dependency_["out"] = {"x", "y", "z", "w"};
+ // Graph with some placeholder feed nodes that are not in the fetch fan-in.
+ void CreateGrapplerItemWithUnnecessaryPlaceholderNodes() {
+ Scope s = Scope::NewRootScope().WithDevice(kCPU0);
+ auto unnecessary = ops::Placeholder(s.WithOpName("unnecessary"), DT_FLOAT);
+ auto x = ops::Placeholder(s.WithOpName("x"), DT_FLOAT);
+ GraphDef def;
+ TF_CHECK_OK(s.ToGraphDef(&def));
+ grappler_item_.reset(new GrapplerItem);
+ grappler_item_->id = "test_extra_placeholders";
+ grappler_item_->graph = def;
+ grappler_item_->fetch = {"x"};
+ // Grappler Item Builder puts all placeholder nodes into the feed
+ // list by default.
+ grappler_item_->feed = {{"x", Tensor()}, {"unnecessary", Tensor()}};
+ }
// NoOp that takes 7 NoOps as control dependency.
void CreateGrapplerItemWithControlDependency() {
Scope s = Scope::NewRootScope().WithDevice(kCPU0);
+TEST_F(VirtualSchedulerTest, UnnecessaryFeedNodes) {
+ CreateGrapplerItemWithUnnecessaryPlaceholderNodes();
+ InitScheduler();
+ // Test that scheduler can run graphs with extra unnecessary feed nodes.
+ auto ops_executed = RunScheduler("");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, ops_executed.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ops_executed.count("x"), 1);
TEST_F(VirtualSchedulerTest, ControlDependency) {
// Init.