// Callback type for iterating over chunks.
typedef void (*ForEachChunkCallback)(uptr chunk, void *arg);
+INLINE u32 Rand(u32 *state) { // ANSI C linear congruential PRNG.
+ return (*state = *state * 1103515245 + 12345) >> 16;
+INLINE u32 RandN(u32 *state, u32 n) { return Rand(state) % n; } // [0, n)
+template<typename T>
+INLINE void RandomShuffle(T *a, u32 n, u32 *rand_state) {
+ if (n <= 1) return;
+ for (u32 i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
+ Swap(a[i], a[RandN(rand_state, i + 1)]);
#include "sanitizer_allocator_size_class_map.h"
#include "sanitizer_allocator_stats.h"
#include "sanitizer_allocator_primary64.h"
struct SizeClassInfo {
SpinMutex mutex;
IntrusiveList<TransferBatch> free_list;
- char padding[kCacheLineSize - sizeof(uptr) -
+ u32 rand_state;
+ char padding[kCacheLineSize - 2 * sizeof(uptr) -
COMPILER_CHECK(sizeof(SizeClassInfo) == kCacheLineSize);
return &size_class_info_array[class_id];
+ bool PopulateBatches(AllocatorCache *c, SizeClassInfo *sci, uptr class_id,
+ TransferBatch **current_batch, uptr max_count,
+ uptr *pointers_array, uptr count) {
+ // If using a separate class for batches, we do not need to shuffle it.
+ if (kRandomShuffleChunks && (!kUseSeparateSizeClassForBatch ||
+ class_id != SizeClassMap::kBatchClassID))
+ RandomShuffle(pointers_array, count, &sci->rand_state);
+ TransferBatch *b = *current_batch;
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (!b) {
+ b = c->CreateBatch(class_id, this, (TransferBatch*)pointers_array[i]);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!b))
+ return false;
+ b->Clear();
+ }
+ b->Add((void*)pointers_array[i]);
+ if (b->Count() == max_count) {
+ sci->free_list.push_back(b);
+ b = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ *current_batch = b;
+ return true;
+ }
bool PopulateFreeList(AllocatorStats *stat, AllocatorCache *c,
SizeClassInfo *sci, uptr class_id) {
uptr size = ClassIdToSize(class_id);
uptr reg = AllocateRegion(stat, class_id);
if (UNLIKELY(!reg))
return false;
+ if (kRandomShuffleChunks)
+ if (UNLIKELY(sci->rand_state == 0))
+ // The random state is initialized from ASLR (PIE) and time.
+ sci->rand_state = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(sci) ^ NanoTime();
uptr n_chunks = kRegionSize / (size + kMetadataSize);
uptr max_count = TransferBatch::MaxCached(class_id);
CHECK_GT(max_count, 0);
TransferBatch *b = nullptr;
+ const uptr kShuffleArraySize = 48;
+ uptr shuffle_array[kShuffleArraySize];
+ uptr count = 0;
for (uptr i = reg; i < reg + n_chunks * size; i += size) {
- if (!b) {
- b = c->CreateBatch(class_id, this, (TransferBatch*)i);
- if (UNLIKELY(!b))
+ shuffle_array[count++] = i;
+ if (count == kShuffleArraySize) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(!PopulateBatches(c, sci, class_id, &b, max_count,
+ shuffle_array, count)))
return false;
- b->Clear();
- }
- b->Add((void*)i);
- if (b->Count() == max_count) {
- sci->free_list.push_back(b);
- b = nullptr;
+ count = 0;
+ if (count) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(!PopulateBatches(c, sci, class_id, &b, max_count,
+ shuffle_array, count)))
+ return false;
+ }
if (b) {
CHECK_GT(b->Count(), 0);
COMPILER_CHECK(sizeof(RegionInfo) >= kCacheLineSize);
- u32 Rand(u32 *state) { // ANSI C linear congruential PRNG.
- return (*state = *state * 1103515245 + 12345) >> 16;
- }
- u32 RandN(u32 *state, u32 n) { return Rand(state) % n; } // [0, n)
- void RandomShuffle(u32 *a, u32 n, u32 *rand_state) {
- if (n <= 1) return;
- for (u32 i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
- Swap(a[i], a[RandN(rand_state, i + 1)]);
- }
RegionInfo *GetRegionInfo(uptr class_id) const {
CHECK_LT(class_id, kNumClasses);
RegionInfo *regions =
// Map more space for chunks, if necessary.
if (new_space_end > region->mapped_user) {
- if (!kUsingConstantSpaceBeg && region->mapped_user == 0)
- region->rand_state = static_cast<u32>(region_beg >> 12); // From ASLR.
+ if (!kUsingConstantSpaceBeg && kRandomShuffleChunks)
+ if (UNLIKELY(region->mapped_user == 0))
+ // The random state is initialized from ASLR.
+ region->rand_state = static_cast<u32>(region_beg >> 12);
// Do the mmap for the user memory.
uptr map_size = kUserMapSize;
while (new_space_end > region->mapped_user + map_size)