::npos)
-        newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
-    else if ((f = oldUri.find("/oic/")) != string::npos)
-        newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
+    std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getUpdateVal(std::string diag)
+    {
+        std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator it =
+                diagnosticsRequestTable.find(diag);
-    return newUri;
+        if (it == diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
+            return NULL;
+        else
+            return it->second.m_updateVal;
-std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getListOfSupportedDiagnosticsUnits()
-    std::string res;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > ThingsDiagnostics::getResource(std::string diag)
+    {
+        std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator it =
+                diagnosticsRequestTable.find(diag);
-    res = "{\"Diagnostics Units\":[";
+        if (it == diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
+            return NULL;
+        else
+            return it->second.m_resource;
+    }
-    auto it = DiagnosticsUnitTable.begin();
-    while (1)
+    DiagnosticsCallback ThingsDiagnostics::getCallback(std::string diag)
-        res = res + (*it).getJSON();
-        it++;
+        std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator it =
+                diagnosticsRequestTable.find(diag);
-        if (it == DiagnosticsUnitTable.end())
-            break;
+        if (it == diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
+            return NULL;
-            res += ",";
+            return it->second.m_callback;
-    res += "]}";
+    std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri)
+    {
+        size_t f;
+        std::string newUri;
+        if ((f = oldUri.find("/factoryset/oic/")) != string::npos)
+            newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
+        else if ((f = oldUri.find("/oic/")) != string::npos)
+            newUri = oldUri.replace(f, oldUri.size(), "");
-    return res;
+        return newUri;
+    }
-void ThingsDiagnostics::onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string diag)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    std::string ThingsDiagnostics::getListOfSupportedDiagnosticsUnits()
-        std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
+        std::string res;
-        std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
+        res = "{\"Diagnostics Units\":[";
-        std::vector < OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
-        for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
+        auto it = DiagnosticsUnitTable.begin();
+        while (1)
-            std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
+            res = res + (*it).getJSON();
+            it++;
+            if (it == DiagnosticsUnitTable.end())
+                break;
+            else
+                res += ",";
-        // Get information by using diagnostics name(diag)
-        std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(diag);
-        std::string actionstring = diag;
-        std::string uri = getUriByDiagnosticsName(diag);
-        std::string attr = getAttributeByDiagnosticsName(diag);
+        res += "]}";
-        if (uri == "")
-            return;
+        return res;
+    }
-        if (resource)
+    void ThingsDiagnostics::onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string diag)
+    {
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
-            // In this nest, we create a new action set of which name is the dignostics name.
-            // Required information consists of a host address, URI, attribute key, and attribute
-            // value.
-            ActionSet *newActionSet = new ActionSet();
-            newActionSet->actionsetName = diag;
+            std::cout << "GET request was successful" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "\tResource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
+            std::vector < OCRepresentation > children = rep.getChildren();
             for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
-                Action *newAction = new Action();
+                std::cout << "\t\tChild Resource URI: " << oit->getUri() << std::endl;
+            }
-                // oit->getUri() includes a host address as well as URI.
-                // We should split these to each other and only use the host address to create
-                // a child resource's URI. Note that the collection resource and its child resource
-                // are located in same host.
-                newAction->target = getHostFromURI(oit->getUri()) + uri;
+            // Get information by using diagnostics name(diag)
+            std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(diag);
+            std::string actionstring = diag;
+            std::string uri = getUriByDiagnosticsName(diag);
+            std::string attr = getAttributeByDiagnosticsName(diag);
-                Capability *newCapability = new Capability();
-                newCapability->capability = attr;
-                newCapability->status = getUpdateVal(diag);
+            if (uri == "")
+                return;
-                newAction->listOfCapability.push_back(newCapability);
-                newActionSet->listOfAction.push_back(newAction);
-            }
+            if (resource)
+            {
+                // In this nest, we create a new action set of which name is the dignostics name.
+                // Required information consists of a host address, URI, attribute key, and
+                // attribute value.
+                ActionSet *newActionSet = new ActionSet();
+                newActionSet->actionsetName = diag;
+                for (auto oit = children.begin(); oit != children.end(); ++oit)
+                {
+                    Action *newAction = new Action();
+                    // oit->getUri() includes a host address as well as URI.
+                    // We should split these to each other and only use the host address to create
+                    // a child resource's URI. Note that the collection resource and its child
+                    // resource are located in same host.
+                    newAction->target = getHostFromURI(oit->getUri()) + uri;
+                    Capability *newCapability = new Capability();
+                    newCapability->capability = attr;
+                    newCapability->status = getUpdateVal(diag);
+                    newAction->listOfCapability.push_back(newCapability);
+                    newActionSet->listOfAction.push_back(newAction);
+                }
+                // Request to create a new action set by using the above actionSet
+                g_groupmanager->addActionSet(resource, newActionSet,
+                        std::function<
+                                void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                                        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) >(
+                                std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onCreateActionSet, this,
+                                        std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                        std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+                free(newActionSet);
-            // Request to create a new action set by using the above actionSet
-            g_groupmanager->addActionSet(resource, newActionSet,
-                    std::function<
-                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                    const int eCode) >(
-                            std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onCreateActionSet, this,
-                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
-                                    std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+            }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-void ThingsDiagnostics::onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string diag)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsDiagnostics::onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string diag)
-        std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
-        std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(diag);
-        if (resource)
+            std::shared_ptr < OCResource > resource = getResource(diag);
+            if (resource)
+            {
+                // Now, it is time to execute the action set.
+                g_groupmanager->executeActionSet(resource, diag,
+                        std::function<
+                                void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                                        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) >(
+                                std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onExecuteForGroupAction, this,
+                                        std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                        std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+            }
+        }
+        else
-            // Now, it is time to execute the action set.
-            g_groupmanager->executeActionSet(resource, diag,
-                    std::function<
-                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                    const int eCode) >(
-                            std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onExecuteForGroupAction, this,
-                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
-                                    std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
-    }
-void ThingsDiagnostics::onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
-        const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string diag)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsDiagnostics::onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+            const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string diag)
-        std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
-        getCallback(diag)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+            getCallback(diag)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-void ThingsDiagnostics::onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-        const int eCode, std::string diag)
-    if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+    void ThingsDiagnostics::onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+            const int eCode, std::string diag)
-        std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
+        if (eCode == SUCCESS_RESPONSE)
+        {
+            std::cout << "PUT request was successful" << std::endl;
-        getCallback(diag)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
-        std::exit(-1);
+            getCallback(diag)(headerOptions, rep, eCode);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "onPut Response error: " << eCode << std::endl;
+            std::exit(-1);
+        }
-bool ThingsDiagnostics::isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource->getResourceInterfaces().size(); ++i)
+    bool ThingsDiagnostics::isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource)
-        //std::cout << resource->getResourceInterfaces().at(0) << std::endl;
-        if (resource->getResourceInterfaces().at(0) == BATCH_INTERFACE)
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource->getResourceTypes().size(); ++i)
+        {
+            if (resource->getResourceTypes().at(0).find(".resourceset", 0) != std::string::npos)
+                return false;
+        }
-OCStackResult ThingsDiagnostics::reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-        DiagnosticsCallback callback)
-    if (!resource)
-    {
-        std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
-        return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        return true;
-    std::string diag = "reboot";
+    OCStackResult ThingsDiagnostics::reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            DiagnosticsCallback callback)
+    {
+        if (!resource)
+        {
+            std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
+            return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        }
-    // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
-    std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator iter = diagnosticsRequestTable.find(
-            diag);
-    if (iter != diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
-        diagnosticsRequestTable.erase(iter);
+        std::string diag = "reboot";
-    // Create new request entry stored in the queue
-    DiagnosticsRequestEntry newCallback(diag, callback, resource, "true");
-    diagnosticsRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(diag, newCallback));
+        // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
+        std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator iter =
+                diagnosticsRequestTable.find(diag);
+        if (iter != diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
+            diagnosticsRequestTable.erase(iter);
-    QueryParamsMap query;
-    OCRepresentation rep;
+        // Create new request entry stored in the queue
+        DiagnosticsRequestEntry newCallback(diag, callback, resource, "true");
+        diagnosticsRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(diag, newCallback));
-    if (isSimpleResource(resource))
-    {
-        // This resource is a simple resource. Just send a PUT message
+        QueryParamsMap query;
         OCRepresentation rep;
-        rep.setValue<std::string>(diag, "true");
-        return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, rep, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onPut, this, std::placeholders::_1,
-                                std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // This resource is a collection resource. It just acquires child resource's URI and send
-        // GET massages to the child resources in turn.
-        // First, request the child resources's URI.
-        // TODO: Add a deletion of actionset
-        return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onGetChildInfoForUpdate, this,
-                                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
-                                diag)));
-    }
-OCStackResult ThingsDiagnostics::factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-        DiagnosticsCallback callback)
-    if (!resource)
-    {
-        std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
-        return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        if (isSimpleResource(resource))
+        {
+            // This resource is a simple resource. Just send a PUT message
+            OCRepresentation rep;
+            rep.setValue < std::string > (diag, "true");
+            return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, rep, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onPut, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                                    std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // This resource is a collection resource. It just acquires child resource's URI and
+            // send GET massages to the child resources in turn.
+            // First, request the child resources's URI.
+            // TODO: Add a deletion of actionset
+            return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onGetChildInfoForUpdate, this,
+                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                    std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+        }
-    std::string diag = "factoryreset";
+    OCStackResult ThingsDiagnostics::factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            DiagnosticsCallback callback)
+    {
+        if (!resource)
+        {
+            std::cout << "resource is NULL\n";
+            return OC_STACK_ERROR;
+        }
-    // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
-    std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator iter = diagnosticsRequestTable.find(
-            diag);
-    if (iter != diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
-        diagnosticsRequestTable.erase(iter);
+        std::string diag = "factoryreset";
-    // Create new request entry stored in the queue
-    DiagnosticsRequestEntry newCallback(diag, callback, resource, "true");
-    diagnosticsRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(diag, newCallback));
+        // Check the request queue if a previous request is still left. If so, remove it.
+        std::map< std::string, DiagnosticsRequestEntry >::iterator iter =
+                diagnosticsRequestTable.find(diag);
+        if (iter != diagnosticsRequestTable.end())
+            diagnosticsRequestTable.erase(iter);
-    QueryParamsMap query;
-    OCRepresentation rep;
+        // Create new request entry stored in the queue
+        DiagnosticsRequestEntry newCallback(diag, callback, resource, "true");
+        diagnosticsRequestTable.insert(std::make_pair(diag, newCallback));
-    if (isSimpleResource(resource))
-    {
-        // This resource is a simple resource. Just send a PUT message
+        QueryParamsMap query;
         OCRepresentation rep;
-        rep.setValue<std::string>("factoryReset", "true");
-        return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, rep, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onPut, this, std::placeholders::_1,
-                                std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // This resource is a collection resource. It just acquires child resource's URI and send
-        // GET massages to the child resources in turn.
-        // First, request the child resources's URI.
-        // TODO: Add a deletion of actionset
-        return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
-                std::function<
-                        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-                                const int eCode) >(
-                        std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onGetChildInfoForUpdate, this,
-                                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
-                                diag)));
+        if (isSimpleResource(resource))
+        {
+            // This resource is a simple resource. Just send a PUT message
+            OCRepresentation rep;
+            rep.setValue < std::string > ("value", "true");
+            return resource->put(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, rep, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onPut, this, std::placeholders::_1,
+                                    std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // This resource is a collection resource. It just acquires child resource's URI and
+            // send GET massages to the child resources in turn.
+            // First, request the child resources's URI.
+            // TODO: Add a deletion of actionset
+            return resource->get(resource->getResourceTypes().at(0), DEFAULT_INTERFACE, query,
+                    std::function<
+                            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                                    const int eCode) >(
+                            std::bind(&ThingsDiagnostics::onGetChildInfoForUpdate, this,
+                                    std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+                                    std::placeholders::_3, diag)));
+        }
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 0327a4a..dda9362
 #include "GroupManager.h"
 using namespace OC;
-/// Declearation of Diagnostics Callback funtion type
-typedef std::function<
-        void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode) > DiagnosticsCallback;
- *  @brief
- *  The following class is used as a item stacking in request queue. The class stores a request and
- *  referential information (e.g., a diagnostics name, a target resource object, a callback functi-
- *  on passed from the applications, and a update value). When the function for updating/getting
- *  diagnostics value is called from applications, this class instance is created and stored in the
- *  request queue. The queue is maintained in a std::map structure so if desiring to find a specific
- *  request, you can find it by querying a diagnostics name.
- */
-class DiagnosticsRequestEntry
-    DiagnosticsRequestEntry(std::string ID, DiagnosticsCallback callback,
-            std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string updateVal) :
-            m_ID(ID), m_callback(callback), m_resource(resource), m_updateVal(updateVal)
-    {
-    }
-    ;
-    // Diagnostics Name (used in key value in std::map structure)
-    // e.g., reboot and factoryset
-    std::string m_ID;
-    // Reference callback pointer
-    DiagnosticsCallback m_callback;
-    // Reference resource object
-    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > m_resource;
-    // Update value only used for diagnostics update (always "true")
-    std::string m_updateVal;
- *  @brief
- *  The following class is used to store providing diagnostics name and its relevant information
- *  The relevant information includes a brief description, uri, and attribute key.
- *  Note that a developer only specifies a diagnostics name, not URI nor attribute key, to
- *  update a value to a remote. Thus, using diagnostics name, we convert it to more specific
- *  information (i.e. uri and attribute key) to send a request. This class is reponsible to storing
- *  these information.
- */
-class DiagnosticsUnitInfo
+namespace OIC
-    DiagnosticsUnitInfo(std::string name, std::string description, std::string uri,
-            std::string attribute) :
-            m_name(name), m_description(description), m_uri(uri), m_attribute(attribute)
-    {
-    }
-    ;
-    std::string m_name;
-    std::string m_description;
-    std::string m_uri;
-    std::string m_attribute;
-    // If a developer wants to know a list of diagnostics names, gives it in JSON format.
-    std::string getJSON()
-    {
-        std::string res;
-        res = "{\"name\":\"" + m_name + "\",\"description\":\"" + m_description + "\"}";
-        return res;
-    }
+    /// Declearation of Diagnostics Callback funtion type
+    typedef std::function<
+            void(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode)
+            > DiagnosticsCallback;
-#define NUMDIAGUNIT 3
-typedef std::string DiagnosticsName;
-typedef std::string DiagnosticsValue;
-class ThingsDiagnostics
-     * Constructor for ThingsDiagnostics. Constructs a new ThingsDiagnostics
+     *  @brief
+     *  The following class is used as a item stacking in request queue. The class stores a request
+     *  and referential information (e.g., a diagnostics name, a target resource object, a callback
+     *  function passed from the applications, and a update value). When the function for updating/
+     *  getting diagnostics value is called from applications, this class instance is created and
+     *  stored in the request queue. The queue is maintained in a std::map structure so if desiring
+     *  to find a specific request, you can find it by querying a diagnostics name.
-    ThingsDiagnostics(void)
+    class DiagnosticsRequestEntry
-        DiagnosticsUnitInfo unit[] =
+    public:
+        DiagnosticsRequestEntry(std::string ID, DiagnosticsCallback callback,
+                std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string updateVal) :
+                m_ID(ID), m_callback(callback), m_resource(resource), m_updateVal(updateVal)
-            { "reboot",
-                "reboot",
-                "/oic/diag", "reboot" },
-            { "startcollection",
-                "Toggles between collecting and not collecting any device statistics depending on the value being 0 or 1",
-                "/oic/diag", "startCollection" },
-            { "factoryreset",
-                "restore all configuration values to default values",
-                "/oic/diag", "factoryReset" } };
-        for (int i = 0; i < NUMDIAGUNIT; i++)
-            DiagnosticsUnitTable.push_back(unit[i]);
-    }
-    ;
+        }
+        ;
-    /**
-     * Virtual destructor
-     */
-    ~ThingsDiagnostics(void)
-    {
-    }
-    ;
+        // Diagnostics Name (used in key value in std::map structure)
+        // e.g., reboot and factoryset
+        std::string m_ID;
-    static ThingsDiagnostics *thingsDiagnosticsInstance;
-    static ThingsDiagnostics* getInstance();
-    void deleteInstance();
+        // Reference callback pointer
+        DiagnosticsCallback m_callback;
-    void setGroupManager(GroupManager *groupmanager)
-    {
-        g_groupmanager = groupmanager;
-    }
-    ;
+        // Reference resource object
+        std::shared_ptr< OCResource > m_resource;
-    /**
-     * API to make things reboot
-     * Callback call when a response arrives.
-     *
-     * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group
-     * @param callback - callback.
-     *
-     * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
-     *
-     * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
-     */
-    OCStackResult reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, DiagnosticsCallback callback);
-    /**
-     * API for factory reset on device
-     * Callback call when a response arrives.
-     *
-     * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group
-     * @param callback - callback.
-     *
-     * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
-     *
-     * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
-     */
-    OCStackResult factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
-            DiagnosticsCallback callback);
+        // Update value only used for diagnostics update (always "true")
+        std::string m_updateVal;
+    };
-     * API to show a list of supported diagnostics units
-     * Callback call when a response arrives.
-     *
-     * @return the list in JSON format
+     *  @brief
+     *  The following class is used to store providing diagnostics name and its relevant information
+     *  The relevant information includes a brief description, uri, and attribute key.
+     *  Note that a developer only specifies a diagnostics name, not URI nor attribute key, to
+     *  update a value to a remote. Thus, using diagnostics name, we convert it to more specific
+     *  information (i.e. uri and attribute key) to send a request. This class is reponsible to
+     *  storing these information.
-    std::string getListOfSupportedDiagnosticsUnits();
+    class DiagnosticsUnitInfo
+    {
+    public:
+        DiagnosticsUnitInfo(std::string name, std::string description, std::string uri,
+                std::string attribute) :
+                m_name(name), m_description(description), m_uri(uri), m_attribute(attribute)
+        {
+        }
+        ;
-    GroupManager *g_groupmanager;
+        std::string m_name;
+        std::string m_description;
+        std::string m_uri;
+        std::string m_attribute;
-    std::vector< DiagnosticsUnitInfo > DiagnosticsUnitTable;
+        // If a developer wants to know a list of diagnostics names, gives it in JSON format.
+        std::string getJSON()
+        {
+            std::string res;
-    void onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
-            const int eCode, std::string conf);
-    void onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
-            std::string conf);
-    void onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
-            std::string conf);
+            res = "{\"name\":\"" + m_name + "\",\"description\":\"" + m_description + "\"}";
-    std::shared_ptr< OCResource > getResource(std::string conf);
-    DiagnosticsCallback getCallback(std::string conf);
-    std::string getUpdateVal(std::string conf);
-    std::string getAttributeByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name);
-    std::string getUriByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name);
+            return res;
+        }
+    };
-    std::string getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri);
+#define NUMDIAGUNIT 3
+    typedef std::string DiagnosticsName;
+    typedef std::string DiagnosticsValue;
-    bool isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+    class ThingsDiagnostics
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor for ThingsDiagnostics. Constructs a new ThingsDiagnostics
+         */
+        ThingsDiagnostics(void)
+        {
+            DiagnosticsUnitInfo unit[] =
+                    {
+                    { "reboot", "reboot", "/oic/diag/0/reboot", "value" },
+                            { "value",
+                                    "Collecting any device statistics",
+                                    "/oic/diag/0/startCollection", "value" },
+                            { "factoryreset", "restore all configuration values to default values",
+                                    "/oic/diag/0/factoryReset", "value" } };
+            for (int i = 0; i < NUMDIAGUNIT; i++)
+                DiagnosticsUnitTable.push_back(unit[i]);
+        }
+        ;
+        /**
+         * Virtual destructor
+         */
+        ~ThingsDiagnostics(void)
+        {
+        }
+        ;
+        static ThingsDiagnostics *thingsDiagnosticsInstance;
+        static ThingsDiagnostics* getInstance();
+        void deleteInstance();
+        void setGroupManager(GroupManager *groupmanager)
+        {
+            g_groupmanager = groupmanager;
+        }
+        ;
+        /**
+         * API to make things reboot
+         * Callback call when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group
+         * @param callback - callback.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, DiagnosticsCallback callback);
+        /**
+         * API for factory reset on device
+         * Callback call when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @param resource - resource pointer representing the target group
+         * @param callback - callback.
+         *
+         * @return OCStackResult return value of this API. Returns OC_STACK_OK if success.
+         *
+         * NOTE: OCStackResult is defined in ocstack.h.
+         */
+        OCStackResult factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+                DiagnosticsCallback callback);
+        /**
+         * API to show a list of supported diagnostics units
+         * Callback call when a response arrives.
+         *
+         * @return the list in JSON format
+         */
+        std::string getListOfSupportedDiagnosticsUnits();
+    private:
+        GroupManager *g_groupmanager;
+        std::vector< DiagnosticsUnitInfo > DiagnosticsUnitTable;
+        void onExecuteForGroupAction(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onGetChildInfoForUpdate(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions,
+                const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onCreateActionSet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep,
+                const int eCode, std::string conf);
+        void onGet(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
+                std::string conf);
+        void onPut(const HeaderOptions& headerOptions, const OCRepresentation& rep, const int eCode,
+                std::string conf);
+        std::shared_ptr< OCResource > getResource(std::string conf);
+        DiagnosticsCallback getCallback(std::string conf);
+        std::string getUpdateVal(std::string conf);
+        std::string getAttributeByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name);
+        std::string getUriByDiagnosticsName(DiagnosticsName name);
+        std::string getHostFromURI(std::string oldUri);
+        bool isSimpleResource(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource);
+    };
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 8138bde..a65b987
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 /// @file    ThingsManager.cpp
-///  @brief
 #include "ThingsManager.h"
 #include "GroupManager.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <thread>
 using namespace OC;
-GroupManager *g_groupManager;
-GroupSynchronization *g_groupSync = NULL;
-ThingsConfiguration *g_thingsConf = NULL;
-ThingsDiagnostics *g_thingsDiag = NULL;
-    g_groupManager = new GroupManager();
-       g_groupSync = GroupSynchronization::getInstance();
-    g_thingsConf = ThingsConfiguration::getInstance();
-    g_thingsDiag = ThingsDiagnostics::getInstance();
-    g_thingsConf->setGroupManager(g_groupManager);
-    g_thingsDiag->setGroupManager(g_groupManager);
- * Virtual destructor
- */
-    delete g_groupManager;
-       g_groupSync->deleteInstance();
-    g_thingsConf->deleteInstance();
-    g_thingsDiag->deleteInstance();
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::findCandidateResources(std::vector< std::string > resourceTypes,
-        std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > >) >  callback, int waitsec)
-    OCStackResult result = g_groupManager->findCandidateResources(resourceTypes,callback,waitsec);
-    return result;
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::function< void(std::string, OCStackResult) >  callback)
-    OCStackResult result = g_groupManager->subscribeCollectionPresence(resource,callback);
-    return result;
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::findGroup (std::vector<std::string> collectionResourceTypes, FindCallback resourceHandler)
-       OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->findGroup(collectionResourceTypes, resourceHandler);
-       return result;
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::createGroup (std::string collectionResourceType)
-       OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->createGroup(collectionResourceType);
-       return result;
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::joinGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
-       OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->joinGroup(collectionResourceType, resourceHandle);
-       return result;
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::joinGroup (const std::shared_ptr<OCResource> resource, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
-       OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->joinGroup(resource, resourceHandle);
-       return result;
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::leaveGroup (std::string collectionResourceType, OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
-       OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->leaveGroup(collectionResourceType, resourceHandle);
-       return result;
-void ThingsManager::deleteGroup (std::string collectionResourceType)
-       g_groupSync->deleteGroup(collectionResourceType);
-std::map<std::string, OCResourceHandle> ThingsManager::getGroupList ()
-       return g_groupSync->getGroupList();
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::map<ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue> configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    return g_thingsConf->updateConfigurations(resource, configurations, callback);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::vector<ConfigurationName> configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    return g_thingsConf->getConfigurations( resource,  configurations, callback);
-std::string ThingsManager::getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits()
-    return g_thingsConf->getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    return g_thingsConf->doBootstrap(callback);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    return g_thingsDiag->reboot( resource, callback);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, ConfigurationCallback callback)
-    return g_thingsDiag->factoryReset(  resource,  callback);
-std::string ThingsManager::getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet)
-    return g_groupManager->getStringFromActionSet(newActionSet);
-ActionSet* ThingsManager::getActionSetfromString(std::string desc)
-   return g_groupManager->getActionSetfromString(desc);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb)
-    return g_groupManager->addActionSet(resource, newActionSet, cb);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
-    return g_groupManager->executeActionSet(resource, actionsetName, cb);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, GetCallback cb)
-    return g_groupManager->getActionSet(resource, actionsetName, cb);
-OCStackResult ThingsManager::deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource, std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
-    return g_groupManager->deleteActionSet(resource, actionsetName, cb);
+namespace OIC
+    GroupManager *g_groupManager;
+    GroupSynchronization *g_groupSync = NULL;
+    ThingsConfiguration *g_thingsConf = NULL;
+    ThingsDiagnostics *g_thingsDiag = NULL;
+    ThingsManager::ThingsManager(void)
+    {
+        g_groupManager = new GroupManager();
+        g_groupSync = GroupSynchronization::getInstance();
+        g_thingsConf = ThingsConfiguration::getInstance();
+        g_thingsDiag = ThingsDiagnostics::getInstance();
+        g_thingsConf->setGroupManager(g_groupManager);
+        g_thingsDiag->setGroupManager(g_groupManager);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Virtual destructor
+     */
+    ThingsManager::~ThingsManager(void)
+    {
+        delete g_groupManager;
+        g_groupSync->deleteInstance();
+        g_thingsConf->deleteInstance();
+        g_thingsDiag->deleteInstance();
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::findCandidateResources(std::vector< std::string > resourceTypes,
+            std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OCResource > >) > callback,
+            int waitsec)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupManager->findCandidateResources(resourceTypes, callback,
+                waitsec);
+        return result;
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::subscribeCollectionPresence(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::function< void(std::string, OCStackResult) > callback)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupManager->subscribeCollectionPresence(resource, callback);
+        return result;
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::findGroup(std::vector< std::string > collectionResourceTypes,
+            FindCallback callback)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->findGroup(collectionResourceTypes, callback);
+        return result;
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::createGroup(std::string collectionResourceType)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->createGroup(collectionResourceType);
+        return result;
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::joinGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+            OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->joinGroup(collectionResourceType, resourceHandle);
+        return result;
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::joinGroup(const std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->joinGroup(resource, resourceHandle);
+        return result;
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::leaveGroup(std::string collectionResourceType,
+            OCResourceHandle resourceHandle)
+    {
+        OCStackResult result = g_groupSync->leaveGroup(collectionResourceType, resourceHandle);
+        return result;
+    }
+    void ThingsManager::deleteGroup(std::string collectionResourceType)
+    {
+        g_groupSync->deleteGroup(collectionResourceType);
+    }
+    std::map< std::string, OCResourceHandle > ThingsManager::getGroupList()
+    {
+        return g_groupSync->getGroupList();
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::updateConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::map< ConfigurationName, ConfigurationValue > configurations,
+            ConfigurationCallback callback)
+    {
+        return g_thingsConf->updateConfigurations(resource, configurations, callback);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::getConfigurations(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::vector< ConfigurationName > configurations, ConfigurationCallback callback)
+    {
+        return g_thingsConf->getConfigurations(resource, configurations, callback);
+    }
+    std::string ThingsManager::getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits()
+    {
+        return g_thingsConf->getListOfSupportedConfigurationUnits();
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::doBootstrap(ConfigurationCallback callback)
+    {
+        return g_thingsConf->doBootstrap(callback);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::reboot(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            ConfigurationCallback callback)
+    {
+        return g_thingsDiag->reboot(resource, callback);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::factoryReset(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            ConfigurationCallback callback)
+    {
+        return g_thingsDiag->factoryReset(resource, callback);
+    }
+    std::string ThingsManager::getStringFromActionSet(const ActionSet *newActionSet)
+    {
+        return g_groupManager->getStringFromActionSet(newActionSet);
+    }
+    ActionSet* ThingsManager::getActionSetfromString(std::string desc)
+    {
+        return g_groupManager->getActionSetfromString(desc);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::addActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            const ActionSet* newActionSet, PutCallback cb)
+    {
+        return g_groupManager->addActionSet(resource, newActionSet, cb);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::executeActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
+    {
+        return g_groupManager->executeActionSet(resource, actionsetName, cb);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::getActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::string actionsetName, GetCallback cb)
+    {
+        return g_groupManager->getActionSet(resource, actionsetName, cb);
+    }
+    OCStackResult ThingsManager::deleteActionSet(std::shared_ptr< OCResource > resource,
+            std::string actionsetName, PostCallback cb)
+    {
+        return g_groupManager->deleteActionSet(resource, actionsetName, cb);
+    }