cd src/tests
-./build.sh excludemonofailures <release|debug>
+./build.sh mono <release|debug>
To build an individual test, test directory, or a whole subdirectory tree, use the `-test:`, `-dir:` or `-tree:` options (without the src/tests prefix)
-For example: `./build.sh excludemonofailures release -test:JIT/opt/InstructionCombining/DivToMul.csproj`
+For example: `./build.sh mono release -test:JIT/opt/InstructionCombining/DivToMul.csproj`
Run individual test:
### WebAssembly:
Build the runtime tests for WebAssembly
-$(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests/build.sh -excludemonofailures os Browser wasm <Release/Debug>
+$(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests/build.sh -mono os Browser wasm <Release/Debug>
The last few lines of the build log should contain something like this:
### Android:
Build the runtime tests for Android x64/ARM64
-$(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests/build.sh -excludemonofailures os Android <x64/arm64> <Release/Debug>
+$(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests/build.sh -mono os Android <x64/arm64> <Release/Debug>
Run one test wrapper from repo root
- - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/tests/build$(scriptExt) /p:LibrariesConfiguration=${{ parameters.buildConfig }} -ci -excludemonofailures os ${{ parameters.osGroup }} ${{ parameters.archType }} /p:RuntimeVariant=${{ parameters.runtimeVariant }} $(buildConfigUpper)
+ - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/tests/build$(scriptExt) /p:LibrariesConfiguration=${{ parameters.buildConfig }} -ci -mono os ${{ parameters.osGroup }} ${{ parameters.archType }} /p:RuntimeVariant=${{ parameters.runtimeVariant }} $(buildConfigUpper)
displayName: Build Tests
# Send tests to Helix
- ${{ if eq(parameters.runtimeFlavor, 'mono') }}:
- name: runtimeFlavorArgs
- value: '-excludemonofailures'
+ value: '-mono'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.runtimeFlavor, 'mono') }}:
- name: runtimeFlavorArgs
- value: '-excludemonofailures'
+ value: '-mono'
- name: runtimeVariantArg
value: ''
- - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/tests/build$(scriptExt) /p:RuntimeVariant=monointerpreter /p:LibrariesConfiguration=${{ parameters.buildConfig }} -ci -excludemonofailures os Browser wasm $(buildConfigUpper)
+ - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/tests/build$(scriptExt) /p:RuntimeVariant=monointerpreter /p:LibrariesConfiguration=${{ parameters.buildConfig }} -ci -mono os Browser wasm $(buildConfigUpper)
displayName: Build Tests
# Send tests to Helix
if /i "%1" == "-priority" (set __Priority=%2&shift&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1=%2&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "allTargets" (set "__BuildNeedTargetArg=/p:CLRTestBuildAllTargets=%1"&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "-excludemonofailures" (set __Mono=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs!&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "-mono" (set __Mono=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs!&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "--" (set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if [!processedArgs!]==[] (
usage_list+=("-rebuild: if tests have already been built - rebuild them.")
usage_list+=("-runtests: run tests after building them.")
-usage_list+=("-excludemonofailures: Mark the build as running on Mono runtime so that mono-specific issues are honored.")
+usage_list+=("-mono: Build the tests for the Mono runtime honoring mono-specific issues.")
usage_list+=("-log: base file name to use for log files (used in lab pipelines that build tests in multiple steps to retain logs for each step.")
+ mono|-mono)
+ __Mono=1
+ ;;