-int64_t pa_stream_get_underflow_index(pa_stream *p) {
+int64_t pa_stream_get_underflow_index(const pa_stream *p) {
return p->latest_underrun_at_index;
* known (e.g.\ if no underflow has occurred, or server is older than 1.0).
* Can be used inside the underflow callback to get information about the current underflow.
* (Only for playback streams) \since 1.0 */
-int64_t pa_stream_get_underflow_index(pa_stream *p);
+int64_t pa_stream_get_underflow_index(const pa_stream *p);
/** Set the callback function that is called when a buffer underflow happens. (Only for playback streams) */
void pa_stream_set_underflow_callback(pa_stream *p, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata);