AlignMask = 0x30,
DescriptorMin = 0x40,
+ DescriptorMask = ~(MarshalMask | AlignMask),
Done = None, // All instrumentation schemas must end with a record which is "Done"
BasicBlockIntCount = (DescriptorMin * 1) | FourByte, // basic block counter using unsigned 4 byte int
public static PgoSchemaMergeComparer Singleton = new PgoSchemaMergeComparer();
- private static bool SchemaMergesItemsWithDifferentOtherFields(PgoInstrumentationKind kind)
- {
- switch (kind)
- {
- //
- default:
- // All non-specified kinds are not distinguishable by Other field
- return false;
- }
- }
public int Compare(PgoSchemaElem x, PgoSchemaElem y)
if (x.ILOffset != y.ILOffset)
return x.ILOffset.CompareTo(y.ILOffset);
- if (x.InstrumentationKind != y.InstrumentationKind)
+ PgoInstrumentationKind xdescr = x.InstrumentationKind & PgoInstrumentationKind.DescriptorMask;
+ PgoInstrumentationKind ydescr = y.InstrumentationKind & PgoInstrumentationKind.DescriptorMask;
+ if (xdescr != ydescr)
- return x.InstrumentationKind.CompareTo(y.InstrumentationKind);
+ return xdescr.CompareTo(ydescr);
- // Some InstrumentationKinds may be compared based on the Other field, some may not
- if (x.Other != y.Other && SchemaMergesItemsWithDifferentOtherFields(x.InstrumentationKind))
+ // We usually merge the Other field, except for edges, where we take care only to merge
+ // edges with equal ILOffset _and_ equal Other fields.
+ if ((x.InstrumentationKind == PgoInstrumentationKind.EdgeIntCount || x.InstrumentationKind == PgoInstrumentationKind.EdgeLongCount)
+ && x.Other != y.Other)
return x.Other.CompareTo(y.Other);
public bool Equals(PgoSchemaElem x, PgoSchemaElem y)
- {
- if (x.ILOffset != y.ILOffset)
- return false;
- if (x.InstrumentationKind != y.InstrumentationKind)
- return false;
- if (x.InstrumentationKind != y.InstrumentationKind && SchemaMergesItemsWithDifferentOtherFields(x.InstrumentationKind))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- int IEqualityComparer<PgoSchemaElem>.GetHashCode(PgoSchemaElem obj) => obj.ILOffset ^ ((int)obj.InstrumentationKind << 20);
+ => Compare(x, y) == 0;
+ int IEqualityComparer<PgoSchemaElem>.GetHashCode(PgoSchemaElem obj) => obj.ILOffset ^ ((int)(obj.InstrumentationKind & PgoInstrumentationKind.DescriptorMask) << 20);
public static PgoSchemaElem[] Merge<TType>(ReadOnlySpan<PgoSchemaElem[]> schemasToMerge)