pm_call load_env32
jmp kaboom ; load_env32() shouldn't return. If it does, then kaboom!
-; Now we have the config file open. Parse the config file and
-; run the user interface.
-%include ""
+ pm_call hello
+; As core/ used to be included here in core/pxelinux.asm, and it's no
+; longer used, its global variables that were previously used by
+; core/pxelinux.asm are now declared here.
+ section .bss16
+ alignb 4
+Kernel_EAX resd 1
+Kernel_SI resw 1
+ section .bss16
+ global CmdOptPtr, KbdMap
+ alignb 4
+ThisKbdTo resd 1 ; Temporary holder for KbdTimeout
+ThisTotalTo resd 1 ; Temporary holder for TotalTimeout
+KernelExtPtr resw 1 ; During search, final null pointer
+CmdOptPtrj resw 1 ; Pointer to first option on cmd line
+KbdFlags resb 1 ; Check for keyboard escapes
+FuncFlag resb 1 ; Escape sequences received from keyboard
+KernelType resb 1 ; Kernel type, from vkernel, if known
+KbdMap resb 256 ; Keyboard map
+ global KernelName
+KernelName resb FILENAME_MAX ; Mangled name for kernel
+ section .config
+ global PXERetry
+PXERetry dw 0 ; Extra PXE retries
+ section .data16
+ global SerialNotice
+SerialNotice db 1 ; Only print this once
+ extern IPOption
+ global IPAppends, numIPAppends
+ alignz 2
+IPAppends dw IPOption
+numIPAppends equ ($-IPAppends)/2
+ section .text16
+; COMBOOT-loading code
+%include ""
+%include ""
+; Hardware cleanup common code
+%include ""
+ section .text16
+ align 4
; kaboom: write a message and bail out. Wait for quite a while,
mov word [BIOS_magic],0 ; Cold reboot
jmp 0F000h:0FFF0h ; Reset vector address
; pxenv