-- Verify that an attribute that appears as the default for a formal
-- subprogram is a function or procedure with the correct profile.
+ procedure Validate_Formal_Type_Default (Decl : Node_Id);
+ -- Ada_2022 AI12-205: if a default subtype_mark is present, verify
+ -- that it is the name of a type in the same class as the formal.
+ -- The treatment parallels what is done in Instantiate_Type but differs
+ -- in a few ways so that this machinery cannot be reused as is: on one
+ -- hand there are no visibility issues for a default, because it is
+ -- analyzed in the same context as the formal type definition; on the
+ -- other hand the check needs to take into acount the use of a previous
+ -- formal type in the current formal type definition (see details in
+ -- AI12-0205).
-- Data Structures for Generic Renamings --
if Partial_Parameterization then
Process_Default (Formal);
+ elsif Present (Default_Subtype_Mark (Formal)) then
+ Match := New_Copy (Default_Subtype_Mark (Formal));
+ Append_List
+ (Instantiate_Type
+ (Formal, Match, Analyzed_Formal, Assoc_List),
+ Assoc_List);
+ Append_Elmt (Entity (Match), Actuals_To_Freeze);
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Gen_Unit);
Set_Is_Generic_Type (T);
Set_Is_First_Subtype (T);
+ if Present (Default_Subtype_Mark (Original_Node (N))) then
+ Validate_Formal_Type_Default (N);
+ end if;
if Has_Aspects (N) then
Analyze_Aspect_Specifications (N, T);
end if;
-- declaration, it carries the flag No_Predicate_On_Actual. it is part
-- of the generic contract that the actual cannot have predicates.
+ function Subtypes_Match (Gen_T, Act_T : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Check that base types are the same and that the subtypes match
+ -- statically. Used in several of the validation subprograms for
+ -- actuals in instantiations.
procedure Validate_Array_Type_Instance;
procedure Validate_Access_Subprogram_Instance;
procedure Validate_Access_Type_Instance;
-- Validate_Discriminated_Formal_Type is shared by formal private
-- types and Ada 2012 formal incomplete types.
- function Subtypes_Match (Gen_T, Act_T : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Check that base types are the same and that the subtypes match
- -- statically. Used in several of the validation subprograms.
-- Check_Shared_Variable_Control_Aspects --
end if;
end Valid_Default_Attribute;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Validate_Formal_Type_Default --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Validate_Formal_Type_Default (Decl : Node_Id) is
+ Default : constant Node_Id :=
+ Default_Subtype_Mark (Original_Node (Decl));
+ Formal : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (Decl);
+ Def_Sub : Entity_Id; -- Default subtype mark
+ Type_Def : Node_Id;
+ procedure Check_Discriminated_Formal;
+ -- Check that discriminants of default for private or incomplete
+ -- type match those of formal type.
+ function Reference_Formal (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+ -- Check whether formal type definition mentions a previous formal
+ -- type of the same generic.
+ ----------------------
+ -- Reference_Formal --
+ ----------------------
+ function Reference_Formal (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+ begin
+ if Is_Entity_Name (N)
+ and then Scope (Entity (N)) = Current_Scope
+ then
+ return Abandon;
+ else
+ return OK;
+ end if;
+ end Reference_Formal;
+ function Depends_On_Other_Formals is
+ new Traverse_Func (Reference_Formal);
+ function Default_Subtype_Matches
+ (Gen_T, Def_T : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ procedure Validate_Array_Type_Default;
+ -- Verify that dimension, indices, and component types of default
+ -- are compatible with formal array type definition.
+ procedure Validate_Derived_Type_Default;
+ -- Verify that ancestor and progenitor types match.
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Check_Discriminated_Formal --
+ ---------------------------------
+ procedure Check_Discriminated_Formal is
+ Formal_Discr : Entity_Id;
+ Actual_Discr : Entity_Id;
+ Formal_Subt : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ if Has_Discriminants (Formal) then
+ if not Has_Discriminants (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default for & must have discriminants", Default, Formal);
+ elsif Is_Constrained (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default for & must be unconstrained", Default, Formal);
+ else
+ Formal_Discr := First_Discriminant (Formal);
+ Actual_Discr := First_Discriminant (Def_Sub);
+ while Formal_Discr /= Empty loop
+ if Actual_Discr = Empty then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("discriminants on Formal do not match formal",
+ Default);
+ end if;
+ Formal_Subt := Etype (Formal_Discr);
+ -- Access discriminants match if designated types do
+ if Ekind (Base_Type (Formal_Subt)) = E_Anonymous_Access_Type
+ and then (Ekind (Base_Type (Etype (Actual_Discr)))) =
+ E_Anonymous_Access_Type
+ and then
+ Designated_Type (Base_Type (Formal_Subt)) =
+ Designated_Type (Base_Type (Etype (Actual_Discr)))
+ then
+ null;
+ elsif Base_Type (Formal_Subt) /=
+ Base_Type (Etype (Actual_Discr))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("types of discriminants of default must match formal",
+ Default);
+ elsif not Subtypes_Statically_Match
+ (Formal_Subt, Etype (Actual_Discr))
+ and then Ada_Version >= Ada_95
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("subtypes of discriminants of default "
+ & "must match formal",
+ Default);
+ end if;
+ Next_Discriminant (Formal_Discr);
+ Next_Discriminant (Actual_Discr);
+ end loop;
+ if Actual_Discr /= Empty then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("discriminants on default do not match formal",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Discriminated_Formal;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Default_Subtype_Matches --
+ ---------------------------
+ function Default_Subtype_Matches
+ (Gen_T, Def_T : Entity_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Check that the base types, root types (when dealing with class
+ -- wide types), or designated types (when dealing with anonymous
+ -- access types) of Gen_T and Def_T are statically matching subtypes.
+ return (Base_Type (Gen_T) = Base_Type (Def_T)
+ and then Subtypes_Statically_Match (Gen_T, Def_T))
+ or else (Is_Class_Wide_Type (Gen_T)
+ and then Is_Class_Wide_Type (Def_T)
+ and then Default_Subtype_Matches
+ (Root_Type (Gen_T), Root_Type (Def_T)))
+ or else (Is_Anonymous_Access_Type (Gen_T)
+ and then Ekind (Def_T) = Ekind (Gen_T)
+ and then Subtypes_Statically_Match
+ (Designated_Type (Gen_T), Designated_Type (Def_T)));
+ end Default_Subtype_Matches;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Validate_Array_Type_Default --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Validate_Array_Type_Default is
+ I1, I2 : Node_Id;
+ T2 : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Array_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be an array type ",
+ Default, Formal);
+ return;
+ elsif Number_Dimensions (Def_Sub) /= Number_Dimensions (Formal)
+ or else Is_Constrained (Def_Sub) /=
+ Is_Constrained (Formal)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default array type does not match&",
+ Default, Formal);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ I1 := First_Index (Formal);
+ I2 := First_Index (Def_Sub);
+ for J in 1 .. Number_Dimensions (Formal) loop
+ -- If the indexes of the actual were given by a subtype_mark,
+ -- the index was transformed into a range attribute. Retrieve
+ -- the original type mark for checking.
+ if Is_Entity_Name (Original_Node (I2)) then
+ T2 := Entity (Original_Node (I2));
+ else
+ T2 := Etype (I2);
+ end if;
+ if not Subtypes_Statically_Match (Etype (I1), T2) then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("index types of default do not match those of formal &",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ Next_Index (I1);
+ Next_Index (I2);
+ end loop;
+ if not Default_Subtype_Matches
+ (Component_Type (Formal), Component_Type (Def_Sub))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("component subtype of default does not match that of formal &",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ if Has_Aliased_Components (Formal)
+ and then not Has_Aliased_Components (Default)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default must have aliased components to match formal type &",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ end Validate_Array_Type_Default;
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Validate_Derived_Type_Default --
+ -----------------------------------
+ procedure Validate_Derived_Type_Default is
+ begin
+ if not Is_Ancestor (Etype (Formal), Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default must be a descendent of&",
+ Default, Etype (Formal));
+ end if;
+ if Has_Interfaces (Formal) then
+ if not Has_Interfaces (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default must implement all interfaces of formal&",
+ Default, Formal);
+ else
+ declare
+ Act_Iface_List : Elist_Id;
+ Iface : Node_Id;
+ Iface_Ent : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ Iface := First (Abstract_Interface_List (Formal));
+ Collect_Interfaces (Def_Sub, Act_Iface_List);
+ while Present (Iface) loop
+ Iface_Ent := Entity (Iface);
+ if Is_Ancestor (Iface_Ent, Def_Sub)
+ or else Is_Progenitor (Iface_Ent, Def_Sub)
+ then
+ null;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("Default must implement interface&",
+ Default, Etype (Iface));
+ end if;
+ Next (Iface);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Validate_Derived_Type_Default;
+ -- Start of processing for Validate_Formal_Type_Default
+ begin
+ Analyze (Default);
+ if not Is_Entity_Name (Default)
+ or else not Is_Type (Entity (Default))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("Expect type name for default of formal type", Default);
+ return;
+ else
+ Def_Sub := Entity (Default);
+ end if;
+ -- Formal derived_type declarations are transformed into full
+ -- type declarations or Private_Type_Extensions for ease of processing.
+ if Nkind (Decl) = N_Full_Type_Declaration then
+ Type_Def := Type_Definition (Decl);
+ elsif Nkind (Decl) = N_Private_Extension_Declaration then
+ Type_Def := Subtype_Indication (Decl);
+ else
+ Type_Def := Formal_Type_Definition (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Depends_On_Other_Formals (Type_Def) = Abandon
+ and then Scope (Def_Sub) /= Current_Scope
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N ("default of formal type that depends on "
+ & "other formals must be a previous formal type", Default);
+ return;
+ elsif Def_Sub = Formal then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("default for formal type cannot be formal itsef", Default);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Nkind (Type_Def) is
+ when N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition =>
+ if (Is_Abstract_Type (Formal)
+ and then not Is_Abstract_Type (Def_Sub))
+ or else (Is_Limited_Type (Formal)
+ and then not Is_Limited_Type (Def_Sub))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default for private type$ does not match",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ Check_Discriminated_Formal;
+ when N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition =>
+ Check_Discriminated_Formal;
+ Validate_Derived_Type_Default;
+ when N_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ if Is_Tagged_Type (Formal)
+ and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Def_Sub)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default for & must be a tagged type", Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ Check_Discriminated_Formal;
+ when N_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Discrete_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be a discrete type",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Integer_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be a discrete type",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Modular_Integer_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be a modular_integer Type",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Floating_Point_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be a floating_point type",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be "
+ & "an ordinary_fixed_point type ",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be "
+ & "an Decimal_fixed_point type ",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Validate_Array_Type_Default;
+ when N_Access_Function_Definition |
+ N_Access_Procedure_Definition =>
+ if Ekind (Def_Sub) /= E_Access_Subprogram_Type then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be an Access_To_Subprogram",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ Check_Subtype_Conformant
+ (Designated_Type (Formal), Designated_Type (Def_Sub));
+ when N_Access_To_Object_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Access_Object_Type (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("default for& must be an Access_To_Object",
+ Default, Formal);
+ elsif not Default_Subtype_Matches
+ (Designated_Type (Formal), Designated_Type (Def_Sub))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("designated type of defaul does not match "
+ & "designated type of formal type",
+ Default, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Record_Definition => -- Formal interface type
+ if not Is_Interface (Def_Sub) then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default for formal interface type must be an interface",
+ Default, Formal);
+ elsif Is_Limited_Type (Def_Sub) /= Is_Limited_Type (Formal)
+ or else Is_Task_Interface (Formal) /= Is_Task_Interface (Def_Sub)
+ or else Is_Protected_Interface (Formal) /=
+ Is_Protected_Interface (Def_Sub)
+ or else Is_Synchronized_Interface (Formal) /=
+ Is_Synchronized_Interface (Def_Sub)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("default for interface& does not match", Def_Sub, Formal);
+ end if;
+ when N_Derived_Type_Definition =>
+ Validate_Derived_Type_Default;
+ when N_Identifier => -- case of a private extension
+ Validate_Derived_Type_Default;
+ when N_Error =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Validate_Formal_Type_Default;
end Sem_Ch12;